|| 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢...

By Thvxtalez_7

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"He never intended to love her, but she became the poison he couldn't resist, the addiction he couldn't shake... More



4.5K 239 40
By Thvxtalez_7

•|| Chapter : 19 ||•

As Taehyung's arms wrapped around her waist, Yn's heart skipped a beat. She stood frozen, unsure of how to react.

His warm breath on her neck sent shivers down her spine. "You smell so good," he whispered, his voice low and husky. Yn's mind raced as she tried to process what was happening.

"W-what are you doing?" she stuttered, trying to sound calm. Taehyung let out a dark chuckle "You don't know what am I doing?" he asked in reply, his grip around her waist tightening. Yn's heart raced faster, her palms getting sweaty. She didn't knew how to react at that moment. The silence in the room was too intense.

Suddenly, Taehyung's phone rang, breaking the intensity of the moment. He groaned, releasing Yn from his grasp. "Who is so much eager to die right now!!" he said, his voice back to its usual cold tone , which held a bit frustration for the interruption in his privacy. He took the phone from the bed side.

Yn let out heavy breaths, still trying to process what just happened. She watched as Taehyung answered the call with a non-pleasent look.

"Watch the freaking time before you call!. What do you want!" He rasped out rudely, the person on the phone gulped before replying in his scared tone "B-boss.. I'm so s-sorry.. but it was important- "

"Don't puzzle around just spit out" Taehyung said , his voice sounded impatient. "That Foreign client.. h-he..he refused to trade with our company" as the manager informed, Taehyung's expression changed.

"He refused?" he repeated, his tone of voice went deeper, Yn didn't knew what happened but to see his look , she can assume he isn't in good mood right now, which made her heart raced, being scared.

"Hm.. " with that he cut the call , the manager also became confused , he expected him to get hyper and shout on him but nothing like this happened, instead he ended the call without any further discussion in the topic, which is kinda strange for him.

As Taehyung cut the call, Yn panicked thinking he'll again approach her. She looked here and there, her eyes caught her books in the side table near the couch. She went their , sitting on the couch she grabbed one of the book.

Taehyung kept the phone on it's place and turned to Yn's side, he got confused to see the scene. He walked near the couch and stood infront of her, crossing his arms across his chest .

Yn tried to avoid him by grabbing the book near her face, acting like she is reading it.

"And , what do you think you are doing middle of the night?!" He asked in his calm but scary tone. She gulped but didn't looked up. "I-i'm studying" she said for which Taehyung narrowed his brows and coldly stared at her.

"Studying? Weren't you preparing for bed" he asked , raising his one brow up. His eye pricing gaze never moved from her. "I-i.. just remembered.. i h-have test tomorrow" she spoke with so much shuttering that anyone can easily guess she is lying.

"Oh.. baby you don't even know how to lie.. and which human reads books upside down" He spoke , letting out a sarcastic chuckle. Yn blinked her eyes few times before realising she is caught, she cursed herself for her stupidity.

"I-i.. was.. um.. just" She couldn't be able to come up with any excuse, she just looked down towards her lap. Taehyung took the book from her hands and kept on the side table.

Her heart again started beating to its extent when he settled down beside her, his arms reaching out to grab her waist . She didn't get time to react when he pulled her to him, placing her down on his lap.

No words came out from her throat, not even pleadings! Why? She herself doesn't know, how to react. Her mind gone blank after he snuggled to her neck , his hot breath brushing against her soft skin, it was giving a ticklish feeling. Her breath hitched at the sensation, as he pressed his lips on her delicate skin. His veiny hands caressing her waist , which now slipped inside her lavender coloured over-sized top, she was wearing.

Once his cold hands came in contact with her waist, her eyes parted slightly. But she was too numb to react at that moment.. It was like his touches did some magic on her, he took her totally in his control.

His kiss on her neck deepend, he sucked there making her to let out a slight moan, which she was holding back. His kisses trailed down from her neck to her coller bone.

As he pulled away , he stared at the art he created with a proud smirk. He looked up at Yn's face, she had her eyes closed, taking heavy breaths.

He slowly layed her down on the couch, he himself hovered on top of her . Her hands pinned against the mattress by him. As he leaned closer to her face , his eyes were stucked on her fragile figure, holding lust on them.

Was it only lust? Or was there anything else which Yn failed to notice, and Taehyung just ignored.

He brushed his not-so rough lips against her soft ones. Her heart bloomed, racing rapidly. She continued feeling that wierd sensation inside her tummy. Soon he captured those lips in a passionate kiss . He sucked her bottom lips , their hands clutched and fingers inter whined together .

He pulled back from the kiss , both had an abnormal breathing. "Open that damn mouth!" As soon those dominating words left his mouth, Yn got back to her sense..

She shot opened her eyes, at the thought that what was she doing. Her whole face turned red , she looked at Taehyung who was staring at her only.

He again leaned to her face, and was about to kiss her but she moved her face other side , as a result his lips end up on her cheeks. He groaned feeling annoyed. "What the hell!"

His grip on her pinned hands loosened, he grabbed her jaw and made her look at him.
"You love being stubborn! don't you!" With that he joined their lips again.. this time too, she didn't kissed back. Instead she struggled to get out from his grasp.

"Urgh! What's your problem!" He rasped out as soon he broke the kiss, he looked pissed.

"s-stop.. this.. please" She said with so much difficulty, her breathing was still the same. She pushed him slightly by placing her hands on his chest when he again attempted to kiss her.

His law clenched, "I'm last time telling you! Stop refusing me Yn! You are now my wife now.. don't forget" he said stern and dangerously . Yn looked pale , slight sobbs left her mouth. Taehyung looked more pissed.

"Now why are you starting this crybaby drama! How many times i denied you not to cry infront of me but you" her eyes filled with more tears by his harsh tone..

Taehyung hands fisted, "fvcking.. ruined my mood!" With this saying he got up from her and removed his shirt harshly before dashing inside the bathroom to take shower and also take care of something else down there.

Yn sniffed placing her hand on her chest which was like, ready to explode anytime.

She got up and sat straight, still not overcoming how she reacted to his touches. She whipped her teary deo eyes and took a long breath to calm her racing heart and herself down.

She doesn't know how to face him now.. he looked so scary when she refused him. She didn't dared to move from her seat, until Taehyung came out from bathroom.

He frowned seeing her still in the couch. But he cared less. He dried his hair and made his way to the bed. As he lay down, he took a glance of her , still sitting on that same poster. "Are you planning to sit like a ghost whole night!" He spoke , Yn pouted at his statement.

After some minutes Taehyung again spoke giving up,"fine! Come sleep.. I won't touch you or eat you alive!" he said rolling his eyes internally and turning to the opposite side .

Yn took a minute, before deciding to go to the bed. She stood up and slowly went there and settled down on bed , creating a good distance from Taehyung. She layed down .

Both were back facing each other. After some times, Taehyung heard soft snoring sounds.. he turned around to see her sleeping without even pulling the duvet which he was using. He made a done face before sharing the duvet with her.

Half an hour passed, he kept changing his sleeping poster, but wasn't able to sleep. He groaned feeling irritated.

Atlast, he came closer to Yn and pull her in his embrace. Later he finally slept while  hugging her.

- Next Morning -

Yn walked down the stairs , unconsciously a light pink blush appears on her cheeks whenever she remembers Today's morning, she found herself collapsed in Taehyung's embrace, when she wake up. The touch, the euphoric feeling is something that she never experienced in her life before.

But at the same time, when she remembers yesterdays incident, it makes her scared. She isn't ready for this all. But at the same time, Taehyung's touch makes her weak.. she doesn't know what happened yesterday. Though she refused him but she didn't felt uncomfortable by his touch like she used to.

She shrugged off her thoughts, today she got ready early for school, as she doesn't want to get late again. Maids served her the breakfast. She felt sad, as usually her in-laws used to give her company during breakfast but now they are gone.

After she completed her breakfast, she took her school bag and was ready to go out..

She came to the gate, but she was blocked by the gaurds, they bowed respectfully infront of her. But it didn't seemed good to Yn as they were older than her, so she bowed back..

"Good morning, mam" one of the muscular man greeted, still in his serious face . Yn thought, he and his gaurds all are same, otherwise who greets someone with this much seriousness. She still smiled sweetly and greeted back "good morning gaurd uncle.."

She frowned when they didn't moved from there place , "sorry mam, you aren't allowed to go out alone.. it's master's order"

Yn looked shocked yet confused, now she can't even go out alone, "but.. he is sleeping , I'll be late for school" she said .

They looked at each other before replying, "sorry mam.. we can't do anything," Yn sadly looked at them..

"Ok.. then can you drop me to school?" She asked as she doesn't wants to get late for her school, "we need master's permission for it" the gaurd said making her sigh..

"Wait.. I will call him" she took out her phone, but that's when she realised that she doesn't have his number.

She asked the guard for Taehyung's number and after getting it, she called him.

Taehyung was sleeping peacefully hugging the pillow. To see his sleepy state, no one would believe that he is that same heartless cold mafia.

His phone which was kept on the bedside near his head, started ringing. He groaned in his sleep feeling irritated by the noise.

He stirr and slightly opened his eyes , he took the phone and received it without seeing the Id which was unknown.

"What?!" He asked, in his morning deep voice. "I-i'm going to school.." a law stuttering voice came through the call.

"So! What will I do now.. Go then!" He said being irritated. Yn looked at the gaurd infront of her, "gaurd uncles are not letting me go.. " she spoke.

Taehyung sighed, "give the phone to him" Yn handed the phone to the gaurd.

Taehyung told him to drop Yn.. later, Yn went school with the gaurd.

- At School -

It was the fourth period, the teacher was absent today so it was a free period.

"Principal mam is calling you Yn." a boy said to Yn while she was busy chatting with her friends. She looked tensed after hearing it, why does Principal call her.. However, she nodded and made her way out..

As she walked through the empty corridor, a female teacher approached her , "what are you doing.. you should be inside your class!" The teacher scolded her , "no mam..  principal mam called me that's why I was going there" as she said , the teacher raised her brow.

"A nice excuse! Principal mam, comes after 12 pm.. Go to your class right now!" She again scolded her thinking she was lying, Yn looked down and apologized, "Sorry mam"

With that the teacher went away, Yn turned to leave from there still being confused why that guy lied to her , She was walking towards her class .

That's when, someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside the science lab , Yn gasped and shouted but it was no use as the lab is soundproof.

Her eyes widened seeing the expected person, Kai..

"Shh.. don't shout it's me" Kai said calmly , Yn remove his grip on her wrist . "W-why did you bring me here" Yn asked .

Yn understood, Kai is the one who made that boy lie to her. She was avoiding him from morning, that's why he couldn't controlled anymore and made this plan to call her here.

After a moment Kai replied, "I want to clear few things" his voice was serious.

"First of all, you should accept that you are my girlfriend now.. yesterday what you did was not valid! Who was that guy!" He asked , Yn felt disgusted, she doesn't want to be his girlfriend but he is forcing her just because of the dept.

"Answer me-" He stopped when he noticed something, he came near Yn, she backed away being afraid. "What is this!?" He asked , looking at the purple mark on her neck. His hand clutched the side of the coller, as he side it a little , his eyes burned seeing at the dark hickey on her neck.

- To be continued -
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