I Am Gundam!

By DMdoubleN

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Izuku and Izumi Midoriya children of Hisashi and Inko Midoriya but Hisashi died when they were born. Then Ink... More

Chapter 1: True Colors
Chapter 2: Royal Encounter
Chapter 3: Izuku and Misurugi Family
Characters Announcement
Chapter 4: Atlas Corporation
Chapter 5: Izuku's Birthday & Taskforce 141
Chapter 7: Arzenal & Dragons
Chapter 8: Merging
Chapter 9: The Song

Chapter 6: Prison Brake & Stranded

1K 23 6
By DMdoubleN

Short Info: Ghost, Roach, Ramirez, and Frost will have Exo Suits. I mean why not.

Izuku's quirk has evolved. He can now control more than one with his mind from long distance, making his Mobile Suit Gundams Big, and making his Mobile Suit Gundams wearable for his teammates just like the Iron Legion and Ultron.

Now back to the story.

Atlas and Sentinel orchestrated a plan for 141 Members to save the Misurugi Family from Julio. But Izuku will not be joining them because he has a different mission as much as he wants to help Angelise's Family but he has to follow orders. Ghost, Roach, Ramirez, and Frost are ready to board in a Razorback VTOL#1.

Izuku summons Buster Gundam Armor, Cherudim Gundam, and Gundam Heavy Arms. Command them to board in a Warbird#1 and provide support for 141.

He materialized his whole body and summoned Freedom Gundam Armor for his solo mission. Then he lifted off.

As for Angelise she's in Arzenal. Like in the Anime, Angelise is shooting targets, surviving hellish training and piloting Villkiss to kill Dragons for few months.

Meanwhile in Misurugi Palace....

Jurai: Julio is this how you treat your own loving family!?

Sylvia: Onii-sama why would you do this to us!?

Julio: This is for Embryo-sama's plan and I will follow it to gain more power and no one will take it from me.

Jurai: You're not gonna get away with this!

Sophia: Julio please don't do this. That's not how I raised you to be.

Jurai: Thank you for bringing this world Mother, but I never loved you.

Sophia is shocked by what he just said and kneels down crying.

Sylvia and Momoka comfort her.

Sylvia: Oni-sama how cruel are you.

Momoka: Julio'sama how cruel.

Julio: While Angelise is in prison my forces will track down and kill your favorite adopted son! Then execute right in front of you then your next one by one.

Julio laughs sadistically but one of the palace guards is running and approaches him.

Palace Guard#3: Alert, Alert, Emperor Julio!!

Julio: What is it!

Palace Guard#3: There's been an attack by an unknown enemy forces.

Julio: Where!?

Palace Guard#3: At the Capital!

Julio: Send all troops to the capital and guard those traitors!

Palace Guard#3: Yes sir!

Julio and the guard leave the prison cell. Then the cell door was unlocked and saw four transparent figures knocking two guards.

Jurai: What the hell!?

141 deactivate their cloaking system to reveal themselves.

Ghost: Emperor Jurai, were Taskforce 141 from Atlas PMC Rescue Force. We're here to rescue all.

Jurai: Thank god. I'm gonna thank Mr Irons for this.

Ghost: You can thank him once we escape this godforsaken place.

Jurai: Alright, let's go then.

Misurugi Family with Momoka and 141 leave the prison cell and finally go outside. The Palace Guards spotted then opened fire at them but luckily Buster Gundam and Gundam Heavy Arms landed near them providing a covering fire.

While Cherudim Gundam stayed in a Warbird to provide sniper support.

The Razorback VTOL arrived and landed. 141 and Misurugi Family have boarded and taken off.

They finally escape from Misurugi Territory.

Momoka: What about Angelise-sama?

Jurai: Unfortunately she's in Arzenal.

Ghost: Arzenal. Isn't this place full of women being trained to be soldiers and piloting their warmachines called Paramails and kill dragons?

Jurai: That's correct. I guess Angelise is being trained to be a soldier.

Sophia: I hope she's doing well.

Sylvia: Yeah, I miss Angelise nee-sama.

Sophia: What about Izuku? Is he with you.

Roach: Yes but no.

Jurai: What do you mean? I see his Gundam Armors.

Frost: You see you're Majesty. His quirk has evolved and he can control his Armors at long distance. So basically he's here with us but only his armor but we can also communicate with him as long as his armor is with us.

Momoka: What an overpowered power he has.

Jurai: So where is he?

Ramirez: His on a different mission. Alone

Sophia: Only himself?

Ramirez: Has every one of you heard the reports of the KVA attacking UK and Paris by their Chemical Gas two years ago?

Misurugi Family and Momoka nodded.

Ramirez: Izuku is part of the platoons to stop the Gas. They've successfully stopped the gas but they were ambushed by the KVA Forces. They tried to fight their way out but at what cost. Atlas reinforcements arrived too late only Izuku survive.

Jurai/Sophia/Sylvia/Momoka(in unison): What!?

Ramirez: When he was back at Atlas HQ. The doctor says Izuku has a left scar and his eyes change color to crimson red due to his quirk evolving. Since he start getting back to his duties he only works alone making him Atlas Corporation's One-Man Army Operative.

Sophia(sad): What a heavy burden he carries. That makes me sad that he has to go alone again.

Jurai comfort Sophia.

Ghost: Don't worry you're Majesty. Izuku is strong. He can't get be broken that easy.

They wonder how Izuku is doing now.

Next scene...

Izuku finishes his mission and goes to a Atlas Territory private island to rest. As he arrives at the Luxury Beach House.

He finally lies down on a couch...

Izuku: Finally, some peace and quietly.

Then alarms have been triggered.

Izuku: At a time like this!

Izuku looks at the security camera to see where it triggered. It's from the other side. Izuku used one of the Hover Bikes to investigate the triggered alarm.

As he arrives he sees a Paramail and a woman with short blonde hair and some sort of revealing blue pilot suit.

He approached her and yells...

Izuku: Hey! This island is Atlas Territory identify yourself!

Angelise POV....

As I turn around and see a soldier wearing an advanced armor with an Atlas Logo and holding an assault rifle pointing at me. Then I point a gun at him.

Izuku POV...

As she turns around and looks at me with a serious look and points a gun at me. I immediately recognized her....

Izuku: Angelise?

Angelise's eyes widened...

Angelise: How do you know my name!?

Izuku lower his assault rifle on the ground and he raised his arm and summons Gundam Exia in front of her. Angelise is surprised in shocked that the only person who has that kind of power is...

Angelise: Izuku is that you?

Izuku POV...

I remove my helmet and reveal my face to Angelise. It's been two years since I last saw her.

Angelise POV...

As he removed his helmet. I saw Izuku's face for the first time in two years. His face changed from cute cinnamon roll to strikingly handsome man. His eyes changed color from green to crimson red, his hair color change from green to dark green, and he has a scar on his left eye.

Angelise starts running towards Izuku to hug him. Then she slaps him in the face so hard....

Izuku: Oww, that's fair.

Angelise slaps him again..

Izuku: Ok, that's also fair.

Angelise: It is you jerk! Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for two years!

Izuku: Angelise, I'm sorry I've kept you waiting.

Angelise: I'm worried about you! I thought you moved on from me or your dead!?

Angelise start crying and hugging Izuku tighter.

Angelise: I still love you, you know.

Izuku: I know, I still love you too.

Izuku notices that it's getting dark and he brings the Hover Bike.

Izuku: Hop on, it's getting dark.

Angelise: What about my Villkiss? I can't just leave it here.

Izuku: You got a point.

Izuku raise his hand and enlarge Gundam Exia to carry Villkis. Angelise sees a bigger version of Gundam Exia.

Angelise: Izuku since when did you learn to do that?

Izuku: I'll explain once we arrive on a Beach House.

Angelise: Beach House?

Izuku drives the Hover Bike while Angelise holds him tight from behind.
Now they've reach the beach house and now relaxed on the couch. Then Izuku started cooking and they ate and Angelise was surprised that Izuku could cook and it's been a while for her to eat good food. After they eat, Angelise sits at Izuku's lap and cuddles him. Then she caressing his face and look at his left scar.

Angelise: Tell me, what happened to you?

Izuku: Since KVA started a chemical attack in UK through France. Our platoons stop the gas but we got ambushed......

Flashback begins. The screen shows a dark, chaotic battlefield. Gunfire and explosions echo in the background.

Izuku and his platoon are moving through the streets, their faces tense and determined.

Izuku(V.O.): We moved in quickly, secured the gas canisters, and thought we had it under control. But then... they came.The KVA forces ambush Izuku's platoon. Gunfire erupts from all directions. Izuku's teammates fell one by one.

Izuku(V.O.): They were waiting for us. We were ambushed. My team... they fought bravely, but we were outnumbered.
I'm covered in blood and dirt, continues to fight, to fend off the attackers.

Izuku(V.O.): We tried to hold our ground, but it was chaos. The KVA just kept coming. I... I couldn't save them.Atlas forces arrive too late. The screen shows Izuku, badly wounded, crawling through the wreckage, his left eye injured.

Izuku(V.O.): When the reinforcements finally arrived, it was too late. I was the only one left... barely alive.

Flashback ends. The screen returns to the quiet room. Izuku's face is pale, his eyes haunted by the memories.

Angelise: (gently) Izuku... You don't have to carry this burden alone. I'm here for you.

Izuku: (voice cracking) Angelise... I feel like I failed them. My team, they... they didn't deserve that.

Angelise: (firmly) You did everything you could. They knew the risks, and they believed in you. You can't blame yourself for what happened.

Izuku looks into Angelise's eyes, finding a small comfort in her presence.

Izuku: (softly) Thank you, Angelise. I... I just needed to let it out.

Angelise: (smiling) Anything for you Izuku. We'll get through this together.

Izuku looks at Angelise.

Izuku: I didn't expect you to wear a Paramail pilot suit.

Angelise smile and stands up to spin around for Izuku to see.

Angelise(smile): Do you like it?

Izuku: Honestly yeah. I really can't deny how hot you are.

Angelise blushed but smirked at him. Then she sits on his lap again and starts kissing him. He can't hold any longer.

Izuku: Let's go to my bed.

Angelise: My, how bold.

Warning 🍋.

They both get inside of Izuku's bed locked the door and they start making love.....

They both took off their uniforms. Angelise loves the sight of Izuku's hot muscular body while Izuku loves the sight of her sexy body and her breast.

They start caressing each other's bodies, biting and licking each other.....

Izuku started sucking her breasts making her moan louder and excited.

Angelise(smiling, moaning): Yes.... Izuku.... Keep going... Keep sucking my breasts.

Angelise then starts stroking his member and sucking the tip of it.

Izuku(enjoying): Angelise... You're tongue... Is amazing.

Then Angelise starts riding his member. She moaned loudly and Izuku stared at her how excited she was and they went faster.

Izuku(enjoying): Angelise, Are you sure about this?

Angelise(smiling, moaning): Yes, my Izuku. I want your seeds in my body.

Then his member spreads its seeds inside her making her scream in pleasure. They're both exhausted and cuddling each other. They both go to sleep.

The Next Day....

Izuku wakes and sees Angelise next to her. Both naked.

Izuku(smile): Morning.

Angelise(smile): Morning

They kissed and get up Izuku cooked breakfast and they eat. A few hours passed Izuku and Angelise sees a Razorback VTOL and a Warbird approaching and landed infront. Misurugi Family, Momoka, and 141 got off and they see Angelise standing.

Jurai/Sophia/Sylvia/Momoka: Angelise/Angelise nee-sama/ Angelise-sama!

Angelise: Mom, Dad, Sylvia, Momoka.

Angelise run and hugged them.

Angelise: I'm glad all of you are safe.

Sophia: Me too, sweetie.

Sylvia: We missed you Angelise nee-sama.

Momoka: Angelise-sama I'm so glad you're ok.

Jurai: So you're a Paramail Rider?

Angelise: Yeah, I am.

Momoka: Angelise-sama, were you treated well Arzenal? What did they do to you? Did you cut your hair?

Angelise: Momoka calm down.

Izuku appear and approached.

Izuku: Alright, Momoka calm down let Angelise have some space.

Sophia: Uhm, who are you?

Izuku raise his hand and summons Freedom Gundam infront of them.

Jurai/Sophia/Sylvia/Momoka: Izuku/ Izuku ni-chan/ Izuku-san?

Izuku removes helmet and reveal his face.

Izuku(smiles): It's been a while.

They approached and hugged Izuku.

Jurai: Good to see you, my boy.

Izuku: Likewise.

Sophia touched and observe his face.

Sophia: Are you alright, Izuku?

Izuku: Don't worry Mom, I'm fine. Let's catch-up inside.

They're headed to the beach house catching up with Izuku.

Three days later....

Izuku, 141, and Angelise are ready to depart but Momoka wants to join in to look after Angelise. Angelise accepts. Izuku and Angelise say their goodbyes to Jurai, Sophia, and Sylvia. 141 and Momoka boarded the Razorback VTOL and Izuku summons Freedom Gundam and make it bigger like a giant Mobile Suit. Izuku and Angelise enter the freedom cockpit and carried Villkiss.

Then they lifting off and setting course to Arzenal...

Angelise sits at Izuku's lap while piloting Freedom.

Angelise: Izuku before we arrive becareful all of the women their are very thirsty when they see a man.

Izuku is processing what she just said.

Izuku: Are they really that horny when they see a man?

Angelise: Trust me.

Izuku gulped..

Izuku(thought): This is gonna be a long day.

End of Chapter.

Next Chapter. Chapter 7 Arzenal and Dragons.

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