We Got Lots Of History

By AnxiousJellyFish

3.7K 109 8

Love conquers all... Or maybe it doesn't Cassandra Helena Triantafyllou, a greek, muggleborn witch, a Ravenc... More

Rowena's Profecy
Workplace Environment
Late Nights In
Slow Mornings
Familiar Faces over Letters
Crazy Masterplans
One drink too many
Goodbye, my love
end of part one.
New Horisons
Spilled Tears and Newfound Purposes
Arguments in Public Places
Break and Entry
Drunk in the Galas
Meeting with the French
Broken Promises
War Meetings
A Deal with the Devil
A Deal with the Devil (Theseus' POV)
end of part two
Depressing Thoughts and Hunting Memories
Finding Allies
The Incident
New Opportunities
Midnight Stories
The Turning of Tides
Behaviour Analysis
Hello Stranger
Jealousy Jealousy
The 100th Legion
War Memories
Love Confessions
Lost Family Members
Mountain Hikes
Train Rides
The Beginning of the End
The Passing of Time
The Final Stand
end of part three
New Reality

A Visit From The Past

68 2 0
By AnxiousJellyFish

It had been a cold Saturday night and he had trouble sleeping. He was sitting in her living room as Dahlia snuggled his leg. A glass of wine was resting precariously on top of her sleeping form but it didn't seem to disturb her sleep. She was snoring lightly as she slept and he envied her for her ability to sleep like that. At his hand he held a black and white picture of her. It wasn't enchanted, he hadn't wanted to change the image, he had somehow captured the exact moment that her smile turned into a laugh. Her hair was messy and the wind was blowing in the direction she faced, making them flutter around her like a halo. They were at the beach and her legs where submerged just to few centimeter above her knees. The ocean spray had been released as a wave crushed to her back. The picture itself was art if you had asked him. He had never shown it to her, but he always carried it with him.

He guessed that was the reason Leta finally called it quits. He missed her. Not with the intensity he did before. Now it was more of an ache than an all consuming pain. He always remembered her fondly had his heart didn't seem to break every time  someone mentioned her. Cass on the other hand, he had never stopped looking for her. He had files upon files on his desk trying to locate her location. He knew that she was with Grindelwald and he had hoped that if he could track him it would lead him to her.

The peace that characterized the late hours of the night was suddenly broken. Dahlia sprang from her place as the glass of wine fell and shattered on the floor. A crash sounded from the hallway and Dahlia took of to the source of the sound. He carefully placed his favorite picture in the short coffee table and he grasped his wand, ready to face an intruder.

He had been so wrong.

Cass was laying on the floor as a bundle of limbs and fabric. She was covered in blood and something white stained her legs. He had prayed to the heavens that the blood wasn't hers and that what he suspected had happened hadn't actually happened. But all the signs pointed to that as she laid naked, shivering in her floor. He knelt in front of her and he touched her shoulders, trying to position her better. He had to see the damage to deal with it. He had to know what she needed. He said her name over and over as she was slipping from consciousness. He had to move her to keep her brain working.

He gathered her in his arms and her head lulled back and forth in the crook of his neck as he noticed the gush in her side, she was freezing. It was deep, too deep. He would have to stitch her up. He removed his shirt and placed it at her wound. Pressing forcefully there, trying to ease the bleeding but to no avail. Her eyes stared back at him with an empty look and nothing in his life had scared him more as she squeezed his arm and he noticed his now red soaked shirt which used to be white.

He placed his arm in her leg and headed to her room as quickly as he could. He placed her at the bed, not caring about the dirt or the stains. He grabbed a bottle of rubbing alcohol and he cleaned her side. His hands fumbled as he tried to pierce her skin to stich it up, his whole body shook.

"Come on Theseus. She needs you."

Slowly, too slow for his liking he closed the wound before pressing a hot blade there to slightly burn the skin and meld it together. He thanked his stars for paying so good attention at the muggle course in his training. For a few seconds he allowed himself to calm down. He checked her pulse which was steady between 10 and 12, a bit too high for his liking but at least it was steady, and her breathing came in irregular patterns. That was what concerned him.

He needed to move, he needed to do something. He went to the bathroom and retrieved a towel that was washed in hot water and he approached the bed. He first cleaned her side and placed healing Charms and some deep scratches which were going to scar and ease the pain of the bruises.

He gently pulled her legs apart and he felt the muscle of her thighs clenching in defense. She never used to do that. He turned the clean towel over and he started cleaning the mess between her legs. The amount of it was astronomical and his heart clench painfully in his chest, his eyes stung... it hadn't been just one person. How many were there? He needed names he was going to kill them. His position as Head Auror be damned, no one touched her without getting what they deserved. Ever.

The motions were familiar as his hand moved from her upper inner thigh to her folds. It was something he had used to do to her in the past. After they had had sex together. His parents had always told him to clean up his mess and he had taken that literally and applied it everywhere. As they did that he used to chuckle at her blissed out expression and her mumbles about her latest books or interests. He missed those times.

With a few spells he cleaned the sheets beneath her. Ideally he would have changed them but that wouldn't be possible with her on top of them. He grabbed some of his clothes, that would be a bit big for her and thus comfortable and he dressed her up in one of his sleepshirts, a pair of her underwear, the most comfortable and soft he could find, and a pair of sweatpants. He had still kept her clothes in place in hopes that one day she would return and need them. He had been right to do so.

He turned the chair at her vanity to the bed and placed his legs at the edge of the bed. He wasn't going to sleep. He would watch over her for as long as she would need to. Dahlia had been whining in a corner of the room and he beckoned her to come closer. He patted the bed and she happily climbed on it before moving to the foot of the bed, positioning herself between the two of them and falling asleep.

It was going to be a long night.

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