Jahnnie Drabbles☆

By shyc0bain

22.8K 563 400

(Jake Webber ♡ Johnnie Guilbert ) This book is all for fun and not to be taken seriously, drabbles both roman... More

☆Ruined Routine☆
☆LiveStream Kiss☆
☆Night Drive☆
☆Stoned At Target☆
☆High Confessions☆
☆Sensory Overload☆
☆MineCraft Stream☆
☆Johnnie On Shrooms?!☆
☆First Meeting☆
☆Drunk Driving☆
☆Jake Gets Hurt!☆
☆Attempted Murder!?☆
☆Editing And Kisses☆
☆Jake & Food Sensories☆
☆Ghost Hunting☆
☆Sweet Tooth For U☆
☆Trolling On Omegle☆
☆Haunted Nyc Hotel☆
☆The Party☆
☆Johnnie's Neck Tattoo☆
☆Jake's Back Tattoo☆
☆Queen Mary☆
☆Conjuring House☆
☆Johnnie Is Jealous☆
☆Jake's Drunken Outburst☆
☆"You're Short!☆
☆Jake's Sick☆
☆Jake's Cigarette's☆
☆Jake Has A Heart Attack!☆
☆Guilbert's Disease☆
☆Johnnie Went To Jail?!☆
☆Jake's Bday Car Stream☆
☆Sleepy Kisses☆
☆Abandoned Hospital☆
☆Conjuring Pt2☆
☆Psych Ward☆
☆A Surprise Pet Pug!☆
☆Watching Old Videos☆
☆Dinner Date☆
☆Breakfast In Bed☆
☆Nonverbal Shutdown☆
☆Jake's Feelings☆
☆Weed Panic☆
☆Red-Hair Pets☆
☆Johnnie, Don't Jump!☆
☆Jake Goes Missing☆
☆Smoking Cigarettes☆
☆Baking Edibles☆
☆"Please, Eat."☆
☆Jake's Stuttering☆
☆"Mine, All Mine."☆
☆I'm Not Perfect☆
☆Drunk Disaster☆
☆Late Night 7-Eleven Run☆
☆Jake's Snake Bites☆
☆The Rooftop☆
☆Jake On Acid?!☆
☆"Jake's Mine."☆
☆"Jake's Mine"Pt2☆
☆Stealing Clothes☆
☆Flirty YouTube Video!☆
☆Attempted Murder?!Pt2☆
☆Social Cues R Difficult☆
☆Intoxicated Love☆
☆Angry Jake☆
☆Sprained Ankle☆
☆Home Date☆
☆Library Trip☆
☆Sprained Ankle Pt2☆
☆Caught Kissing!☆
☆Worst Airbnb☆
☆The Emo's Smile☆
☆Engagement Pt2☆
☆Comparing Hand-Sizes☆
☆Hanging Out W/ Friends☆
☆Pizza Night☆
☆Couch Cuddling☆
☆Teen Romance☆
☆Jake's Food Therapy☆
☆Johnnie Gets Roofied☆
☆U R Crazy!!☆
☆Stubborn Boy☆
☆More Teasing!!!☆
☆Age Regression☆
☆Social Isolation☆
☆Panic Attack☆
☆Drunk Emo☆
☆Night Walk Downtown☆
☆Sunset Skies☆
☆Drunk Argument!☆
☆LSD Trip☆
☆Jake's Autism☆
☆Broken A/C☆
☆Playful Wrestling☆
☆Break-Up Prank!☆
☆Jake's Zyns☆
☆Pranking Johnnie☆
☆Jake's Withdrawals☆
☆Weighted Blanket☆
☆Jake Fakes His Death!☆
☆Pranking Jake!☆
☆Gingerbread House☆
☆Cecil Hotel☆
☆"Me or Her?!"☆
✿A/N: Fanart Of Jake!✿
☆Hand Touches☆
☆Early Mornings☆
☆"What Eyes?"☆
☆Sleepy Johnnie☆
✿A/N:Fanart Of Johnnie!✿⁠
☆Sharpie Words☆
☆Emo Boy☆
✿Photo Dump✿


132 6 3
By shyc0bain

Request: johnnieguilbertluvr

[ Jake purposes Johnnie during dinner <33 ]


The couple is out for dinner tonight, and Jake feels nervous. Johnnie is happily munching on a chicken tender, as his emo makeup covered eyes look up at Jake.

Jake smiles at Johnnie, feeling a bit more at ease. He reaches across the table and holds his hand, rubbing his thumb gently over the back of it.

"You've been quiet." Johnnie raises an eyebrow, since Jake is never usually this quiet. He sets his food down and picks up his drink, sipping it.

"Sorry, I've just been thinking about something." Jake smiles and leans back in his chair. He lets go of Johnnie's hand and takes a sip of his drink. "I have a surprise for you."

Johnnie giggles. "A surprise?" He sounded intrigued but a little confused. He rests his head on his hands, looking at Jake.

Jake suddenly felt super nervous. He grips the small black box that is stuffed in his formal pants, he nods. "But let's enjoy this food first."

"Okay..?" Johnnie laughs a bit, watching Jake cut into his steak. Before going back to eating his own food. "How's your night, babe?"

"My night's been great. I've been enjoying myself. Especially now that I'm with you." Jake smiles and reaches over to take Johnnie's hand again. "How's your night been?"

"Pretty good. Curious on this surprise though." Johnnie smiled, biting his lip piercing.

Jake laughs softly and squeezes Johnnie's hand. "You'll find out soon enough. I promise." He takes another bite of his steak and then swallows.

Johnnie squeezes Jake's hand. "You know, I just realized something.. we've been friends for a while and been dating.. Ain't that weird to think about? Like, we literally started dating since that time we kissed each other drunk at Tara's party?"

Jake nods and chuckles. "It is a little weird, but I don't regret it at all. I think that kiss was the best thing that's ever happened to us." He smiles and looks into Johnnie's eyes. "Do you regret it?"

Johnnie scoffed, "No! fuck, no. I don't regret shit." he replied, defensively.

Jake chuckles at Johnnie's defensive tone. "I'm glad to hear that. Because I really love you, and I wouldn't trade this relationship for anything in the world." He takes another sip of his drink, feeling content and happy.

They both finished dinner, now it's time. Jake watches Johnnie stand up, quickly Jake walks over.

Jake takes Johnnie's hand and leads him out of the restaurant. They walk through the parking lot, and Jake pulls out a black box. "Here, I'm ready to give you your surprise."

"Wait.." Johnnie muttered, watching Jake getting down on one knee. Jake smiles up at Johnnie and opens the box, revealing a small diamond ring inside.

"Will you marry me?"

He looks at Johnnie, his heart racing and his face flushed with excitement.

Johnnie gasped and covered his mouth with his hands, his emo eyes all wide in shock. "Ja-" is all he can get out since he is speechless.

Jake's smile widens as he sees Johnnie's reaction. "Is that a yes?" He waits for Johnnie to respond, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Shut the fuck up-" Johnnie uncovered his face, looking at the ring, tears of joy began to roll down his face and he shouts. "YES, JAKE, YES!"

Jake stands up and pulls Johnnie into a tight hug, tears welling up in his own eyes. "I love you so much, Johnnie. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He holds the ring out for Johnnie to take, waiting for him to put it on his finger.

Johnnie returns the hug, before pulling back. His makeup had black streaks on his face since he was crying tears of joy. He held his tatted hand out.

Jake takes Johnnie's hand and slides the ring onto his finger. He kisses the ring and then looks up at Johnnie again, smiling softly.

"You're the love of my life, and I can't wait to start our new journey together." He pulls Johnnie into another hug, kissing his forehead.

"What the fuck is happening..." Johnnie laughs as he hiccups a few sobs of joy, holding onto his punk boyfriend. "cheesy fuck.."

Jake laughs and squeezes Johnnie tighter. "You know you love it. And don't worry, I'll be cheesy every day." He smiles and wipes away Johnnie's tears with his thumb. "I love you so much, Johnnie."

"I love you too," Johnnie happily replied as he crashed his lips onto Jake's. Jake's eyes widen in surprise as Johnnie kisses him, but he quickly returns the kiss with equal passion.

He wraps his arms around Johnnie's waist, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.

Johnnie pulls back, smiling widely. He looks at the engagement ring on his hand.

Jake smiles back at Johnnie, feeling happy and content. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Johnnie. You're the most amazing person I've ever met, and I'm so lucky to have you in my life." He takes Johnnie's hand and starts walking towards the car. "Come on, let's go home."

"Fuckin' dweeb." Johnnie laughs, as he hugs onto Jake's tatted arm, the engagement ring sparkling in the moonlight.

Jake chuckles and pulls Johnnie closer, kissing the top of his head. "Yeah, I'm a dweeb. But I'm your dweeb." He opens the car door for Johnnie and helps him in before getting in himself.

Johnnie laughs as he is seated in the passenger. He couldn't get his emo eyes off the ring now. "The ring is so pretty." he says in awe.

Jake smiles and looks at the ring as well. "I picked it out myself. I wanted something that would suit you, and I think this one is perfect. It matches your personality and style." He reaches over and takes Johnnie's hand, rubbing his thumb over the ring. "Do you like it?"

"I love it," Johnnie lifts his tatted hand, looking at the ring sparkling on his ring finger.

Jake watches Johnnie admire the ring and smiles. "I'm glad you love it. It's going to be a symbol of our love and commitment to each other. It's going to be a reminder of the day I asked you to be my husband, and it's going to be a reminder of the love and happiness we share every day." He starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot.

"If you say one more sappy shit, I'm going to throw it out the window." Johnnie sarcastically jokes, smiling widely. But the tone went over Jake's head.

"Wait, no!!!" Jake exclaimed. "Don't do that!" Johnnie bursts into laughter. "I'm joking I'm not gonna do that, besides, it's too pretty!"

Jake sighs in relief and laughs as well. "You got me there, emo bitch. I thought you were actually serious for a second."

He shakes his head and smiles at Johnnie. "I'm just glad you love the ring so much. I wanted to get you something special, and I'm glad it turned out the way it did." He glances over at Johnnie and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Focus on driving," Johnnie smiled as he felt Jake's kiss to his face. Jake laughs and turns his attention back to the road. "You're right, I need to focus on driving. We're almost home, and I want to get you in bed as soon as possible." He winks at Johnnie and smirks.

"JAKE! NO!' Johnnie exclaimed, laughing as he grabbed one of Jake's hands, so he is steering with one now.

Jake laughs as Johnnie grabs his hand and pulls it away from the steering wheel.

"Hey, I'm kiddingggggg." He chuckles and pulls his hand back, putting it on Johnnie's thigh instead.

Johnnie felt all warm and giddy inside. He smiled as he looked at Jake's hand resting on his thigh that was covered by the black skinny jeans.

Jake noticed the way Johnnie was looking at his hand and smiled. He squeezed his thigh lightly, feeling the soft fabric of the jeans against his palm.

Johnnie giggled at the touch, before holding his ring hand to Jake. "How much was this?" He asked, snickering.

Jake smiles and takes Johnnie's hand, tapping the ring with his finger.

"It was around $3,000, but it was worth every penny. I wanted to get you something special, and I think this ring is perfect." He glanced at Johnnie, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight. "You're worth more than money, and you're my everything."

Johnnie's mouth drops as Jake pulled into the driveway. "YOU SPENT, HOW MUCH?!" He gasped as he gets out of the car. In disbelief that Jake would spend this much for him.

Jake chuckles as he gets out of the car and walks over to Johnnie, wrapping his arms around him. "I know it's a lot of money, but it's worth it. You're worth it."

He kisses Johnnie's cheek and smiles at him. "I love you, and I want to give you everything you deserve. You're my future husband, and I want to make sure you're taken care of."

Johnnie laughs, a bit flustered when he heard 'husband'. He takes Jake's hand and the two lovebirds walk into the house.

Johnnie and Jake are currently now cuddling on the couch. Johnnie couldn't get his eyes off the ring. "It's so pretty.. and emo." he laughs.

Jake chuckles and pulls Johnnie closer to him, running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm glad you like it. I thought it was the perfect ring for you. It's a bit emo, but it's also elegant and sophisticated. It suits you perfectly." He smiles and kisses Johnnie's forehead. "You're my emo fiancé, and I love you just the way you are."

"You just said a big word." Johnnie giggles, "So- so.. uh," he couldn't pronounce it.

Jake laughs at Johnnie's struggle to pronounce the word and pulls him closer.

"Sophisticated. It means refined and elegant. You're a little bit of an emo, but you have a refined taste in jewelry. That's why I thought the ring was perfect for you."

He strokes Johnnie's hair and kisses his forehead again. "You're so cute when you get all flustered like this."

"I love jewelry, but this one, is my favorite." Johnnie laughs as he looks at the engagement ring again. "It suits well with my other ones and my necklaces."

Jake smiles and nods in agreement. "I'm glad you like it so much. I want you to have something special that you can wear every day and think of me."

He kisses Johnnie's cheek and pulls him onto his lap, running his fingers up and down his back. "Do you want to know a secret?"

Johnnie tilts his head, his legs draped over the couch as he is on Jake's lap. He wraps his arms around Jake's neck, playing with the red dyed locks. "What's the secret?"

Jake smiles widely as he says, "The secret is that I was fuckin' nervous to uh, to purpose to you.. and thankfully I didn't have a panic attack."

Johnnie giggles, a genuine smile resting on his face. "Yeah, thank goodness you fuckin' didn't."

Johnnie shifts more comfortably on Jake's lap, as he is admiring the ring, he couldn't get his eyes off it.

Jake notices Johnnie's admiration of the ring and smiles. "Do you like it? I had it custom-made just for you. I wanted it to be unique and special, just like you."

Johnnie's mouth dropped, "This is custom made?!" he looks up at Jake. "Jake!"

Jake laughs and nods. "Yes, it is. I wanted it to be perfect, so I went to a jeweler and had it made just for you. Do you like it?" He looks at Johnnie with a hopeful expression, waiting for his reaction.

"Of course I fucking like it!" Johnnie replied, "stop doubting me, I love the fuck outta you."

Jake smiles and pulls Johnnie close, pressing their foreheads together. "I love you too, Johnnie. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." He kisses Johnnie softly, his heart overflowing with love and happiness.

Johnnie returns the kiss and pulls back. Resting his head on Jake's chest, his body all pressed up against his as he is laying on Jake's lap now. His phone in his hand, as he scrolls. The ring sparkling.

Jake wraps his arms around Johnnie and holds him close, enjoying the feeling of his body pressed against his. He rests his head on top of Johnnie's and watches as he scrolls through his phone. "What are you doing, my love?"

"Just lookin' at stuff." Johnnie replied, liking some instagram posts. He tilts his head back and blows a kiss to Jake.

Jake chuckles. "cute." He leans his head down and connects his lips with Johnnie.

They shared a short kiss and pulled back. "I love you." Jake says.

"I love you, more." Johnnie replied.

(The end.)
(2,170 words)

(Here's a photo of the ring i had pictured so u guys can see!! :D )

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