Chronicles Of My Darling Husb...

By Suganthii

115K 12.2K 5.1K

[FEATURED IN OFFICIAL WATTPAD AMBASSADORS PROFILE] This is one of the books in the series: Destined To Be. (c... More

Author's Note
The Series: Destined To Be
Nishita's Playlist
Prologué: Aroh
Families & Friends
1. Atirajni (Part 1)
2. Atirajni (Part 2)
3. Atirajni (Part 3)
4. Atirajni (Part 4)
5. Atirajni (Part 5)
6. Nrup (Part 1)
7. Nrup (Part 2)
8. Nrup (Part 3)
9. Nrup (Part 4)
10. Nrup (Part 5)
11. Lochan (Part 1)
12. Lochan (Part 2)
13. Lochan (Part 3)
14. Lochan (Part 4)
15. Lochan (Part 5)
16. Tvish (Part 1)
17. Tvish (Part 2)
18. Tvish (Part 3)
19. Tvish (Part 4)
20. Tvish (Part 5)
21. Uditi (Part 1)
22. Uditi (Part 2)
23. Uditi (Part 3)
24. Uditi (Part 4)
25. Uditi (Part 5)
26. Madanah (Part 1)
27. Madanah (Part 2)
28. Madanah (Part 3)
29. Madanah (Part 4)
30. Madanah (Part 5)
31. Pratisthana (Part 1)
32. Pratisthana (Part 2)
33. Pratisthana (Part 3)
34. Pratisthana (Part 4)
35. Pratisthana (Part 5)
36. Durdhara (Part 1)
37. Durdhara (Part 2)
38. Durdhara (Part 3)
39. Durdhara (Part 4)
40. Durdhara (Part 5)
41. Dinammanyaa (Part 1)
42. Dinammanyaa (Part 2)
43. Dinammanyaa (Part 3)
44. Dinammanyaa (Part 4)
45. Dinammanyaa (Part 5)
46. Prakopa (Part 1)
47. Prakopa (Part 2)
48. Prakopa (Part 3)
49. Prakopa (Part 4)
50. Prakopa (Part 5)
51. Saksathkriya (Part 1)
52. Saksathkriya (Part 2)
53. Saksathkriya (Part 3)
54. Saksathkriya (Part 4)
55. Saksathkriya (Part 5)
56. Vismit (Part 1)
57. Vismit (Part 2)
58. Vismit (Part 3)
59. Vismit (Part 4)
60. Vismit (Part 5)
61. Nikshanam (Part 1)
62. Nikshanam (Part 2)
63. Nikshanam (Part 3)
64. Nikshanam (Part 4)
65. Nikshanam (Part 5)
66. Sakhilya (Part 1)
67. Sakhilya (Part 2)
68. Sakhilya (Part 3)
69. Sakhilya (Part 4)
70. Sakhilya (Part 5)
71. Udvaha (Part 1)
72. Udvaha (Part 2)
73. Udvaha (Part 3)
74. Udvaha (Part 4)
75. Udvaha (Part 5)
76. Vivaha (Part 1)
77. Vivaha (Part 2)
78. Vivaha (Part 3)
79. Vivaha (Part 4)
80. Vivaha (Part 5)
81. Satya (Part 1)
82. Satya (Part 2)
83. Satya (Part 3)
84. Satya (Part 4)
85. Satya (Part 5)
86. Grahapravesh (Part 1)
87. Grahapravesh (Part 2)
88. Grahapravesh (Part 3)
89. Grahapravesh (Part 4)
90. Grahapravesh (Part 5)
91. Kumud (Part 1)
92. Kumud (Part 2)
93. Kumud (Part 3)
94. Kumud (Part 4)
95. Kumud (Part 5)
96. Svara (Part 1)
97. Svara (Part 2)
98. Svara (Part 3)
99. Svara (Part 4)
100. Svara (Part 5)
101. Pathik (Part 1)
102. Pathik (Part 2)
103. Pathik (Part 3)
104. Pathik (Part 4)
105. Pathik (Part 5)
106. Vigama (Part 1)
107. Vigama (Part 2)
108. Vigama (Part 3)
109. Vigama (Part 4)
110. Vigama (Part 5)
111. Aavartan (Part 1)
112. Aavartan (Part 2)
113. Aavartan (Part 3)
114. Aavartan (Part 4)
115. Aavartan (Part 5)
116. Kalaha (Part 1)
117. Kalaha (Part 2)
118. Kalaha (Part 3)
119. Kalaha (Part 4)
120. Kalaha (Part 5)
121. Kutumb (Part 1)
122. Kutumb (Part 2)
123. Kutumb (Part 3)
124. Kutumb (Part 4)
125. Kutumb (Part 5)
126. Sneh (Part 1)
127. Sneh (Part 2)
128. Sneh (Part 3)
129. Sneh (Part 4)
130. Sneh (Part 5)
131. Upahar (Part 1)
132. Upahar (Part 2)
133. Upahar (Part 3)
134. Upahar (Part 4)
135. Upahar (Part 5)
136. Beej (Part 1)
137. Beej (Part 2)
138. Beej (Part 3)
139. Beej (Part 4)
140. Beej (Part 5)
141. Peeda (Part 1)
142. Peeda (Part 2)
143. Peeda (Part 3)
144. Peeda (Part 4)
145. Peeda (Part 5)
146. Kshama (Part 1)
147. Kshama (Part 2)
148. Kshama (Part 3)
149. Kshama (Part 4)
150. Aarambh
Epilogué: Avroh

Behind The Dialogues

581 36 46
By Suganthii

Follow me on Instagram for story-related updates, some creative content and to rant your heart out - handle is- suganthii.writes


A big thank you to everyone who read this long story, (the journey of Jagdish and Nishita building their own family) that wasn't a lot long. I mean, I haven't completed it with proper editing but I guess the word count lies between 100K to 120K, which is the usual word count for any proper novel.

Like my other two books in the series, I do have interesting things to share about this story. So, let's start-


While writing "Not A Simple Engineer Boy!" I had to revisit "A Loan Of Five Rupees" to make sure I wasn't messing up the characters' ages and personalities. That's when I really noticed Nishita and remembered that her name popped up in "Sliver Of Silver" with similar traits. It hit me that I had always intended to write Nishita's story but never got around to it.

Funnily enough, while writing Xavier's story, a lot of past characters bounced back, filling my mind with so many stories and making me giddy. That's how this plot came to be. I had a rough idea because Krishna mentions in his story about Yashoda trying to find a bride for his brother, who is a very busy lawyer. Plus, Nishita adds to the background by talking about how a workaholic her husband is.

It was more than enough to stir up a story and sketch out the main plot points.


I guess I put in quite a bit of effort when drafting the characters for this book (not all of them, but definitely the key ones).

Let's see how I sketched them-


This guy wasn't entirely unexpected. I wanted him to embody the ideal man our society expects, especially since the eldest child in any family often bears the brunt of high expectations. Jagdish had to fit that mold. His parents' story isn't detailed much in Krishna's story because neither Krishna nor Subhadra faced the same hardships in their childhood. Only the eldest son truly understands the struggles their parents endured at the start of their life.

From an early age, Jagdish took on the responsibilities of his siblings, leaving little time for personal relationships. While he did have a few crushes in college and at his firm, he never pursued them. It wasn't that he was uninterested; he just preferred to let his mother find someone suitable for him.

And that's how he first sees Nishita's photo and instantly forgets that any other woman exists in the world (okay, maybe that's a bit dramatic!).

I wouldn't say Jagdish is exactly an introvert. He's more of an ambivert, leaning slightly toward introversion. He has good friendships, engages in meaningful conversations with his relatives, and stays connected with almost everyone he knows. If you recall, he frequently checks in on Alisha and asks about her well-being (mentioned in "Not A Simple Engineer Boy!). That's just who Jagdish is—someone who cares deeply about everyone around him.

I would say, Jagdish's personality is heavily inspired by my husband. Even though he's not the eldest in his family, he fits the "cares and prioritizes family first" mold perfectly. For him, everything revolves around family. While his thoughts and ideas differ greatly from his parents, he respects their choices and, in my opinion, is a great son. Although he never agreed to an arranged marriage (his mom says they never even tried because they knew it wouldn't suit him, lol), he ended up loving and marrying me. I changed that one important point from Jagdish's life and incorporated a few things to make him "Jagdish"

Also, it seems Singh men tend to see one woman, fall in love like crazy, and wait for her, whether it's Krishna, Jagdish, or their father, Veer.


Hmm... Well, she is about 20-30% like me, 40-50% of one of my closest friends, and around 20% like Kashaf from Zindagi Gulzar Hai. Though she grew up in a loving family, her insecurities about marriage and men stem from her observations of those around her. However, the way she instantly fits into the Singh family wasn't surprising to me. The friend I mentioned had an arranged marriage and is living happily with her husband. She completely integrated into their household because they provided her with the space to be herself. I find it truly amazing how versatile a woman can be when given the opportunity.


She's the ultimate mother figure for me. Sure, she's a bit petty and not the ideal sacrificial mother archetype, but I adore her. Honestly, I aspire to be like her. She's witty, loving, and caring, emotionally stable (aside from her occasional petty anger), and understands that she can't control everything in her life or her children's lives. Importantly, even though she loves her kids immensely, her life doesn't revolve around them—or her husband, for that matter. She maintains her individuality and likes to keep it that way.

Yes, I love her.


A bit of her character is already explored in "Sliver of Silver," but she's what I would consider a realistic portrayal of a mom. She's not exactly the opposite of Yashoda, but she's more gentle and reserved.

Veer and Neelesh:

Both fathers share some similarities. While Veer is more strict and disciplined, Neelesh enjoys having fun with his only child. I haven't delved deeply into their characters, as I didn't feel it was necessary for the story.


Ah, my hot guy XD Gosh, I've daydreamed so much just picturing him. Xavier may still be at the top of my "Hot and Sexy" list, but Chandrakant with his brown skin, muscular build, and amazing shoulder-length hair, oh God, he's pure magic. *Farhan with his blue eyes and wavy shoulder-length hair smiling at me.*

Well, personality-wise, I would describe him as deeply feminist at his core but also an extreme flirt (sounds contradictory, but that's Chandrakant for you). He has his own share of trauma, which will be explored in his book (I've already announced that he'll have his own book in the future). I won't delve into too much detail about his character here to avoid spoilers for his story.


She ranks in the top three of the sexiest babes in my fictional universe. She's complex, that's all I'll reveal for now. Inspired mostly by myself (about 60%) and a few friends, I won't say much more—where's the fun in reading her book if I give it all away now?

Unni and Prasanna:

They draw inspiration from my friends who are constants in my life. Everyone needs a Prasanna to both nag and entertain them constantly.

Other friends:

Well, I'd place them in the "normal friends" category for now. While I might consider exploring stories with these characters—Asmita and Shravan, and Vijay and Arihant—in the future, I'm not entirely sure yet.

Trivedi Family Members:

Ah, they're quite an intriguing bunch. While the older generation gets their own spotlight in "Pretty And The Powerful," the next generation might have their own books in the future. When? I don't know yet, haha! I have too many stories to write at the moment.


She's a character I wanted to delve deeper into. Introduced into the story for specific reasons, I named her Mohini to add another layer by intertwining her narrative with Krishna's. As I mentioned before, Krishna may seem perfect in his own book, but he's far from it. Despite him remaining my second favorite, I wanted to explore dynamics by introducing a new character into his life. And yes, Mohini isn't just a fleeting presence in his life, nor is Krishna in hers.

More will unfold in her own book. I've already decided to write a book for her and the man who madly loves her in my next series. Let's see how it unfolds.

Krishna and Subhadra:

They are the ideal siblings for Jagdish. I don't think anyone could be better than them—they understand Jagdish, respect him, occasionally complain about his ideal behavior, and are somewhat jealous of him being their mother's favorite child. What else is required?


Regular Dadi character. Nothing much to talk about.


Goodest Boi in the world.

I think I covered almost everyone. Except for small roles like Pallavi, Mr. Gaikwad, or H. K. (H. K. might play an important role in the future... I'm not sure, but he feels significant to me.)

Plot points- 

I'll write a detailed timeline, so I'll skip this here.


Most of my research went on understanding how lawyers or CA worked. XD

I remember talking to my school friends who are now lawyers or CA and asking them - How does your life feel?  LOL

Apart from that, I consulted one of my friends from UP to learn more about their culture, especially their wedding ceremonies. While I had some prior knowledge, I found her insights particularly interesting.

A significant portion of my research focused on understanding Classical Music and its importance. It was fascinating to learn about when specific Raagas should be performed and the emotions they evoke. It was extremely enriching and entertaining.

The reason I chose Sanskrit words for the title is because I felt they resonated with Jagdish's cultural roots. He values traditional lifestyle, making Sanskrit titles a natural fit for the book.

The story unfolds in Mumbai-Pune because Krishna mentions in his narrative that his brother works in Mumbai. I thought it made perfect sense to situate Nishita in Pune for practical reasons such as ease of travel and other logistical considerations, especially since they are introduced in an arranged marriage context. It adds a quirky twist to their story, navigating the blend of traditional expectations and modern-day practicalities.

That's all for my 'Behind The Dialogues', hope you enjoyed reading this book.

Now, I'll write an epilogue!

- Suganthi Lakshminarayanan

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