Pokémon Aura

By Armir3514

714 108 2


Chapter 1-TIME
Chapter-2 Emergency/samurai
Chapter-3 pewter/Brock!!
Chapter-4 water badge.
Chapter-5 Ruri/st.ship
Chapter-6 sabrina/match!
Chapter-7 naruto/battle
Chapter-8 ninja/koga
Chapter-9 Ship/crewmate
Chapter-10 gym/Silver
Chapter-11 Brother/my company
Chapter-12 Haki/mermaids
Chapter-13 Back/princess
Chapter-14 pupuil/Aura Humans
Chapter-15 Shino/Cameron
Chapter-17 vampire/Hunter
Chapter-18 Friends/4 years

Chapter-16 Sayin/Vampire

13 5 0
By Armir3514

Cameron:now that we fixed this thing we need to locate them all.

Ash:again for what purpose?!

Cameron:well we can keep them if we need them.

Ash:why don't you go look for them then i have a company i have to look after and most of all i think i will go on another journey and my student alot to do you know.

Cameron:yeah guest your right.

bulma:oh ashhy!!!

Ash:yes miss bulma?

Bulma:just call me bulma say do you have anyone else you like?

Ash:well i have other wives as well so i-

Bulma:really then(holding his hand) make me one you handsome devil

chi-chi:hey wait i wanted to ask that!!!

Bulma:ooooh Whats this?

Chi-chi:mmm(bows) please!!


Cameron:(chuckles) oh no look at the time i better get on it.

Cameron blasted away while the 2 girls were eyeing him down from up to down 
they weren't the only one's as when Ash came back with them he looked over at usagi and the others who regained memoirs of what he did for them.

(The next day.)

Ash:(carwling) s-so many....and so...good(gets up and stretches)(who new pleasing so many girls would be so fun and tiring)(looks at his body) there's gotta be a way to fix this....(gasp) that's it!

while the girls were asleep ash took some pills and after he put his aura into them and after took one his body started to change and after he went back into the mirror And was older.



After Ruri woke up ash went back to the bed and kissed her the girls woke up to Ruri getting one last round in with Ash before she was in heaven. After this he stared back at them and smiled

(later that day.)

Shino:honestly why do i have to go on low rank mission's!!! 

Asada:hey!!! shino!!!

Ash:to make sure you learn to control your power your a Aura-(what is that?!)

Cameorn:(training) what is that?!


naruko:do you feel that?!

???:yesssssss something strong!!!

Sabrina:such a strong force?!

shina:(spits out beer) what the fuck is that?!

green man:tch mo way is that chi-chi?!

old man:...oh my?!

????:something is happening?!


Shino:sir?! Ash?!

Ruri:(Drops clipboard)w-what is that....that...that power?!

Ash:stay here-

Ruri:no if Your going then so am i!!!

Ash:...fine(takes off tie)

Asada and shino didn't understand 
they watched as Ash and Ruri flew away many other people were heading the same way to.

in outer space
2 pods were coming down like a astroid
until they landed.

after getting out
they looked to see they were in a barren part of the world.

and 2 old men  
were now there staring the 2 day


well well all you humans are so cute trying to act tough. so this is Earth not bad.


i agree its a shame we have to conquer it.

chi-chi:who are you?!

Rika:my name is Rika

Layla:my name is Layla were sayins from a planet called planet Vegeta.



Layla:we came here to kill
of you so i guest we should do that with you people first(puts her arm up) take this!!!

she fired off a ki-blast but it was deflected  by chi-chi


roshi:right gohan!!! will back you guys up!!!

Ash:(rushes in) Aura style:drum death punch!!!

Rika in purple felt as her arm was being hit it was like her bone was breaking she doged amd kicked Ash away but he stopped himself and shot a Ki blast back at her  


Ash:i have had Ki training before so i know all about it.

Layla:(tries to shoot back) gah?! what the-

Ruri:dark Aura style:Chains of dismember!!   

shina:(punches her) quick Draw:Rapid quick 

Layla was now being dragged and slammed into the ground In the time ash was gone she trained to make some of her own style's

Blaine:lava punch!!!

Sabrina:(throws rocks at them)

chi-chi was fighting to hand while this was happing

cameorn:aura style:gut punch!!!

Rika:you fool(punches him)

Cameron:Aura style:deadly human bomb.


A Huge explosion ring out and after

rika came from the rubble she was smiling ear to ear while cameorn was out old he wasn't dead but unconcis yes

Layla was done being thrown around and grabbed Ruri's chains and sent her flying into chi-chi who then went into a wall.

Blaine:magma bullet shot!!!!

Layla doged and hit him
right in the chest he spit up blood but grabbed her arm she screamed as he used his power to melt off some of her flesh she kicked him away

Layla:(damn it whats going on)(press's button on her scouter) what Are there
power levels

power level:20,450










layla's scouter broke when she measured Ash she new this was t it she grabbed her Friend and through her into the pods they came in After they left.the 10 of them cheered as they had defend the planet from the bad aliens
after this they all took a break and sat down but Ash got back up as he saw someone in the distance

????:oh my humans. you have come for what exactly all that noise has awoken me.

chi-chi:who is she?!

gohan:i don't know be on guard chi-chi!!!

Ash:...(walking toward her)

Roshi:kid!!! stay back we don't know who she is?

Ash:res eyes blond hair...i'm guessing you're a vampire.

Vampire woman:(giggles) thats true indeed.

Ash:(gets in A stance) let's fight!

to be continued

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