Ghost Ores

By MysteriousWifey

486 154 173

Normally people have to die to become a ghost but not in this family. At age 15, they start to develop their... More

Birth of another McCleary:Orgins story
Boy or Girl: Orgins story
Yashmin McCleary Jones
The Change
Muddied McCleary Jones
Muddied McCleary Jones: part 2
Muron Jones
Yashmin's: heat stroke
Yashmin's dilemma
What Am I
Marital face-off
Attempted Genocide
Attempted Genocide 2
Change is now necessary
Home at last
First Kill
Payment due
Awaken in fear
Yashmin's Stands
Yashmin's Supposed fall
Muron's murderous act
Roy.....Roy alive or dying?
Yashmin's Home
The Perils of the shadow realm
End of season 1
Season 2: The Jones' big move.
Yashmin's faith
Boarding of the family
Boarding of the family 2
Boarding the family 3
The settling of the dust
Sarafena, Yashmin and De-lu-ly
Just De-lu-ly
Back Home
Sarafena's battle with del-lu-ly
Guilty or Innocent
The Transition
Question and Answers
The Pact
Sleep Over
The wrath of Murron

Demon in Dad clothing

8 3 6
By MysteriousWifey

Yashmin's POV
The moment I entered this place, I knew I had made a mistake coming here. I found myself on a clear path.

Along the edges of the path I could see several hands stretched out, like drowning men hoping to grasp on to straws.

Their shrieking was painful to the ears. The environment was foggy. Grey and black like old time TV stations.

Every breath I took felt as if I was drowning in smoke. The wind that blew against my skin felt grainy like it was somehow combined with sand.

"Hello!", I said. And heard it traveling several feets down the path in echos. My voice seemed to have provoked some attention, as now I could see several glowing eyes at what appeared to be the end of the path. The hands that stretched up to the path got overly active, searching intensely for what I guess was me. The environment gave an eerie feeling.

I could hear chains pulling steadily on the ground. And I even heard the moo-ing of a cow. Which reminded me of the Jamaican legend of the "rolling calf."

I felt a cold hand covered my mouth and I started to panick. "Sssssssh", said the voice from inside my room.

I tried to calm myself down but the feel of the hand was unsettling. It wetness send shivers down my spine.

"We must get off of this path", it whispered to me.

I didn't know if I should go or stay but I decided to do as the voice say. I left the path hoping I would be able to find safety in a place that appeared  safeless.

It led me to a house in complete darkness. It didn't seem right that a house was here in the middle of nowhere but I went along with it. It seem today was the day I choose to make several bad decisions.

And this too was indeed a bad one but it was better than the alternative.

I opened the door and entered. I saw a table with  one chair pushed under it and one candle lit on top of it. I raced over and pulled out the chair and sat down.

I waited to discover the face of voice that lure me here but it lingered in the darkness  at the edge of the room.

"Do you trust me?", it said. "Do you wanna be my friend?", it continued.

"I do and of course I am your friend", I said with every deceptive skill I possessed.

"You aim to provoke me with your lies?", said the thing from the shadows.

"It's hard to trust what you don't know or cannot see", I said.

"You are so much like her", said the voice.

"So much like who?", I asked.

"Your grandma", it said. "But that also means you are too smart for your own good and that I must take precautions", it said.

Before I could enquired what it meant by precautions. I was pulled from the chair and held up on what I think was the ceiling.

My arms and legs were stretched out away from my body shackled but not by chains but really ugly hands. It all happened so fast, it was unexpected. I struggled to find my words as my fear sunk in.

I looked down and it existed the dark, looking too familiar.

"Why do you look like my father?", I asked.

"Because when you behold my true appearance it won't be something you are able to unsee, so for now I choose this form as when I was observing you. You seem to trust this human", it said.

Observing me I thought to myself. So it would seemed, I led myself to be captured not just by a demon but a demon with stalker tendencies. I could not see a way out of this one. I bid farewell to my family mentally as I prepared for the worse to be fall me.

Yashshauna's POV

I have not sat down,  I couldn't focus. From the moment that thing came for my child the way it came for me.

I should of prepared her as I should of known as her abilities developed. It  would be possible  for her to develop this skill.  I thought as I paced back and forth in the living room waiting on Dad and Sarafena to arrived.

My mom and Grandma sat patiently and quietly in our kitchen.I didn't understand how they  could be so calm. I was really worried for my baby girl. Worried about what that thing may do to her. Worried because she was the first  vampire in the shadow realm.

I saw a bright light appeared in the room and as it dimmed I felt hopeful.

This was the way Dad and Sarafena got around most times. Uninvited and unexpected.

"Dad", I said as I ran into his arms.

"It's ok, it's going to be alright. Sarafena is going to get her", said my dad as he stroke my hair trying to comfort me. All the while seeming absent minded.

"But she can't travel to the spirit realm, she don't possess this ability and thanks to my mother I can't go either as they took my powers", I said confusingly.

"Poor child, John what have you been teaching her since I died", said my mother as she entered the room with my grandmother at her side.

My dad stopped rubbing my head and pushed out of my hug and went in pursued of two of the four persons he loved most.

They met his effort and was reunited at last in my living room. "Mom, Yashseana", he said as he took turns to hug them.

"Finally you are here", said my dad. Sarafena stood silently frowning.

"This is a pleasant surprise. I knew Yashseana was coming the moment Yashshauna came back here powerless, which is why I didn't attempt to ask you guys to pardon her. I knew this would be her mother's way in. But I wasn't expecting you mom", said my dad.

"Well I had to come, to see my grand child, my great grandchild and my only child. The minute I knew what Yashseana was planning. I went along with it", responded my dad.

"Not to break up your happy reunion but remember Yashmin was just kidnapped by a demon. You all can catch up later once the furture Chief of the clans is safe", said Sarafena.

"Yes you are right but before you go. You should know this demon is clever and also ruthless and cruel. If you were to make one mistake in its presence you will end up dead. The trip ahead although you are half witch, half ghost. It won't be easy. This demon is one of great deception. It knows your weakness and it will use them to break you and weaken you before it goes in for the kill. Go get her but be careful", warned Yashseana.

Word from that Author

Hi my readers, I hope you are fine. Especially with the passing of hurricane beryl. I hope you have not lost anyone and that you are in good health. For the people who have lost. My heart is with you.

Now I don't know what awaits Sarafena as she enters the spirit realm. Her presences here as been one of mystery so far. Is she equipped to handle this situation or is it already a loosing battle.

I stay uneasy not knowing what judgment Yashmin is facing this very moment.  See you next write

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