Half & Half (Taekook_šŸ°šŸÆ)

By xstandforsleep

12.6K 493 88

"I'm not doing anything just cuz' of Mr. Choi otherwise right now you will be greeted by angels"-Jk said clen... More

Chapter- 0 (intro)
Chapter- 0 (playlist)
Chapter- 2
Chapter- 3
Chapter- 4
Chapter- 6
Chapter- 7
Chapter- 8
Chapter- 9
Chapter- 10
Chapter- 11
Chapter- 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter- 15
Chapter- 16
Chapter- 17
Chapter- 18
Chapter- 19
Chapter- 20
Chapter- 21
Chapter- 22
Chapter- 23
Chapter- 24
Chapter- 25
Chapter- 26
Chapter- 27
Chapter- 28
Chapter- 29
Chapter- 30
Chapter- 31
Chapter- 32
Chapter- 33
Chapter- 34
Chapter- 36
chapter- 37
Chapter- 38 (Final)
Author's note

Chapter- 35

226 10 3
By xstandforsleep

Ignore the mistakes

Without any will, his tired bloated eyes were fixed at the same house where all the secrets were hidden. He was numb yet aware of his surroundings. The weight of the sleeping blonde on his chest was his support, letting him know that someone was there with him. Yes, he needed someone around him, just someone's presence was enough.
Blinking tiredly Jungkook dirty hand cares Taehyung fluffy hair. He wanted to smile at Taehyung's innocence but couldn't. Sometimes smiles are linked with tears more than lips and giggles. Like muscle memory, his hand kept caressing the blonde's hair and cheek. The touch was smooth, careful, and soft like someone was collecting the first dew drop from the petal. Like a hideous creature of the night was risking his life to see the first glimpse of sunlight. Exactly same, Jungkook was admiring the beauty and innocence of the blonde with fear that he would destroy it or it would destroy him.

His gaze sometimes lingered on the closed door behind which the woman, Mina, might be praying for her husband's safety or the death of her brother. His husband's life was Namjoon and Yoongi's responsibility but Jungkook knew only he had the right to kill Mr. Choi. Yes, he would take revenge, he would fulfill all the promises that he had made sitting next to his father's grave. All those years he had respected Mr. Choi most but his love and respect for his father were irreplaceable.

The slight move of the blonde darted his focus back to him. Slowly his eyes softened when the blonde sat rubbing his eyes and face. Taehyung looked at him before grabbing the water bottle and drinking enough liters due to his slow action. The brunette never decided to look at the door again until he got out of the car and opened the door for a blonde who followed his direction when they both made their way toward the S. Lewis house, once again.

Pressing the bell he waited while letting his fingers lock with Taehyung's fingers. Normally he would have barged in without any invitation and greetings but things were different for the last few days. It had been two days since he had left this house with blood boiling and a dangerous threat in his brain.

After a couple of more minutes waiting a tall man opened the door. Looking at him Jungkook could say he was a bodyguard, covered with a full suit, tie, and shoes in the early morning. Without any word the brunette entered but stopped when a tall man blocked his way and inquired,-"Who are you?"- his eyebrows raised in a warning before said,-"You are not allowed". The tall was about to grab Jungkook hand when the familiar feminine voice stopped him,-"Let them come, Lee".

Leaving the bodyguard behind Jungkook followed the voice, still holding Taehyung's hand, his only broken support. The woman entered the same room where they were gathered when everything was revealed. She sat on the sofa gesturing for them to join her.

"I need your help"- as soon as they were settled Jungkook blurted out looking directly into her questionable eyes. "Why"- she asked quietly and slowly like she was scared. "I will kill him, today"- the brunette filled his lungs with oxygen before saying it.
"You can do it without my help"- Mina was right, he didn't need her help. But the tired blink of Jungkook was a plead, maybe he was not what and how he was looking right now.
"You are the only one who can wake his hidden sleepy monster. I know I'm asking you to jump into the same dark world that you had left long ago but I want him to accept all his crimes"- how childish he was feeling while saying it.
"I'm not sure if I should trust you. Tell me Jeon Jungkook what would you do if that man killed my husband and me"- the woman had all right to ask. But the uneasiness Jungkook was feeling with each question was not hidden. He gulped visibly and almost whispered,-"I have lost right to ask people to trust me, but I promise before any harm to you and your husband, Mr. Choi has to take my life"- a glimpse of confidence radiated with his last sentence.

The lady in front of him tensed, was she worried for him, or she was afraid of death? Without any words, she stood up and walked toward the bookshelf near the window and bed. After taking a book with an Italian title she sat again where she was and asked the brunette turning the pages continuously,-"And what if he kills you"

"Nothing will happen to me"- the brunette interrupted looking at the blonde who was silently listening to their conversation. The grip of Jungkook on the blonde hand tightened. This was something he was doing each time he felt some sort of uneasiness. The brunette eyes traveled from Taehyung's face to their glued hand and again blonde's eyes. There was a feeling he struggled to define, each time he looked at Taehyung's ocean eyes.

"You love him?"-

The sudden question brought his attention to the lady who had closed the book and was looking at them. Jungkook didn't answer. It was not something he had to tell the whole world. He would tell Taehyung how much he loved him, only Taehyung.

The lady sighed before she let his request win,-"There is nothing I can do other than helping you. But it's just for your father"- her words were enough to relax the brunette. But that feeling didn't stay longer than a nanosecond, when he remembered, again, that tonight everything was going to change.


Only Hoseok and Kai were there when Mr. Choi entered the factory with his caretaker. They bowed in respect when his boss made his way directly toward his target person, splashing freezing water on his face who hissed in pain. S. Lewis tried to open his eyes when someone kicked him in the stomach. It has been happening for the last two days. Mr. Choi came, beat S Lewis asking him about his wife, but the man never spilled a word. It was shocking how Mr. Choi couldn't find Mina even though he had visited S. Lewis's house.

Hoseok and Kai looked at each other when a scream of car brake was heard followed by the loud thud of the door opening and closing. Mr. Choi stopped his action when a presence at the dark room entrance got his attention. There stood a lady in full black fit, hair resting on her back, eyes shining brightly. Mr. Choi turned and a monstrous smirk appeared on his face before he said, welcoming her,-"Long time no see, Choi Mina".

"S. Mina"- the woman corrected him. Her voice was slightly loud and powerful leaving Hoseok shocked. The last time when he met Mina she was just crying and pleading.

"Let me remind you, Mr. Choi, I'm married to him"- she looked at her husband whose shocked and worried eyes were fixed on her.
"It doesn't change anything between us"- Mr. Choi stepped forward, toward Mina when she chuckled mockingly,-"Between us?"-she questioned,-"It was never between us Mr. Choi. It was just you and your lust. Your dirty desires that had destroyed me and taken the lives of many innocents"- Mina stayed glued to her spot when Mr. Choi stopped too close to her. The hatred in her eyes was pleasing Mr. Choi whose hand made its way toward her cheeks. The lust in his eyes was no longer hidden. S. Lewis tried to scream but his voice got muffled when Caretaker put his hand on his mouth, preventing him from making any noise.
"I have waited so long for this day"- Mr Choi said as he was about to care for Mina's cheek. But before any of his actions, someone entered, a gun pointed at Mr. Choi.

Jungkook had come with Mina but stayed outside the room until now. Just when Choi's dirty hands were inches away from his sister, he entered the room with Taehyung behind him and a gun aimed at his father's killer. Mr. Choi's hand stopped in the air. Looking at the brunette he stepped back. His gaze traveled between Jungkook and Mina before he spoke,-"So she told you everything"- Mr. Choi shook his head in annoyance,-"I should have thought about it"- he looked at S. Lewis before, again, walking toward Mina.

Still aiming at Choi Jungkook held Mina's hand and pulled her behind him, coming in between. "You killed my father"- the brunette asked, his voice calm but eyes bloody. The grip on the gun was tight, his fingers were ready to pull the trigger anytime soon. "I thought u know everything. Choi Mina you didn't tell him"- Mr. Choi raised his eyebrows, tilting his head a little to look at the Mina and blonde behind Jungkook.

"YOU DID"- the brunette yelled which made Taehyung flinch and someone held the hem of Jungkook's shirt. Brunette didn't bother to look, cuz he was aware that it was none other than Taehyung because of his soft touch. "And what if I say I didn't, will you believe me Jungkook"-Mr. Choi's voice softened,-"And what if I say I did, will you kill me"- he laughed maniacally.

Jungkook blood boiled and he kicked Mr. Choi in the stomach who fell on the floor on his back. Before the brunette could do something, Kai came in between with a gun, and pointed at him,-"Stop it Jeon Jungkook"- he pulled the trigger, indicating that he would shoot him if Jungkook didn't stop.

Brunette eyes were radiating anger, fixed on Kai. They both challenged with a raised eyebrow, still pointing gun at each other, when a clicking sound was heard from behind the Kai.

"Don't dare to stop him, Kai"

Hoseok was next to Mr. Choi aiming a gun at his boss."You know who is wrong so back away"- holding Mr. Choi by the collar he said to Kai whose back was now facing Jungkook. Before Kai could ask something hoseok was on the floor, hissing in pain, due to the hit with metal on his shoulder.

Holding an iron rail the caretaker looked at Mr. Choi, proudly. He was about to hit Hoseok again when Kai pounced on him, and they both fell. They both started charging fists while Hoseok was still struggling.

The brunette didn't bother to stop him when he made his way toward Mr. Choi."You think his son can save you Choi Mina"- Choi growled looking at Jungkook who was slowly taking steps forward. "His father faced the consequences now he will be in the same hell as his father just because of you Choi Mina"- the crazy man yelled last sentence before he grabbed Jungkook's gun with great swiftness and threw it somewhere. The brunette panicked for a moment but the next second he attacked Mr. Choi. They both were throwing all their anger at each other. One moment Jungkook was dominating with punches and kicks while the next moment he was struggling under Mr. Choi's grip. Not much time had passed when they both were soaked in each other blood. The hunger for revenge was so dark it prevented the brunette from taking a glimpse of his surroundings.


Due to the continuous insistence of the doctor, Namjoon agreed to let him meet S. Lewis. He was worried for his senior and it was understandable. Silently they both made their way toward the room where the war was going on. But before they could enter, the force on Seokjin wrist made him feel like he was flying and his back hit the wall leaving him in pain. Namjoon covered his mouth with his hand but screamed when the doctor bit his palm,-"What the fuck is happening. Why Taehyung was there with a woman"- Seokjin asked, worried, trying to free himself from Namjoon's strong grip. Yes, he had seen a blonde and a woman at the entrance of a room. He was sure it was Taehyung, there was no way he wouldn't recognize his patient.

"Stay here Kim Seokjin, don't follow me"- Namjoon said, eyes running all around. He had no idea what was happening there but the thunder-like voices were enough to know that it was not good.

"Taehyung is there"- the doctor flinched when the sound of something breaking was heard. He tried again to free himself when Namjoon forced all his weight on him and yelled in his face,-"Do you want to die here".

"It has nothing to do with you if I die"- Seokjin mirrored the same behavior as Namjoon.

"IT HAS, SO KIM SEOKJIN STAY HERE UNTIL I AM BACK'- the tall man pulled Seokjin toward himself. The doctor couldn't say much, his gaze softened just for some second before his brain started processing what he heard. Namjoon ran to where everyone was gathered leaving Seokjjn with hundreds of questions.

What did he mean Seokjin's life and death had something to do with him? There was no way the tall gangster had fallen for the doctor.


With the speed of light, he entered the room just to see Hoseok and Kai lying there, unconscious, Jungkook struggling under Mr. Choi's grip and Blonde wetting his cheeks with tears. The caretaker's hands were wrapped around Taehyung's neck and a gun pointed at him. Before Namjoon could do anything a voice, less powerful and dangerous than Mr. Choi stopped everyone's actions,

"STOP THERE JUNGKOOK IF YOU WANT HIM ALIVE"- the caretaker tightened his grip and Namjoon knew it would leave a mark.

With just one sentence everything stopped making Bogeom chuckle,-"How sweet of you Jeon Jungkook. But it's a pity you won't have him"- a laugh that no one had heard before left everyone shocked. Bogeom traced the gun from Taehyung's temple to his cheek before stopping it on his exposed neck. He slightly pulled the blonde toward himself until Taehyung's back hit his chest. Inhaling the blonde scent he looked at furious Jungkook who was still under Mr. Choi's control.

"It feels so good to have him in my arms"- the caretaker's tone was lascivious. Ignoring Taehyung's cry he said again, boring his gaze into brunette,-"This is something I always wanted. This beauty under me, only I can touch him like this,-"Bogeom came so close to Taehyung who turned his face just when their lips were about to touch. The continuous rain of tears didn't stop from Taehyung's eyes.

"I have told you, we will be together"- pointing the gun under his chin, Bogeom forced blonde to look at him,-"Don't worry darling our life will be as beautiful as that Camellia bouquets,-"he made puppy eyes before asking in fake tone,-"Do you remember them, huh?"- he pushed his bottom lip forward in a pout, before looking at Mr. Choi who had a malicious smirk.

Everything was fucked up at that moment. Namjoon tried to step forward but Jungkook gestured him to stop. He couldn't risk blonde life. Their one wrong move might end him and it would be the last thing Jungkook wanted. They were still in the same position when with a loud thud Bogeom hugged the ground, soaked in blood. His grip was no longer on blonde, who was covering his mouth with both hands when a river of blood started flowing from Bogeom head and stained blonde's feet.

"Do it in hell with someone like you"-Jimin ran to Taehyung with Yoongi when brunette freed himself from Mr. Choi grip with the help of Namjoon. He step forward and charged up that evil man with his power punches. However, as he had thought, Mr. Choi was not easy target. Everytime Jungkook dominated the fight, the man also regain energy and did same. Their energy and hatred were a reflection, with no difference.

Grabbing Mr. Choi with collar Jungkook yelled before bashing his head against the wall, -' JIMIN LEAVE WITH EVERYONE"- he did the same with Mr. Choi when Jimin stepped toward them.


He roared which was enough for Jimin to follow his command. Immediately the short male freed S. Lewis and left the room with blonde and Mina, followed by Yoongi and Namjoon who were caring Hoseok and Kai. But before Namjoon could left he threw his gun at Jungkook, and ran away without looking behind, unaware that Jungkook had missed it.

His grip on Mr. Choi throat tightened making the man suffocate, struggling for oxygen. Brunette all focus was on his target face that he didn't notice when a something hard crash on his top of head, making him loose his grip. Stumbling backward he held his head when someone kicked him bad. As a result he fell back on the ground. The kick didn't stop for like hours. The brunette tried to sit but couldn't when a chain came in contact with his left arm, rough and hard.

His brain struggled to process until someone grabbed him by chin and a familiar voice laughed at him,-"You think, you are hero Jeon Jungkook. No you are not, you are same as me, but unfortunately I'm born to be a winner. Do you understand it."-and his body was jerked and the sound of footsteps were becoming slow. A wave of tense ran through Jungkook veins when with his half closed and dizzy eyes, he saw Mr. Choi walking toward the exit. He tried to sit but his body was not responding as his will.

As a last hope he groped around when his finger touched something cold under the table which was upside down, next to him. Without thinking much he aimed toward blurry object which was going far with each second. And with shaky finger he pulled the trigger,-


And the gun was no longer in his hand. A tears dropped when his eyes were shutting on his own. What have he did, he wanted to see. He wanted to know if his dad killer was alive or not, if his only love was okay.

Not much time had passed when he felt someone calling his name continuously. His breath hitched when a cold yet warm object touched his wrist. The last touch on his cheek was what he remembered before

Everything became dark and silent.


Hello lovelies ☺️
How r u all doing.
Seeing people liking my book feels good. Right now Half & Half is on #4 in angst.
[Dancing in tiny]

I have made a playlist for this book, gonna share it when last chapter is out.

Until then please stay safe and healthy.

I have some idea for my new book. I really want to write my own story as Taekook lead character. But I'm afraid due to my horrible writing style.

Look how i had wrote all scenes when first i decided to write this book 😂😂😂

I just want them together 🤧🥺

I'm not okay after this

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