Knowles Beauty

By Healing_Xa

799 4 0

Knowles Beauty is a story about a family who are so blinded by money and power, while fighting amongst themse... More

Character Introduction
Act I
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

42 0 0
By Healing_Xa

Onika Knowles

I sat alone eating dinner and Beyonce was still not back, Ru wasn’t up to being at the table either, so he ate in his room.

I retreated to her bedroom, if she wasn’t coming back, I guess I’ll sleep here.

Truth be told, when Beyonce mentioned wanting a child my heart broke and mind went on defensive mode.

A couple years after we had the twins, I was pregnant, but I wasn’t aware. The doctors called it a cryptic pregnancy.

I was bleeding too much for it to be period blood, Beyonce was away on business. I found myself on the floor in a pool of blood, crying in excruciating pain is how one of the staff found me.

I was glad it was her and not the kids. She rushed me to the hospital and that’s how I found out the blood was not period blood but my child.

I had to be put to sleep in an attempt to stop me from driving myself into shock. I remember falling in and out of sleep. The kids stayed at home with the head maid while my body pushed out what remained of my child. My body didn’t even ask if I wanted the baby. Just flushed everything out.

Ater a couple of days at the hospital, I went home and pretended like the miscarriage or pregnancy didn’t happen.

It came at a price, losing a child that way. Doctors weren’t sure I’d be able to carry a child to full term again, the only way to find out would to get pregnant again. But I didn’t want to test that theory, so when Beyonce mentioned wanting a child, I panicked.

I never told her about what happened when she was away, wouldn't bring back my baby.

I slept peacefully in her bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night and almost screamed when I saw a figure sleeping on the couch. It was Beyonce, she came back.

I slightly brushed up and down on her thigh to wake her up. “I’m up baby” she pulled me on her lap and placed her hands around my waist.

It was the sleep talking, “let’s get in bed, you’ll wake up with a sore back from sleeping on the couch” she kissed my cheek and carried me up.

“I swear if you drop me Beyonce…” she placed me safely on the bed, “I got you baby, always. I’ll never hurt you” I wish she was awake to hear herself.

I still had questions running through my mind, where was she, with who, what were they doing this late and why not join me in the bed and sleep on the couch.

“I’ll put a baby in you one of these days” she said in her sleep while burying her face in my breast.

  Beyonce Knowles

I woke up to the sound of an alarm, I was busy handling business until the wee hours and got back late that I forgot I had work the next day. “Beyonce please stop that damn alarm before I slam it against the wall” so physical early in the morning.

I turned the alarm off and stuffed my face in her breasts.

I didn't want to alarm anyone, but someone was coming at me. Not straight but sideways and worse, I didn't know who it was.

First it was Blue, whoever orchestrated that wasn't playing around.

The girl also had no idea who it was, she just received instructions and an offer anonymously. She did get rewarded genourasly, shows whoever was behind it had to have money.

Blue was just the start, they could very well be plotting against the twins and Onika.

I had to get them on the same page about safety without alerting them.

I got up and got ready for work.

I stood on the edge of the bed, "please have Rumi and Ru here tonight for dinner, there's something important I want to discuss with them including you". I kissed her lips and left the bedroom.

I love that woman, I just have a different way of expressing it.

I sent a message to Blue on my way to work.

-Are you okay love?

She responded almost immediately

Blue- May I ask questions about last night.

-I know Blue, I'll answer all your questions tonight. Come over for dinner but please don't mention anything about last night to Onika and the twins.

Blue- As long as you answer my questions, I won't mention anything.

- See you tonight.

Blue- See ya

I was glad she was slowly getting back to her regular self. No one can keep her down forever.

"Mrs. Knowles, you have a visitor in your office" I remember specifically saying to never let anyone in my office apart from my children or wife.

She read my thoughts, "I'm sorry boss, I tried to get her to wait for you at the foyer but she threatened to have you fire me" that could be only one person 'Cardi'.

I went to my office and sure enough, it was her.

"what do I owe the pleasure for your visit?" she smirked.

"I could use some pleasure and pressure" she seductively licked her lips "But I'm afraid, I don't have the time for that. Let's talk business Knowles" I laughed.

"Business is my language, now I can hear you" I sat down and opened the document she put in front of me.

"Your ideas are great don't get me wrong but not for Knowles Beauty, I could refer you to someone who might be interested in your work." I don't have to help her out like this, but I still did.

"a fair warning, don't go over there flirting, the wife will kill you before you can say your next pickup line." we laughed together.

"A pity we can't work together but you've been a great sports. Your woman is lucky to have you" I wanted to believe that.

I arrived home and everyone was here.

We ate dinner in awkwardness. They just wanted me to tell them why I called them here, no patience.

We took the family meeting to my study.

"I called you guys here tonight because safety issues" Onika sat on the arm chair next to me.

"With what happened to Blue, I can't having you all in harms way. From here on wherever you go you'll be be accompanied by a bodyguard" Rumi was about to object.

Onika beat her to it "Please honey, just listen to your mother. I know you want nothing to do with us but you are still family and your safety is important to us. Don't fight this" she recoiled and stood back.

"Great, now we can't have freedom, what else?" I looked at Ru straight in the eye. I think it's about time I have a word with him. I've let him run recklessly far too long.

"Nothing, just that. You can go on now. Good night kids, Blue you're welcome to stay the night" she shook her head "I'm good. Good night guys, see you whenever" she hugged her siblings and left.

Rumi bid us both goodnight with kisses to the cheek.

Ru was being a brat, he just left without a word.

"That boy" I shaked my head and looked at Onika, "his your son" she matched my gaze. "I know, what I don't know is why he acts like that" she moved from the arm chair and sat on my lap.

"Don't be rough with him, when you have a word with him" I don't know why she's always babying this boy. "I won't and stop treating him like a baby. His a grown ass man" she rolled her eyes. "keep rolling them and they'll be stuck" she laughed while rubbing my chest. "we can't have that can we?" I smiled at her and hung my head back.

She was about to get up but I pulled her back on my lap, "stay a while" she put her arms around my neck and I laid my head on her breasts. I just love them.

After a moment, I picked her up and took her to my bedroom. Before I could discard my clothes she stopped me, "I'm tired Beyonce, I'll go sleep in my room" she left quickly. What's going on with her lately?

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