Highschool DxD: The Dragon Sl...

By sambamhaw

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Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, Demons, and Dragons are the pinnacle of supernatural beings. And their n... More

Powers and abilities:
Anime worlds:
Harem: DxD and Testament
Harem: Fairy Tail
Harem: Edens Zero and Wind Breaker
Harem: BASTARD and Fate
Harem: Bleach and Dragon Ball
OC Bio:
Siblings Bio:
Chapter 1: A Scarlet Encounter
Doom Lord OC Bio:


476 16 38
By sambamhaw

Narrator: This is a story passed down through the ages. A legend of destruction brought on by the horrible deeds of humankind. 800 years ago in a different Earth, humans were at the height of their prosperity. However, many of their hearts were filled with deceit, hate, and doubt. And like a rotten fruit, slowly decomposing, humans sank into the darkness. A darkness they created own their own. Humans tried to use the power of the darkness, to correct their mistakes. They wanted to erase war from face of the earth. However, the darkness saw the true nature of the world that people had built. It was known as Anthrasax, the Demon God of Destruction.

Anthrasax: I have been born from darkness. The time has come to receive punishment for your sins. The earth wishes to have a peaceful rest. Away from your hate, your doubt, your greed. Away from all of your arrogance. I must free the world from the darkness you brought upon it. 

Narrator: The darkness, the power humans created themselves, brought their society to the brink of destruction. Before the world could be destroyed, a giant pillar of light broken through the earth and reached up to the heavens. A creature emerged from the light, it took on a form of a black dragon purple colored horns and wings. 

The dragon and the darkness realized, they were enemies. It was as if they both knew that it was their destiny to fight each other. The fierce battle shook the earth. Many of the continents were destroyed, sing into the ocean. Millions of people died. However, it wasn't until the dragon victorious that the battle finally ended. Long after, this battle became a legend. A legend that was passed down through the ages. And as time went on, the story morphed, into something different. We forgot the real legend, the truth, from a time, long, forgotten. 

The scene takes place around 400 years ago, when chaos was around the kingdom of Metallicana. There was a group of warriors taking shelter, thinking of the strategy to destroy the Demon God, Anthrasax. 

Then, the dark wizard, Dark Schneider came with a plan to defeat her once and for all. He then walked out of the building which caught the attention of Tia Noto Yoko. 

Yoko: What are you doing? 

Dark Schneider: Something I should've done a long time ago, to atone the mistakes and the actions that I've caused.  

Ally 1: Wait? There has to be some other way! 

Ally 2: He's right! Even though you've killed Lars, you deserted the Dark Rebel Army to protect this kingdom! 

Ally 3: Please think this through!

Ally 4: You'll end up sacrificing your life! 

Yoko: Please, don't do this! Lucian and I wouldn't risked you- 

She was cut off when Dark Schneider gave Yoko a kiss on her forehead, causing her to blush. 

Dark Schneider: (smile) Everything will be alright. 

Then he used a spell to let his allies fall asleep, but Yoko was the last.

Yoko: (feeling sleepy) Dark Schneider... 

Dark Schneider: (smile) I promised that we'll reunite again. Though I will be different, but I'll be there when you wake up. 

When she fell asleep, he then used another magic to surround them with a crystal barrier so they can't aged and teleported them away. He then turned his attention Anthrasax.

Dark Schneider: (smirk) It's been a long time old friend. Sorry for not awakening you up for so long, recantation is the worst.

Then a glow from his right hand speaks to him. 

???: Took you long enough. And here I thought you don't need my help. After all, you are Dark Schneider.

Dark Schneider: Hmph. Glad someone got some respect. Hey, can you promise me something? 

???: Is now really the time for that? 

Dark Schneider: Shut up and listen! When I'm about to reincarnated, you gotta make sure that the new me will not follow by the same path as I did when I first unlocked my own magic abilities.

???: That's a fine wish. Very well, I will grant your desire. 

Dark Schneider: Thanks. And also- 

???: If you're going to think of something perverted as usual like having a harem, forget it.

Dark Schneider: Oh come on! It was fun while it lasted! 

???: (sighs) Idiot. Now come on, let's take this Demon God down.

Dark Schneider: OH HELL YEAH!!! 

Dark Schneider's body began to glow before it fades, revealing a colored golden suit of dragonic armor with wings. 

He smiled inside of the helmet thing of an image of his loved ones and his friends.

Dark Schneider: (thoughts) Don't worry everyone, I promised that we'll meet each other again. 

 He then charged at Anthrasax with a battle cry. Then a big flash came in between them. That flash woke up a young man with black and white hair along with blue and yellow eyes as he was seen in his room.

His name was Y/N L/N, one of the two remaining siblings of the L/N family. He looked around his room, he sees a lot of dragon figures and posters that he used to love dragons since he was a kid.

Y/N: (thoughts) What was that dream just now? That felt so real... 

The narrator speaks when the scene change to show pictures that he drew. It was the symbol of Fairy Tail, a few images of galaxies, even the images of female warriors from Fate.

Narrator: A long time ago, there were two dragon that are the king and queen of all dragons. They raised two of their sons: The oldest was the demon dragon, and the youngest was the elemental dragon. With their royal power, the king and the queen created some worlds where magic existed. The world was used the magic of elements, spirits and other types as well, and another called Dragon Slayer magic. The second world is when supernatural existed. Another when some of the legendary heroes were born to hope to the world. And even some people who traveled around the galaxies. They were a happy family together. But then one day, the demon dragon king also known as the dragon king's brother warned the crisis of the future events. So he told his brother, and his sister in law is to send his nephews to send them to face the greatest threats. The king and queen don't know what to say, but the oldest told that they taught them how to fight, and might choose a person who will be the vessels for him and his brother. They then agreed, but the youngest was nervous. Then his mother gave him a gift to bring courage to  himself. The brothers entered the worlds to find their vessels. When they found their own worthy successors, they fought by their sides to face many great foes that they've ever known. But then, one battle, the elemental dragon sacrificed himself to save his brother. The demon dragon was sad and failed to keep his promise to his parents to look out for each other. But then he had an idea. He used a reincarnation spell to find some warriors who is worthy to be reborn, and become his new vessel. But one thing that the demon dragon didn't know, that he was reincarnated to a dark wizard named Dark Schneider. The demon dragon felt guilty about what he has done. But then he felt some strange light, and saw that his brother was alive and become the future dragon king. He knew that was the future he saw, and he was happy that he would a great king one day. When Dark Schneider started the Golem War about 15 years ago and fought the Five Legendary Heroes, he then started to have these visions in his head, knowing that was his memories that he didn't remember those even. Then he met a dragon in his mind, and told him that the wizard will need his help to bring peace and stop the war. He then refused his help. Then some time later before Anthrasax was freed to bring about destruction, he had another reincarnation memory about was their dragon in his head and why was he here. The dragon then told him the reason why he is here in the first place. Then Dark Schneider made a quick bond to the dragon, and asked for his help. Then they work together to defeat the demon god. The dragon was afraid about what his previous vessel and his magic, but he remembered the promise that he made with the dark wizard. His plan is to find the next vessel, who is worthy to use the path of magic between darkness and light, to defeat his enemies, protect his new friends, and become the next true future king of dragons. 

As the narrator was finished, Y/N got out of his bed as he starts getting himself prepared for the day, but his amulet was started to glow blue and dark blue. 

Prologue ended. 

That's all for the prologue. I personally like to thank @DragoDeion for giving me some of his ideas of it. 

So, what do you think the first chapter will take place in? 

1. The first episode of Wind Breaker. 

2. Any episode of the first half of season 1 in Highschool DxD. 


3. Any episode of the first half of season 1 in Testament of Sister New Devil.

Let me know what you guys think at the comments below, peace out and enjoy! 

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