Brothers in Arms (Sonic x MHA)

By alucard319215

2.2K 48 55

Triplets born The throne awaits... Wait wrong timeline. *Ahem* This story has a simple premise. What if the... More

New Beginnings
Market Brawl
Trucking Bad Driving
Two Tails Are Better Than One
Run So You Can Fly
An Acidic Rose
Forcibly Applied
Violet Inferno
Bats In My Belfry
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Season 1: Aftermath
Adjustments Part 2

Stick and Stones

44 2 0
By alucard319215

Sonic woke up groggily. He got up and stretched a little. He went to the refrigerator and opened it to see a girl inside with slice of bread in her mouth.

"Hey Sticks. Could you pass me a water?" She handed him one as he closed it.

"Thanks." He took a sip of his water and stood there for a moment.

"Wait..." He opened the fridge again to see he stuffing her face with another slice of bread.

"Sticks, what are you doing in my fridge." She sealed the four slices of bread in her mouth before responding.

"Getting food for hibernation."

"Sticks, it's May."

"Yeah so? The government is changing the weather. It got really hot the other day. You're the only reliable food source I have any more!"

"I could fight you on this but it's too early for this. Want to watch Kamen Rider?" She nodded as they two plopped down on his bean bag and turned on the tv. (Yeah this is a chapter I should have done earlier but it's whatever)

—2 years ago—

The three brothers walked through the woods enjoying the scenery. They had been doing small time hero stuff for a while now. They had also been dealing with a lot of robots. Like seriously it was almost a bi monthly thing. There would be some robots attack some place then Sonic or his brothers would show up stop them, rinse, wash repeat. It was fun. Today they were taking a break. Sonic convinced his brother to go exploring. They walked past some trees unaware they were being watched.

"Sonic I'm all for a scenic walk but don't you think we should be finalizing our home."

"C'mon Silver. We been doing a lot of work and no play. We deserve a break. Besides this is place..." He jumped against a tree landing on the branch of another.

" really nice!" Sonic noticed something out the corner of his eye. It was a shadow and it was moving fast.

"Hey guys look!" They looks towards where he's pointing and see the shadow move.

"What is that?"

"I don't know but I'm gonna catch it!"

"Wait! Sonic!" It was too late Sonic jumped from tree to tree already far out of earshot. Silver sighed as he looked at Shadow. He looked back and the two smiled.

"Last one to catch him is a rotten egg." They zoomed off smiling and laughing. Sonic was closing in on the shadow. It was so agile and it never missed a beat. It swung from branches and vines with ease. Sonic was actually having some trouble keeping up with it. The shadow stopped and landed next to a tree. It must have been tired. Sonic landed next to it to see it wasn't some animal.

"Wait, who are-"He took a step when he was something suddenly snapped around his ankle.

"What the-"he was suddenly yanked into the leaves above. The shadow swiftly hid as Silver and Shadow came close.

SI"I could have sworn he were just here. Where could he have gone?" Silver heard a twig snap behind a tree. Silver smiled mischievously as he floated over to it

"Found ya! Wait who-" Shadow watch as Silver got punched in the face then grabbed by the collar. He rushed over to see the shadow running off with an unconscious Silver. He readied a Chaos Spear but decided against it. It would be draining and it could hit Silver. So instead he activated his rocket shoes and gave hot pursuit. But he just couldn't keep up with the figure. It Made turns and jumps Shadow couldnt predict. So the figure soon disappeared with Silver.

"Dammit!" The shadow landed in a small clearing in the forest. It grabbed some tied vine and tied Silver up and blindfolded him. Soon he stirred as he looked to see darkness.

"Ughh...what happened."

"We got kidnapped!"

"Sonic?!" Sonic was strung up next to Silver. He had all his limbs tied to different branches immobilizing him.


"What happened?! All I remember is getting hit really hard by someone."

"Yeah. It was some weird gremlin."

"Can you get out?"

"Well I could but then what would be the point?"


"Oh yeah blindfold. Yeah we are currently above a pit of spikes."


"Yeah. Do you think Shadow going to find us?"

"Yeah it's Shadow! He'll be fine!" No less than 5 minutes later they see a girl walking over with Shadow on her back.

"Hey!" The girl looked at him but remained silent as she blindfolded Shadow. She gagged him and strung him up like Sonic. Sonic and Silver looked at him as he started to stir.

"Hey ultimate disappointment. Wake up." Shadow finally fully woke up as the girl stared them down.

SI"What happened Shadow?"

"She snuck me. I remember seeing her throw something pass me. Then I got hit in the back of the head..."

"Yeah that was my boomerang!" Sonic looks the girl in the eye as she glares at them.

SI"Is that her?!"

"No Silver that's just another random person that just so happened to come across us."

SI"...Sarcasm is unbecoming of you."

SH"Would you two shut up."

SO"Well look who's talking ultimate faker. Can even beat someone who has a boomerang."

"Don't you guys ever be quiet?! Voice number 2 is talking!" The girl shouted at them. Sonic flashed a worried look.

"Voice number what?"

"The voices! They're in my head! You can't hear them!"

S/S/S'This girl is insane!'

SI:"T-That's but could you let us go?"

"Never! You three are trespassers of my forest!"

SH"What are you talking about?"

"I alone am the protector of this forest. I have been very lenient with you three. I allow you to live on the outskirts of my land yet you bring you weird machine and tools into my woods!"

"Ok but can you really blame us?"


"Ok you can but we never knew!"

"You're telling me you fools never heard of the Mujina Yokai?"

"What's that?" The girl sighed as she sat of a stump next to the spike pit.

"That would be me. I have made my name know as the protector of these woods! People think I'm a myth. Other think I'm a quirked animal. I don't care what you think of me but know this! Whoever entered with the dumb machines will face my wrath!"

"Ok. That's understandable. So can you let us go?"

"No!" In a dark room a large man watched this scene play through a camera feed.

"Oh so that brat is finally trapped. This is the perfect opportunity to catch him at his weakest! Send badniks to that location!" Back with the kids the weird girl sharpened a wooden spear as the brothers hanged.

"Sooo you wanna talk?"

"No! Stop asking!" Sonic pouted a little before trying to fight his restraints. They didn't budge so he looked at them. Them seemed to be deep interwoven vines bonded with some kind of sap.

"Silver any ideas?"

"I can't see so I can't really use my quirk."

"Shadow? Why aren't you suing Chaos control? Or even you're slated?"

"Besides that plot. I can't see and I doubt wherever I teleport will be remotely close to hereFrom what you told me if I struggled there a high chance I will fall to my death before I could do anything." Sonic sighed as the girl looked to the sky.

"Hey at least this can't get any worse!" Silver optimism was rewarded with the whir of Buzz Bombers.

"You had to say something?" The girl leaped into action she grabbed a vine and gave it a tug. Boulders suddenly catapulted into the sky. It hit a few of them but the rest easily maneuvered past them. The girl jumped up on a vine and swung on it kicking a badnik into another tree. She did a flip while throwing her boomerang landing on another badnik. She punched and scratched at it to basically to no effect. That was until her boomerang came back after destroying three badniks. She slammed it into the robot head as it crashed into the floor below. But for every one she took down another 5 appeared. She was slowly getting overwhelmed.

"Hey get us out of here!"

"No! You guys brought these things here! You guys and your machines!"

"How could we have brought them here if we've been here?" The girl paused for a moment before throwing her boomerang.

"Hey I guess you're right!" She climbed up the tree and tackled Son I out his restraints oncoming the wind out him.  She then leaped back ripping Silver's and Shadows blindfold off.

"Finally! My arms are going numb." A buzz bomber tried to hit him from behind but he backflipped and hit it with a spindash. And for the next minutes the four of them dismantled and destroyed every buzz bomber.

"Damn that blue brat!" Back with the kids The girl walked them to their house. Soon they arrived and Shadow and Silver went inside but Sonic wanted to talk to girl some more.

"Thanks for letting us go."

"But I'm the one who attacked you? Aren't you mad?"

"Nah, I'm over it. Besides we are technically in you forest." She gave him a look of acknowledgment before leaping onto a tree branch.

"Hey! I never caught your name."

"My name is Sticks."

"Well my name is Sonic."

(This was mainly just get Sticks into the story so I figured it didn't need a whole chapter to itself.)

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