
By semja1234

2.9K 38 13

Madison has been feeling lonely ever since obx stopped filming. So she decided to foster and soon adopt a tee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Authors note
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41

Chapter 40

24 1 0
By semja1234

It's been a year since Mariah got into her car accident and after that Noel and Madison went to go film obx and then they went on press which Noel had a whole lot of fun. Noel also graduated from high school two years early and got many D1 scholarships for gymnastics and she decided to go to UCLA with Charlotte who got a scholarship for dance. Lily ended up moving to level 9 and she's training for level 10. Lily also really liked acting so she auditioned for a movie with Noel and they both got the parts. After they finished filming Noel went off to college while Lily stayed with Madison and Mariah. There's been one set back in Noel's college career the fact she's graduating very early. Today is a big day for both Noel and Lily. Noel is competing in the NCAA gymnastics championship which is streamed on tv and Lily is competing in the junior olympics so Madison and Mariah had to split up to support the both of them. Madison went with Noel and Mariah went with Lily. Lily is also the youngest to compete in the junior olympics only being nine years old. While Noel is also the youngest being eighteen years old. "Mama come on." Lily said. "I'm coming hold on." Mariah said. Mariah went over by Lily who was sitting on the bench. "You ready?" Mariah asked. "Yea but Mommy or Noel aren't here." Lily said. "I can call them." Mariah said. "Ok but you're staying right." Lily asked. "Of course I am." Mariah said. Lily's coach came over and told her it was time to warm up. "Call Mommy so she can see me." Lily said. "I will good luck I love you." Mariah said. "I love you too." Lily said. Lily went to go warm up when Madison and Noel walked in. "Aren't you guys suppose to be going to Louisiana for the championship?" Mariah said. "We don't leave until Thursday and I told my team I was going to support Lily and they all came with me." Noel said. "That's great she needs some support." Mariah said. "Noel you want to go sit where we're suppose to sit since we're giving out the medals." A girl from the UCLA team said. "Yea mom I'll be over there." Noel said as she pointed to where she was going to sit. Noel and her team went over to where they were supposed to sit while Charlotte sat with Madison and Mariah. "As we get started with the competition we have some very special gymnasts here today. The UCLA women's gymnastics team who is competing in the NCAA gymnastics championships." The announcer said. Everyone cheered while Lily ran up to Noel. "You're here. Mama said you couldn't make it. Is mommy here too?" Lily said. "Yea and Charlotte's here too." Noel said. Lily gave the rest of the team a hug and they all wished her good luck. Lily went out to compete and floor was first. Lily had finished her routine but the judges were sharing the scores until rewards. "Nice job Lil." Madison yelled. After Lily finished all of her events she went by Noel who was sitting with Charlotte. "Mommy can I have a snack I feel kind of dizzy." Lily said. "Here I brought you some fruit and go drink some of your water." Mariah said. "But my water is over there." Lily said. "Here drink some of mine." Madison said. Lily drank some of Madison's water which made her feel better. "Our rewards will be starting in five minutes so gymnasts please report to the floor and stand with your coaches." The announcer said. Lily went to over by her coach and waited for the awards to be announced. "And now for first place on floor with a perfect score is Ms Liliana Bailey from LA Gymnastics Club." The announcer said. Lily went up to the podium and Noel put the medal around her neck. Then Lily got first place for all of her events. "Our winner of the junior olympics is not only our youngest competitor but our highest scoring competitor Ms Liliana Bailey with a perfect 40. Congratulations." The announcer said. Lily went to go claim her medals and her trophy. Lily went over by Noel and her team and showed them her trophy. "You won good job bean." Noel said. "Now we can have matching trophies." Lily said. "Yea and medals." Noel said. Madison and Mariah came over and gave Lily a huge hug. "Wait let me get a picture." Lily's coach said. Lily's coach took a picture of the whole Bailey family and then she hugged Lily and said bye. "Can we leave now I want to go home." Lily said. "You don't want to go out and celebrate at all?" Noel said. "No I want to go home." Lily said. Lily went over by the door which was where all the older girls who were competing were standing.

"Congrats on your win Lily." A girl said. "Thank you congrats on second place." Lily said. The girl just laughed and walked away. "You know what I don't get is how she won? I mean I did the exact same routines as her and I didn't even place in the top 8." Another girl said. "Because she did better than you I mean she was practicing for months you practiced probably less the amount of time she practiced. So you should be glad you got to come here." A girl said. "But it's not fair she's nine years old and she beat me." That same girl said. "Well she was better then you go cry about it." Another girl said. "I'll make you go cry about it." The girl said as she threw a punch. "Oww what was that for?" Lily said. "Because your just a nine year old girl who used your sisters and your moms fame to win. I can't believe I waisted my time training just to be beat by a stupid kid you probably can't even do algebra let alone read a book." The girl said. "Like you can read a book aren't you at a sixth grade reading level as a sophomore in high school. She's skipped two grades while your stuck repeating your senior  year. So don't say shit about her academics when she's smarter than you. You dumbass bitch." A girl said who was helping Lily up. The girl who was talking about Lily went up to her and pinned her against the wall. Noel had walked out and saw what was happening. "Put her down now before I kick your ass." Noel said. "Yea right like you can beat my ass you barely." The girl said but was cutoff by Noel twisting her arm. "What were you saying Hailey I couldn't hear you over your screams." Noel said. Lily had went over by the girls who had stuck up for her when they all saw Noel let the girl go. "You're lucky you're a minor because I would've beat the absolute shit out of you best believe." Noel said. "Oh please I'm 18". Hailey said. "You're 18 who's a super senior in high school and has a sixth grade reading level and you have beef with a nine year old who skipped all the way to sixth grade. That's pathetic." Noel said. "You know what else is pathetic the fact that she's crying over a little punch. I barely hit her." Hailey said. "Her nose is bleeding." A girl said. "Shut up Carly." Hailey said. "You know what Hailey I'm just gonna say it since no one else on the team wants to. The only reason you're here right now is because we felt bad for you. We felt bad that you've been held back twice,the fact you can't really read,and the fact you're not the best gymnast at the gym like you think you are. We all said you should be entered in the competition you're only here because we all paid for you to be in the stupid olympics. You are one of the worst level 9 gymnasts ever. You barely have your tumbling down pat and your bars oh my god they are horrendous. I can't believe my mom paid $100 just for you to complain and punch Lily. Who by the way is the sweetest girl in the world. So yea you made it here but you wouldn't be here without us or Noel's big donation so you didn't have to pay for your hotel or your transportation." Carly said. "Mom is that true?" Hailey said. "Yes it is I asked Noel to help me I didn't want to be broke after paying for all of this. So she did help me and I was going to tell you but after seeing what you've said and done today all the money that your cousins, uncles aunts,and the rest of the family gave me I'm giving it to Noel and her family. And your new car I just bought you I'm selling it." Hailey's mom said. "What no I need that car mom how am I suppose to get to work?" Hailey said. "Figure it out you're 18 years old you're an adult now. Now apologize and grab your things we're leaving." Hailey said. Hailey grabbed her stuff and she didn't apologize to Lily she just flipped her off which made Noel's protective side come out. "Noel no" Lily said. "But she just." Noel said but was cutoff by Lily. "It's ok I took everything out of her bag and threw it away. Her mom told me too." Lily said. "Where's my letter from UCLA?" Hailey screamed. Hailey stormed back inside and started screaming. "Cut that out you aren't a baby. That letter from UCLA was fake you never were gonna make it. I coach at UCLA and after seeing your behavior today I wouldn't want you as one of my gymnasts anyways." The UCLA coach said.

"But what about Noel she called me a super senior." Hailey said. "She was just stating facts is she not." The UCLA coach said. "Yes she is but she said she was gonna kick my ass." Hailey said. "She was just responding to what you said to her. She has the right to defend herself if you would've started hitting her." The coach said. "But" Hailey said. "But nothing you're not going to UCLA your gymnastics career is over. Goodbye Ms Hailey Green." The coach said. "You all are such bitches." Hailey said. Right before she walked Noel went up to her. "I know that your gym and my sister gym are rivals but if you just lay a finger on her I will find you and lay more then a finger on you. Do you understand." Noel said. Hailey didn't answer. "I said do you understand. Or should I repeat myself." Noel said as she stared into Hailey's eyes. "I understand I'm sorry just please let me leave." Hailey said. "Let me help you with that." Noel said as she picked Hailey up. Lily opened the door and Noel threw her on the ground. "Bye" Lily said as she stuck her tongue out. Lily and Noel went back inside and saw the judges standing in the hallway. "Are you ok?" A judge asked. "Yea I just got a bloody nose." Lily said. "Well I'm glad you're ok and congrats on your win." The judge said. The judges walked away and Noel went over by Lily. "Come on we got to go back by mom." Noel said. Lily didn't answer since she was talking to the other girls. "Lily come on." Noel said as she picked her up. Noel brought Lily over to Madison and Mariah just so they could leave. "That girl actually punched you." Madison said. "Yea but I'm ok." Lily said. "Are you sure?" Mariah said. "I'm sure mama." Lily said. Madison wiped Lily's face with a wipe she had in her purse and then made sure her face wasn't swelling. Lily went with Madison and Mariah while Noel left with Charlotte.

"Lily do you want to get something to eat?" Madison said. "I guess" Lily said. "What's wrong you sound upset." Mariah said. "That girl said I only won because of your fame. Do you think that's true?" Lily said. "No you won because you were the best." Madison said. "Well did Mama take pictures?" Lily said. "I did I'll edit them and then post them on instagram." Mariah said. Noel had called Madison and told her she's gonna spend the night at Charlottes. Lily had started to fall asleep in the backseat. When they got home Madison noticed so she carried her inside. Madison took her to her room she and then she placed her in her bed. "Maddie where are we putting her trophy?" Mariah said. "Umm we can put it in the living room for now." Madison said. "What day does Noel compete?" Mariah said. "Next Monday she really wants you to go." Madison said. "I can book a flight for me and Lily." Mariah said. "Ok well we leave tomorrow." Madison said. "I know we'll probably leave on Thursday." Mariah said. "Well let me know if you're gonna fly out." Madison said. "I will." Mariah said. "You put Lily to bed right?" Mariah said. "Yea why?" Madison said. "I think she fainted." Mariah said. Madison and Mariah went upstairs and went to go check on Lily. Mariah went into her room first and saw Lily sitting up against her headboard. "Mama I don't feel good." Lily said. "What's wrong Lil." Mariah said. "My stomach hurts." Lily said. "Lily are you sick?" Madison said. "I don't know but I want Noel." Lily said. "I'll call her." Madison said. Lily just looked at Mariah in pain and then she passed out. Mariah lifted Lily up and put her on the floor. Mariah started to time how long Lily was passed out for. "I called Noel she's on her way." Madison said. "That's good but Lily's been out for about two minutes now." Mariah said. "I brought the smelling salts I'll use it in a second." Madison said. Madison was about to open the smelling salts when Lily woke up. "Mama trash can." Lily said. Mariah grabbed the trash can and Lily threw up. "Mom I'm here." Noel said. "In your sisters room." Madison said. Noel came upstairs and saw Lily throwing up into her trash can. "Let me see your face bean." Noel said. Lily looked at Noel and she noticed how Lily kept turning away from her. "She has a concussion her pupils are two different sizes." Noel said. "But the girl punched her in the face." Mariah said. "She also pushed her to the ground pretty hard." Noel said. "I'll take her to the emergency room you two stay here." Noel said. Lily tried to get up but she was got really dizzy. "Dizzy" Lily said. Noel went by Lily and gave her a piggy back ride. "Text us with updates." Mariah said. "I will." Noel said. Noel went downstairs grabbed a bag and then left. "Lily you ok?" Noel asked. "No my head and my stomach hurts." Lily said. "Well when we get to the hospital they'll help you." Noel said. "Did you tell Mommy who broke the picture?" Lily said. "Lily we aren't talking about the picture you broke two years ago." Noel said.
"What are you talking about I broke it yesterday." Lily said. "Lily what year do you think it is?" Noel asked. "2024" Lily said. Noel arrived at the hospital and brought Lily inside. "My sister hit her head and now she thinks it 2024 when that was a year and half ago." Noel said. "Ok follow me over here." A nurse said. Noel took Lily to where the nurse told her to go. Lily then threw up again and this time she passed out. "Damn it you couldn't pass out in the bed." Noel said. Noel and the nurse put Lily onto the bed and then the nurse started to help Lily out.

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