Unwavering Desire

By stories_by_aadya

673 324 443

Dr. Atreyi Banerjee, a 26 year-old statistics professor, is a prodigy and is passionate about the influence o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

73 39 60
By stories_by_aadya

Hearing this I was fast on my feet and even before I could contemplate what I was doing, I shouted, "Noo! Dr. Atharv can't be the head of preparation." I realized that the words were already out of my mouth before I could stop them.

Thus, accepting my faith I tried to say a few words as damage control, "I didn't mean to come off as a rude person but I can't work for cultural fest without Meera by my side. We have been doing this together for three years, now I can't accept a freshie as my partner." Oh shit! This is not damage control, all I am doing is causing more damage.

Atharv, trying to keep his composure, replied, "I might be new here, but I'm more than capable of handling this responsibility, Professor Atreyi."

He is really getting on my nerves, why can't he understand that I don't want to team up with him. "This is a huge event. Experience matters, and you barely know how things work around here.I can't spend the entirety of my time instructing you about each and everything." My annoyance is evident in my words and my composure is hanging by a thin thread.

"I may not have the same history at this institution, but I bring fresh ideas and a new perspective," Atharv said firmly. "Isn't that valuable too?"

Crossing my arms, a skeptical look in my eyes, "Fresh ideas are fine, but they don't replace experience. I was hoping to work with someone who already knows the ropes."

Atharv took a deep breath, his frustration rising and control over his anger was slipping from his hands, "Just because I'm new doesn't mean I'm incompetent. I wouldn't have been chosen if I wasn't qualified." Saying so, he stood up from his chair and I could see that he would burst anytime now.

As I was about to instigate him further so that he would willingly give the post back to Meera. But, before I could implement my plan as Principal sir stood up from his chair and said with his voice slightly raised, "Enough, both of you! I would request everyone to leave the meeting room as the meeting is adjourned but you two stay back."

As all the faculty members filled out of the room, Principal sir said, "Would anyone of you like to explain your behavior? Why are your mouths shut now ? Speak up!"

Lowering my head I stared at the floor suddenly finding the floor too interesting. This is my first time getting scolded by Principal sir. It makes me realize how much pampered I am that even though I have been working here for three years now but this situation never occurred.

"Listen, you both are professors now bickering like kids doesn't suit you. In this situation both of you are at fault. Atreyi your persistence to work only with Meera and not with anyone else was highly unprofessional. And Atharv the way you simultaneously argued with her to prove your potential was also not needed. You being appointed as a professor here speak volumes about your potential.

So, i want you both to team up and work for making this year's cultural fest a huge success. And I don't want to listen to any complaints from anyone of you. You both need to swallow your egos and you can't ask anyone to take place or do your work." Saying so Principal sir turned away from us and that was our cue to leave.

Exiting the room I started walking towards my department but a voice called out to me, "Wait!" I turned towards the source and saw Atharv walking towards me. What does he want now ? Is spoiling my mood on the first day of this session not enough?

Stepping into my personal space he said, "Don't even think that this is over. You messed with the wrong person, neonata."

With that he turned around and left, leaving me shocked to the core. Did he just call me baby girl? I am definitely not a baby.
What does he think of himself?

Controlling my urge to strangle him as I don't want to spend the rest of my life in jail, I walked towards my cabin. Once I reach there, I will call Meera to come to my cabin. I need to rant about this to her, and maybe plan something to make his life a living hell.

As I opened the door, a known voice called out to me, from inside "Spill the tea, girl. I have been waiting for you to arrive."

"Oh you are here already! I thought I would call you once I reach my cabin. Looks like I won't have to do that now", I say so while closing the door behind me.

Walking towards my chair, I sit on it with my legs crossed. I know it's unprofessional but irresistibly comfortable. I take a few sips of water to soothe my nerves and it surely didn't work. So the only option that was left for me was to rant to Meera, because she's the only one in this university who knows how to cool my mind.

{Author :- As if you will calm down without rambling in front of Meera. But afterall who am I to judge.🤷‍♀️}

Breathing in the essence infused air and exhaling through my mouth, I say, "I am stuck with him, for entirety of the fest. You know the amount of good looks he has is directly proportional to the amount of rudeness he possesses. He is insufferable and you know what he said ?"

Exhaling I began again, "He threatened me by saying that this thing between us is not over. He even called me Neonata !"

Giving me a puzzled expression, she was about to ask me what does neonata mean so I cut her off and said, "Neonata means baby girl in Italian. He called me a baby Meera."

Hearing that she leaned back on her chair, placing her hand under her chin she just shot me a knowing smile. Getting irritated by her tactics I threw a paper ball hitting her square on head.

That definitely stopped her from smiling but what she said next left me flabbergasted, "Principal sir did the right thing, you really need to stop assuming that you will always work with me only. I know you are quite unsure of Atharv's capabilities but trust me he will overcome all the unnecessary obstacles you will throw towards him. And don't even try to lie that you were having no such thoughts because let me tell you that I know you really well Ms. Atreyi Banerjee. So never try to lie to me."

"Seriously you are saying that Principal sir did the right thing by pairing us together. But believe me Meera, he is as strong headed as I am. And two people who are so similar never fit in together. This will never work, us being together and working for the same cause is as possible as the sun rising in the west. This will be a proper disaster, I can feel it in my nerves." Saying it out loud feels good but there was still pure rage bubbling inside me and consuming me.

To stop myself from spitting things which I don't mean, I turned my head towards the books that are scattered haphazardly around my table. So, I start arranging them as cleaning and reorganizing always manages to calm me down.

Sighing Meera stood up from her seat and I knew she would leave, to give me some space to sort my thoughts out. She walked towards the door and without turning towards me she said, "See Atreyi I know you are a bit shaken by this change of plans and it has always been hard for you to adjust to unwanted changes but trust me Dr. Atharv is the right choice for this job. Just give him a chance Atreyi, I am sure you won't regret it."

And with that she left me alone with my thoughts in my sanctuary.


In the Principal's Office

Knock Knock Knock

A woman's voice called out "May I come in sir ?"

"Come in!"

Stepping inside she said, "Thank you for pairing them together. During the entire meet they were stealing glances of each other but we both know Atreyi won't admit it. The tension was thick in the air during their fight and each one present in that room could feel it."

"Yes you are right Meera, I could feel it too but the way they fight; it scares me that this newfound animosity between them might ruin the university fest and our university's reputation as well." The Principal said as sweat beads appeared on his forehead; a clear indication of worrying thoughts in his mind.

"I understand your concern sir, but they both are equally serious about this. They will definitely sort all of their differences and work together." She said confidently.

Sighing the Principal said, "Okay, if you so. Let's see what the future has in its stock for them as well as for this university."

Nodding her head enthusiastically she took her leave.


That's Chapter 3 for you guys. 💓

What do you guys feel about this pairing ? Will they work together or will Principal's worries turn into reality. I guess the future will tell.

Random Question -

1. What's your favourite colour readers ? Do let me know. 💕

To unlock the next update I need 10 votes and 30 comments in this chapter.

That's for today.
See you all in the next update.
Byeee pookies! 💋

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