Our final day (Twd x Oc)

By Hewaga_Hawen

501 24 28

This story is about a young girl, Aelia Casito. She is 12 years old when the apocalypse happens. Trying to su... More

'✧。✮ Introduction ✮。✧ˋ
✧ Society ✧
✧ No more society ✧
✧ False sanctuary ✧
✧ A cop, a redneck and a korean ✧
✧ Mister Dixon ✧
✧ Jim ✧
✧ Bonding time ✧
✧ A goodbye is always hard ✧
✧ The doctor ✧
✧ Chapter 10 ❃
❃ Farm ❃
❃ Scarf ❃
❃ Missing girl ❃
❃ Sophia ❃
❃ Grounded ❃
❃ Fire and Walkers! ❃
❃ One ❃
❃ Tom & James ❃

❃ Barn ❃

16 1 0
By Hewaga_Hawen

Everything was so confusing. Lori was getting a baby and Hershel wanted them all off the farm. It worried her. Why would Rick keep something like that from them? He hadn't told them! But she only knew because she had heard him and Lori talk about it.

Right now, nobody said anything. Carol was making scrambled eggs, giving some onto her plate. Daryl already had some, poking around in them while not paying attention. Aelia sat next to him, starting to eat too.

No one seemed to notice much about Glenn.

She did.

Maggie was standing on the porch of her house, shaking her head. But Dale was in camp, nodding his head at Glenn.

What's going on..?

Glen slowly stood up, walking in front of the group.

„Um... guys."

He started nervously, not everyone paying attention to him.

„The barn is full of walkers."

Everyone's gaze hardened, worry and fear striking their faces.

What? The barn..? They slept next to a threat the entire time?!

Aelia scooped closer to Daryl, and so did Milo. People in camp immediantly wanted to confront Hershel and get away from the things in that damn wooden barn.

„Daryl.." she started worriedly but he shushed her.

„Go take yer brotha and stay with us, ya hear me?"

She nodded and followed Daryl. All of them went to the barn, nervous. Shane looked inside, grunting as he backed off. At hearing the moaning and growling, she nervously stepped back. She stayed with T-Dog because Daryl was pacing angrily. But he wasn't the only one, because Shane started to shout.

„You cannot tell me you're all right with this!"

„No I'm not, but we're guests here. This isn't our land." Rick tried to reason with his old friend.

„This is our lives!"

Glenn started to get even more worried. „Lower your voice."

Everyone was really unsettled.

This is bad. Really bad. What if something would have happened? Oh man! Hershel! He's such- uhg! He could have killed all of us! He was so stupid! She felt really angry at Hershel. He had endangered everyone. And why? She didn't know. But she didn't care. Those things in there needed to go!

Andrea chimed in, obviously annoyed. „We can't just sweep this under the rug." Shane agreed with her, also pacing around. It ain't right. Not remotely. Okay, we've either got to go in there, we've got to make things right or we've just got to go. Now we have been talking about fort Benning for a long time.."

„We can't go." Rick said sternly.

„Why, Rick? Why?"

„Because my daughter is still out there!" Carol whined out, pleading eyes. „Okay. Okay, I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility." Shane tried to reason.

„We're not leaving Sophia behind! Shane! She's my friend! She's a little girl!" Aelia yelled and stepped forward. „How could you be so cruel?!" The man wanted to say something, but was stopped by Rick.

„We're not leaving Sophia behind."

Now even daryl went forward. He was angry, almost fuming. „I'm close to finding this girl. I just found her damn doll two days ago!"

„You found her doll, Daryl. That's what you did. You found a doll."

The entire thing quickly broke out into a fist fight, Rick stopping it. Aelia quickly ran to Daryl, trying to pull him away. All while Rick talked about his grand plan of talking to Hershel. She didn't like it. Rick couldn't reason with everyone. She knew it. She herself had a lot of people she couldn't reason with when she was in school. Like her teachers, her dad, some of the other kids. But this?! This was crazy!


She was sitting on a log. Milo was with T-Dog because she wanted to be alone for a moment. She saw Daryl walking towards the horses, Carol following after him a bit later. Was Daryl leaving again? Going to search?

She jolted up, running down the hill toward the metal stable. That was until she heard them arguing. Carol said that she wasn't sure about finding Sophia, and Daryl threw down the sattle he had brought in. He called her a stupid bitch, heading out the stable. Carol was there, crying.

„Carol...?" Aelia warily asked, walking into the stable. „What's going on?"

„Oh.. Aelia.. sweetie.. you s- you shouldn't have heard that."

„Isn't Daryl gonna go out and try to find Sophia?.."

Carol shook her head. „He's still injured. He needs rest. And.. I just.." the woman sniffed.

„It's okay Carol.. we'll find her. I know we will."

Carol forced a sad smile. Aelia had an idea. She still had her gun on her. She had kept it with her since the training, it made her feel secure.

„Oh.. Carol. Dale said he was looking for you. Something about his hat having ripped?"

„Oh.. thank you. I'll go look for him. Are you coming?"

She shook her head. „I wanted to check on the nervous nelly. It hasn't been long since she came back so I wanted to say hi. And maybe pet her."

————'✧。✮ Twenty minutes later ✮。✧ˋ————

Daryl was annoyed. He felt conflicted, why did Carol say that? She couldn't actually give up on her daughter! Was he the only one knowing that Sophia was alive? No. He was gonna find her. He was gonna prove them that she was not worth giving up! The girl had the possibility of living. Of having a future, even a bad one.

He was holding his knife as hand, looking at the blade, the handle. His calloused hand going along the blade. He heard footsteps, quiet ones, light ones. Most likely a kid. He looked up to see Milo. The boy had a worried look on his face and was holding a paper.

The both of em hadn't been able to communicate that much, since Daryl didn't know sign language. But they got along fine enough.

„What?" Daryl grunted and Milo made some hand movements. The man looked away, still pissed from earlier. „I don't understand.

Suddenly, he had a paper smacked on his head. „Ay! What the hell?!" But as he looked at the paper Milo was holding, he raised his eyebrow. The name "Aelia" was over a stick figure. And that figure was showed by an arrow to go on a horse. Then another arrow on that paper pointed at the word "Sophia".

Shit. No. No!

But his thoughts were only confirmed when the little boy pointed towards the woods. Daryl jumped up, running to the woman he just had had a fight with.

„Carol! Carol, damnit! Where's Aelia?!"

She looked up, confusion striking her face. The others also came around them, wanting to know what the yelling was about.

„She.. she wanted to check on one of the horses. She should be back by now.?"

„Well she isn't! The girls out in the woods!" He grabbed his hair. Shit! Shit! SHIT! He wasn't gonna let another little girl go missing! God damn it!

Shane walked up to him, slowly. „Hey, Daryl. Slow down now. What are you talking about?"

„She went out in the woods to search for Sophia!"

Everyone eyed each other nervously, Carol clutching her mouth in terror. Now two little girls were missing.

Word count: 1218

I really need feedback about my writing style, guys. I feel like I'm just listing things up T-T

-With love, Hewaga

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