Dino Thunder: Chemical Beast!

By EvonySiren2

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Since Mesogog was created and woke to the reality that no one was the same as him, loneliness became a burden... More

Chapter 1: Their Agreement.
Chapter 2: Chemic Bomb.
Chapter 3: What a mess...
Chapter 4: Her demonstration.
Chapter 5: Ambush!
Chapter 6: A bit of a change.
Chapter 7: Stevie.~
Chapter 8: To laugh or not to laugh?
Chapter 9: Her first Randomizer Beast.
Chapter 10: Her true talent.
Chapter 11: Everything explained.
Chapter 12: Different DNA
Chapter 13: Chromium Assassin
Chapter 14: Testing for success!
Chapter 15: Time with Mesogog.
Chapter 16: Ace in the Hole.
Chapter 17: To great heights!
Chapter 18: The Cyborg's Plea?
Chapter 19: The truth of it all...
Chapter 20: Existential Crisis.
Chapter 21: A Bold Beast!
Chapter 22: A flirty Dino?
Chapter 23: The Beauty Of Scars.
Chapter 24: Damsel in Distress.
Chapter 26: Her plan begins!
Chapter 27: Angel!
Chapter 28: A Possessive Beast?
Chapter 29: His dark humor.~
Chapter 30: The Grand Chase!
Chapter 31: Crafting an Army!
Chapter 32: The Big Plan.~
Chapter 33: And so it begins...
Chapter 34: A path paved in battle!
Chapter 35: Carnage of the Beast!
Chapter 36: Jealousy?
Chapter 37: Comforting a Beast.
Chapter 38: Their Kingdom.~

Chapter 25: Reigniting the Flame!

21 1 0
By EvonySiren2

"That's it!" The fury in Solar's voice boomed throughout the same white room Amelia was once in. The thuds of feet moved about to let the temperamental scientist through so that he could leave. Through the halls, the taps of boots behind him were enough to say that his soldiers followed, but he didn't care. "A.O.D. is nearly complete! I can send it after Amelia and take out the others once it's done! I am sick and tired of those fools getting in my way!" Everyone hurried out of his way or kept their heads low as he passed, which relieved him since he didn't want to deal with any more crap than what he had already. Any amount of disapproving expressions or negative looks would more than likely throw him over the edge and make him kill someone.

After he entered the robotics room, where all the Cyborg frames were being constructed, memories of the chaos that came with Mesogog's ambush gnawed at the forefront of his mind.

"How did he do it? There was no possible way for him to come here-- unless..." With a finger to his chin, slow recognition lit up his otherwise dark eyes after he remembered that Amelia didn't have the portal device on her. He never grabbed her lab coat, in fact, he hardly spent any time looking around to see if she planned anything before he arrived. "It knew I was going to snatch it. It left its portal device behind and more than likely left some instructions or visual guidance for him to use!" Through gritted teeth and a clench of his fingers, his eyes began to examine the robotics lab.

Quickly to A.O.D., he climbed the platform and continued to mess with the AI and mechanic synchronization. "I should've predicted this outcome. But now... Without a doubt, A.O.D. will accomplish what the other Cyborgs and I have failed to do! Project A will annihilate Mesogog and anyone who stands in its way of capturing Amelia!" It's as if he had it all planned out, his deft fingers worked the cords and pulled up a tiny computer the size of his hand to type on holographic keys.


Whirring came from the Throne Room as Mesogog saw the goth buzz at the chains that were around one of Amelia's wrists. The mask she wore was meant to keep the sparks from hitting her face and burning her.

Red claws gripped the cuff on her other wrist, the beast used all the strength he had to try and rip it off but it was useless. "These will not break! No amount of strength will pry these off! I commend him for using such powerful metals and technology, however..." Trailing off, the beast paused a moment to lift her wrist and give the cuff a closer inspection. "He failed to realize that I am capable of melting such metals," With that, he rushed out of the room. The robotics room should have what he needed to melt the cuffs and knew the efforts Elsa was putting in was going to be a waste once he got the item.

Moments later when he returned, the item in his hand was a device that he knew would be capable of exerting immense heat. It was what he used to melt two metals together and help create the armor Zeltrax had on. The thought of the Cyborg hardly crossed his mind since he'd been missing, for he was focusing more on Amelia lately than anyone else.

A button was pressed to ignite a flame so hot, that it glowed a bright blue, and soon enough he began to melt the cuff. It was pretty quick for it to burn through, but he was swift enough to turn it off to not scorch her wrist. From there, he worked on her other wrist, pushed Elsa out of the way, and made her turn off the saw she tried to use to buzz through the metal.

Next was her ankles and within the few minutes that passed, she was finally free of those shackles and the chains that bound her. Dried blood over fresh cuts and lacerations was on her arms, legs, and neck, and from the sight of crimson on the gown she wore, it was pretty easy to tell that he stabbed her around her stomach area. The sight inflamed him more, for he growled like a monster in a horror film and used his claws to rip the fabric of the gown. There before his and Elsa's eyes were nasty punctures from when Solar had pierced her, he could see it as plain as day.

"Elsa! Go to the main lab and retrieve the rejuvenation liquid. Now!" The fury in his tone made the goth scurry out of the room without so much as a word, for he kept his stern stare upon the unconscious redhead.

A few minutes passed when he received the tube. Just as before, it had to be done intravenously. With one small dose at a time, because he couldn't fit the entire test tube into it, he slowly fed it to her and saw results pretty quickly within the next twenty minutes. Her condition wasn't as severe as last time thankfully, but she was still unconscious and it irked him.

"My lord. Her brain will take a bit of time to recover from the electrocution she went through. The amount she endured would've killed an average human," Elsa wasn't the least bit happy to see her like that. It was clearly on her face, which Mesogog looked to see it, and could tell that she began to feel something for the redhead. Some sort of closeness that the goth probably wouldn't admit to.

"Perhaps... Yes," Without another word, he hoisted her into his arms and made gradual steps toward his Throne. There wasn't a second when the death glare he had would falter, his desire for Solar's blood was far more than he ever felt before. "When she wakes... We will plan an ambush on Solar's facility. Without her knowledge of the facility's layout and its level of security, we may run into destructive forces beyond what we can handle," It was almost like Solar's facility was his stronghold, his fortress, for he recalled how rough their infiltration was. With that, he sat down and made sure to keep her legs over the arm of his seat. The protective, clingy sensation made him press her against his chest and keep his claws on the side of her head.

The things he saw weren't anything he'd seen before, save for live test subjects that he remembers crying for help or begging to be set free. The halls he trekked with Elsa and the cloned Ranger, were flooded with Tyrannodrones that barreled through Scientists. The smell of chemicals and cleaning solution was as strong as what one would smell at a hospital.

Tyrannodrones had fought through a horde of soldiers that appeared when the alarms blared red in the halls. He'd be lying if he told himself that it wasn't satisfying to hear the soldiers scream bloody murder, when Elsa, the clone, and his drones tore through and paved a path to the large room.

The stench of fear was like aroma therapy for him after he had marched through and found the door. But now, he had to focus on Amelia's recovery and not the satisfying infiltration that went by a bit too quickly for his liking. I would've enjoyed it a lot more if I had been able to rip Solar's head clean from his body. A momentary thought crossed his mind. When he glanced at the redhead, he found himself drawn to her peaceful, sleeping face, but the newly forming scar on her cheek almost brought a furious growl from his throat. Nonetheless, he thought back on the deep-sea dive.

He was counting all of the scars on her body, the scent of the ocean complimenting the lavender scent from her hair, and what she said when she faced him. The tears of joy he saw, that he didn't mean to cause, left a flutter in his chest. She doesn't want me to be evil? I am an evil villain, nothing will change that. But that does not mean I cannot have a lover. His free hand reached to stroke her new scar and suddenly recalled how the transformation she underwent when she dove, had fascinated him at that time. "Elsa. Until she wakes, we need to find a new satellite transmitter. One that we can use to reach Jupiter," As he sat there and thought about what Amelia said to him, and remembered the beauty he saw when she leaped above the ocean's surface to wave at him, he chose to think about another matter.

He needed something to get his mind off of Solar for a bit, so planning against the Power Rangers was the next best thing since Dr. Ray was unconscious.

"Right away, Sir," Seeing her about to leave, another thought came to him.

"Bring the cloned White Ranger here, to watch over Amelia. I am going to leave to find some new clothing for her, seeing that she is only in a gown. Any trace of Solar-- angers me!" The lab gown she wore, belonged to the prick, and it pushed him to want to dress her. Just so he wouldn't have to look at her in that attire any longer.

"Yes, my lord!" With that, he saw the goth leave.

It wasn't too much longer when the evil White Ranger strode in and stood before him. "Make sure no one touches her!" Mesogog demanded. The stretch of his clothes barely killed the quietness around him when he stood from his seat and turned around. Carefully, he placed her on his Throne and adjusted her so she sat sideways just as she did on his lap.

"Of course," Golden hues stared at the slumbering redhead, for they didn't even perk up to the evil ranger's response. That was until he turned, scaled the few steps from his Throne, and towered over the white ranger with a glare that could kill.

"Be sure... That you do not touch her, either," He didn't want anyone touching her. Not after everything that has transpired and her be taken from him. The thought of anyone so much as looking at her wrong infuriated him. Nonetheless, he ignored the evil ranger, opened an invisiportal, and left the room.

After he arrived inside Mercer's home, he knew he had to revert to Anton's body. The moment the transformation was initiated, the pain from it all could be felt. It took him several minutes but in the end, he finally took over and adjusted his tie. "This is very uncomfortable. I hate ties," Through the cold and unemotional human voice, came a complaint that he knew Amelia would've said something about. Regardless, he made his way through the abode and got into Mercer's vehicle.

The limousine Mercer owned was in the garage, which was accompanied by a few bodyguards in black suits who chose to sit a few seats ahead of him, and left the backseat completely alone. He didn't see a reason to buckle up, but considering he was using Anton's body as a means to get around in public, he had to ensure his safety. A host is useless if it's damaged beyond repair. With that, he strapped himself in and leaned his head back. "Take me to the mall," Demanding, seeing the humans act according to his words, the vehicle sprang to life and he was soon on the road. If her clothes are going to be torn or get tattered during some situations, then she will need a small wardrobe. I will be there for a while. Sighing through his humanoid nose, the close of his eyes was proof of his annoyance but deep down, he was eager to imagine her in other outfits. Dolling her up in the way he wants her to look made the idea of shopping for a new wardrobe all the more pleasing.


Grogginess, a bit blurry, blue eyes fluttered open and took a bit of time to adjust. The tattered gown she wore was still on, which her tan fingers touched and pulled at. She could see her knees bent over the Throne's arm as her gaze lingered on the scars she was able to see from her angle. She could hear keys being tapped rapidly, which told her that Elsa was probably at work in his Throne Room somewhere.

She had little to no energy to move, save for her head when the sight of a missing Mesogog caught her attention. With a thick gulp of saliva, she was quick to remember the blurred images of her Beasty and the others who came in and watched her be electrocuted nearly to the brink of death. There was no emotional strength left in her to speak or to get excited that her plan worked. She felt too drained, too depressed, and it sapped what mental energy she had. Beasty. Since you managed to bring me back, that must mean... You heard all of my previous recordings. Does he know I love him? He'll more than likely reject me... But, why does a piece of me believe otherwise? Am I... Afraid? Could that be why deep down, I believe he will never like or love me the same way? Could it be due to how rejected I was in my world, that it became so implemented into my brain that I just sorely believed no one would be interested in me? Softly speaking in her mind, her eyes were clouding with depression that she hadn't taken notice of the evil ranger who was pacing back and forth.

My body feels so weak. I think I'm hungry. But I don't have much energy to bring myself to care about it. Her expression hardly changed, but when she remembered what she said on the latest record she made, a frown managed to form. Finally, dropping her mask, she wanted to be more honest with herself and not hide how she felt. I need to stay positive... But how can I? It feels like anything I do, Solar will always get what he wants in the end. She wanted to cry so bad, to ball her eyes out and curl into a ball. But no amount of strength left in her would let her do that. The horrific images, memories of the time spent in his lab that entire year, and later finding out she was just a creation carefully planned and thought out, made her self-worth almost crumble.

Mesogog... My Beasty. You only hold me and cling to me because I'm warm and because I ease your stress somehow. But... Licking me? 'Who said it was a lick?' or something around those lines. Licking can be a show of affection among animals, so what would a ki-... Wait. Gradually, her eyes widened upon the recognition. The thought of Mesogog possibly kissing her in the only way he knows how, felt almost believable. He has no lips... And if he said it wasn't a lick... Then it had to have been a ki-... A k- ki... A kiss? Despite her current state, she felt her cheeks heat up drastically.

Remembering him licking her those few other times, was enough to make her shaky hand graze her lips and cheek. P- People only kiss each other or someone if they l- l- like... Them... No, no, no, no! He could be doing a greeting in the ways the French do! I can't jump to conclusions, I can't! Until he says something, I can't j- jump... T- To conclusions! I- I don't want to get my hopes up! Fear riddled her heart at the thought of her flat-out accepting his affectionate moves. She didn't want to feel her heart get crushed by rejection. She had to go through it in society and life, she didn't want to go through that in romance too. It scared her to think about it, but deep down, that piece of her still fought and battled against her fear to try and be known. The piece of her who wanted to believe he liked her and wanted to squeal in excitement.

No... No, no, no, just-- no! If I ask him about it, he might deny it! He will deny it. He only needs me here because I'm always doing something, working on something-- being useful. He just wants me around because I'm warm and I amuse him since I tend to make him laugh. Besides... What would be the point if I asked? Solar will end up getting what he wants anyway. I'd be inside Project B, being used as the database for it, and my whole life would be swept away from me. What point is there to try and be with him in that sense, when I'm just going to turn into Solar's little ingredient? Be kept from everything and everyone. I'd probably go through starvation. He would probably barely feed me to keep me alive so he could use my DNA. Over and over, Amelia pondered. From romancing Mesogog to giving up on the idea of her Beasty, since she would just be kept in a giant chemical tube the rest of her life.

It's pointless. A brief thought was all that was left until the sound of the invisiportal occurred. Her distant, pained, blue hues didn't even stir when it reached her ears. Footfalls, Tyrannodrones, voices, the sound of Mesogog's growls, and the rustle of bags, told her that he went somewhere to get some things. She couldn't bring herself to look or to so much as move. The depression was all she could feel, and it kept her mind clouded with her former beliefs.

"Tyrannodrones! Move all of the bags to my chambers!" She heard it, the faint growl in his voice and the small thuds of his shoes that told her he was walking. A moment of silence came until he spoke again. "How is our search, for a new satellite transmitter coming?" She was too dazed to care to look, normally she'd get excited to know what episode she was on. However, all she could do was listen to their conversation and stare blankly at her covered thighs.

"I think we may have something. It will take a little doing, but-- I think we can make it work," The typing, Elsa's voice, and the sound of the Tyrannodrones feet making their way out of the room, told her everything.

"Excellent!" By the sound of his tone, she could tell he was relieved, but there was little to no care to make her want to look and see him. Slowly, her eyes fluttered and the tiredness returned tenfold. It was difficult to stay awake when all she was able to do was stare depressingly into the space before her.


When her exhausted mind and body gave into sleep once more, about thirty minutes later or so she jolted awake. The outburst from Elsa made her blink several times before she chose to peek at the goth's backside who was in front of a station and complained about the satellite. "The perfect transmitter and we can't get inside to use it!" Even if it was momentary, she saw the goth walk alongside Mesogog who strode past her.

"Might I make a suggestion?" Mesogog asked. Amelia moved her head to look at her knees again, once they walked past her line of sight.

"Of course, master. It'd be an honor," Elsa spoke as fast as her Beasty's answer was given.

"Create... A virus! A mechanical transmutation to infiltrate the system. By the time the rangers know what's going on, it would be far too late," The redhead heard him explain from across the room and listened to the sounds of the machines that indicated he pulled the levers. "Observe!" After a short exhale, he moved. Dr. Ray didn't need to look to know he made his way over to the Geno-Randomizer.

"Someone order a virus?" The sound of the creation's voice resonated through the air.

"Now! All you have to do is keep the Rangers outside long enough for Jupitor to do his job! And all should go according to plan," With that, the sound of his footsteps became more noticeable, to which her blue hues glanced for a second. "Amelia. You are awake," It was pretty easy to tell from her peripherals, that he scaled the steps to stand in front of her. When she didn't give him an answer, she heard the stretch of his clothes when he leaned to look closer at her face, and growled when he saw her expression. "What did he say to you that put your fire out, again?" Feeling his hand reach under her legs and her back, said that he was going to pick her up.

It's pointless. Again she repeated in her mind. Not a stir, there was no change in her expression when she felt her body lift into his arms and whirl so he could sit with her on his lap.

"I will not have you quiet again! Speak!" Fury burned, which could be heard in his voice.

The sight of his closed shirt that was mere inches from her eyes kept her from seeing the look in his, but she could tell he inched closer to her face when his torso leaned. "It's pointless," Whispering, it was hard to hold back the depressing tone. The pain and fear was too much. However, what she said caused him to use his other hand to lift her chin and make her look at him.

"What is?" It was evident in his eyes that he was fed up with her quietness, her depression. But what she saw in them wasn't something she thought she'd ever see. Concern, and protectiveness, fueled his anger, and it was enough to make her eyes light up a little at the sight.

Regardless, it was quickly batted away when her eyes blinked and averted from his. "He'll just get what he wants in the end... I'm just..." She couldn't do it, she wanted to cry but knew if she did it'd only show weakness. I can't. Not in front of him. Not in front of my Beasty. Not only did it feel depressing, but it also felt awkward to be around him.

"You are more than an ingredient! You may have been created in a lab, but you are more powerful than any disgusting human. He will see the end of my boot and the gravel at my feet before I rip him apart!" The growl and hiss in his words, the clench of his claws on her shoulder that kept her against his chest, said just how determined he was to put an end to him.

Silence befell them once more when she swallowed the need to deny his words. Even though he wanted to tear him to shreds on her behalf and behalf of his ego, it still didn't tackle the main issue at hand. Her love for him, and the fear of rejection plagued her mind, afraid that it would all be pointless if she was captured and stashed away for the rest of her life.

"Is the virus working?" The deep voice from the evil ranger caught her attention, so when she looked up to see, his side was next to Elsa who had returned to the computer.

"Oh, it's working. It should be transmitting soon. Are we ready for the arrival of the Power Rangers?" Not even a glance, she could tell the goth kept her attention on the screen.

"They won't stop us this time," As if on cue, he turned, and was about to leave when Elsa strode up to Amelia.

"Sir-- if I may," Blue eyes met brown ones when Amelia saw the goth pull out her large phone from her tight pants and wave it to the beast. "Forgive me, but when I was in the robotics room collecting the computer needed to work on the transmitter, I figured she could use a little boost. Don't get me wrong, I'm not into the whole 'cheering up' thing, but if she's going to be in that state for a while then perhaps a song could snap her out of it," Her explanation brought a satisfied exhale from the beast when Amelia saw him lean a bit to look. "I found out her passcode. It was your name. When I found my way to a music library on her phone, I searched through it and realized there were a few yellow stars next to a particular few. I would suggest, perhaps, playing this one?" The confused lift of Elsa's brow said how questionable it was. Nonetheless, she watched as the goth handed him the phone and saw the music list on her screen when he held it.

If she were to say she wasn't surprised, she'd be lying to herself, for a second person snooped through her phone and invaded her privacy. "Good. Now go and do not waste any more time!" The wave of his hand when he shooed her away, left the goth no room to speak. They both watched her and the evil Ranger leave in a rush to do the next part of their plan.

"I am curious... To say the least. I can only assume the stars are a sign of favoritism, since there are a select few with them," When a claw hovered above a song with a star next to it, he spoke. "Even though I was created... I gave myself a purpose to stay alive! You know this... So-- give yourself a reason," With that, he tapped on Iron by Within Temptation. The screen lit up when rock began to leave her phone and drums accompanied it.

A reason? A brief thought occurred when she heard the lyrics begin.

"Left in the darkness... Here on your own," The lead singer began, which Amelia saw Mesogog's head tilt at and read along as the song continued. "Woke up a memory. Feeding the pain! You cannot deny it! There's nothing to say! It's all you need to... Fire away," The last bit made her blink and her head perk slightly. This time, she started to really listen to it, for she ignored the glance from her Beasty.

"Oh damn! The war is coming! Oh, damn! You feel you want it! Oh, damn, just bring it on todaaay!~" This made her head lift more and bore her eyes at the screen. "You can't live without the fire! It's the heat that makes you strong! 'Cause you're born to live and fight it all the way!" Blue eyes widened at the lyrics, for she recalled what she said to Mesogog that day when she wanted to be evil to Solar. To let out her anger and strike back.

"You can't hide what lies inside you, it's the only thing you've known! You'll embrace it and never walk away!" Her breath hitched a moment when she heard and read that bit. She didn't care if he saw her appear a little more emotional than seconds ago, because each time she's ever listened to that song it always somehow brought her spirits up.

However, when it sang 'Don't walk away' about four times, she gulped the need to cry and felt her throat tighten at the words. "Raised in this madness... You're on your own," Those lyrics resurfaced memories of when she planned her escape from Solar's Facility. "It makes you fearless, nothing to lose!" The times of torture in her past brought her to be fearless, and unafraid of death, it made her inhale even if it was for a second. "Dreams are a joke here... They get in your way! That's what you need to fight day by day!" All her dreams she had, she recalled, were merely squashed as she grew up and the only one that remained was to be a scientist which Solar had manipulated. Fight day by day... A momentary thought brought back the memory when she was planning and fighting Solar's soldiers, and his Cyborgs off.

"Oh damn, the war is coming! Oh damn, you feel you want it! Oh damn, just bring it on today! You can't live without the fire! It's the heat that makes you strong! 'Cause you're born to live and fight it all the way!" The repeating lyrics made her fists clench and her lip quiver a little. She didn't know that Mesogog was reading into the lyrics and comparing them to what she had been through, so he knew that it was affecting her.

"You can't hide what lies inside you, it's the only thing you've known! You'll embrace it and never walk away! Don't walk away!" As soon as it was about to replay its previous lyrics, something different occurred, something she knew would. "You need not to fear us. Unless you are a darkheart... A vile one who preys on the innocent. I promise..." The last bit made Solar's demented face from her nightmare and all of the things he's done to innocent people and test subjects, resurface. "You can't hide in the empty darkness. For we will hunt you down like the animals you are... And pull you... Into the very bowels of hell!" The raspy woman's voice and the lyrics caused the redhead to gulp another urge to cry, however, her fist clenched onto the fabric of Mesogog's pants beneath her. She couldn't tear her eyes from the screen to see him curiously stare at the emotional improvement.

If the lengthy instrumental piece did anything, it provoked her imagination into a flurry of memories that sprung from the day when she first arrived in his lair, and the trek they made so far to be where they are now. From the chases, the creations of her bombs, pistols, Stevie, the Raptor that's yet to be born. All of the fights she went through to protect Mesogog and the others from Solar's ambushes, to the Cyborgs they had to kill, and their plea for help all crashed down onto her.

"Oh damn, the war is coming! Oh damn, you feel you want it! Oh damn, just bring it on today! You can't live without the fire! It's the heat that makes you strong! 'Cause you're born to live and fight it all the way!" Her eyes gradually widened at the words, as a shaky breath escaped.

"You can't hide what lies inside you, it's the only thing you've known! You'll embrace it and never walk away! Don't walk away!" This time a stray tear began to cascade down her tan cheek. "Don't walk away! Don't walk away, Don't walk awaaaay!" At the end of the song, she felt a claw graze her skin to wipe the tear away and it caused her to look him in the eyes.

There it was, the fire returned if not stronger than before. With determined, narrowed eyes, she grabbed her phone and smirked. "Thanks, Beasty. I really shouldn't be dwelling over something so stupid," With that, she scooted off of his legs, stepped down from the Throne's steps, and watched him follow her. "I have a plan and I was wanting to know if you could give me a hand," Smiling with pure confidence now, the look on his face was that of amazement, awe, if she had to describe it. A plan that will put Solar on his deathbed. Her thoughts were quick until she heard the satisfied sigh from Mesogog.

"I'm assuming you put this plan together before? Otherwise... You would be rambling and theorizing right now," The amused cock of his head and the placement of his claws behind his back, told her he was interested.

"That's right! It involves shoving Solar into his grave, early.~" This time, she brought up her hand and offered a handshake, to which she saw him grasp without hesitance.

"I like the sound of that! We... Will bring him to his knees. I will make sure he won't be able to move for the rest of his life," When she clamped her fingers to fit his, her heart fluttered when she reached and wrapped her arms around his chest.

She could feel every muscle in his body stiffen beneath his clothes, which she blushed at and quickly moved away. "Then-- let's get started. First and foremost... We have a machine to build and it will be used to accelerate growth!" Lifting a finger in the air, her signature smile and the expressive tilt of her head showed that she was back in action again. No one was going to push her into the dirt again, not even Solar, and she was going to make sure of that.

"I look forward to it! Tell me of your plan," Amelia stiffened when he swerved, wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her closer. If the coiling of her red curls and the closeness of his nose to hers told her anything, it was that he was purely interested in her. Of course, the constant battle in her mind between accepting and denying was still at play but she had high hopes now.

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