Whispers in the Dark (Ghost/K...

By DxrkHorizon04

4.6K 186 518

Ghost x OC x Konig Quinn, a new member of Task Force 141, struggles to fit in, and find her way around the ot... More

~Character Descriptions~
[Twenty One]
[Twenty Two]
[Twenty Three]
[Twenty Four]
[Twenty Five]
[Twenty Six]
(Twenty Seven)
The End


188 7 5
By DxrkHorizon04

*Quinn's POV*

I stir my food around with my fork, staring off into my plate. I'd rather be in my room, but Soap wouldn't quit bugging me.

Him and Alejandro chat beside me, clearly trying to stay cheerful and unaware of the distance I'm holding myself at.

"We'll be fine, you won't be alone," he tried to persuade, as I storm out of the office and back to my room. "You don't get it." I hiss, trying not to release my emotions onto him. He doesn't deserve it.

"What's so bad about Germany?"

I stop, spinning around quickly. His look of shock is what makes me bite my tongue. I sigh, shoulders slouching. "It's my own business. Don't worry about it, I'll figure it out. Just give me the night."

Since then he's just maintaining his bubbly self, despite my clear disinterest to what's going on around me.

Besides that moment, I haven't given any more indications to my feelings, just.. cut off. Distant. Back to how it was before the quirky man with the Mohawk let me open up.

Back to how it was when-

I snap out of it, picking up on the sets of footsteps coming from down the hall. I glance over my shoulder briefly, spotting Price, with Ghost a few steps behind him.

The two have been inseparable since the meeting a few days ago, constantly shutting themselves in an office, hushed voices that can't be heard through the door.

It bothered me I wasn't included, but at the same time I was glad. I knew what they were doing, getting everything in place to leave, and I wanted no part of it.

I wasn't going.

I'd stay here with Alejandro and his men and continue to face the issue here. I mean, someone has to, right?

The threat in Germany is only half the issue.

It still bothered me that I was never given an update. Sure, I've been skipping training, and hardly coming out from my room, but I'm still in a role of leadership here.

My thoughts disperse as Price opens the main door, his back to me as he sticks out a hand, shaking someone's else's. He steps outside, the hum of his voice carrying through the room as men file in.

Four of them.

My eyes narrow on them, their uniforms being all too familiar. Price walks in, a figure following behind.

My heart drops to my stomach, and I can't stop the look that forms on my face. Hurt, disbelief, hate, anger.

It's when his pale blue eyes find mine, his deep voice stopping mid-sentence, shoulders dropping and head tilting slightly, that's when I snap.

*Ghost's POV*

"Sir, Kortac has arrived," I inform Price, leaning slightly on the doorway to his office. He nods, standing and leading the way to the main entrance.

I follow behind, eyes trailing to the three seated nearby. I sigh, not wanting to confront how I've been feeling about her skipping training.

It's unprofessional.

"She's not doing well, cut her a break," Soap said, practically commanded.

I did as he asked, but three days later and no improvement is not a good look. She has been visiting the infirmary as she should, so I guess that's the bright side.

Slowly stalking behind her as she silently walks the hall, ensuring she's getting checked out by the nurses. Her actions on the mission were reckless, she won't be making more poor decisions on my watch.

"Welcome," Price greets, holding his hand out towards the man in front of him. I nod briefly as his eyes scan over us, but he only addresses Price. His face is concealed behind a sniper hood, with small holes showing only his eyes.

He's tall, which is odd considering I'm tall, but even he seems to tower over me. He, however, is much leaner than I am.

His voice carries a heavy german accent as he talks to Price, the pair stepping out of the doorway to allow his men to pass through.

Four men walk in, nodding respectfully towards me as they enter. I watch, taking them in as they stay quiet, glancing around the room before them. Price then enters, leading the taller man in behind him.

He too scans the room, his voice abruptly stopping a second later. I watch his body language shift, turning to find what has him at a loss of words.

My eyes land on Quinn, staring back with a burning hatred in her eyes. She roughly pushes herself up from the table, and storms towards us. Her eyes never leaving him.

Before she even reaches him, a spiral of German words leave her, clearly angry. She thrusts a finger towards his chest, neck craning to look at him.

The tall one goes to talk, stuttering slightly, but Quinn doesn't stop, angry German flowing with no end in sight as she glares at him.

Finally, she stops, chest rising and falling, her hard stare never leaving him. The other men exchanged glances, but not one of them speaks.

"Ich wusste nicht, dass du hier bist," the tall man says quietly, his voice much calmer than hers. I glance between the pair, jaw shifting as I try to figure out the reasons for all this. (I didn't know you were here.)

"Fick dich, König, ich glaube dir nicht," she spats, her accent growing heavier with her angry. (Fuck you, Konig, I don't believe you.)

Despite not understanding their conversation, I can tell that was the final sentence. He takes a step towards her, and I quickly step forward, clearing my throat.

"I think that's enough for now," I warn, his gaze finally breaking from hers, and meeting mine. I can tell he is displeased, but he steps back without another word.

I glanced over my shoulder towards her, but she pays me no mind. Her eyes still locked on to him. Her gaze shifts, the anger dying down and replacing with another emotion. She scoffs, eyes hardened a second later, and she walks off.

"Well.." Price says lightly, a nervous smile on his lips. "Shall we?" He motions forwards. The tall one nods, "do we have rooms they can get settled in?" He asks, his voice authoritative once more, nothing like how it was when addressing Quinn.

Price nods, and Alejandro approaches, soon leading the four men off. I follow Price and the tall one to the office, entering behind them.

"So, Colonel-"

"Konig is fine, sir." He corrects, hands folded neatly as he addresses Price.

"..Konig, I'm sure you've been informed of everything we found."

He nods, "I have. Our presence here is to ensure the situation does not worsen, and to address the problem here before hunting down the problem back home."

Price nods. The two continue to discuss everything we know, and possible plans going forwards. I only half pay attention, the event in the main room replaying in my head.

"Ghost?" I glance up as I hear my name, "sir." I reply. Price smiles as I answer him, and I wonder how many times he called my name.

"We should be fine, do you mind checking on Myers?" Konig visibly tenses at her name, but I nod and ignore it.

I leave the room, and head towards hers. Soap is already at her door, knocking softly as he leans over it. "Are you sure you're okay?"

He looks towards me as I approach, sighing and stepping back. "She won't open up," he whispers. "She's fine MacTavish, I got it from here."

He reluctantly accepts my answer, leaving me alone outside her door. I knock, earning an annoyed groan in return. "Soap, I said-" she cuts off as she spots me, another groan leaving her, only slightly quieter than that last.

"Price sent me." I inform. "Fun." She replies sarcastically. "What was that about?" I ask, more for my own curiosity than anything. "Nothing." She says shortly, arms crossing over her chest.

I huff, "obviously." She rolls her eyes before staring up at me again. "Anything else?"

I shift my jaw, growing annoyed at her behavior. "That wasn't professional." I state, a little harsher than intended. "Won't happen again."

"I expect to see you at training in the morning," I continue, ignoring her response. "What are they doing here," she finally blurts out. I pitch the bridge of my nose as I sigh.

"German military wanted men here to help, considering their country is now involved. They sent them, soldiers from-"

"Kortac. I know. We don't need them." She cuts in. "That's not for you to decide," I respond within a second, growing annoyed. "How do you know him."

"Why does that matter," she snaps back. I glare down at her, "because if you're going to cause a scene like that, you better have a good fuckin' reason sweetheart." The words are cold and harsh, her gaze returning the same emotions.

"Won't happen again," she repeats. "Dismissed? I need a shower."

I take a deep breath, stepping away from her door. She immediately closes it, leaving me staring at the old wood. "Bloody hell," I mumble, turning and entering my own quarters.

*Quinn's POV*

(Despite this section being typed in English, assuming the conversations taking place are in German.)

"Here, let me," a kind voice states, grabbing the gun gently from my hands, and expertly removing the jam. "Thank you, sir" I reply, trying to stay confident despite the embarrassing predicament he found me in.

"Konig is fine," he replies gently, handing back the gun. "Konig," I repeat, glancing up towards him. "I heard what happened to your squad," he continues. My heart breaks slightly as the memory floods my mind.

"I'm sorry, they were good men." I smile, shifting the gun between my hands. "Thank you, it means a lot."

"Your actions didn't go unnoticed, so I've heard." He says smoothly. I glance up at him, "it was dumb, I know. I just- I felt like I had to finish the mission. For them."

He nods in understanding, placing a light hand on my shoulder. "I think you did the right thing, I'm looking forward to seeing you in action."

I smile a bit wider, meeting his blue eyes once more, the rest of him shrouded by the fabric over his face. "Thank you, sir." I response softly, feeling overwhelmed by the conversation. He nods, then walks away.


"It was crazy, I was up to 9!" I exclaim happily, hands hitting my knees lightly as I talk. Konig chuckles from his desk, glancing briefly at me as I boast about the last mission.

"Quite the record, though I think you have the potential to do better."

I smile at the compliment, the blush in my cheeks growing as our eye meet, just for a moment before he turns back to his work.

His mask sways as he cracks his neck, rolling the tension from his shoulders. I sigh, leaning back in my seat, unaware his gaze has returned to me.

Tracing my body softly as I stare at the floor, my own mind wandering to 'what if's' with him.

"Quinn," he speaks softly, my head lifting to give him my attention. "Hm?" I hum softly, my lips curling into a loose smile. "It's getting late, my dear, you should turn in for the night."

I sigh and agree, unaware the suggestion was made for his sake, to ensure his tired mind doesn't say something he shouldn't, and to keep his focus on his reports.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Konig," I tell him, smiling and shutting the door behind me.

"Goodnight, my dear.." he had whispered to himself, returning once more to his work.


His lips crash on mine, engulfing me within a heated kiss, before pulling back seconds later. His eyes are panicked, causing a panic of my own to form. "Konig?" I manage to get out, feeling my heart shatter in my chest. Who would have thought this is how our first kiss would go.

"That was a mistake," he responds quickly, rubbing a shaky hand over his head. A mistake? "What? I won't tell-"

"That doesn't matter," he snaps, head whirling back towards me. He paces infront of his desk, whispering a few curses under his breath. "Get out."

"What?" I say, shocked and hurt by his actions and his words. "But I thought-"

"I don't care what you thought. You're wrong. This should have ended long ago, it's irresponsible and unprofessional."

My heart breaks more, if that's even possible, tears slowly filling my eyes. "You don't mean that.." I trail off, hoping he takes it all back.

"What? You want me to tell you I care about you? I don't." He snaps, turning towards me once more. "You, you were a distraction. Nothing more. Now get out."

I spin on my heels and leave his office, the door hitting the wall as it flies open. I practically run to my quarters, the tears falling with no signs of stopping.

"Stupid bitch, thinking he liked you?" I curse myself, already shoving my belongs into bags. I need to get out of here. I need to leave.

The next morning I was in my superiors office, asking to be moved. And I was, moved within hours, no questions asked.

The heartless killer, always completing the job, never mingling with the others. Hardly talks, never smiles. The shadow.

I wake up crying, knees curled to my chest as I lay on my side in the dark room. I curse his name, and curse him for having the nerve to come back into my life.

The petty heartbreak he caused has yet to heal, the hurt of being mislead, misused. And yet, it shouldn't matter. It was one kiss.

And nights fills of heartfelt talks, drinking in his office until 3 in the morning. Or the million of light touches turning training, the hundred of times we'd share a look, as if talking with our eyes during meetings. The companionship.

I push myself up and into the bathroom, wiping my eyes as I continue to curse myself. I finally calm down, vowing to not let his presence get to me. He doesn't matter, he hasn't for a long time. He doesn't get to ruin things when they just started getting good again, I won't let him.

I crawl back into bed, focusing on my breathing until I'm drifting back into sleep.

Word count: 2415

Vote and comment, I hope everyone is enjoying so far <3

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