Veiled Hearts | Pablo Gavi

By gxvi05

2.7K 43 12

Sophia Flick, daughter of renowned football coach Hansi Flick, navigates the whirlwind of a new life in Barce... More

01 barça
02 new beginnings
03 bump-ins
04 garden affairs
05 leaked
06 pool party
08 keine musik
09 poolside
010 last dance
011 clubbing
012 disasters
013 distance
014 goodbyes
015 home game
016 resolvement
017 past and future
018 building
019 deep talks
020 new friends
021 - ground visits
022 - movie nights
023 breaking news
024 madrid
025 return
026 parents meeting
027 after-gaming not pre-gaming

07 touring barcelona

97 1 1
By gxvi05

The next morning it's a sunny Tuesday in Barcelona, and Olivia and I are getting ready to explore the city with the guys. I slip into a white sundress, perfect for the hot weather, and pair it with my lilac Bottega Jodie and matching sandals. As we head downstairs, we find the boys – Emil and Ben – engrossed in a game of FIFA on the PS4 together with Theo.
"Ready for a city adventure?" I ask, grinning.
"Absolutely," Emil says, pausing the game. "Let's go!"
We all hop into the Range Rover, with Olivia playing DJ. As we drive, she puts on "Move" by Adam Port, and it reminds her of Marc Guiu. Olivia and Marc have been texting, and she recently discovered that he and some other Barca players will be at the Keine Musik event tomorrow.
"Guess what, guys," Olivia says, turning the volume down slightly. "Marc can get us backstage passes for tomorrow!"
"Yes!" Emil, Ben, and I exclaim in unison. The thought of being backstage at such an event is thrilling.
Olivia gets to work, organizing the passes while we head towards the city center for brunch. The streets of Barcelona are bustling, but we find a cozy spot and settle in. The conversation flows easily, filled with laughter and plans for the day.

After brunch, we hit a few tourist stops, soaking in the sights and snapping photos. By lunchtime, we find ourselves at a local spot known for its authentic tapas. The table is soon filled with delicious dishes, and we dive in.
"This is amazing," Ben says, savoring a bite of patatas bravas.
"I told you Barcelona has the best food," I reply, grinning. "Oh, by the way, my dad invited us all to dinner tonight. He wants to welcome you properly."
"That sounds great," Emil says, raising his glass in a toast. "To good food and great company!"
As we continue enjoying our meal, my phone buzzes. It's a message from Gavi. My heart skips a beat as I open it.

Gavi: Hey, can we talk later this evening?

I hesitate for a moment before replying.

Sophia: Sure, but I have a strict time frame. I have friends visiting from Germany, so I can meet from 18:30 to 19:00.

Gavi: That's perfect. I'll pick you up so we can drive to a quiet spot. See you then.
I put my phone down, trying to focus on the present, but my mind is racing. What does Gavi want to talk about?

We arrive back home at 18:25, and I race upstairs to check my appearance in the mirror. Olivia follows me into my room, sensing my nervous energy.
"Hey, calm down," she says, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Everything will be fine."
I nod, taking a deep breath. Just then, my phone rings. It's Gavi.
"I'll be right down," I say, trying to keep my voice steady.
I head outside and spot Gavi waiting in his car. Climbing in, I greet him with a quiet "hey" before we drive off to a small park. The silence is thick, but not uncomfortable. When we arrive, we walk to a bench overlooking a golf course. We sit in silence, watching the golfers for a few moments before I break the silence.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask, turning to him.
Gavi takes a deep breath. "I wanted to apologize again for the kiss. I know it was sudden."
"It's fine," I say, shaking my head. "It didn't bother me. What really stung was the press statement."
He looks genuinely remorseful. "That was a decision made by my PR team and your father. They wouldn't know my true feelings."
I frown, trying to understand. "What are your true feelings, Gavi?"
He looks into my eyes, sincerity in his gaze. "I've been head over heels for you since the first time I saw you. I've never felt worse than thinking you felt differently."

I'm taken aback by his honesty. "Let's start over," I suggest with a smile. "I'm Sophia Flick."
He grins, playing along. "Nice to meet you, Sophia. I'm Pablo Gavi."
We laugh, and for the first time in days, I feel a weight lift off my shoulders. "I have to go," I say reluctantly. "My dad's having a dinner for my friends tonight."
He nods and drives me back home. Before getting out of the car, I lean over and kiss his cheek. "Thanks for tonight.

Back inside, I change into a black shell-cut silk top paired with black satin pants and open heels. I grab my black mini Bottega bag and join everyone downstairs. My mother asks me to check on my father, who is still on a Teams meeting in his office.
I knock softly on the door and enter. My father is deep in conversation with one of his advisors, discussing Gavi's skills and potential.
"He's an exceptional talent," my father says. "His vision on the field and his ability to control the game are remarkable. I really think we can build the team around him."
I feel a surge of pride hearing my father talk about Gavi like this. It's clear he sees something special in him, and it makes me realize just how important Gavi could become to the team.
His advisor responds, "I agree. Gavi has the potential to be a cornerstone player. If we support him well, he can lead us to great success."
My father nods, wrapping up the call. "Let's move forward with this plan. Rafael, we have to get the Olmo issue sorted aswell. The season is starting to get serious and we are missing a lot of players still. He is key." he says before hanging up.
He notices me and smiles. "Ready for dinner?"
"Yes," I reply, my heart swelling with pride for Gavi. He is still in his recovery alongside with Pedri but is planned to return in September. (AUTHORS NOTE: FOR THE SAKE OF SOPHIA ATTENDING GAMES WE ARE ALTERING THE REALITY)
We head to the foyer where everyone is gathered. We split into two cars for the drive to the restaurant. Theo and my parents are in one car, while Ben drives me, Emil, and Olivia in the other. Olivia leans over as we drive.
"So, how did it go?" she asks.
I briefly fill her in on the conversation with Gavi, emphasizing the most important points. We arrive at a beautiful seafood restaurant near Barcelona, overlooking the sea – Can Majó, a renowned spot known for its exquisite cuisine and stunning views. The boys help us out of the car, and we make our way inside.

Dinner winds down with everyone still enjoying their wine. My dad engages Ben and Emil in a conversation about their plans after the holidays. Ben talks about his interest in sports management, and Emil shares his plans to study international business at IE University in Madrid.
"Impressive," my dad says, nodding thoughtfully. "Sports management and international business are both fascinating and important fields. If you guys need any help with internships or even jobs, let me know. Especially you Ben with you going into the sport industy." Ben looks over at my dad thankfully. „Thank you Hansi! I appreciate it." Emil also nodds.
My mom who has been in conversation with Olivia chimes in, "We're so proud of your and Sophia's friendship." She turns to my dad. "We must have Olivia's family visit sometime, Hansi."
Olivia smiles. "They would love that."
My dad pays the bill, and everyone thanks him warmly. "I'm happy to have you all here," he says. As we walk through the streets of Barcelona, my dad talks about the importance of friendship.
"It's crucial to maintain these bonds," he says. "They can support you through anything."
We're stopped by a group of guys about our age. They recognize my dad and ask for a picture with the Barça trainer. I take the photo for them. As one of the guys retrieves his phone, he drunkenly jokes, "Sophia, you should be with me rather than Gavi."
I feel a flicker of irritation but force a polite smile. My family keeps walking, and I push the comment out of my mind.

New story by @sophiaflick

When we get home, Emil, Ben, Olivia, and I sit on the patio in the garden. We reminisce about our years in Munich and talk about how we must visit each other once Emil moves to Madrid. The conversation flows easily, filled with laughter and shared memories.
"We definitely need to make time to visit," Emil says, leaning back in his chair. "These years have been incredible."
"Absolutely," Ben agrees. "And the Keine Musik event tomorrow is going to be epic."
We all share our excitement about the event before deciding to call it a night.

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