When we were young

By Jegulusxjylerxx

385 16 227

This books showing characters from emerald lupin and is it love in there childhood More

Rose pt2!
Hope and Andrea pt2
The Riddles
Jo and peter
Jo,Tyler and barty
The marauders x rose
Hope and drea
Barty x Jo
Regulus black
Is it love,riddles
Love <3
Victoria Rose
Tyler Lupin


15 1 8
By Jegulusxjylerxx

3rd year

"Where is She?!"james yells

"We can asks my brother he follows her everywhere"Sirius says as they approach Regulus

"Oi you!"

Regulus groans "yes brother?and J...James,can I help yous"Regulus crosses his arms "where's Jo?"Sirius asks.

"Studying with a professor,she's failing Defence against the dark arts class"

"What?our Jo failing?No way"James says crossing his arms.

"Yes way,now is there anything else I can help you boys with or can I leave?"

"Yes you can fuck off now"

"Jo was meant to help us Prank Snape!what are we gonna do now!"James groans.

With jo
"Miss Potter I am shocked that to are failing"
"Me too Profesor,not to sound like a know it all but may I look over my work again just to make sure"I suggest "No!"The Professor yells snd I looks down,

"r..right sorry,Professor Red"

"Why don't we learn with a game?"he suggests
"Ooh fun!but educational,I love it"I smile.

"Yes,well I'll give you questions,if you get it right I give you a sticker if you get it wrong you have to touch your self"He says the last bit deeply.

"I...I have to What?I really don't think that's how to learn" "oh it is miss Potter it's the best way,but we know you won't get any wrong since your so smart"I nod.

"Alright...I guess if this is how it must be fine,give me the first question!"I smile and cross my arms.

"What are three unforgivable curses"

"Avada kedvra the killing curse, crucio the torturing curse and Impirio its the um the uh controlling curse?"

"Hm good enough Potter...now tell me what this creature is called"Red pulls out a photo of a furry creature "Professor that's-thats fourth year work"

"You still have to guess"

"But I don't know it!I haven't been taught it yet!"


"Professor that's unfair"

"Touch your self"

I hit my shoulder "you happy!"

"No...not like that take your clothes off and do it"

I look around nervously "profesor this is uncomfortable for me" "tsk well you have to learn"

He comes over and hold my hands and guides them to my shirt.

"Don't!don't you dare touch me..I'll do it my self"I pull my hands away and slowly un button my shirt.

I then pull down my skirt,

My heart is pounding my eyes are hurting this just doesn't feel right.

"Go on then you got it wrong,it's either you or me so come on Josette"he leans back on his desk and crosses his arms looking at me.

I move my hand from my neck downwards and stop at my underwear "next question please"I tremble he moves away from the table and puts his hands on mines trying to move them "WHAT THE FUCK!Stop!"I push him away "n..next question please" "fine,what's this called"

"Sir that's..that's fifth year work!why are you doing this?!"

"No answer still means you got it wrong Miss Potter."


He takes my hands again and moves them up to my breasts caressing them.

I let out a high pitch scream

"Why are you doing this!?why are you making me do this"

"It's the best way to learn"

"What..this is.. this is outrageous!I am telling Dumbledore,and you will be fired!"

I storm to the door but feel a strong grip on my hair "ow!"

The profesor pulls me back with my hair and pins me up against a wall.

"You will not tell anyone"he threats

Then puts a hand on my cheek and kisses me,I try to push him off but he just hold me tighter then.

After a moment of kissing he pulls away and my eyes flood with tears.

He points his wand at me


I black out.

"Jo!what the hell happened!"Mary,Regulus and the marauders run into the Hospital wing.

"She fainted,Miss Macdonald please don't use that kind of langue in here"Pomfrey says softly "sorry"Mary sighs.

"What happened?"Jo asks "you had a study session with Professor Red" Regulus says "I did?"I tilt my head trying to think.

"Yes?you did,don't you remember?"

James crosses his arms and looks strangely as me and Reg talk.

"Professor Red did drop you off here Miss Potter said you were studying and just fainted out of the blue"Pomfrey states and I still don't understand why I can't Remember.

"But...but the last thing I Remember doing was
Finish my last class"

"Strange...I'll whip up something to help you Remember,the rest of you get to class"they all groan and walks off.

"Can I stay,I'm like super worried about Jo"Mary says smiling "you can come back at lunch Macdonald" "ugh fine!"

"Pomfrey!I...Potter?uh I'll come back later"
I look at the door and see Remuses brother Tyler.

"It's alright,you can stay I don't care"I smile "pomfreys just went to try mix up a potion for me,are you okay?"I asks.

"Uh yeah just need to uh talk to her"

"Cool"I smile to my self.

"You don't have to just stand there "sit down"

Tyler awkwardly sits down on a chair and looks around the room.

"Why are you here?"he asks "oh I fainted apparently heh,I kinda forgot what I done after classes yesterday some poppy's thinking of a potion to help me remember...also don't tell her I just called her by her first name"we both laugh slightly.

"Uh I can maybe help you Remember"

"Really?!"my face lights up.

"Uh yeah"

"What did you have last period yesterday?"

"Potions with Slughorn"

"Okay,fun now imagine yourself walking out of that class"

I take a deep breath in

"Speak it out too me..what do you see lo-Potter"Oop did Tyler almost slip something up..

"I left the class and walked to Professor Reds class..we studied..I'm failing Defence against the dark arts"I look down as I say that.

"No way?!you failing?!"

"That's what I said"I giggle,my eyes still closed

"Okay now,what happens when you where with Red"Tyler asks.

"Uh we played a learning game..where if I got it right I got a sticker and if I got it wrong I..I"I stoped talking.

"Your doing so well Jo,you what?"

My eyes get teary and I open them wiping the tear away "I don't Remember"

"Potter,don't you dare lie to me"

"Stop acting like you care about me lupin"

"I do care ahoy you..Now please tell me I'm...im really worried about you"

"If I got it wrong I had to touch my self"I mumble "what?what do you mean by that?"

I give him a look trying to speak  with my face instead of words "oh..."

"Don't you dare tell anyone"

"I..I won't"

"Promise me!"I stick my pinky out as my eyes gey all teary again.

He puts his pinky around mines "I promise"

"Jo I wiped this up for you!"Pomfrey comes back in "oh Tyler..you two are getting along well I see"she winks at Tyler and I look down Embarrassed.

"Uh yeah we're mates I guess"

I nod "Yeah mates"Pomfrey smiles "nice"

"Oh Tyler helped me Remember I don't need your potion any more"I smile "great!what happened then"

"As Professor Red said I was studying with him and just blacked out..I'm sorry for causing this much drama over it"

"It's fine Josette really...but are you sure that's all"I nod "I'm sure..can I go now"


I jump out the bed and rush to the door "by Ty"I run out the door.

"Ooo Ty"
"Shut up!"Tyler laughs.

"So what really happened"

"I told you reggie I fainted"

"Uh huh sure"

"Reggie!"I fling a pillow at him and he laughs "Josie!"he flings it back while laughing.

"From now on your studying with me for safety reasons,I'm a great alibi"I smile "your younger then me reg" "So" "fine your my study buddie"

We both giggle and lie down in bed.

"So your brother is he"

"He's single,he's Pan and interested"

Regulus smiles but quickly hides it "I don't care if James is single or not really" "oh so what were you gonna asks"I tease.

"Is he...passing potions yet"

"No reg,that will never happen"

Regulus snickers "right..maybe I could help him study then"

"Oh yeah maybe"

I nudge him slightly

"I know why your animagus is a cat"

"Why is that Josie?"

"Cause your such a smitten kitten"

Regulus rolls his eyes pushes me off the bed "rude!"I say dramatically then we both laugh lying next to each other again.

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