After Death, I Finally Met Th...

By kepgine

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Waking up in a new world, with a new body Mochou thought luck was on his side. But things wouldn't be so easy... More

Chapter 1: Apocalyptic World
Chapter 2: Moving in Together
Chapter 3: Death
Chapter 4: A New Home
Chapter 5: Forest
Chapter 6: The River
Chapter 7: Rustle
Chapter 8: First Meeting
Chapter 9: Rental Fee
Chapter 10: Family Dinner
Chapter 11: Spark
Chapter 12: Stare
Chapter 13: Yichen's Father (pt.1)
Chspter 14: Yichen's Father (pt.2)
Chapter 15: Town
Chapter 16: First Kiss
Chapter 17: Mom, Please!
Chapter 18: Yichen's Mother
Chapter 19: Be Patient
Chapter 20: Bo Chen's Decision
Chapter 21: Doctor Yichen (Pt.1)
Chapter 22: Doctor Yichen (Pt.2)
Chapter 23: Wedding Preparations (Pt.1)
Chappter 24: Wedding Preparation (Pt.2)
Chapter 25: Wedding Day (Pt.1)
Chapter 26: Wedding Day (Pt.2)
Chapter 27: Wedding night (NSFW)
Chapter 28: Building A Life Together (pt.1)
Chapter 29: Building A Life Together (pt.2 + NSFW)
Chapter 30: What I Want
Chapter 31: Fish
Chapter 32: Going to Town together (pt.1)
Chapter 33: Going to Town together (pt.2)
Chapter 34: Shopping (pt.1)
Chapter 35: Shopping (Pt.2)
Chapter 36: Hunting Practice
Extra 1: Quian Duo's Vengeance
Chapter 37: Late
Chapter 38: Dinner
Chapter 39: Awkward Conversations
Chapter 40: A GER's Body
Chapter 41: People
Chapter 42: Planning the New House
Chapter 43: Buying Land (pt.1)
Chapter 44: Buying Land (pt.2)
Chapter 45: Hong Family Construction
Chapter 46: Hyper Vigilance (NSFW)
Chapter 47: Midnight Snack
Chapter 48: Worry
Chapter 49: Missing Herb
Chapter 50: Trembling Hands (Pt.1)
Chapter 51: Trembling Hands (Pt.2)
Chapter 52: Chicken Coop
Chapter 53: Dinner Guest
Chapter 54: Building Walls
Chapter 55: Are You Angry?
Chapter 56: Purple
Chapter 57: Little Grape
Chapter 58: Dumpling
Chapter 59: Shopping List
Chapter 60: Shopping Spree (NSFW)
Chapter 61: Money
Chapter 62: Wood Carving
Chapter 63: Silence
Chapter 64: Rules
Chapter 65: Yichen's First Day At Work (Pt.1)
Chapter 66: Yichen's First Day at Work (Pt.2)
Chapter 67: A New, Better Day
Chapter 68: Am I Cute Now? (NSFW)
Chapter 69: Rosewood
Chapter 70: Never Again...
Chapter 71: No Longer Peaceful
Chapter 72: Two Days
Chapter 73: The Next Morning
Chapter 74: Kind
Chapter 75: Gift
Chapter 76: Unable To Think or Breath Without You
Chapter 77: Do Something
Chapter 78: The New House
Chapter 79: Decision
Chapter 80: Rage
Chapter 81: Silent Night
Chapter 82: The Truth
Chapter 83: You'll Get Through This
Chapter 84: Slow Down
Chapter 85: Passion Reignited (NSFW)
Chapter 86: Roe Deer
Chapter 87: Yichen Leaves
Chapter 88: Miracle
Chapter 89: Let's Do Things Differently
Chapter 90: Spreading the Good News
Chapter 91: Harmony (NSFW ~ light)
Chaotrr 92: Pomegranate (Pt.1)
Chapter 93: Pomegranate (Pt.2)
Chapter 94: Little Moments
Chapter 96: Summer Storm (Pt.1)
Chapter 97: Summer Storm (Pt.2) / (NSFW)
Chapter 98: Indecent
Chapter 99: Yard Work
Chapter 100: Heartbeats
Chapter 101: First Snow
Chapter 102: Bladder Be Damned
Chapter 103: Mother's Request
Chapter 104: A Boost of Energy
Chapter 105: The Inn (pt.1)
Chapter 106: The Inn (Pt.2)
Chapter 107: Dark Clouds
Chapter 108: Snowstorm
Chapter 109: Extended Vacation
Chapter 110: I Want Them Out!!!! 🐣🐣
Chapter 111: Perfect
Chapter 112: Mu
Chapter 113: New Year (Pt.1)
Chapter 114: New Year (Pt.2)
Chapter 115: Everyone Has Something To Say
Chapter 116: An End To a Long Day
Chapter 117: Yijie
Chapter 118: Teasing
Chapter 119: You're Welcome To Stay
Chapter 120: Expressions of Love
Chapter 121: Plans to Visit
Chapter 122: Things Were Great Until...
Chapter 123: Spring Full Of Love (NSFW)
Chapter 124: Conflicted
Chapter 125: An Angry Bae (Pt.1)
Chapter 126; An Angry Bae (Pt.2)
Chapter 127: Clingy
Chapter 128: Neighbours
Chapter 129: We're Fighting?
Chapter 130: They Are Asleep (NSFW)
Chapter 131: First Trip To Town
Chapter 132: Orange
Chapter 133: A Sour Mistake
Chapter 134: Future Plans
Chapter 135: Zoom!💨
Chapter 136: Moving Day
Chapter 137: Precipice
Chapter 138: Back to the Apocalypse
Chapter 139: I Should Have Asked
Chapter 140: Meaningless Words (NSFW)
Chapter 141: Life in the Apocalypse
Chapter 142: Surviving in the Apocalypse
Chapter 143: Injured and Lost
Chapter 144: Going Home
Chapter 145: Reunited At Last
Chapter 146: Baby talk
Chapter 147: A New Adventure
Chapter 148: Sleepless Night (The End)
Extra: Red Eyed Baby

Chapter 95: Yichen, Help!

315 25 2
By kepgine

Mochou leaned into Yichen's arms. One month into his pregnancy and his grand ideas of keeping busy everyday were quickly dashed. Even though Yichen gave him the freedom he craved during the first pregnancy he couldn't enjoy it. All he seemed capable of doing was sleep, sleep, and sleep some more.

"Tired?" Yichen asked as he wrapped his arms around him.

"Do you even have to ask? I swear our Little Goji Berry is some kind of parasite that's stealing every ounce of energy from my body." Mochou complained as he made himself comfortable.

"It will get better. The first few months are the toughest. You'll get your energy back soon." Yichen comforted.

"It wasn't this bad last time." Mochou grumbled as he reminisced about his previous pregnancy.

"Not every pregnancy will be the same. Just look at Meng Yao. She had terrible morning sickness but you haven't gotten nauseous at all." Yichen said.

"Don't jinx me." Mochou warned.

The biggest pregnancy symptoms Mochou suffered from this time was his constant fatigue and grumpiness. Yichen didn't mind. He found it cute. It also helped that along with his grumpiness and fatigue was a constant need to cuddle.

Mochou lay in Yichen's embrace and felt himself falling asleep again. Not wanting to sleep he looked to Yichen for help.

"Tell me about your day."

"It was uneventful. We had a few patients who came in with minor injuries. A little girl had a runny nose."

"Does she have a cold? Be careful you don't catch it." Mochou said.

"I am very healthy. If you doubt it I can show you." Yichen said his hand tugging at Mochou's robe.

"I'm not in the mood." Mochou said while lightly tapping his hand away.

"It's been a few days..."

"I know but I'm too tired. My body feels heavy and I could fall asleep at any second."

"I'm confident you won't fall asleep." Yichen said. His hand trying to sneak over to Mochou's inner thigh.

"Shoo..." Mochou said his eyes already shut tight as he started to drift off.

"Before you fall asleep I need to talk to you about your woodcarving." Yichen said in a small rush. Once Mochou fell asleep he always found it incredibly hard to wake him up again.

His words caught Mochou's attention and he forced his eyes open again. He twisted his head and stared at him waiting to hear more.

"My brother spoke to Lane at the shop. They are running low on your woodcarved items. Specifically the hairpins and combs. He also had a few people who showed some interest in your sculptures." Yichen explained.

"I have a few dozen items in a box in the woodshed. You can give them to your brother tomorrow. For sculptures I'm willing to take requests." Mochou said his voice growing softer as he spoke.

"Okay." Yichen said as he rubbed Mochou's back.

"Should I wake you up in an hour like usual?" He asked but Mochou had already fallen asleep.

"My bae is adorable when he sleeps but it's difficult having a conversation with him recently." Yichen mused as he moved Mochou from his arms to the sofa.

He loved cuddling together but unlike Mochou he couldn't sleep all day. There was a lot that needed to be done and he was a young energetic man. He needed to move his body so he decided long ago that he would cuddle with Mochou until he fell asleep then slip away to get his work done.

Mochou didn't mind. As long as Yichen was there to wake him up at a reasonable time he was happy. With Mochou now laying alone on the sofa Yichen was free to do his own thing.

He first went to his little medicinal hut and started making sachet with different teas and prescriptions he could sell to the doctor in town. The town doctor always welcomed the additional help and paid decently. He also purchased Yichen's surplus dried medicinal herbs from their little garden for a decent price.

Once that was finished he moved to clean the animal pens. They had pens for the rabbits, chickens, and quails. Mochou would feed them and give them water but Yichen refused to let him clean them. The smell was terrible and he worried Mochou would get sick.

"Little MoMo have you been guarding the yard and keeping the other animals in line?" Yichen asked the little quail that ran up. He could easily recognize it because Mochou tied a little red ribbon around it's neck. The little quail circled around Yichen a few times before disappearing into its little house.

Knock... knock

"Yichen. Are you there?"

Knock... knock

Yichen was surprised by the urgent shouting coming from the gate. He dropped what he was doing and hurried to the gate.

"Yichen! It's your brother." His youngest brother shouted.

Yichen opened the gate. His easygoing brother looked out of breath.

"Did something happen to mom?" Yichen asked.

"Everyone is fine. It's Meng Yao. She's in labour. Mom wanted me to get you and Mochou. She hopes everyone can be at the house to help with the birth of the baby." Yi Xuan explained.

"I'll go get Mochou." Yichen said. He wouldn't normally wake Mochou up to drag him over to his mother's but he was a little excited about the birth.

"I bet Mochou will look great with a baby in his arms." Yichen thought as he went inside.

"Mochou, are you awake?" Yichen asked once he entered the house.

"Mochou grumbled a little in response."

"I'm glad you're awake. We have to go. Meng Yao is about to have her baby." Yichen joyfully exclaimed.

"Meng Yao? Isn't it too early?" Mochou said as he turned over to look at him.

"Labour can be unpredictable. It's nothing to worry about. Now we've been asked to go help." Yichen said. Mochou sat up but then stopped before standing up.

"What am I supposed to do?" Mochou asked with a troubled look.

"My mom and the midwife will handle everything. You'll just need to be there for support. It will also be useful for when it's our turn." Yichen said.

"Our turn..."

"Don't be nervous. I'll be with you." Yichen said as he reached his hand out to help Mochou up.

"I'm not fat yet." Mochou said as he glowered at his hand.

"I know but I love helping you whenever I can." Yichen responded unfazed by his grumpiness.

Mochou stood up and went to get his shoes. Yichen followed behind him closely his hand ready to catch him if he showed even the slightest chance of falling.

"I'm not dizzy, lightheaded, or faint." Mochou said.

"I'm glad." Yichen said. His hands still reaching out protectively.

Once Mochou got his shoes on Yichen quickly slipped away to get his acupuncture needles and a few herbs. He had prepared teas that were useful during labour to help with pain and strength.


When they finally reached the house the heard the sound of a baby crying.

"Isn't that too quick! I know we weren't rushing but I didn't think we would miss the whole birth." Mochou whispered in shock.

"Hehehe. We came at the perfect time. Chances are Meng Yao went into labour last night or early this morning."

"Why didn't they tell us sooner?"

"Something about luck or how the more people know about the birth the longer the labour. Honestly it's ridiculous." Yichen tried to explain.

"Mochou you are here. Come see the baby. It's a lovely little boy." His mother exclaimed when she saw them walking in. Mochou looked at Yichen for help.

"As a man my role is over there with the other men. You'll be going inside the bedroom with my mom to help with the baby."

"Help do what?"

"You're pregnant so mom will probably only ask you to sit, hold the baby, and talk with Meng Yao." Yichen quietly explained As he nudged Mochou in the direction of the bedroom.

"Can you come with me?"

"Sorry, it's inappropriate for a man to enter the room. But after some time passes Mom will take the baby out and I'll be able to meet it." Yichen said.

"When... when it's our turn I want you in the room. Not just in the room. You have to be by my side every second." Mochou said as he pulled on Yichen's robe.

"It's not traditional but if it's what you want I will stay by your side." Yichen said with a tender smile.

"Mochou, come quick." Yichen's mother urged from inside the bedroom. Mochou let go of Yichen's robe and trudged into the room.


Inside the room Mochou was immediately told to sit down. He did as commanded and nervously sat where she pointed. Seconds later Yichen's mother handed him a warm bundle. Mochou stared at it tense and unmoving.

"Relax. It's a baby not a lump of wood. Put your hand here to support the head and the other like this to support its body." She instructed as she moved Mochou's stiff hands. When she was satisfied she walked away leaving Mochou alone with the baby.

He stared at the little bundle. Its mouth opening and closing as it wiggled in his arms. Mochou felt his chest tighten. He hoped it was the feeling of joy or awe from seeing a baby.

Unfortunately it was dread and fear. The more he looked at the baby the more frightened he felt. In a panic he stood up and rushed out of the room while still holding the baby.


He didn't even hear Yichen's mother calling out to him. As he hurried in search of Yichen.

"Yichen, help me!" Mochou shouted when he saw him. His shout was loud enough the baby woke up and started crying in a loud high pitched screech. The sound startled Mochou and he panicked even worse.

Yichen's first instinct was to laugh. Mochou looked adorably frazzled and endearing while holding a baby. With a sickly sweet smile he approached Mochou who looked ready to cry once the baby started to cry.

"It's okay."

Yichen took the baby from Mochou's arms. Like magic the baby stopped crying and went back to sleep. Mochou watched him amazed and also feeling worse for completely breaking down after holding it for less than a minute.

"Do you want to hold it again?" Yichen asked.

Mochou looked up at Yichen then the baby. He wanted to try for Yichen's sake but for the first time since the beginning of his pregnancy he was hit with an intense nausea. He covered his mouth and ran out of the house.

"Mochou!?" Yichen shouted after him with worry. He would have run to catch him but he had the baby in his arms. He quickly glanced around and saw his mother rushing over. He walked over to her and gently handed her the baby.

"Yi Ming, you're baby is adorable. Congratulations. I'll come by later to visit again." Yichen said before running off to find his missing bae.

It didn't take long. Mochou had only made it a few steps away from the gate before bending over to vomit. Yichen walked over and helped hold his hair back.

"Sorry." Mochou sobbed as he wiped his face.

Yichen looked at the pitiful Mochou. He had a lot he wanted to say. But first he decided it would be best to take him home. He picked him up and effortlessly carried him down the road.

When they got home Yichen went straight to the bedroom and lowered him on the bed. Mochou had calmed down enough that he was no longer crying. Now he was hiding his face in shame.

Yichen didn't ask any questions. He went to get some water for Mochou to drink and a cloth to wash up. When he returned he sat at the edge of the bed and passed him the water. Mochou drank a little as he glanced over at Yichen. Yichen glanced back and smiled.

"Are you still feeling nauseous?" He asked.

"A little." Mochou said.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"


"I'm not asking for an apology. I just want to understand what happened." Yichen said.

"I'm scared. Holding that baby I hoped I would get some sort of parental feelings or something but... Yichen, I don't think I can do this." Mochou admitted with tears threatening to fall from the corners of his eyes.

"Why would you feel parental or whatever towards my brother's baby?" Yichen asked in a lighthearted tone.

"I'm pregnant. Shouldn't I be excited to see a baby? I couldn't even hold it for more than a minute before I went into a crazy panic."

"It's okay to panic but remember not to run when you hold our Little Goji Berry. Its dangerous." Yichen said as he rubbed Mochou's arm to comfort him.

"I'm going to be a terrible parent. Yichen, you can't leave me alone with our baby. I'm a danger to our Little Goji Berry." Mochou said his hands pressed against his stomach.

"You are not going to be terrible and I have no doubt our Little Goji Berry will be safe and happy in your care." Yichen said. Mochou didn't look convinced.

"Mochou, the best part of being a parent is that there are two of us. I promise if you start to feel overwhelmed I can help. Like today with my nephew. You needed help and I was there to help you." Yichen said.

"I really messed up today. You're family will never trust me with the baby again."

"It's fine if they don't. The only baby you should have to worry about is our Goji Berry."

Mochou leaned into Yichen's chest. Yichen welcomed his presence and wrapped his arms around him lovingly.

"Our Goji Berry is lucky to have you as its father." Mochou sincerely whispered as he took a deep breath and focused on the warmth of his husband's embrace..


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