Single Dad "Starting Over"(Hu...

By fanforfanfic

33.9K 1.8K 1.7K

What happens when a 27 year old Country music sensation is forced to "Start Over" as a single dad? Will he be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109

Chapter 32

321 17 10
By fanforfanfic

Liddy's POV

"How do I look?"

"OH MY GOD, Liddy! You look so beautiful. That dress was made for you. The length is perfect. It hits you mid thigh so it's not too short. The one bare shoulder is going to drive Hunter insane. If you had gone with a completely strapless dress, I think it would have looked like you were trying to hard. Then the slit in the long sleeve and the sparkle on the cuff adds just a hint of sexy but not too much. On top of all that the black color looks amazing against your skin tone."

"Are you absolutely sure, Liz? What about these 1 ½ inch heels, are they okay? Normally I would wear a 3 inch heel because I am so short, but I don't dare to tonight with my ankle. Is black okay or should I have picked silver shoes?" I'm starting to ramble because I am so worried.

"Look at me. Everything looks amazing, even down to your silver clutch and black shawl. I wouldn't change a thing. Hunter will love it. I wish I could be a fly on the wall so I could see his face when he looks you. Be sure to keep your phone near by. He might have a heart attack and you may need to call 911." She says with a smirk.

Only Liz can make me laugh at a time like this. "I just don't want to look slutty or look like I'm trying too hard to get his attention."

"Lindsay Irene Deans! There is not a slutty bone in your body so stop talking like that. You're a classy lady and you know it. Jan raised both of us that way. As for your comment about working too hard to get Hunter's attention........Girl you could wear a paper sack and you would get his attention. He's crazy about you."

I'm so anxious I can't sit down. "What time is it?"

Liz looks at her phone. "It's time for me to go and you to relax. He should be here in 10 minutes."

"Are you sure you can't stay until he gets here?" I nervously ask.

Liz just laughs. "No, you're 28 almost 29 years old. You don't need me here. You will be fine. Just breathe and spend these last few minutes putting on your perfume and thinking about how handsome he is going to look. I'm guessing that you are going to be doing a bit of drooling yourself.

I can't help but giggle. "Okay, thanks so much for doing my hair and makeup. I love you."

"Love you, too. Now, don't forget I'm coming here tomorrow around 11 AM so we can take Harper shopping for some clothes. So make sure there are no male visitors still hanging a round by that time."

"Ha Ha, very funny, Liz." I walk to the door to let her out. "Like that would happen."

"You never know." She gives me a hug and closes the door behind her.

"Okay, Liddy... You got this." I say to myself.

Hunter's POV

"How do I look, Cole?" He lifts his head for a moment, to acknowledge I spoke to him then he lays it back down to continue with his nap. I just laugh. "Thanks for all the encouragement, buddy."

I chose to wear my black Michael Kors suit with a white shirt and a gray striped tie. I'm using the custom tie tack with my HH emblem on it that Renee and Harper gave me for my first Father's day. It's one of the only things I kept from Renee. I couldn't part with it because every time I look at it I think of Harper.

Recently, I've noticed that ever since Liddy came into our lives I haven't given Renee or our past life much thought. I'm finally at the point were I can say that we are all better off, now that we are divorced. Harper is far happier with Liddy in her life and so am I.

There are so many things about Liddy that makes her special. I can't believe I've wasted so much time fighting my feelings for her. She generous with her time and honest to a fault, when she loves something, she loves it with her whole heart. Her laugh is infectious and her smile is alluring. She is someone that lights up a room when she walks into it.

The more I learn about her the more I fall in love with her. After last night, I'm starting to believe she could feel the same way about me, if I can just break down her protective walls. She was definitely flirting with me. Heck we both were flirting with each other. The kiss she gave me on the cheek took me by complete surprise. If she hadn't jumped out of the car so quickly, I would have kissed her back and not on the cheek.

Should she give me the smallest inclination that she wants me to, I will kiss her tonight. I've been denying my attraction to her for far too long and all because I was afraid Harper would get hurt, if we couldn't make it work. Well, after seeing how much Harper means to Liddy, I know that no matter what happens between us, she would never walk away from her.

I look at my watch it's almost time to get Liddy. I walk into my bathroom and check my hair one last time. Splash on some cologne and quickly swish with some mouthwash.

I walk to the back door and open it then I call out to Cole. "Hey there buddy, time to go outside." He quickly comes trotting out of the living room and walks into the back yard. While he is doing his business I grab the flowers my mom suggested I buy and put them next to my Porsche keys. I check to make sure I have left on a few lights and the radio is turned on for Cole. By the time I'm finished, he is waiting for me at the back door. I let him inside and give him a treat. "Now, be a good a boy. Wish me luck." I say as I walk out my door.

"Just breathe Hunter. Everything is going to be fine." I tell myself as I take the first step towards Liddy's apartment.

Liddy's POV

Hunter should be here any minute. I wonder what he will be wearing? A suit obviously but will it be navy, black, or dark gray? My hands are shaking. I hope he likes what I have one. I swear I've never been this nervous in my whole life and this isn't even an official date. Although, I wish it was, I need to keep reminding myself that we are just friends. Yay, right, I stopped looking at Hunter as a friend weeks ago. Now, he's the man I love and lust after. I wish I knew that he felt the same way.

I hear a knock on my door. I take a deep breath, let it out slowly and walk to the door. As I open it, I see Hunter standing there, looking absolutely drop dead gorgeous. He literally takes my breath away. When his stormy blue eyes look at me, my throat goes dry, while my heart starts racing. I don't think I have ever seen Hunter's eyes this color before and his gaze is so intense it sends a shiver up my spine.

"Hi." I manage to say. "Please, come inside. I just need to grab my purse and shawl."

He nods his head and walks through the door. He hasn't said a thing yet. It's probably that stupid kiss on the cheek I gave him last night. I wonder if he feels awkward. Lord knows I do, right now.

As I walk to the dining table to grab my purse and shawl I swear I can feel Hunter's eyes on me. Is there something wrong with how I'm dressed? Did Liz and I miss the classy look? I might look like a hussy, to him. God, I wish he would say something, anything to help me gauge his thoughts! With my purse and wrap in hand, I have no choice but to turn and walk towards Hunter.


Hunter's POV

Here I am standing in Liddy's apartment. I am literally speechless. She is the most stunning woman I have ever seen. I knew she would look beautiful but even in my wildest dreams, I never imagined anything like this. Her caramel colored hair is curled and brushing a long the top of her one bare shoulder. Her makeup is perfect right down to the dark pink tinted lips and the dress, there are no words, it fits her like a glove accenting every one of her wonderful curves. I literally can't take my eyes off of her.

I know I need to say something, but every time I try, nothing will come out. I take that back I've managed to groin several times, thankfully not too loudly. It will be a miracle if I can make it through dinner. All I can think about is kissing her luscious lips and running my hands over every inch of her body. Whoa, where did that come from? I don't usually think this way. It's Liddy, every time I'm around her I'm more and more beguiled by her.

"Hunter, is something wrong? "

"Ah, um, no, nothing is wrong. Why do you ask?"

"You haven't talked to me since you walked through the door. Are you angry with me? " I can see from the expression on her face that she's worried.

I have to laugh. "I am absolutely not angry with you."

"Then what's wrong?"

 "Do you really want me to tell you?"

She shakes her beautiful head, yes. "I would appreciate that."

"Liddy the reason I didn't say anything to you is because I was totally and utterly speechless. I write songs for a living and I can't begin to find the words to tell you how beautiful you are."

"Oh." She's blushes and looks down at the floor. "Thank you. You look extremely handsome yourself." She says as she raises her eyes to look into mine .

"Here these are for you. I didn't know what type of flower you liked so I got a mixed bouquet. How did I forget to ask you what your favorite flower was, last night during our Q&A game?" We both start to laugh.

"They're gorgeous. Thank you, again. Do I have time to put these in a vase?"

I check the time. "Sure."

"Great, I'll be right back." She then heads to the kitchen to grab a vase. I can see from across the room she's not going to be able to reach it without a stool. "Here, let me help you with that." I say as I walk up behind her and reach over her head, accidental brushing my body against hers. I hear a soft gasps or maybe it was a groan escape from her mouth. I almost drop the vase.

"There you go." I say as I hand it to her.

She smiles and walks to the sink to fill it with water, creating distance between us. I take a moment to note that I can't afford to get that close to her again otherwise we won't make it to the restaurant.


Liddy's POV

Hunter and I have just been seated at a booth that is tucked away in a remote corner of the restaurant. I'm curious if he requested that our table be more hidden? Most likely, but I wonder if it's to avoid fans bothering us or because he wants to hide us from the paparazzi.

The restaurant is beautiful. There's dark cherry stained wainscoting on the lower half of the walls while the upper half is painted a rich, almost golden yellow. Each table has a navy tablecloth and a candle that along with the dimmed ambient lighting, makes for a very romantic atmosphere.

Our table looks just like all the others except there is a bottle of champagne chilling in an ice bucket. I recognize the brand immediately. It's Dom Perignon. I'm fascinated as to why Hunter would order such an expensive bottle of champagne. All I know, is I need to be cautious when drinking it. Champagne goes straight to my head.

"So what would you like to eat, Miss I read magazines about Country Music Stars?"

I can't help but laugh. I'm glad we're starting to relax around each other. "I'm not sure yet. I need a moment to look over the menu." Once I decide what I want, I put my menu down and look over at Hunter. My goodness, he is so handsome. His suit fits him perfectly. I've only seen him dress in a suit or a tux at award shows and the St Jude fundraisers. He really should find more reasons to wear them. He looks absolutely yummy. With that thought I start to giggle.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"Oh um, I was laughing because you call me 'Miss I Read Magazines About Country Music Stars.' Why do you do that?" Good save Liddy, I think to myself.

He pauses over his menu to look at me. "There are a couple of reasons, the first and most important reason is because it makes you blush and the second reason is that it reminds me of the first night we spent on the bus when I learned that you were a fan."

"Oh." I have to look down at menu, because I know my face is probably bright red, from his admission that he likes to make me blush. Well, he's certainly very good at it.

"Do you know what you want?" He asks? I shake my head, yes. "Let me guess, the Iron Skillet Diver Scallops?"

My mouth falls open for a brief second. "How did you know?"

"You told me the first night on the bus that scallops were your favorite food."

"You remember that? I'm impressed." I say with a smile.

"I remember everything you told me that night." He says with that sexy side smirk.


"That surprises you I can tell. It shouldn't. I lov, LIKE you and want to learn as much about you as possible.

Before he can say anything else, our waiter comes to take our order and serves us our first glass of champagne.


Hope everyone's liking the heavily anticipated Dinner Date.

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