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By iheartkissinggirls

19.8K 656 803

"If I'm being honest, when you look at me It's like kissin' a million angels And every tattoo's so intoxicati... More

Part 1 β˜†
Part 2 β˜†
Part 3 β˜†
Part 4 β˜†
Part 5 β˜†
Part 6 β˜†
Part 7 β˜†
Part 8 β˜†
Part 9 β˜†
Part 11 β˜†
Part 12 β˜†
Part 13 β˜†
Part 14 β˜†
Part 15 β˜†
Part 16 β˜†
Part 17 β˜†
Part 18 β˜†
Part 19 β˜†
Part 20 β˜†
authors note :(

Part 10 β˜†

877 34 48
By iheartkissinggirls

i had sm writers block on ts, yall wouldn't have even gotten this without help from sugardaddybills that bitch edited this entire damn thing n encouraged me to keep writing😭❤️

Song recommendation - Willow/The loml
(Reneé ofc)

I end the call and hang up on Billie, instantly dialing Reneé's number. It only takes the phone two rings before she answers, and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of frustration not even a second into her picking up.

"Reneé, what the fuck?!" I yell into my phone, my anger consuming me.

"I know, I know! I'm sorry," She sniffles, "I'm so sorry."

Despite how mad I am, I instantly feel bad for yelling at her and take a breath to calm myself down.

"Baby, I'm sorry for yelling. But for real, what's going on? This is crazy. This is fucked up," I now spoke slowly, unsure almost, in hopes to keep my composure, "I know we weren't together but I really liked you."

"You liked me?" She questioned, her voice quiet, holding a slight shake.

"Of course I liked you-" I go on, but she cuts me off.

"Liked? As in past tense?"

"I don't know! You have a girlfriend," I scoffed, "I shouldn't even be talking to you."

"But I don't! Y/N I'm so sorry I just didn't know how to tell you. Please, there's so much going on I don't even know, I'm so confused." Reneé rambled, her voice growing more hoarse as she spoke.

I stayed quiet, just overwhelmed by the whole situation, Reneé on the brink of tears not helping either.

"I need to see you. Can you please come over?"

There was no way I could say no to her. Just by hearing the hurt in her voice, and how much she probably needs me right now.

So I gave in, "Okay, I'll be there in like 15 minutes."

Using the key Reneé had supplied me with, I let myself into her apartment. I was met with her muffled sobs from somewhere further in her home, probably her bedroom. I kick my shoes off and make my way over to her room with an urgent step.

Leaning up against the door, I lean my head against the wood, "Reneé? Can I come in?"

She answers as quick as she can, forcing out a shaky "yes" between sobs.

I waist no time opening the door and slipping in her room. Reneé sat on her bed, surrounded by her tousled blankets and pillows with her head in her hands. I crawl on her bed and settle into the spot next to her, resting my back against her headboard.

"Nae, what's going on?" I ask softly as I rub small circles on her back.

She sniffles a bit before letting out a shaky breath, "It's not my fault."

"It's okay baby, just tell me what happened." I say as I wipe the tears on her cheeks with my free hand.

She closed her eyes, her once feathery lashes soaked with tears. Reneé nodded her head as she composed her rapid breathing before finally explaining it all to me. She took her time, occasionally pausing between her words and sniffling as she spoke.

"Me and Towa are just friends," She looked over at me, her teary eyes locking on mine. "I promise Y/N, but my manager..." She started, stuttering on the "b," her once weak demeanor coming back for more as she thinks about the situation.

"He said I needed more media exposure and that a girlfriend would be good for my sales. I tried to tell him about you but he just wouldn't listen. He said he had already signed a 3 month contact with Towas team."

I break eye contact and sigh, realizing the severity of the situation, "Reneé, just tell me one thing. How long ago did this happens?"

Her face drops, a guilty look washing over her face. She looks down to her hands fidgeting in her lap and mumbles something under her breath.

"What was that?" I really didn't want to know what she said, but this needs to be cleared up.

"Two days after we started working together..."

I feel like someone punched me in the stomach at her words, "So you knew this whole time!? Jesus Reneé, you let me get so attached in these past few months and you knew?"

"I didn't wanna hurt you, Y/N. I swear it's not like that with Towa," She turned, fully facing me and placed her hand over mine, "All I want is you, but he signed a deal without telling me. There was nothing I could do. I just didn't know how to tell you. I tried, but I just couldn't."

All of our memories together from the past month flood my mind, but one in particular stuck the most.

"Reneé, it wasn't that scary!" I bumped my shoulder into hers, giggling as we walked out of the theater.

"It was! Quit acting tough. When that zombie jumped out you screamed just as loud as me!" She defended herself, causing me to playfully roll my eyes at her.

"I think you imagined that," I shrugged my shoulders and looked up to the sky as we walked.

"Oh did I?" Grabbing my hand, she stopped, making me stop with her.

We were close. Very close, and not in a friendly way. Reneé peered up at me, her eyes slowly moving to my lips. Taking her by surprise I pulled her into me, our lips colliding. Reneé's once tense posture relaxing into my embrace, but the moment didn't last long.

Reneé pulled away with an anxious look, before frantically scanning the street for any witnesses.

"You okay?" I placed my hands on her shoulders to grab her attention.

"Yeah, uh... I need to tell you something," She said nervously looking down and fidgeted with the rings on her fingers, that being a nervous habit of hers.

I rubbed my thumbs across her shoulders in hopes to comfort her, "What's wrong my love?"

"Uhh... I think we should have keys to each others apartments, don't you?" She asked, switching her tone and plastering a tacky smile on her face that was clearly faked.

Something's up...

Thinking back to it I can see she was probably trying to tell me about Towa. "Okay. How much time is left on the contract?"

"Two months," She mumbles.

"Ok, so we date in secret for three. As soon as the two months are over, you publicly break things off with her," I suggest. "We give it a month to blow over and then we can be out as a couple."

She looks back up at me with a sad, tight lipped smile, "Thank you for understanding. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I stayed quiet and replied with a small nod before pulling her in for a hug. As soon as my arms were around her, she melted into my chest, resting her body on mine.

"Wait! did you say we were dating?" She popped back up, startling me a bit.

"Uhh... I assume so?" I question my own words, realizing I might be breaking boundaries, "Unless that's something you don't want, I don't know how you feel about this whole thing. It's just that we had started getting close in the last month and I dunno, we kiss and stuff-"

Reneé seemed to be done with my explanation and quickly shut me up, pressing her lips against mine.

She pulled away, her eyes going back and forth between mine, "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Y/N."

"Then you're already the best girlfriend ever." I smile and pull her back, brining her in for another kiss, this one more passionate than the last.

"Baby? Are you awake?" I hear Reneé say softly from where she was laying on my chest, the vibration from her voice making my stomach flutter.

"I'm awake. What's up princess?" I ask, picking up a strand of her long blonde hair between my fingers and twirling it.

"Nothing, I'm just happy we're okay." She hums and nuzzles herself even closer to me, if that's even possible.

"Me too baby," I whisper into her hair, leaving soft kisses on the top of her head, "Good night, Rae."

"Good night Y/N."

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