under the umbrella ★ [luca x...

By anxiousSt4rr

2.4K 41 499

luca is 17 years old; he thinks it is about time he figures out what he wants to do for the rest of his life... More

this is home
a promise
teenage dream
bad idea, right?
summer child
eyes don't lie
i cant sleep without you
immortal memories
is this love?
i feel safe with you
is this it?

a gift from the moon

128 1 45
By anxiousSt4rr



Luca is leaning on my left side, resting his head on my shoulder. I think I've been blushing for the past 20 minutes..? I'm not sure.. 

We're just admiring the sunset. The dimming sky has different shades of violets, blues, pinks, reds, and yellows. It looks really beautiful..

But not as beautiful as Luca.

The sky is starting to fade into a deep purple and I think I can see some of the fish in the sky appearing. Luca says they're called "stars", but I don't believe that. Maybe Giulia is gaslighting him.. but she wouldn't do that. At least I hope not.

But anyways, they're fish.

I can sense Luca's breathing pattern, so I try my best to follow it, so we're in sync. It feels extremely awkward.

"The sky looks pretty, doesn't it?" Luca asks.

"Mhmm," I start. "Not as pretty as-" I cut myself off. Oh Dio. I'm glad I stopped before I said something stupid.

"Huh? What was that?"

Oh Dio.

"N-nothing!" I stutter.

"It sounds like you said something, Alberto," Luca giggles.

My face turns a deeper shade of red as he has his fun.

"I-I said nothing!" I say.

"Alright then," Luca replies. He doesn't seem to believe me, but at least he won't figure out what I almost said.

I take a deep breath and continue to look at the sky.

"So, what have you been up to while I was at school?" Luca asks.

"Uhm, not too much," I start. "Fishing, drawing, taking care of the kittens, writing you letters, missing you.."

Luca's face turns a bright shade of red at the last part.

I laugh at his facial expression, only to watch the red in his face deepen. Maybe he is just flattered that I think about him? It's not like he has a crush on me or anything. We both like boys, but I'm sure that means nothing.

He sees me as a friend and nothing more.

"I missed you too.." Luca whispers. He smiles slightly but doesn't look at me. 

"I'm gonna head inside for a few minutes, do you want anything?" Luca sighs.

"No grazie."

Luca nods softly and gets up. He walks over to the tree branch that lead to Giulia's bedroom and then falls through the window.

Is he okay?!

"Heheh.. slipped."

I chuckle at his awkward reaction to himself and I turn back to look at the cloudy sky. The puffy clouds are gray, almost a dark gray. It might rain, but I never heard anything about the weather today.

A few minutes later, Luca walks back out with one of Machiavelli's kittens, Luna. She is black with some white on her stomach and the end of her tail.

I gasp loudly as I see the cat. SHE'S SO FLUFFY!!!!!!

"Awwh, Luna is so cute!" Luca exclaims.

He sits next to me and cuddles her. I wish he could cuddle me like that..

"Oh! I almost forgot," Luca starts. He carefully sets Luna on my lap and searches his pocket.

He offers me a pearl.

"I-I don't know what to say.." I utter.

"You don't need to say anything, caro."

My face feels warm as he places the pearl in my hand. He caresses my hand with his thumb and then blushes lightly.

We both turn our heads from each other, and then slowly turn them back so we can look at each other. Luca giggles as I smile softly. Dio, that laugh..

"Th-thank you, Lulu," I stutter.

His blush deepens at the nickname, but just replies, "You're welcome." He smiles so brightly that it's brighter than the sun is right now. I can't really see the sun though, because it's getting darker and it's probably gonna rain.

"Heh.. it looks like it's about to rain, huh?" Luca notes. I nod softly. 

"Do you wanna take a walk?" Luca requests. I nod quickly in excitement.

"Yeah!" I exclaim. 

Luca laughs at my response, but not in a mean way. He has this bright, heart-warming smile.

We both carefully and slowly climb down the tree and hop to the ground. I feel a few raindrops fall onto my skin, creating indigo scales.

I examine the sea foam green scales that appear on Luca, and he extends his hand out to feel the cold raindrops leaking from the sky.

I look up to make sure Luna will be alright. She's trotting back to Giulia's room, grazie a Dio Giulia's windows are open.

"Sh-should we still walk?" Luca stutters. "Even if we're.. in our sea forms?"

"Of course, Luca. You don't have to worry, I've been reminding you of this for ages!" I tell him.

He still seems a bit anxious, but takes a deep breath to calm him. He nods softly and walks toward the door, I follow him.

As we open the wooden door to the town square, we both breathe in the fresh, damp, summer air. This is gonna be a nice refresher. 

"Ready?" I ask Luca. He nods with a smile and runs out of the door as fast as I can. It takes me a moment to process the fact he just left me alone, by the door.

"HEY!! GET BACK HERE!!" I shout as I chase after him.

I hear him laughing in the distance as he sprints.

"I'M GONNA GET YOU!!" I shout even louder as I attempt to follow him.

Luca slows down and stops to take a breath, he's exhausted.

I sneak up behind him, lift him, and spin him around.


Luca giggles as I spin him around, which brings me so much joy.

I set him down slowly and hide my forearms behind my back as I rock back and forth on my toes. I giggle in this silly, girly way, and then I start completely laughing. I wrap my arms around my waist as I laugh breathlessly, and then Luca joins in.

We continue laughing without a specific reason for the next couple of minutes, more raindrops falling onto our skin. The rain feels so cold, so refreshing.

I have a feeling that the rain is washing away every negative feeling I've felt since the last time it rained. It feels relaxing to know I don't need to worry, and I like to know I can and should just be myself. So that's what I'm doing; being myself.

But there are some parts of me I have to keep to myself, like my love for Luca. 

I care about him more than anything in the whole universe, and not telling him how I feel will keep our friendship in the great place that it's in. Although I prefer him to know, I think that would break him.

There is another boy or girl that is meant for him, not me.

He could never like some guy like me.

I'm messy, envious, and I've been possessive. 

Luca deserves someone better. He seems to be happy with me, but he deserves someone so much better. He deserves the whole world.

Luca inhales the fresh, rainy air, then sighs.

"Dio, it's so nice out here this evening!" Luca notes.

I nod and I lean my head backwards to look upwards. The sky is dark, with a little bit of light though. It's like being alone, in pain, then there's a light I've been searching for forever: Luca.

This evening is like a dream, a good one. 

Everything is perfect..

It's calm, it's raining, and Luca's here.

I love it when Luca's around.

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