When Worlds Collide

By maddywasnothere2003

290K 21.6K 21K

Book 2 of the 'Demigod in Gotham' Series When Nico moved to Gotham, all he wanted was to do good. He never a... More

1) Intro
2) *Tubthumping by Chumbawamba Plays in Background*
3) Nico Phone Home
4) Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again
5) Ghost Kings Back ALRIGHT
6) Surprise!
7) May the Record Show that...
8) New Leg Just Dropped
9) All I Feel is Pain, Pain, Pain, No Matter What
10) His and His Prosthetics
11) Just a Casual Day With the Waynes
12) Viral Videos and Teenage Angst
13) Get Ghosted
14) Who's Gonna Take Them Out of the Oven?!
15) BatDad is Sad
16) Someone Put This Man On the Mock Trial Team
17) What is it With Nico and Being Kidnapped?!
18) Gingers Assemble
19) Lore Drop
20) Back at it Again With the Sappy Convos on WE
21) Livin That Camp Life
22) Camp = Chaos
23) Forget RickRolled, Get Bella Ciao-ed
24) Get Wrecked
25) Classic Wayne Family Heart to Heart
26) Fight the Power
27) Royal Mistresses and Trauma Bonding
28) Garfico?!
29) Don't Be Suspicious, Don't Be Suspicious
30) Bad Bitch Things
31) I'm Not Late, You Are
32) They Can't Be Mad If You Never Let Them Speak
33) Internal Spiral Time
34) Sparta Kicks = Love
35) Getting to Know the Ghost Dude
36) Surprise! THERAPY!!
37) Pudding War (Pick a Side)
38) Kidnapping is Always Better With Friends
40) Better Late Than Never
41) When the Solution is Also the Problem
42) Cruel and Unusual Brotherly Love
43) Trauma Bonding
44) They Grow Up So Fast
45) A Wild Nico in His (un)Natural Environment
46) Interrogation and Internal Monologues
47) Four Almost Adults Could Totally All Fit in One Bed
48) 6 AM Chats Are Super Fun
49) They Like to Gab
50) Let Him COOOOOOK!
51) If You're Reading This, You Have Daddy Issues
52) *Antics Ensue*
53) If You Peak in a Language No One Knows, You're Extra Cool
54) Just Some Casual Family Lore
55) Death Threats and Cuteness
56) When You Have No Soup in the Dumpling
57) My Little Pony
59) And We Call Ourselves, The Squad
60) Super Squad Summary Session
61) They Like to Gab
62) Nico in da News
63) F*ck Around, Find Out
64) The Stress Before Slaying
65) Your Honor, He Ate
66) Diplomacy is Slay
67) Look at them straights... couldn't be me
69) hehe... Nice
70) Cannoli vs Cannolo
71) Mr. Nico Vladek
72) Baldy McB*tch Face
73) #Twinning
74) Damn... That's a Whole Lot of New Information
75) What Kind of Author Would I Be if I Didn't Add Drama?
76) Jason is a King
77) Nico Be Judgey
78) Apollo Cabin + Nico = Stabbings
79) Back At It Again @ the Watchtower
80) Jason is Fully My Favorite
81) I Don't Know What I'm Writing
82) This is a Chapter... It Exists
83) Get Brother Trapped
84) Back At It Again at GA
85) Back In the Closet
86) Damian Slays
87) Damian + Angsty Monolouges = Ate
88) Romani Rage
89) *Chaos Has Entered The Chat*
90) 1 Minute Late is Basically on Time
91) Instant Regret
92) Misty Man Makes Misty Plan
93) Just a Casual Fight Between Enemies, No Biggie
94) Languages Shanguages
95) Shots Fired
96) Alfred Superiority
97) I Present: Lord of the Bats
98) Dad Meet Father, Father Meet Dad
99) Problems But a B*tch Ain't One
100) Damn... That's a Lot of Chapters
101) Dalmatians
102) I'm Tired
103) When Sh*t Hits the Fan
105) Baldy McBastard
106) A Casual Conversation
107) 15 Going On 25
108) Eerie Baby
109) Wow! This is a Chapter!
110) The Backup For the Backup
111) Master of the Angsty Inner Monologue
112) Big Athena Brain Moment
113) Todays Word of the Day: Peripeteia
114) None of You Are Gonna Like RN AHAAHHAAH
115) My Dudes Are Not Okay
116) Nico Be Emo-ing
117) Homicidal Tendencies Run in the Family
118) Sunshine? More Like Cloudy Weather
119) Daddy Issues
120) Timbo vs Lexy-Poo: the Lie Off of the Century
121) He Got the Memo (drop the 'm'))
122) Nico is Gonna Be Traumatized... More
123) Sitting in the Dark
124) Drawing = Healing and that is a fact
125) We Love a Breakdown to Further the Plot
126) Kayla: the Best Detective
127) The Lean Mean Green Teen
128) I LIVE!!!!!
129) Next Book(s) Name Just Dropped
131) What's Another Broken Nose Between Bros

58) Falling, Cursing, Throwing Up

1.8K 164 94
By maddywasnothere2003

A/N: sorry that this one is late and also short

"Okay, so it's decided that Percy and Reyna will come to the meeting?" Nico asked, making sure everyone nodded before they moved onto their final topic of conversation. He checked the time and saw they were gonna cut it close. "Okay, are you going in civies or in Leo's suit things he made?"

Leo scoffed. "They are called McShizzle Suits."

Everyone just looked at him for a silent moment before slowly looking back to Nico.

"Yes... those," Nico said slowly.

Reyna shared a look with Percy before they both said, "civies."

Nico nodded. "That makes our lives easier since we are running behind schedule and didn't really have time for you to change."

Leo groaned about how no one had gotten to see his works of art, but everyone just ignored him.

Nico clasped his hands together. "Okay, if that's all, then I think we just call it for today and meet up tomorrow to discuss?"

Everyone nodded as they grabbed their bags and began bidding their farewells. Percy and Reyna walked up to him and linked their arms together before he stepped into the shadows.

"Where are we?" Percy asked, looking around. "This doesn't look like a space station."

"That's because it's not," Nico said as he walked up to the Zeta Panel. "They requested that we Zeta in so that they could have warning— though I will tell you that it's not fun."

"Can't be worse than shadow travel," Percy muttered before Nico motioned for them all to step into it.

They were ripped through the zeta beams, bodies feeling like they were being disassembled and slammed back together as they landed. Percy immediately fell onto the ground while Reyna braced herself again the wall.

"What the fuck was that?" Percy said as he sucked in air, sounding like he was trying not to puke.

Reyna groaned. "Why would someone come up with that evil machine. Is this a trap? Are they trying to kill us?"

Someone cleared their throat causing Nico to look away from his teammates that looked like death to see Kaldur and Diana standing there.

"Hi," Nico said with an attempt at giving them a small, friendly smile, but it turned to a grimace as he heard Percy puke. "Congratulations on being elected?"

Both of the adults just looked at them with faces that were probably their best attempts at gracious, but really just looked concerned.

Nico cleared his throat before straightening his posture. "Sorry about them, but Zeta Travel can be very... disorienting the first time for our kind."

"It is no worry. We will give you time to... gather yourselves," Diana said with a look of slight disgust as she glanced at the puke on the floor. "I trust that you remember where the meeting room is?"

Nico nodded. "We will be there momentarily."

The duo walked out of the room, quietly muttering to each other as they went. The second they were out of earshot, Nico turned to help Percy. Reyna had already righted herself and seemed less green.

Nico reached into the shadows and pulled out a water bottle, promptly just dumping on Percy. The boy immediately sat up, the sickly paleness disappearing from his face.

"You both good?" He asked before they both gave a nod, the son of Poseidon standing up as he used the water to clean up the puke and transfer it into a trash can. "Good."

Both of them straightened their posture as they followed Nico out of the entrance and into a massive conference room. He heard them take in sharp breaths as they saw the view out the window, but both kept their faces schooled. The trio sat at the seats set out for them, directly across from the JL duo.

"Thank you for meeting us," Kaldur said with a small head bow. "My king has told me the stories of your heroism."

"I am sorry that it took so long to happen," Nico said, his voice taking on the even tone it often did when he was forced to speak in front of the senate.

"Do not apologize, your reasons for postponing were fully justified," Diana said. "Now, shall we begin?"

Nico nodded. "I am sure you probably at least slightly recognize my companions, but I will allow them to introduce themselves anyways."

Reyna stood from her chair, reaching over the table to shake their hands as she said, "I am Praetor of the Twelfth Legion and the representative for Camp Jupiter, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano. My code name is the General."

Percy just gave a casual wave to them as the girl sat back down. "I'm not gonna stand up because I'm still not over that Gamma Tunnel thing-"

"Zeta Tube," Nico muttered, but Percy just shrugged it off.

"I'm Percy Jackson, and I was picked as the representative for Camp Half-Blood. My code name is Riptide."

Kaldur gave a small bow to Percy. "It is a pleasure. I am Kaldur'am and I am the second Aquaman."

"I am Diana, and I am Wonder Woman."

Nico took in a deep breath before reaching into the shadows and pulling out the files Annabeth had made for them. "Let us begin then." 

A/N: Sorry this one was short and late. I was planning on making it longer when I edited it, but I got food poisoning and decided not to lmao

Vote. Comment. Tell me if you are excited to learn everyone's names next chapter (I also made suit designs, so get hype). 

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