GEORGIA - The Witch

By Azure_Wren

152 54 2

When the times get darker , you never get to know how to put light to your life, the darkness consumes you so... More



23 9 2
By Azure_Wren

Sarah writes...

When I was a young girl, I feared marrying a man who wouldn't love me. I wished never to marry, but my father arranged my marriage with Arthur. I didn't know who he was, but he turned out to be a very loving man. He loves me for who I am, ignoring all my faults, especially my inability to give birth. He never mentioned this, but it kills me every day. I wish to have a child. I want someone to call me their mother. I have been so depressed for years, but my husband has always supported me. He is with me, and tomorrow we are going to the Bright Horizons Adoption Center, where we will see children and hopefully bring home our first child, to whom we will give a loving home.

Sarah closed her diary and placed it on her nightstand. She turned off the lamp and sank into the comfort of her bed, thoughts swirling around the prospect of becoming a mother at last. The next day would bring new beginnings.

Arthur and Sarah sat in their car, the hum of the engine a steady backdrop to Sarah's fluttering nerves. Arthur, ever the calming presence, kept making light-hearted jokes to ease her anxiety.

"Why did the scarecrow get promoted?" Arthur asked with a grin.

"Why?" Sarah replied, smiling despite herself.

"Because he was outstanding in his field!" Arthur's laughter was infectious, and soon Sarah was laughing too.

Finally, they reached the Bright Horizons Adoption Center. The building stood invitingly with its colorful murals and well-kept gardens. They were greeted by Ms. Samantha, a warm and professional woman in her early forties with kind eyes.

"Welcome to Bright Horizons,"

Samantha said, shaking their hands.

"We are delighted to have you here."

After a brief discussion about the children and their lives, Arthur received a phone call.

"I need to take this," he said, squeezing Sarah's hand.

"I'll be back in a minute. Go ahead and meet the children."

Sarah nodded, and Samantha led her into the children's room. The walls were painted to resemble a sky, complete with fluffy white clouds and birds in flight. Children played happily, their laughter filling the air.

Sarah's heart swelled with emotion as she watched them. These were the children shown dreams of taking flight, but what if nobody adopted them? She felt a pang of sadness at the thought.

As she scanned the room, her eyes fell on a young girl standing alone in a corner. She had a plain, expressionless face and seemed to be staring straight at Sarah.

"Who is she?" Sarah asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"That's Georgia," Samantha replied softly.

"She's been here for a year. She and her parents were in a car accident. Unfortunately, her parents didn't survive."

Sarah's heart ached for the little girl. She felt an immediate connection to Georgia, a deep empathy for her loss.

"I want to adopt her," Sarah said with conviction.

Samantha called Georgia over, but the girl remained rooted to her spot. Determined, Sarah walked over to her and knelt down to her level.

"Will you be my daughter?" Sarah asked gently.

Georgia's eyes softened, and she nodded, a small smile playing at her lips.

When Arthur returned, he found Sarah holding Georgia close.

"I want to adopt Georgia," she said, her voice filled with love.

Arthur smiled warmly. "As you wish."

The paperwork was completed swiftly, and soon Georgia became part of their family. Yet, unbeknownst to Sarah and Arthur, there was more to Georgia than met the eye.

As the couple left the adoption center, the manager, Mr. Dawson, watched them from his office window. He turned to Samantha with a furrowed brow.

"How did someone adopt her? I can't believe it," he said.

"I told them her story. They felt sad for her and decided to give her a home," Samantha replied, her voice filled with pride.

Mr. Dawson sighed.

"Hmm... now that girl is their problem. At least we are free now..."

Few days later, Sarah was on a call with Arthur, who had to leave unexpectedly to visit his parents who live with his brother.

"I have to go to my brother's house immediately because of some issue"
Arthur explained.

"It's okay,now I'm not alone. I have Georgia" Sarah reassured him.

"I'm glad you're happy now", Arthur said before hanging up.

Sarah was in the kitchen, baking a cake to celebrate Georgia's first night at home. When she took the cake out, it was burnt.

"Oh no, it's going to waste now", she muttered, disappointed.

She walked out of the kitchen and saw Georgia sitting on the living room floor, talking to herself and drawing.

"What are you drawing, Georgia?" Sarah asked as she approached.

Georgia had painted a car accident, a haunting memory from her past. Sarah took the drawing file and flipped through it, noticing the consistent themes of tragedy.

As she turned the pages, she saw a parcel box and then a burnt cake. The imagery was unsettling.

"What are you drawing?" Sarah asked again, her voice trembling slightly.

"The... fu...ture..." Georgia whispered so softly that Sarah barely heard.

At that moment, the doorbell rang, echoing ominously through the house.

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Hi guys. So y'all read the title so yeah. Enjoy. (This is real btw)