Hidden Marriage - Amazing Hus...

By 01tejasvi

584K 65.4K 5.9K

#Book-2 of Hidden Marriage Series. ๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธ This book is the continuation/sequel of the first book "Hidden Marria... More

Isha, I Only Like You.
You're Not Worthy Of Being A Model!
Scheming B*tch
Felt Like They Were A Ship.
A Flash Of Jealousy
He's Her Husband.
Abort The Child.
Didn't Make Her Feel Better.
Treat Her As A Friend.
Friends More Important Than Family.
Trust His Ability.
The Worst Person Is The Man.
Stay Away From That Scumbag.
Take Care of Each Other, Love Each Other.
Wrong PIN!
Her Only Debt!
Late-stage Gastric Cancer.
Who Said She Can't Be Found?
You Guys Have A Marriage Certificate, That's Awesome.
Can't Bear To Let Her Down
Room for doubt.
Life is Good.
Are You In Love?
What Is Heaven?
She Will Always Be Here.
Isha Is Not From The Sharma Family
Money can't conceal it.
The Wait Is Worth It.
Too much affection.
Improve Her Status In The Country.
Tolerated Enough
Showing Isha Her Place
Find The Answer On Your Own.
Isha Is Not Innocent.
Where's The Evidence?
Compromising Materials.
Yes, She Has A Home.
I Won't Be Mistaken
Try It Yourself
Don't Wear It Every Day
Someone With Ulterior Motives.
Deal Isha A Damaging Blow!
The PDA From A Couple Match Made In Heaven.
I'll Miss You.
How Much Hardships Did You Suffer?
Very High Aesthetic Value.
What A Piece Of Trash!
Be More Steady
Hubby, They're Calling You Old
Breaking The Pact.
Isha Wants To Move Out?
I Will Never Bear To Argue With You.
The Bond Of Blood
There's No Need To Look At The Rest
Tacitly Acknowledging Her Noble Status.
You Will Always Be My Beloved Woman.
Isha Is Not Worthy.
It's Thanks To Isha.
A Fierce Slap In The Face.
Because You're Isha Sharma, You're The Best.
Only These Two Roles Have Yet To Be Filled!
To Highlight Her Youth?
Isha Is Too Average.
I Won't Be Controlled.
Because You're Not Brave Enough.
Disfigure Her And Break Her Limbs.
Framing Isha!
Find Out The Truth.
Give The Public The Truth.
I'm Unlucky, Yet I Need Someone To Take My Side.
How Could It Be A Small Problem?
Prove Isha's Innocence.
Dragging Isha Down With Her
Without You, It'd Be Soulless.
Bring The Check And Follow Me
Accepted Some Random Lowly Event.
The Life Of A Rich Man Is Boring But Blissful.
She was a natural actress!
Goes Against Our Morals.
Of Course, I Admire You.
Everything Should Have Belonged To Her.
What's Wrong With Isha's Taste?
This Is An Opportunity.
This Is The Feeling Of Being Loved.
I Admit Defeat!
No Big Deal.
Make More Money To Support Him.
Talking About Money Hurts Relationships.
It's Our Business.
The Secrets Of The Heavens Must Not Be Revealed.
Reminds Her Of Her Daughter.
Clean Up The Mess?
Can His Woman Accept It?
Killing Two Birds With One Stone!
We Can Eat Wherever You Want.
Are Rules More Important Than Making Money?
Don't Like Being Carried.
The Father's Mistake.
What A Joke!
Full Of Emotions.
What Can You Make Me Shop For?
Completely Shocked!
More Valuable Than Anything Else!
Missing Her!
He Had Underestimated This Woman!
Be Responsible To The End!
Can't Invite Isha Along!
Happy And Quiet
Giving Shivani Enough Dignity
Destroy Her Limelight
Be A Shipper!
For The Future Glory.
To Grow Old Together.
Shivam Is Mr. Pratap!
You're The Mistress Of The House.
Their Presence Brings Light To A Humble Dwelling.
I Don't Want To Call You That !
The Great Investor, Mr. Pratap!
Genius-like Existence
Such An Imposing Little Boy.
Future Successor!
A Mistress Should Be Punished.
The More Shameless One Is
The Cover-up Efforts Were Successful.
The Sweet Sight of PDA.
Extremely Displeased.
A Submissive Woman
Why Is She So Cute?
Friendly Relationship
When Did You Change Your Mind?
Of Course, He's Jealous.
Too Lazy To Do Anything.
There Are So Many Green-eyed Monsters.
Financial Crisis
Could It Be Considered As Invalid?
It's Great To Have My Husband's Support.
Let's Go Back To Being Strangers.
Arriving At The Hospital Together
This Was Her End
Your Identity As The Madam
But No One Believed Me.
The Forgetting Couple.
The Last Step
Triggered To Fight Back
Waiting For This Moment.
Stay Away From The Bees And Butterflies.

Up To Fate

3.9K 498 84
By 01tejasvi

Hey guys, I've get very few views on my last episodes. From your comments, it seems there are some notification issues. I hope Wattpad will work on it soon. 😭

And one more thing, I'm clarifying it for the nth time that I'm a 100% boy who's doing engineering so stop confusing my gender. 😂😂

Here's the next episode... I hope you'll give more love and votes to this episode than previous ones. And why are you guys not commenting? 🤔


The young man was wearing a mask. He walked to Old Master Tiwari without a word.

Old Master Tiwari was anxious. Could it be that this young man was going to take something out? Was this man going to take advantage of the fact that he was old, weak, and sick to attack him?

“Grandpa, shush!” A clear voice sounded from the mask. It was a female voice.

Old Master Tiwari fixed his gaze on her and saw a pair of familiar eyes. They were clear and exceptionally quick-witted. However, the mask covered her other facial features, making it difficult to tell who she was.

“Let me help you up first!” She held onto Old Master Tiwari. “I’ll call the ambulance for you. Did you think I wanted to snatch your phone?”

She couldn’t help but laugh. It was pleasant and clear as a wind chime.

Old Master Tiwari was convinced by her laughter and realized he was being petty.

He smiled and said, “Sigh, I fell down just now and couldn’t help but overthink things. Little girl, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” She pulled the mask away, revealing her small and beautiful face. Her eyes looked like the first rays of the sun in winter, illuminating people with warmth.

“Is… Isha?” Only then did Old Master Tiwari see clearly that the woman in front of him was Isha.

No wonder he had mistaken her for a boy just now. After all, she was taller than most boys.

It was no wonder he found her eyes and voice familiar just now. It was just that he usually saw her on television. He just felt that she looked familiar and didn’t dare to confirm it.

At that moment, Old Master Tiwari couldn’t control his emotions. When he thought about how his granddaughter, whom he had missed for over 20 years, was now in front of him, tears welled up in his eyes.

Isha was very surprised to see him say her name. She then smiled happily. Her smile was bright and full of vitality. “Grandpa, you actually know me? Do you usually watch fashion shows? I thought only young people know me.”

Seeing how happy she was, Old Master Tiwari wondered if Yami had introduced him to her before. Even if she had seen the photo, she would probably have forgotten about it. After all, she still hated the entire Tiwari family.

He didn’t dare to directly expose his identity, afraid that he would scare Isha away. He could only control the palpitating emotions in his heart and said with a smile, “I can be considered a fan of yours. I know a lot about you.”

“Thank you, thank you.” Isha was really happy to meet a senior fan like him and bowed to him.

Then, a crowd with phones and cameras ran forward. “Isha Sharma seems to have gone that way!”

“Let’s hurry over!”

“Follow her!”

Isha quickly lowered her head and leaned against Old Master Tiwari’s arm as if she was avoiding that group of people.

Old Master Tiwari finally understood why she had acted so sneakily when she picked up his phone.

It was purely because she was hiding from others and was planning to escape at any time. It caused him to have the misconception that she wanted to take advantage of the situation to snatch his phone and run away.

However, even though she was being followed, she still stayed and helped him sit down when she realized that he could not move his legs.

Old Master Tiwari did not know if Isha was intentionally helping him because of his true identity or if it was purely out of kindness.

If she did not know his identity, her actions were too precious.

“Shh.” Isha made a shushing gesture again until the group of people had run far away. Then, she said, “I just finished attending an event and the paparazzi followed me. Then, with the help of my manager, I slipped out from the back door. Grandpa, I won’t take your phone. If you like me, I can even give you an autograph.”

Old Master Tiwari understood and chuckled. “It seems like it’s my lucky day.”

The two pigeons that had already escaped obediently returned to their cage. Isha brought the cage over and placed them in front of him, gently playing with the two extremely obedient pigeons.

“There’s still one left.” Old Master Tiwari quickly looked around.

Isha looked up and saw a pigeon perched on a tree.

These pigeons were all messenger pigeons and could understand their master’s orders. Old Master Tiwari called out twice, but the pigeon didn’t come down.

Isha looked carefully and said, “I think its leg is caught by a tree branch.”

“Then I can only get someone to come and help.”

“No need. I’ll give it a try.” Isha lightly grabbed the tree branch and jumped up to the pigeon.

She quickly removed the branch that was caught to the pigeon’s leg. The pigeon regained its freedom and flew toward Old Master Tiwari.

Old Master Tiwari watched Isha’s actions and couldn’t help but tremble with fear. “Take it easy!”

“I’m fine.” Isha’s movements were light as she returned to Old Master Tiwari’s side.

She also helped Old Master Tiwari check the injuries on his legs and found that they did not impact his bones. There were just scratches. It was just that the old man had difficulty getting up. Now that he had rested for a while, he could get up again.

“Grandpa, should I call your family to pick you up?” Isha asked.

In the short time that Old Master Tiwari had spent with Isha, he felt that she was completely different from the woman Yami described. She was already a big star, yet she still helped others sincerely when they were in trouble.

Just her personality alone was commendable. Did she really hold a deep grudge against the Tiwari family?

“It’s fine, I’ll call them myself later,” Old Master Tiwari said casually. “I saw you attending an event last time and you said you weren’t from the Sharma family. Is that true?”

Isha smiled. “Grandpa, you’ve been watching the news in the entertainment industry? Actually, it’s nothing much. I already knew about it, and I had made preparations to not be liked by the Sharma family. Therefore, it was no big deal to announce it.”

“Have you thought about finding your real family?” Old Master Tiwari asked in a deep voice.

“It’s up to fate. Besides, no one knows where they are.” After being asked this question, Isha only thought for a short while before calmly replying.

In the past, she had thought of finding her biological family to make up for the kinship that she had lost for so many years.. However, after getting Abhay and GunGun, she no longer thought much about this.

Since she had no fate with her parents and was unable to get parental love, she would just focus on being a qualified mother to the children.

When Old Master Tiwari heard her reply, his heart skipped a beat. From Isha’s words, why did he feel that she did not know the truth about the Tiwari family and her background? What exactly did Yami say to her, then?

“Isha…” Old Master Tiwari continued.

However, Isha’s phone rang and she quickly picked it up. “Brother UG, yes, I’ve gotten rid of the paparazzi. Okay, I’ll be right back.”

She hung up the phone and said to Old Master Tiwari, “Grandpa, are you sure you can contact your family on your own? I still have something to do, so I have to leave.”

“Sure, go ahead,” Old Master Tiwari replied.

Although he really wanted to chat with Isha for a while more, he could not delay her work.

After Isha said goodbye to him, she walked away. Coincidentally, Old Master Tiwari’s chauffeur had arrived and quickly walked to his side.

Seeing that his family had arrived, Isha left without any more thoughts.

“Old Master, are you alright?” The driver quickly made an emergency call.

“I’m fine. They’re just small scratched. I’ll just go back and apply some medicine.” Old Master Tiwari watched Isha’s figure leave. A smile appeared on his aged face. He was in a good mood.

Based on his short interaction with Isha, he knew she was not an arrogant girl. It did not seem that she harbored hatred and malice toward the family who accidentally lost her.

On the contrary, she appeared to be very calm and had good intentions. One could tell that she had a good heart.

Why would Yami say those things, then? Old Master Tiwari did not doubt his other granddaughter much. He merely felt that there might be some misunderstanding between the youngsters.

After this, he might approach Isha a few more times.

Over here, Shivam quickly found out that Old Master Tiwari had met Isha.

As they were investigating why Old Master Tiwari would appear around Isha, Shivam naturally had some doubts after learning that Old Master Tiwari was taking the initiative.

“Mr. Pratap, I’ve got everything you wanted.” Hari’s voice interrupted Shivam’s thoughts.

Shivam reached out to take the documents. Without hesitation, he flipped through them carefully, reading every detail.

Isha went missing from the Tiwari family when she was two years old…

He continued to read through the information and learned a lot from the documents.

When he was done, he reached out and pressed his forehead.

All of his doubts were confirmed at this moment.

Isha was the younger daughter of the Tiwari family who went missing long ago. She was not even two years old when they lost her. Since then, the Tiwari family had been searching for her. However, because the child’s appearance had changed and the Tiwari family continued to use Isha’s childhood photos to search for her, of course, they were never able to find her.

In addition, Isha did not remember much herself. She did not remember her home address or her parents’ phone numbers. She could only stay in the orphanage where she was sent to by some kind people.

When she arrived at the orphanage, she only remembered her nickname. Soon after, the people at the orphanage changed her name and she lost contact with the Tiwari Family.

After Isha went to the orphanage, she was adopted by Chanchal and brought back to the Sharma family because she was cute and smart.

Isha had left the Tiwari family for more than 21 years.

It wasn’t a secret that the Tiwari family had lost a child back then, and many people knew about it. Now that Isha had made an appearance, the entire family didn’t mention anything. It was easy for Hari to investigate this and it was a quick job too.

However, this matter wasn’t publicized yet.

Therefore, everyone in the Tiwari family knew about it while only Isha was kept in the dark.

Shivam flipped through the information again and thought to himself, “Old Master Tiwari came to look for Isha in private and even disguised himself. Could it be that he wants to test Isha’s character?”

Other than that, Shivam couldn’t think of any other possibility.

At the thought of this, he frowned and slammed the documents on the table.

Hari was scared out of his wits. “M-Mr. Pratap, which part of the investigation isn’t complete? I’ll look into it again!”

“This doesn’t have to do with you.” Shivam lowered his hand.

Hari quickly kept quiet and took a few steps back. He had gathered all the information himself and had a rough idea of the contents. Naturally, he knew that Mr. Pratap was feeling sorry for Young Madam.

Shivam was very disappointed in the Tiwari Family.

Old Master Tiwari’s test was really pretentious. So Isha could only be acknowledged as a member of their family if she passed their standards? If she did not meet their expectations, would her identity be erased?

When she went missing from the Tiwari family, she was not even two years old. She was at the age where she had just started walking! She ended up in that situation and suffered so much because the Tiwari family did not fulfill their duties as guardians. Isha didn’t do anything wrong.

Moreover, she was the best woman in the world, yet she had to accept the moral judgment of this family.

The pain in Shivam’s heart slowly rose and pierced his bones.

His heart ached for the woman, but this family was her biological family. It was a group of people that he couldn’t do anything to…

“Push back all my work in the afternoon and evening,” Shivam instructed Hari.

After Isha was done with work, she went home early in the afternoon. Abhay and GunGun had not returned yet. She quickly took off her high heels and changed into fluffy slippers before lying comfortably on the sofa.

How soft and comfortable!

“You’re back?” Shivam’s voice came from behind.

Isha jolted and sat up. “You’re already off work?”

“Yeah.” Shivam knew that her two activities today had ended, so he came to accompany her.

She touched her neck and moved slightly to the side.

The man immediately stretched out his warm palm and placed it on her neck, massaging her. His palm was warm and suitable for this weather. His strength was neither light nor heavy as he massaged her. She couldn’t help but close her eyes.

Why was he so good at this? It was as if he had specially learned it before.

Seeing her closing her eyes, the man smiled.

“I heard you were followed by paparazzi today?” Shivam asked casually.

Isha narrowed her eyes and nodded. “Yes, I was. They’re really scary and can’t be classified as fans. However, I didn’t let them succeed in their plans and escaped first.

“I even met an old grandpa in the park.. He was so funny. ”


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