Life is exactly like a game of chess. (I don't know how to play chess.)
Grey POV:
"You killed me," my dead brother says. His lips and fingernails are blue. He seems to have pinpoint pupils. I can hear gurgling coming from his foaming mouth. I try to touch him and when I do his skin is cold. Clammy. As if he just swam in an ocean.
This is not my brother.
"Andre," I quiver. How is he alive?
"This is all your fault," he screams while running into me. I fell onto the floor. He comes over to me and starts landing punches. Punch after punch. Between each one, he says a sentence. "You caused my death!" punch. "You are the reason mom is sad!" punch. "You are worthless!" punch. "You're the reason dad left!" punch. " It should have been you!" punch.
I can't help but think that he is right. It's all my fault. I just mess things up. The carpet tickles my neck while I lay down. I try to get up but he puts me down. He's gotten strong. I can't even feel the pain. This is all a dream. It's not real. It's not true.
"You don't deserve Avyanna," he remarks. "She is as ugly and worthless as you." That was the awakening I needed. Brother or not I pushed him off of me and got on top of him. No one talks about Avyanna like that. Throughout the days me and Avyanna been talking she has helped me gain my confidence not even knowing it. She makes me feel better. Not like a worthless piece of trash.
He's wrong about me. I am so much more than that. When I manage to make sure he can't move on the ground I land a punch on his face. I am better than what he said. I punch and punch and punch. This is not my brother. Andre wouldn't have said any of that. This is just my mind tricking me into thinking that I'm a monster.
I couldn't help but see Ayanna's face. She controls my thoughts day and night. This leads me to stop beating the imposter of my brother. She wouldn't like what I'm doing. I'd stop if she had said so. "Don't ever talk about Avyanna like that again," I spit out at him. I slowly get up from him making sure he doesn't do anything to retaliate.
He slowly fades into dust. I want to grab it just to have one last piece of him, but that's not the real Andre. Light starts streaming in my eyesight. The reality I was in started to fade away.
I slowly open my eyes and awake from my slumber. My blinds are open and the light blinds my eyes. I groan and turn away from it. It is way too early in the morning for this. I grab my phone from the bedside table and text Avyanna.
Me: Good morning, belle.
Before Belle, my phone was always on do not disturb but she has nightmares at night. If she wanted to talk I would be able to hear my phone go off.
La plus belle fille de la planète: good morning, grey.
She responds almost instantly. We have developed this system where we text nonstop. No matter the time or place.
Me: Do you want me to pick you up?
I have also been taking her to school. The more time together the better.
La plus belle fille de la planète: yes please.
Me: I'll be there in 30.
I get out of my bed and take a shower. While in the shower I can't help but think about Belle. What exactly are we? We acted more than friends but were not. We've become close over the last couple of days when she accepted my apology. Maybe she would want to be more someday. But, I'm not going to rush into it. I want to enjoy this while it lasts.
I have to leave in three weeks. There is an AAU tournament in Vegas. I have been dreading it since I heard the news. I don't know if Belle would be there. Sure we can text but it's not the same as seeing her face every day. I'll have to ask her later. I keep telling myself that. Putting it off because I dread the answer from her. I have to do it though.
I quickly wash my hair and body. Unlike others, I care about my hair. I'm not a boy that is an absolute hair fanatic but I don't just wash it and leave it. My hair is a part of my image and I have to keep it great. As soon as I get out of the shower I dry my hair. It doesn't take long. I go into my room to pick out my clothes for the day. I put on a black Essentials sweatsuit and Air Forces. This is my usual outfit. I love these sweatsuits. I have at least fifteen different colors.
On my way out of the room, I put a rubber band on my wrist. Belle often wears her hair down and needs a rubber which she forgets. I always carry one just in case she will need it.
I skip down the stairs. "Bonjour mama," I sing. "Hey, son," she replies with an odd smile on her face. "What," I ask while quirking up an eyebrow. " Who is she, your girlfriend that is," she asks. Girlfriend? She sees my confused face and says, " You're happier than usual, you bought another helmet, you're texting on your phone a lot, and you're carrying around a rubber band on your wrist. No offense but your hair isn't that long, so it must be for someone else." She got all of that just by looking at me. Crazy.
"She's just a friend, mom," I responded. "A friend that I need to pick up in a couple of minutes, bye." I walk across the kitchen and kiss her on the cheek. She holds me there and hugs me. "Be safe," she says.
I run out of the kitchen and head to my bike. I am running late. I take a minute to place a Starbucks order. I order Belle a double-smoked bacon sandwich and an iced chocolate white mocha with a pinch of cinnamon powder, mocha drizzle on the top, and a splash of coconut milk. Her favorite. She often doesn't eat breakfast in the morning and has a deep love for coffee. Now and then I buy her Starbucks. I buy myself a hot chocolate and chocolate croissant when I finish her order.
I get on the bike and ride through the streets to her house. We don't live too far from each other so it's a short ride. I see her brother exiting the house. I can tell he doesn't support our friendship, but I know I'm growing on him. "Grey," he grunts with a nod of his head. "Adonis,'' I repeat in the same manner. He gets in his car and drives off just as Belle exits the house. No matter how many times I see her I still get goosebumps.
She comes over the bike smiling and skipping. She grabs the helmet and hops on the bike. As soon as she settles she snakes her arms around my waist. "Ready," I question. "Yup," she replies. I take off. This leads to her grip tightening, as the wind blows kisses on our faces. I go to the Starbucks by our school. When I pull over she questions, "Starbucks." I nod my head. She hopped off the bike and got our orders. Like I said, this is a routine.
When she comes out of the store she seems bothered. "What's wrong," I ask. "I'll tell you at school," she mutters. I don't press into the matter anymore. I drive slowly towards the school because of the drinks. I don't want them to spill or anything like that. We finally arrived at the school and I parked.
I take off my helmet and hop off the bike. I turn around and say, "What happened." She looks up and says, "Some idiot was flirting."
Someone hit on her. I can't explain all the emotions I feel at this moment, but I can identify one. Rage.
Pure bitter rage.
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