000 (Stranger things Eleven x...

By MasterOp69

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Hawkins, Indiana. A quiet town where nothing happens. But with the disappearance of a boy named Will Byers al... More

About this au
Stranger Things Season 1
Chapter 1: The Disappearance of Will Byers
Chapter 2: The Appearance of Someone New (Edited a little)
Chapter 3: The Weirdo on Maple Street (Edited a little)
Chapter 4: The Zero on Maple Street
Chapter 5: Have A Holly Jolly Christ- Wait It's not Christmas Time?
Chapter 6: That's Not The Body We're Looking For.
Chapter 7: The Acrobat got Fleas!!!
Chapter 8: The Truth and The Monster
Chapter 9: Friends Don't Lie, Even in The Bathtub
Chapter 10: Upside Down or Not, Don't Stop Moving
Chapter 11: uʍop ǝpᴉsd∩ ǝɥʇ uᴉ sɐɯʇsᴉɹɥƆ ǝʇɐɹqǝlǝƆ oʇ ʍoH
Stranger Things Season 2
Season 2 Chapter 1: Who Made Max Mad?
Season 2 Chapter 2: Trick or Treating gets Freaky
Season 2 Chapter 3: That's No Pollywog, That's A Wollypog.
Season 2 Chapter 4: A Wise Will
Season 2 Chapter 5: Diggy, Diggy Hole! Diggy, Diggy Hole!
Season 2 Chapter 6: We'Re SpiEs, wE'Re sPIeS.
Season 2 Chapter 7: Lost Sister? I Barely Know Her.
Season 2 Chapter 8: The Flind Mayer
Season 2 Chapter 9: The Girl Boss, The Gaslight and The Gatekeep
Stranger Things Season 3
Season 3 Chapter 1: So Suzie Do you Copy? Do You Copy Suzie?
Season 3 Chapter 2: There's a Mall in my Rat!!!
Season 3 Chapter 3: The Lifeguard's Missing a Case.
Season 3 Chapter 4: New People to Take The Sauna Test.
Season 3 Chapter 5: Flayed Means to Peel Skin of- Huh A Different Flayed?
Season 3 Chapter 7: WAS THAT THE BITE OF 87!?!?!?
Season 3 Chapter 8: A Battle of the Stars... On A Court!!!
Author's Note: The Plans I Have
Bonus Scenes From Season 2 & 3
Stranger Things Season 4
Season 4 Chapter 1: A Club of Hellfire? How do You Make That?
Season 4 Chapter 2: Vecna's Curse? I Knew He Was A Potty Mouth!
Important Stuff!!! Please Read!!!
Season 4 Chapter 3: Since He's The Monster, Then I Need To Be The Superhero
Season 4 Chapter 4: Secrets Revealed, Tension Arisen

Season 4 Chapter 5: What's The Project? Nina Your Business!!!

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By MasterOp69


We see you wake up in Vecna's mindscape as you look around and see more pillars of people trapped in them.

Vecna: Hello, Zero.

You turn around to show Vecna waiting at the front door.

Zero: Hey Vecna. Why did you bring me here? You gonna kill me?

Vecna: No. Like I told you I have plans. Big plans that will come true.

Zero: Hmm. You do some decorating around here? I notice a shit ton more pillars than usual.

Vecna: Yes. I do hope you like it. I am much stronger now than last time we fought.

Zero: I can feel it. I know that if I tried to fight you now, I would lose. I'm not gonna try that.

Vecna: Good. But I want you to be prepared for I'm not just going to kill you, but your friends as well. Everyone you hold dear, will die.

You look at him determined as some of the rocks float near you.

Zero: We'll stop you.

Vecna: I'll let you believe that. Goodbye for now Zero.

Zero: Goodbye Vecna.

Everything goes black.


We see Argyle's van speed down the empty road as the sun is either starting to set or rise. Argyle is driving and is panicking.

Argyle: Shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit!

Mike, Will, Jonathan, and James are in the back of the van trying to help keep Harmon alive.

Mike: God.

Jonathan: Keep pressure on it.

Will: It's not slowing.

Jonathan: Keep putting pressure on it.

Will: More pressure.

James: Here! I found some napkins.

Mike: Come on.

Will: Thanks.

James hands Jonathan the napkin and he puts it on Harmon's bullet wound.

Will: More napkins.

James nods and looks around for more napkins.

Mike: Shit.

James: Guys it's not slowing.

Jonathan: Argyle! Get us to St. Mary's.

Argyle: I don't think praying's gonna help that dude man.

Jonathan: No, you idiot! St. Mary's Hospital.

Harmon: No, no.

James: What?

Harmon: (Weakly) No hospital.

James: Save your strength Harmon, don't speak.

Jonathan: Yeah, we're gonna get you to the hospital.

Harmon: You need to warn... *gurgles* O... Owens.

Jonathan: Owens, okay.

Harmon: Those three them... are... are in danger.

James: Okay, how do we find Owens?

Harmon: (Weakly) Nina. Nina.

Mike: Nina? Who's Nina?

Will: Come on. A pen.

Harmon pulls out a pen.

Jonathan: Okay.

James: Shit.

Harmon: Here's the number.

Jonathan: Number. Number.

James: He needs something to write on.

Jonathan: We can call this Nina.

Mike: Quick, grab a magazine or something. Will, get something.

Will and James find a magazine and James looks like he's about to have a panic attack.

Mike: He's really bleeding a lot.

Will: Right here.

James: We got one. Please right the number.

Jonathan: Come on. Hey.

Mike: Write the number.

James: (Scared) Write the number!

Jonathan: Hey! Look at me!

Harmon starts to slowly close his eyes.

Jonathan: Come on! Stay with us!

James: Keep your eyes open!

Mike: Come on! Come on!

Harmon passes and they all just stare in shock and silence.

Argyle: Hey, yo, yo. Wait, wait, wait. Why is it so quiet back there? Yo, is he dead? Jesus, man. Talk to me! Shit!

Jonathan looks through the back window and sees a car behind them. James is breathing heavily, and he holds his stomach.

Jonathan: We should get off the road.

Will looks up and sees what he's talking about.

Will: Argyle, Ar... Argyle, get off the road, now!

Argyle: Shit, he's dead, isn't he!? This is really bad.

Jonathan: What are you doing?

Mike and James look out in the window and see the car.


Argyle makes a sharp left and goes off road.


A soldier is tearing the room apart trying to find anything. Sullivan walks in and looks around and notices a piece of paper in a trash can.

He is now seen walking down the stairs and stops and crouches before an injured Wallace.

Sullivan: Listen, I know she was just here. And if you want to live. Then you will tell me where she is. And who this Zero is.

Sullivan says as shows him the letter you left for them.


We see El sleeping in the car and the car jolts waking her up.

Terry: Morning sweetie.

El looks out the window and sees dirt and rocks.

Terry: Yeah, where they're taking us is offroad. I guess it would kinda ruin the whole "top secret location" thing huh? *Chuckles*

El just gives a small chuckle in response as she stretches as much as she can in the car.

Terry: So, how did you sleep?

El: Pretty well. You?

Terry: Same. I have a feeling we're gonna need all the rest we can get.

El nods and looks out the window. The car continues driving before arriving at this some odd structure.

Stinson: This is it.

El and Terry nod and get out the car and approach it to see a door and Owens is waiting by it. He sees them and smiles.

Owens: Hey girls! Glad you could make it.

El: Where's Zero.

Owens: I filled him in and told him to wait inside as I wait for you two. He insisted that he waits but I had to order him.

Owens chuckles and opens the door for them.

Owens: Let's go.

The three of them walk in and the door slams shut. The descend some stairs and go towards an elevator and wait as it arrives.

Terry: Owens, would you mind telling us what's happening?

Owens: In due time we will explain everything.

The elevator arrives and they all go in. Owens closes the door and presses a button, and the elevator goes down. Once they arrive, they walk down a hallway where they see several workers standing at ends or intersections of the hallways.

El: Did you build all this?

Owens: Well, more of gave it a face-lift. Do you know what ICBM stands for?

Terry and El shake their heads.

Owens: It stands for intercontinental ballistic missile. It's a... a fancy bomb. We used to store them in these silos, but we haven't used this one in years. In fact, there... there's no bomb here at all. It's just a big ol' empty space. So we repurposed it to hold something much more powerful than a missile: You three.

Terry and El look at him confused and slightly nervous as he just keeps walking.

Owens: Anne, Tracy. Morning.

Anne/Tracy: Morning, doc.

All the workers look at El and Terry making El nervous.

Owens: You'll have to forgive the staring. You guys are a bit of celebrities down here.

Terry: We are?

Owens: Yeah, you kidding? Y'all... y'all are bigger than Madonna to them. They've all given up their jobs, their lives, their families to come work on this program 'cause they believe in the cause. They believe in you guys.

El: Okay, but where is Zero? We need to see him.

Owens: He's just up ahead. We're going to him right now.

A worker opens a large door and the three of them walk in. They see someone standing in front of the main object in the center of the room.

Zero: You sure took your sweet time getting here Owens.

You turn around and El and Terry smile as El runs into your arms and brings you into a tight hug. You reciprocate but your face shows nervousness and Terry notices.

Owens: I was just telling them about the program. How did your training go?

Zero: Fine. Your info was right, my powers did increase a lot more than usual.

Owens smiles as you and El separate.

El: I missed you. Why are we here? What is this place? What is this program Owens has been talking about?

You take a deep breath and look at her.

Zero: This is project Nina. A program that should help you two increase your powers three times than what they are now.

You say making room to show them the object that says Nina on it.

Terry: Okay. But, how does it help us increase our powers.

???: If we told you, it would ruin the surprise.

You hear a voice and grumble as the man walks down the stairs.

Zero: El, I am so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I was going to yesterday but...

El listens but stares in shock as the man walks down the stares and Terry stares in anger. The man shows himself to be SANS UNDERTALE!?!?


The man shows himself to be Brenner. Alive and well. You just have an annoyed expression on your face.

Brenner: Hello, Eleven. Terry. I know. You're frightened of me. Perhaps in our time apart you have even grown to hate me.

Terry: I certainly do.

Brenner: But all I've ever wanted to do is help you. And right now, I think you very much need my help. To make your gifts stronger for this oncoming threat. Let us work together again.

Brenner stands before El and puts his hand on her shoulder.

Brenner: Let us work together again. You and I. Daughter, *looks at you* son, and Papa.

El starts to get bad memories from him and Terry grips his hand and removes it from her shoulder.

Terry: You ever call my daughter your daughter again I'm snapping your neck.

Brenner just backs away as he sees her angry expression. If looks could kill he would be dead a thousand times over.

Brenner: Right, well right now we need to work together for this.

El: How are you alive?


El: You were attacked by the Demogorgon. Zero saw you die.

Zero: I thought I did too. But he was still alive.

Brenner: Indeed. I was badly injured so I needed to lay low and recover. Once I recovered enough Zero informed me of a situation and told me to contact Owens, and we worked together to help speed up this project.

El looks at you in shock as you just look down.

El: You knew?

Zero: Yeah, for a while now. I did want to tell you when you and Terry got here, but I wanted you all to get settled in first before just dropping a bomb like this on you.

Terry sees your face and she knows better than anyone that you are like Hopper. You had a real reason to keep it from us.

El: Was this what you planned on telling us?

Zero: Yes.

El starts to feel mad and some of the nearby objects start to shake. Terry notices this and was about to go to El until...

Owens: It is also partly my fault.

El and Terry then look at him in confusion.


The burning ruins of the mall were just finished being inspected and searched as Owens walks out the mall and goes over to you as you are sitting on the edge of an ambulance.

Zero: You find anything?

Owens: Nothing kid. I'm sorry.

You just sigh and look down at the ground.

Owens: I do apologize. I should've done better, or I should've... should've done something sooner.

Zero: It's fine. But since you are the first one to approach me after I calmed down from Hopper. I'll tell you something.

Owens: Sure kid. Anything.

Zero: Brenner is alive.

Owens looks at him in shock and disbelief.

Owens: No. He's dead. From the Demogorgon that attacked two years ago.

Zero: He's not. Ray gave me his address and I used the void to see if it is true and it is. He's alive.

Owens: Well, what are you gonna do.

Zero: I'm gonna tell everyone else. Specifically, El and Terry that he's alive.

You get up and begin to walk towards the others and Owens stops you.

Owens: You don't want to do that?

Zero: Why not?

Owens: He probably has eyes and ears everywhere. He might send someone after you three if they find out or if they try to go to him.

Zero: So, what do I do? I can't keep this a secret any longer. I should've told them last year.

Owens: Just keep it a secret. I will deal with it. Give me his address and I'll be sure to make sure he doesn't try anything bad. Okay?

You look unsure but then you look at the others still reeling back from the experience and just sigh.

Zero: Okay. I give. But be sure to let me know when I can tell them otherwise, I will tell them myself.

Owens smile.

Owens: Good. Thank you for trusting me on this.


Owens: And that's what happened. I do apologize for making him keep this a secret from you two. But I did tell him a while ago that he could tell you guys and he thought it would be better to say this face to face.

Terry's expression softens and El calms down some so the nearby objects aren't floating.

Zero: El, I am so sorry for keeping this from you. I truly am. I was gonna tell you, but things happened and I'm so sorry.

El just looks down taking in the information. You can't see her face.

El: What's the threat?

Zero: It's Vecna.

Terry: That servant of The Mind Flayer?

Zero: Yeah. And as we are right now, we can't beat him. This project will help us be able to.

El: Well, let's just get this over with.

A doctor goes over to El and walks with her as Brenner follows. You reach out to her but you know that she's mad at you. You just look down in anger towards yourself.


We hear yelling as we see Hopper getting the beating of a lifetime by a couple of guards.

Russian Man: (Russian) Enough! He is not yours to kill. Fools.

Russian Man crouches down to his level as Hopper is breathing heavily.

Russian Man: What I tell you, American? No run. You don't listen. Now is going to be much pain. Much.


Hopper is now seen being dragged across a large area that looks like a coliseum and Hopper is dragged past a door that looks to hold something dangerous. On the ground there is a bloody mace.

Hopper is then dragged and tossed inside of a cell.

Dmitri: It could be worse American. At least you have company.

Hopper looks over and sees Dmitri who looks to have taken quite the beating himself, standing in the same cell as him. Hopper is in shock.

Dmitri: Your eyes don't deceive you. I am a prisoner now. Like you. Yuri, the smuggler, he betrayed me. Betrayed us.

Hopper just gives him the meanest right hook of '86 to the face. As they get into a fight the other prisoners look in interest and smile.

Russian Man 56: (Russian) The pig's in trouble now.

Hopper holds Dmitri against the wall in anger.

Hopper: You told me we could trust him! Swore to me!

Dmitri: Because I thought we could. You think this is what I planned? I have lost everything, everything! We both knew the risks. Both of us.

Russian Man 56: (Russian) Do us all a favor. Finish him!

Dmitri: We gambled today, and we lost.

Hopper looks at him as his face shifts to sadness.

Dmitri: We lost.

Hopper lets him go, much to Russian Man 56's disappointment. Hopper sits next to him on the wall and slides down it as he just sits surprise.

Hopper: Joyce. What about Joyce?


We see Yuri with some bruises on his face as he is fixing the plane, getting it ready for takeoff. Becky is watching from inside the hanger. Yuri looks over to her and she shows him a pair of brass knuckles she has making him scared as he works faster.


Yuri: (Russian) There you are, my girl! Mwah!

Becky walks over to him, and he just goes into the plane with her following him as he looks at Joyce and Murray.

Yuri: So, are we ready for the journey across the Iron Curtain?

Joyce: Yep. You better help us get Hopper back.

Yuri: Of course I will!

He says and Becky cracks her knuckles making him flinch as he smiles scared.

Yuri: Did you know that PeanutButter is banned in Russian. I buy for $1.30 here, sell for $20 dollars there.

Murray: Your mother must be very proud.

Yuri: My mother is dead. Dead, tired of living like a bum. And with money I was planning on earning from selling you two and her, I could buy her a new house. My daughter a pony. Whatever they desire.

Becky: That's nice. Now head to the cock pit and take off.

Yuri nods and quickly walks there and starts driving the plane.

Murray: You really have him scared.

Joyce: Yeah, thanks for helping us, Becky.

Becky: No problem. I want to save Hopper too. Probably not as much as Joyce does but you know.

Joyce: (Blushing) Stop it.

Becky and Murray chuckle as She goes over to Yuri to keep an eye on him.

Yuri: Hold on tight. This is not American Airlines. Is going to get bit choppy.

Becky: Probably better than Spirit Airlines.

Yuri starts laughing as the plane takes off and starts flying.


We see two grown men fishing in the middle of the lake and they hear the door to the house close.

Fisherman 1: When'd Rick get out of jail.

Fisherman 2: Justice system's a goddamn joke.

Inside the house Eddie is seen rummaging through the kitchen for food and when he opens the pantry, he finds a can of spaghetti.

Eddie: Yeah, you'll do.

Eddie cooks it and is now eating it as he tries to contact Dustin.

Eddie: Hey, Dustin this is Eddie the banished. You there?


We see the curse breakers are sleeping in his basement as Eddie tries to contact them.

Eddie: (Radio) Dustin, can you hear me? Dustin?

Nancy wakes up to the sound of the radio and picks up.

Eddie: (Radio) Earth to Dustin.

Nancy: Hey it's Nancy.

Eddie: (Radio) Wheeler! Hey. Um, I'm gonna need a food delivery, like, really soon, unless you want me going out into the world.

Nancy: No. No, no, no. Don't do that. Just stay where you are and we will be there as soon as we can.

Eddie: (Radio) Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, um... can you pick me up a six-pack? I know, it's stupid as shit drinking right now, but a cold be would really calm my jangled nerves.

Nancy looks over to see where Max is supposed to be sleeping to see she is gone.

Nancy: Hey, I'm gonna have to call you back.

Eddie: (Radio) No, don't you da-- Wheeler? Wheeler?

Nancy goes over to Dustin and wakes him up.

Nancy: Dustin!

Dustin: (Sleeping) Mm.

Nancy: Wake up!

Dustin: I'm up! I'm up! I'm up!

Nancy: Aren't you supposed to be on Max watch?

Dustin: Yep. Yep, yep, yep. Sorry.

Nancy: Then where is she?

Dustin: She's right there. *Sees empty couch* A second ago. I swear, I just dozed off for... *looks at watch* an hour.

Nancy and Dustin are now walking down the hallway into the kitchen looking for Max and sees her at the table with Holly and Karen.

Karen: Morning guys. Everything okay?

Nancy: Yeah. Yeah, everything's okay.

They look to see Billy making breakfast as he turns around.

Billy: Morning guys. I'm making breakfast.

Karen: Thanks Billy. I think it's so sweet that you guys are sticking together like this.

We also see Ted sitting at the counter reading a newspaper instead of his Lay-Z-Boy. That had to have been a clear sign the end was near.

Ted: You could try sticking together at a different house for a change.

Nancy walks over to Max.

Karen: Oh stop it Ted. You're welcome here anytime.

Dustin: Totally. You're like family.

The door opens and Kitty walks in.

Kitty: Morning guys!

Karen: Hi Katherine!

Ted: Oh great, more of you.

Kitty walks in the kitchen and sees the breakfast Billy made.

Kitty: May I?

Billy: Sure. Knock yourself out.

Ted: Yeah, why not? Take us for all we're worth.

Dustin: (Cheekily) Okay.

Dustin and Kitty start taking some of the food and stacking it on their plates.

Billy: Kitty, didn't your parents make you breakfast?

Kitty: Not today. They wanted to stay in later due to all the commotion, but their bosses called and told them that it ain't an excuse to not be at work on time so they couldn't.

Billy nods and gets back to cooking as he hums "Running Up That Hill".

Over at the table Max, who is listening to the same song is seen drawing what she saw in the mindscape when she was running away from Vecna. Nancy walks over to her and taps her shoulder.

Max stops her Walkman and brings her headphones down.

Max: Hey.

Nancy: Hey. You, okay?

Max: Just couldn't sleep. People kept blasting music in my ears for some reason.

Nancy: *Chuckles*

Max: But Holly let me borrow some of her crayons. We've been having a fun morning, right Holly?

Holly: Mm-Hmm.

Nancy looks at the drawings.

Nancy: Is this what you saw last night?

Max: I mean, it's supposed to be. I thought it'd be easier to draw it out than to explain it, but... not so much.

Nancy looks and slides a drawing of Chrissy and Fred trapped in the pillars.

Nancy: Is that?

Max: It was like they were on display or something. And there was this red fog everywhere. It was like a dream. A nightmare.

Nancy: Do you think Vecna is trying to scare you?

Max: With my nightmares yeah. But when I was here. I dunno, something was different. He seemed surprised, almost. Like he didn't want me there.

Dustin and Kitty sit down at the table.

Dustin: Maybe you infiltrated his mind.

Kitty: That makes sense. He invaded your mind, right? It could be possible for you to somehow wound up in his?

Dustin: Like Freddy Krueger's boiler room.

Kitty: I was thinking that!

Holly: Freddy Krueger?

Before Dustin could explain Kitty covers his mouth.

Kitty: Don't worry about it Holly, it's just some character from a movie.

Holly nods and goes back to drawing.

Dustin: *Removes Kitty's hand* Just... think about it. What if you somehow unlocked a backdoor to Vecna's world?

Kitty: Yeah, maybe the answer is somewhere in this... *Picks up random drawing*

Dustin: Incredibly vague drawing. God, we need Zero or Will.

Billy: Yeah, no shit.

Max: I tried them again this morning and it's the same busy signal.

Nancy looks at the drawing and seems to recognize it.

Nancy: Is this a window?

Max: Yeah.

Nancy: Stained glass with roses.

Max: Yeah. See? I'm not so terrible after all.

Billy: (sarcastic) I'll be sure to save up so you can go to art school.

Max nudges Billy making him chuckle.

Nancy: Yeah, well, it helps that I've seen it before.

Nancy then folds up the paper and starts putting the drawings together like a large jigsaw puzzle. Once she puts them in the appropriate positions, she grabs a sharpie and draws on it to show a resemblance of a house.

Max: It's pictures of a house.

Nancy: Not just any house.


We see Young Victor opening the door to the very same house.


Nancy: It's Victor Creel's house.

Nancy gets up and starts walking away from the table.

Dustin: Where are you going?

Nancy: To wake the others.

Nancy walks away and Kitty and Dustin g to the counter and grab some more food.

Dustin: Sorry, fuel for the road.

Kitty: Thanks, Mr. Wheeler!


We see El wake up and she looks around to see she is back at the lab.

El: (Thinking) No. No.

She starts to cry a little bit and clutches her head feeling her hair is back to being shaved.

El: NO!

El gets out of the bed and walks towards the door and opens it to see an empty hallway. She looks around scared as she sees more rooms with numbers on them. She keeps walking towards the big double doors and opens it to see kids are playing with blocks and puzzles and etc. She sees two kids playing chess and they place down a piece.

???: Well, well. Look who finally decided to join us. Someone's a sleepyhead this morning.

El: Where am I?

Orderly: I guess you're still not quite awake, huh?

El: Am I in Hawkins?

The lights shut off and start flashing until they come back on.

Orderly: Well, well. Look who finally decided to join us. Someone's a sleepyhead this morning.

El turns around to see the same Orderly saying the same dialogue making her move towards the door.

Orderly: Don't go too far sleepyhead. Lessons begin promptly at 10:00.

El backs away from him and knocks over a stack of blocks. El just runs down the hall and goes through another set of double doors to see the same scene she saw before.

Orderly: Well, well. Look who decided to join us. Someone's a sleepyhead this morning.


We see machines and cameras as other workers are examining them.

Worker 599: Heart rate's now 120 BPM.

Owens: She's rejecting it.

Brenner: Give her time.

Owens: No, no, no. We shouldn't have just thrown her in there like this. She's gonna drown in there.

Brenner: No, she is going to swim.

The machine keeps monitoring her heartrate as Owens looks worried.

In another part of the lab, we see Terry lifting up several heavy objects with her mind. Some of which are cars and others are parts of other large vehicles like planes and jets. Terry puts them down before sitting down and wiping some sweat from her forehead.

Terry: Man. I have never been able to lift so much before.

You walk over to her and hand her a water bottle.

Zero: 15 minutes. Not bad. Just keep this up and try to go for 20.

Terry sighs and takes the water bottle before drinking almost half of it.

Terry: Thanks. By the way Y/N. How come you're wearing a hoodie?

She asks this as you are wearing a hoodie to keep yourself.

Zero: I'm cold.

Terry: How? I thought you never get cold.

Zero: Normally I don't, but that's because of my powers. I raise my body temperature to keep myself warm in colder areas and vice versa.

Terry: And you aren't using your powers, right?

Zero: Nope. It's all a part of my training for this project.

Terry nods before taking another sip of her water and getting up.

Terry: Alright. Once more before I take my break.

She concentrates and starts lifting the objects once more.


We see the boys are burying Harmon while Argyle is panicking, and James is throwing up behind one of the cars.

James: *Vomits*

Argyle: Oh man, oh man, oh man. Okay, this is so messed up. This is so messed up! This is so messed up! Okay. Dude's probably got, like, a family, kids, you know. All that shit. We gotta go to the cops with this. Lay it all on 'em. Your superpowered friends, bad government dudes, The Upside Down dimension planet thing-

Will/Jonathan/Mike: No!

James: *Vomits more*

Argyle: But... but. Listen! The bad government dudes are after your super friends, right? Right? Okay. So maybe the cops can help us find out where they are. Because they're gonna kill them man. And if they kill them, they're gonna kill us.

Jonathan: Hey!

Argyle then starts going on a rant about the order in which the kills will happen as Jonathan tries to get his attention.

James: *Vomits once more*

They look over to see James still vomiting from the whole experience.

Will: I'll go check on him.

Will goes over to James.

Jonathan: Argyle, look, I think we can figure this out, okay? We just gotta open our minds.

Argyle: Open our mind? There's an open grave in front of me, man!

Will finds James to see him breathing heavily and rubs his back.

Will: Do you feel better?

James: Yeah, yeah, a little. I guess this whole experience stressed me out. Plus, that's the first time I have seen a person die in front of me.

Will: Yeah. Well, we will figure this out.

James: I know. *Wipes mouth* I know. We always do. It's just... you know.

Will: Yeah, I know. It's kind of the second time for me.

James: Seeing someone die in front of you?

Will: Yeah, it happened when I was in the Upside Down. While Zero was up here looking for food I saw a man dying in front of me. It shook me to my very core when his heart stopped.

James: I'm sorry that happened.

Will: Thanks. I am better now, but it's just something that you can't really ever forget. It kinda just sits-

James: In the back of your mind?

Will: Yeah. That.

James: Yeah, we all have that.

Mike comes over to them looking a little distraught.

James: You guys finish burying him?

Mike: Yeah. Argyle went to get high again.

We now see the three of them sitting on a car.

James: I kinda heard everything Argyle had said. I don't think you should let him get to you.

Will: Yeah, he's stoned out of his mind. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

Mike: Well, that doesn't mean he's wrong. I mean, if that guy would've lived one more second, one more second, then w... we would know where they are. Wh... Why didn't he just say the number? Maybe I should've explained myself or one of us. Cause then maybe El and Ms. Ives would've taken one of us with them. And things would be different, but...

Will: No.

Mike: I didn't... I didn't know what to say.

James: None of us truly did.

Will: Sometimes I think it's just scary to open up like that. To say how you really feel. Especially to people you care about the most. Because, what if... what if they don't like that truth?

James was listening and it made him think about Troy. Thinking about what if he confessed to him before he moved. How would he have felt. Would he have rejected him but still saw him as a friend, hated his guts, or maybe love him back. He never knew and will never know now. He looks over to Will and gains a small smile.

Argyle: Hey, does anybody know the dead dude's name?

Argyle's question breaks everyone out of their focus and look at him confused.

Jonathan: What?

Argyle: The dead dude. I'm making him a headstone.

Jonathan: You do realize we spent all morning hiding the body.

Argyle: Well, I'll just write, uh, "Here Lies Unknown Hero Agent Man." Yeah, "Saved Argyle, Jonathan, Will, Mike, and James from certain death."

Jonathan: You... You're gonna write our names on the pizza box?

Argyle: They're pretty common names.

James: *Chuckles*

Jonathan: Okay, dude. Uh, do your thing. Jesus Christ. *Sighs*

Argyle tries to write on the pizza box, but the pen isn't working.

James: He is right though. Our names are pretty common.

Mike: Yeah, but look. He's using his pen.

Will: What?

Mike: Unknown Hero Agent Man, that's the pen he gave me right before he died.

James: I think his name was Harmon.

Argyle: (Background) Piece of shit.

Mike: Why would he give me a pen that didn't work?

The three sit in thought for a second before they get off the car and approach Argyle.

Argyle: Come on.

Mike snatches the pen from him.

Argyle: Hey man, I'm using that.

Mike then removes the top and shakes it making something come out.

Argyle: Something fell outta that pen, man.

Will: Wh... What is it?

Mike takes the paper and unrolls it to see a phone number.

Mike: It's the number. We've had it this whole time.

Argyle: We got his digits man.

James: Now we might be able to find them.


We see someone mopping up blood and he stops to take a breather. A Russian worker comes by and nudges him.

Russian Worker 208: (Russian) Did I tell you it's okay to take break? Over there is a hand. HAND!

The Russian Janitor runs over to pick up a severed hand.

Russian Worker 208: (Russian) Are we animals?

We cut to see that same Russian worker taking a smoke break.

Dmitri: Psst. Hey, Ivan. Ivan!

Dmitri waves him over and Ivan walks over to his cell.

Ivan: *Hits bars* (Russian) Stop calling my name. You trying to get me in trouble?

Dmitri: (Russian) I don't know what they've told you, but it is all lies. I am here by mistake.

Ivan: (Russian) I'm sorry. I cannot help you.

Dmitri: (Russian) I can make you rich.

This makes Ivan stop walking away and turns back around.

Dmitri: (Russian) You see this American? He too comes from money. Old money. *To Hopper* (English) Tell him American. Tell him how you will make him rich.

Hopper: ...

Ivan just smokes his cigarette and walks away.

Dmitri: You're a real help, American, you know that? A real help.

Hopper: ...

Dmitri: Hey. *Claps Hands* You want to die in here?

Hopper: That is what we've been brought here to do.

Dmitri: So, that is it? You give up, then? *Sits next to him* What about your woman, huh? She's captured, yes, but still alive. We can still save her.

Hopper: *Clicks tongue* Save her?

Dmitri: That is amusing to you?

Hopper: You don't get it, do you? You don't get it. The closer I get with Joyce the more danger she's in.

Dmitri: You're not thinking straight, American.

Hopper: No, I think I am. For the first time in my life, I think I'm thinking straight. I used to think I was cursed. Ever since I was 18. Get some letter of induction in the mail. Uncle Sam wants me to go fight some war in the jungle. Charlie's moving south like a plague 'cause of commie bastards like you, and... you know I'm happy enough to go. Prove to my old man I'm not the piece of shit he thinks I am. I get over there, I must test well, and they put me in the Chemical Corps. There I am. I'm just... a kid, you know. I'm 18 years old, 8,000 miles away, and I'm mixing up these... 55-gallon drums of Agent Orange. With just these kitchen gloves you know. We used to clean out these buffalo turbines after a run and just be inhaling the stuff. No masks, nothing. "It's not chemical warfare. It's just herbicide to kill plants." "Harmless." That's what they told us. Then I got back to real life and these guys I worked with, the ones that made it back, they started trying to get back to normal, you know? Having families. And then things started going wrong. Kids born stillborn. Dead in the womb. Crooked spines, eyes popped out. The horror... followed us, clung to us. My wife Diane, she wanted a baby *sighs* I did too. We had a baby, and she was, um... she was born healthy. She was perfect, you know. Sara. And then she died. It wasn't an easy death she... suffered. I knew the risks, but I um, I hid them. And then Diane left me. She didn't blame me. Not with words. After that, I was just... I just hid myself in drugs and alcohol. And then people started coming into my life. This boy Zero, and Joyce just happened, and I told myself they needed me. But that wasn't true. That was a lie, they didn't need me. I needed them. I needed them. You were right, what you said last night. I knew the risks, breaking out of here, but I did it anyway. The minute I sent for Joyce, the minute I sent for her. I sentenced her to death. Just like I did with Sara. Everyone I love, I hurt. See I was wrong this whole time. I wasn't cursed. I am the curse.


Dmitri gets up hearing the snarling. He looks out his cell towards some double doors in what looks to be a coliseum.

Dmitri: I've heard rumors of a monster. From America. I don't know if what you say is true, American, if you're truly a cursed man, but you're right about one thing. We are going to die in here.

Dmitri looks out the cell as the camera pans out.


We see a car pull in near a trailer and they knock on the door.

Mr. Munson opens the door.

Mr. Munson: Can I help you?

Stinson: *Shows badge* We need to take a look around.

Mr. Munson opens the door for them as they are seen examining the area and see a fissure in the ceiling.

Mr. Munson: Yep. I think it's some kind of leak. I haven't had a chance to fix it yet with everything going on.

Stinson: Pack your things. We're moving you.

Mr. Munson just sighs and walks away as Stinson looks at the fissure.


We see a photo of Chrissy Cunningham as the camera moves to show a woman at the podium.

Woman 493: The devil is here. I can feel his presence... growing stronger each day. But I know Chrissy's in heaven now. Looking down at us. Happy seeing all the lives she touched and brightened. But I also know she's frustrated. Angry. That the monster that did this to her is still out there. Still. Hurting other.

While she is talking Patrick looks to the side and sees a grandfather's clock. It just chimes and Patrick is nervous before he looks back.

We cut to see all the basketball members standing around a table.

Jason: So I finally got ahold of Cappelletti.

He drops some photos on the table.

Jason: Photos for the '86 yearbook.

BBM 7: Hot damn.

Andy: Sinclair? Goddamn traitor.

Jason: He said he found a lead and did tell us it might not be a good one. But I think he intentionally knew that for one reason. The Hellfire Club. They're hiding Eddie.

Patrick: I think we should tell this to the cops.

Jason: The cops who think Chrissy's a drug dealer. Who are letting this... this psycho go around killing people?

Patrick: I'm just saying, what if this cult is doing shit to us?

Andy: Doing what?

Patrick: They already know we're after them. What if they cursed or some shit?

Andy: Patrick thinks he's cursed.

All the members besides Patrick and Jason chuckle.

Jason: Hey! None of this is funny. Look, I don't believe in that supernatural crap, all right? But this cult is dangerous. We have to be smart about this. *Pulls out paper* I made a list. Everywhere these freaks have been seen. We divide and conquer. Check 'em out one by one. Smoke 'em out.

Patrick: We should add Reefer Rick's house to this.

Jason: Why?

Patrick: Reefer Rick. He's Eddie's supplier. He's supposed to be in prison, but someone spotted him back in his house. Now my parents are freaking out and shit. It's probably nothing. I don't know.

Jason: No, that's good. That's good. No stones unturned.

Jason writes Reefer Rick on the paper.


We see the Curse Breakers arrive at the old Creel home. They all get out their cars and walk up to the front yard to see an old decerped house.

Steve: Yeah, that's not creepy.

We now see him and Billy removing the nails from the front door.

Steve: What exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shithole?

Nancy: We're not sure. We just know that this home is important to Vecna.

Billy: Because Max saw it in his mindscape.

Nancy: Basically.

Steve: Great.

Dustin: Maybe it holds a clue to where Vecna is. Why he's back. Why he killed the Creels.

Kitty: And how to stop him before he comes back for Max and maybe Billy.

Lucas: We don't think Vecna's here, do we?

Max: He shouldn't be, but I guess we'll find out.

Billy and Steve have removed all the nails from the wood board and bring it down showing the front door.

Max stares at the door and gets flashbacks.

Vecna(Voice): Max. What are you doing in here? Max?

Steve: *Jiggles doorknob* It's locked. Should I knock, see if anybody's home?

Billy: Let me try.

Billy knocks on the door and it opens slightly.


Billy presses his body against the door.

Billy: I thought it was just stuck. It is locked.

Kitty: I can open it.

Kitty walks up to the lock and pulls out a lock pick.

Nancy: Since when did you have lock picks?

Kitty: I used to sneak out a lot back in the city.

Dustin: She also helped us get a shit tons of coins from the arcade too.

Lucas and Max laugh as they remember when she got them coins from the arcade machines without Keith noticing.


They all hear a click and the door opens.

Kitty: Voila.

They all walk in looking around and Lucas tries to turn on a nearby lamp.

Lucas: Guess someone forgot to pay their electric bill.

Kitty: Maybe it was the IRS and not Vecna. Or maybe he works for the IRS.

Billy and Max chuckle.

Max: The demon is all, (Mocking Vecna voice) "You didn't pay your taxes Creel family. Now DIE!"

Kitty starts laughing.

After she calms down, they all pull out flashlights and turn them on.

Steve: Where'd everyone get those?

Dustin: Do you need to be told everything? You're not a child.

Steve: Thank you.

Dustin: Mmhmm. *Hands Steve backpack* Back pocket.

Steve listens and grabs a working flashlight before dropping Dustin's bag on the ground joining the others.

Kitty: You really didn't think to bring a flashlight?

Steve: Hey, I didn't know. You guys just told me to follow Nancy and Billy. I wasn't informed of where we were going.

Kitty: Oh, yeah, I guess we did do that. Sorry.

Steve: Just let me know next time.

Kitty just smiles and walks in a random direction.

Nancy and Robin enter the living room look to see everything is still there.

Nancy: They just left everything.

Robin: I guess a triple homicide isn't good for resale value.

Max: Hey, guys? You all see that, right?

They all go to see Max looking at the grandfather clock she saw.

Dustin: Yeah.

Steve: Yeah.

Billy: Is that what you saw? In your visions?

Max just nods her head as the chime of the clock plays back in her mind.

Robin: I mean, it's... just a clock. Right?

Robin walks up to it and wipes some dust off.

Robin: Just a normal old clock.

Steve: Why is this wizard so obsessed with clocks. Maybe he's, like, a clockmaker or something?

Dustin: Think you cracked the case, Steve.

Kitty: Dustin, that's enough Steve sass.

Nancy: All I know is the answers are here. Somewhere. Okay everyone let's split into groups. Robin, upstairs.

Nancy and Robin go upstairs.

Max: Come on. Let's go.

Max and Billy go in a different direction and Lucas follows leaving just Steve, Dustin, and Kitty.

Steve sighs and goes upstairs.

Dustin: Was that a sigh?

Steve: No, I did not sigh.

Kitty: Why'd you sigh?

Steve: I didn't sigh. Just come on, guys.

Dustin: We heard you.

Steve: W... We're just always partners, okay?

Kitty: Is that a problem?

Steve: It'd just be nice to, I don't know, mix it up a bit.

Dustin: So, we're boring you? Is that it?

Steve: No, the opposite.

As they go upstairs the lights come on and flicker.


We see Yuri in the pilot seat opening a jar of peanut butter.

Yuri: Ah.

He starts scooping some out with a spoon and eating it. In the back we see Murray, Joyce, and Becky planning.

Becky: So, how are we actually gonna get Hopper?

Joyce: What? I thought Yuri was gonna help us?

Becky: Yeah, get there. But what about actually getting Hopper.

Murray: That is true. The place he is in must be extremely tight if Hopper had to bribe a guard to get out and still fail.

Becky: And what's stopping him from turning us in when we get there and taking the money and leaving?

Joyce: You do make a good point.

Becky: Right, so we need to start brainstorming now.


We see El running down the hall scared as she keeps opening doors only to find that all the doors lead to the same playroom.

El: What the hell is this?

The lights flicker and once they turn on, she finds herself in the playroom.

Orderly: (Behind her) Well, well. Look who decided to join us. Someone's a sleepyhead this morning.

El looks around and finds a camera before grabbing a chair, standing on it, and looking directly at the camera.


She then starts panting before looking closer at the camera and turning around to look around to see a mirror. She walks in front of it to find her younger self staring back.

Brenner: (Voice) In 1786, Nicolas Dalayrac wrote an opera called Nina.

El: Papa.

Brenner: (Voice) It's the story about a young woman whose lover was killed in a duel. Nina was so traumatized that she buried the memory. It was as if it never happened. Every day, she would return to the train station to await her lover's return. A return that would never be. If only Nina could know the truth.

El: What? What does that have to do with... Ghk!

El clutches her head in pain at a huge headache.


Younger El with blood stains on her clothes running away as you scream at her to keep going.


El: Is this it? Am I the Nina in this story?

Brenner: (Voice) In a way, yes. What you're seeing isn't real. But it once was. You need to remember. Everything.

El: This is a memory.

Brenner: (Voice) Yes. Very good.

El: How can I get out?

Brenner: (Voice) Eleven. You need to find your own way out. Leave your train station. Stop waiting.

El hears this and calms down.

Orderly: Well, well. Look who finally decided to join us. Someone's a sleepyhead this morning.

Brenner (Voice)/ El: Remember. Focus.

We zoom in on the mirror that shows Young El and Orderly having this conversation.

Young El/El: I'm sorry. Am I... in trouble?

Orderly: Trouble? No. No, why do you think that? You're just missing out on all the fun. Training begins any minute now.

El looks over to the corner and sees a few small stacks of books and looks back.

Young El/El: Okay.

Orderly: Are you wondering where your friend is?

El: Yes.

Then the doors open and a Young Zero walk in. (A/N: I will be referring to you in the third person for these parts of the story because I think it fits better.)

Young Zero: *Yawns* Man. That was a good nap.

Orderly: Well, well. Look who finally decided to join us.

Young Zero: Yeah, yeah, I know. So, did I miss training?

Orderly: No. It starts any minute now.

Young Zero: *Snaps fingers* Drat. Oh well.

Orderly: Hey, someone has been waiting for you.

Young Zero looks over to see El and smiles.

Young Zero: Hey El! Good morning to you. So, we got some time to kill right. What do you want to play together.

El stands in shock at the sight of Young Zero because while she remembers him from when she was young, she is now face to face with him. She was also kinda still mad at Zero for keeping Brenner a secret, but she knew she had to remember. So she just played along with it.

El: Well...

Just then the door opens and Young Brenner walks in as all the children surround him.

Young Brenner: Good morning, children.

Numbers: Good morning, Papa.

Young Zero just groans and joins the children looking bored and El looking a little nervous.

Young Brenner: How are you all doing today?

Numbers: Good, Papa.

Young Zero: Fine Brenner.

Young Brenner notices you called him Brenner and decided to ignore it.

Young Brenner: Good. Number 10. Would you be so kind and open the door?

Ten: Yes, Papa.

Young Zero: (Whispering) "Yes, Papa" Jeez, could you sound any more like a robot?

El giggles at this and Young Zero smiles.

Young Brenner: Please, follow me.

El and Young Zero along with all the kids follow Young Brenner down the hallway.


We see Machine's whirring as Brenner stares at the screen and Owens comes in.

Owens: How's she doing?

Brenner: Very well. She's swimming now.

Owens: Good. 'Cause I just got off the phone with Stinson. We don't have much time.

Brenner: Well then, she'll just have to swim faster.

Brenner is looking at the object that says Nina and inside of it shows multiple TV screens showing the memory as El is asleep floating in the water with wires on her head.

Just then Terry and You come in and she sees the screens.

Terry: What the hell is this?


We see Argyle driving on the road at a fast pace before going off road making the others worried as he approaches the phonebooth.

Mike: There's one. Argyle, slow down.

Argyle: There's one what?

Will: Slow down.

Argyle: Stop barking orders.

James: Argyle. Slow down!

Argyle stops the van near the phonebooth.

Argyle: Woah.

Mike: Jesus Christ!

We now see Mike put a quarter in the phone booth with Will, James, and Jonathan just outside it.

Will: 202-968-6161.

Mike enters the numbers and the line rings until it starts sounding like a dying fax machine.

James: Is it ringing?

Mike: No, it's just making a bunch of weird noises.

Will: What?

Mike: Listen, tell me that doesn't sound familiar.

Mike hands the phone to Will who listens and recognizes the sound.

Will: Wargames.

James: What?

Jonathan: Let me listen.

James: I'm still confused.

Will: We're not calling a phone. We're calling a computer.

James goes wide eye as we now cut to Mike getting a map out of the glove compartment.

Mike: Now I don't know if Nina is a computer like Joshua or Owens' lab, but Unknown Hero Agent Man gave us access to it for a reason. We just need to find the computer. We find Owens, then warn him. Then we warn El, Zero, and Ms. Ives. I just need a hacker.

Mike unfolds the map, and they open the back of the van, and he spreads it on the floor of it.

Mike: The only hacker that I know lives... in Utah.

Jonathan: Wait, Utah?

Mike: Salt Lake City, to be specific.

James: Oh my God. Oh my God.

Jonathan: What? Why "Oh my God"?

Will: Jonathan.

James: (Singing) Turn around.

Will: *Joins in* Look at what you see.

Jonathan: Oh no.

Argyle: NeverEnding Story. That scared the shit out of me. The Nothing Man. That's some proper existential shit right there, dude. *Plays with yo-yo*

Jonathan: You can't be serious.

Mike: If we take the I-15 north we can get there by morning.

Jonathan: Oh, you're serious.

Mike: I know it sounds insane, but Suzie saved the world last year. Maybe she can save it again.


We see Eddie tossing some stones in a can before hearing a car stop by and he peeks his head out the window. Outside Jason, Patrick, and Andy arrive and get out the car approaching the house.

Eddie: Shit. Shit.

He moves to the other window to look as the three BBMs approach the front door to see it open.

Andy: Looks like Rick had company.

Jason enters leading them as they walk around the house and see a bowl on the counter.

Jason: It's him.

In the shed Eddie is freaking out.

Eddie: Hey Dustin. It's Eddie. You remember me, right?


We see the radio in Dustin's backpack that Steve dropped on the floor and left.

Eddie: (Radio) Hey, if anyone's there, I really think I might be in a bit of trouble here. Okay. Wheeler? Anybody!?

Upstairs in the Creel House Steve, Kitty, and Dustin look around carefully.

Steve: Hey, uh, Henderson?

Dustin: Yeah?

Steve: Could you maybe, uh, clarify what sort of clues we're supposed to be looking for here?

Dustin: (British Accent) "The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes."

Kitty: Was that Sherlock Holmes?

Dustin: Yeah.

Steve: That's great. Thanks. That's great. Really helpful.

Kitty: Steve, just see if you find anything creepy, or something that could relate to Vecna's involvement in the Creel family.

Steve: Like what?

Kitty: I don't know. like a creepy spider or something.

Kitty says this and walks in a different direction as Steve looked and saw a grate. He opens it to see jars inside and he picks one up. He examines it to find a spider inside of the jar and he feels a spider crawling on his shoulder making him jump and drop the jar as he tries to smack the spider off bumping into Nancy.

Nancy: Whoa, whoa. What's wrong?

Steve: There was a spider.

Nancy: A what?

Steve: It's a black widow.

He closes the door to that room.

Steve: Don't go in there.

Steve proceeds to walk down the hall as Nancy stops him.

Nancy: Oh, oh. Wait just...

Steve: What is it? Something?

Nancy: Just stop moving.

Steve: Shit. Okay.

Nancy: Stop. I just... I got it. I got it.

Steve: Thank you.

Nancy pulls out a cobweb from his hair.

Robin: If there's a spider nesting in there, you're never gonna find it till it lays eggs and all the babies spill out.

Steve: What is wrong with you?

Robin: *Chuckles*

Steve: Robin, seriously. She's got problems.

Nancy: Tell me about it.

Steve: It's cool that you two are like friends now. Maybe once we find Vecna, kill him, and save the world and stuff, maybe we can all go out. You know, me, you, Robin, Billy, Jonathan when he's back. It's not like we're dating. Me and Robin. Not like we're dating. She told you that? That we're not?

Nancy: Yes. She made that very clear.

Robin: Platonic with a capital P.

Steve: Yep. Thank you. (To Nancy) I mean I would date her. It's just... She's...

Nancy: Gay?

Steve: Yep.

Kitty walks by and looks at them.

Kitty: What happened?

Robin: A spider got on Steve and scared him.

Steve: Yeah, don't go in there. I did find some spiders in jars though. Maybe one of the Creels wanted to study arachnids?

Kitty: Really? Maybe I can look around in there.

Steve: No way. Not with the black widows in that room.

Kitty: Come on, I'll be fine. Spiders never bother me. Literally.

Robin: Like they don't approach you?

Kitty: Yep.

Nancy: How?


We see Young Kitty on her back porch slowly pulling the legs off a daddy longlegs before neat placing the body on the ground and putting the legs all around it.

The Other Spiders watching:


Nancy: Well, all better Steve.

Steve: Great thanks. *Chuckles* Well... Great. um. Guess we should get back to the investigation. "The obvious things are not what people observe." Or... "Don't... Don't observe." Or... Sherlock Holmes.

Steve just walks past Nancy making her confused as Kitty follows him.

Nancy: What?

In another part of the house, we see Billy, Max, and Lucas looking around as Max's tape deck clicks off. She looks down and rewinds the tape.

Lucas: I wish we had a longer loop.

Billy: Well, 46 minutes isn't that bad.

Max: Yeah, we probably have bigger concerns. Like... what if, by listening to it over and over, I get sick of it. And suddenly, it's not my favorite song anymore. Will it still work? Or will Kate Bush, like, lose her magic power or something?

Billy: Kate Bush? Never.

Max: You're a Kate Bush fan Billy?

Billy: Yep.

Lucas: And so am I.

Max: You too Lucas?

Lucas: Yeah, mega-fan. She saved your life.

Billy: That's true. But I think there's more to it than just being your favorite song.

Max: Like what?

Billy: Like, being the song that you understand or relate to the most. What truly defines a favorite song? Is it the catchy beat, the amazing vocals, the meaning behind it, or what it made you feel? Like when I listen to that song, I think back to the happy memories I've had with my mom before she left, and the time I spent with you all since last year. Happy that I got people that trust me enough to be by their side and care for me. That when I'm "Running Up That Hill" I won't be alone once I reach the top or going up it. And if I keep running up that hill, we will be free from all this Upside Down crap.

Max and Lucas are stunned by what Billy has said.

Max: I never thought of it like that.

Lucas: Neither did I.

Billy: Well, that's just my opinion. Let's not focus on that right now. We're hot on Vecna's trail. Once we find him, we will kill him before he even thinks about messing with you again.

Lucas: Yeah, he's right. And maybe if we hit these suckers in the right combo, we might just open a door to his secret lair.

Lucas and Max walk over to the piano as Lucas hits some of the keys.

Lucas: Voila. *Laughs*

Max: You are such a dork. I thought you were, like, one of the cool kids now.

Lucas: I'm not cool?

Max: *Laughs*

Lucas: I've really missed that.

Max: Missed what?

Lucas: Your laugh.

The tape deck clicks.

Max: It's done.

Max goes to put the headphones on, but a lamp starts flickering.

Max: I promise I'm gonna stop asking this but... you're seeing that right?

Lucas/Billy: Yeah.

As the song plays through the headphones the lamp in the foyer turns on flickering.

Lucas: Look.

The three follow the light as the light over the stairs turns on flickering.


We see one of the numbers concentrating as the lights in a wheel start flashing.

Young Brenner: Stop.

The boy stops as the machine turns off.

Young Brenner: Very good Two. Very good.

He gives Two some candy making him smile.

Young Brenner: Now, which brave soul would like to follow that?

All the younger kids raise their hands saying "me" repeatedly as Young Zero stands next to El and nudges her.

Young Zero: (Robotic voice) Me. Me. Me. (Normal voice) That's how they sound right?

El chuckles and nods.

El: Yeah.

Young Zero: These kids, if only they knew that they could live a better life. But this is all they've known. It sucks that this is their childhood.

El looks sad as well.

El: Really?

Young Zero: Yeah. Taken from their parents, stripped of having an actual life. Like living in a quiet neighborhood, running around and playing, making new friends you know?

El: That does sound nice.

Young Brenner: Eleven, Zero. Would either of you want to follow that?

Young Zero sighs as he goes to sit in the chair but El beats him to it and Orderly puts the wires on her head.

Orderly: Remember to stay focused. Find the energy. Feel it.

El just nods and concentrate. Nothing happens as she looks frustrated.

Two: Why does he waste so much time with her?

Young Zero looks pissed as his hand heats up for a moment and nobody notices.

Orderly: Hey, quiet.

Young Brenner walks over to her.

Young Brenner: They're laughing. At you. They think you're weak. Show them, Eleven. Show them.

Young Zero walks over and places a hand on her shoulder.

Young Zero: You're already doing much better than me. You got this.

El smiles as Young Zero starts boosting her. A light on the machine lights up.

Young Brenner: Good. Now, make it move.

El feels a surge of energy flowing through her as she glances back at Young Zero who is starting to look worn out. He just looks at her and smiles.

Young Zero: (Whispering) I'm sorry if this counts as cheating. But let me help you with this.

El just nods as she concentrates as the light manages to move to different bulbs before it dies down and Young Zero takes his hand off looking exhausted but tries to hide it.

El feels some blood coming down her nose and sees looks around to see no one is around. She leaves the room and walks down the hallway to see dead bodies everywhere making her hyperventilate.


Machines are beeping as Owens rushes in.

Owens: What's happening?

Scientist 45: She's going into arrest.

Owens: Okay, that's enough. Pull her out.

Brenner just watches and crosses his arms.

Owens: Pull her out!

In another part of the lab Zero is helping Terry train.

Terry: So, she's been using her powers to subconsciously bury a traumatic memory but some of it slipped out. That's a lot to take in.

Zero: It is. I didn't know they were doing this either. I just was told we were each given our own training regimen. But this could be good for her.

Terry: How?

Zero: Well, one, I've tried to tell her stories of the past to see if that would trigger it and nothing worked, she still never remembered. Two, if she does remember everything then that block is gone, and her full power will be unleashed. She has the best potential out of the three of us to in our psychic powers.

Terry: Well, I guess that does make some type of sense.

Zero: It's just my theory. It probably doesn't involve her powers and is just psychological but either way she needs to remember. This seems to be the only way. I'm sorry Ms. Ives.

Terry: It's fine kid. I just hope she's doing okay.

Terry says as she stops moving the light across the room that has light bulbs around it and looks over at Nina.

Inside Nina El is seen to be shaking in the water.


Yuri is licking any peanut butter remnants off the spoon before looking back to see Becky, Joyce, and Murray talking and he tries to contact Kamchatka.

Yuri: (Russian) Are you there? Help me. These Americans have taken me hostage and are trying to free the other American.


Yuri grumbles as he changes the frequence but gets tapped on shoulder. He looks over to see a pissed off Becky and Murray.


Yuri quickly reaches for his gun, but Becky punches him in the face. He kicks her back as he tries to reach for his gun and Murray grabs him and pulls him back before kicking him in the leg. Becky gets back up and hits him in the back of the head.

Becky: I told you! We needed a plan!

Joyce: Yeah! You're right!

Yuri grabs Murray and pushes him back into the cockpit and against the control lever or whatever they call it that steers the plane making it fly down.

Becky and Joyce hit the ceiling before falling down as Becky gets back up and runs towards him as he chokes out Murray and Joyce grabs the gun.

Yuri notices this and pulls the lever down making the plane fly upward causing them all to go back and Joyce drop the gun.

Becky: That's it!

She puts on her brass knuckles and punches Yuri hard.

Murray: My fingers are like arrows.

Murray hits him in the face and Becky punches him in the stomach.

Murray: My arms, like iron!

He hits him in the leg as Becky winds up a big punch to the liver.

Murray: My feet, like spears!

Murray kicks him and Becky punches him in the liver knocking him out.

Joyce: What did you two do?

Murray: What?

Joyce: Who's gonna fly the plane.

Becky and Murray look at each other and go to the cockpit.

Murray and Becky flipping switches.

Joyce: I thought you didn't know how to fly!

Murray: I don't!

The engine sputters.

Becky: Shit.

The plane starts going down as Joyce is holding onto their seats for dear life.

Joyce: Pull up! Pull up!

Murray: I am pulling up!

Becky tries to help him in pulling up.

The plane rises so it is at a better angle as it hits trees and it crashes and slides in the snow.


We see the Curse Breakers all looking at the chandelier lights flickering.

Nancy: It's like the Christmas lights.

Robin: Christmas lights?

Nancy: Yeah, when Will was in the Upside Down, the lights... came to life.

Lucas: Vecna's here. In this house.

Billy: Just on the other side.

The lights turn off.

Kitty: I think he just left the room.

Max: Did he hear us?

Steve: Can he see us?

Billy: Headphones.

Max instantly puts on the headphones.

Nancy: Wait, wait. Everyone, turn off your flashlights and spread out.

Steve: We're not gonna be able to see if we turn off our flash... lights.

Steve sighs everyone splits up and he turns off his flashlight.

Everyone is searching the house looking for a light to come on.

Robin: I got him! Got him!

They all go to Robin to see her flashlight turn on until it turns off.

Robin: I had him.

Steve's flashlight turns on.

Steve: Oh, whoa. Oh, I think he's moving. He's moving. He's moving.

They all follow Steve as he follows the light until his light turns off.

Steve: Shit. I lost him.

Max: No, you didn't.

Max opens the door to show the stairway to an attic light up.

Robin: It's an attic. Of course it's an attic.

They all go upstairs.

Dustin: Hold up, guys. What if he's leading us into a trap?

Kitty: It's the only way Dustin.

Dustin: Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit.


Eddie is panting in the shed hiding as Jason, Andy, and Patrick search the house.

Andy: Seriously, he's not here.

Jason: Shut up and keep looking.

Andy leaves the room as Jason looks out the window and at the shed.

Eddie: Dustin? Please. Are... Are you there? Never mind.

Patrick looks around the house until...


He hears a chime and before he turns around Jason grabs him.

Jason: Come with me.

They go to the shed and see that the boat is gone and when they look outside, they see Eddie paddling away.

Jason: Holy shit. Hey, freak!

Eddie looks back.

Jason: Where do you think you're going?

Eddie: Shit.

Eddie then tries to start the engine of the boat.

Jason: You scared of some water? Let's go!

They take off their jackets and shoes before swimming in the lake after him.

Eddie: Nope. Okay.

Eddie starts paddling like crazy to get away.


They all go to the attic and see a light bulb light up and Dustin looks at his flashlight light up.

Dustin: Flashlights.

Everyone aims their flashlights at the light bulb making them light up.

Steve: Okay, what's happening?

The camera pans downward to show Vecna in the Upside Down being lifted by multiple vines.


As Patrick and Jason swim to Eddie, Patrick stops.


Eddie: Hey, stay back man! Stay back! Stay back!

Jason: Hey, come on let's go we almost have him.

Patrick: ...

Jason: Hey, Patrick! Patrick! Patrick!

Vecna snarls in the Upside Down and Patrick sinks into the water before rising up in the air startling Jason and making Eddie fall out of the boat.


All of their flashlights break due to the intensity of the light increasing.


Patrick's bones snap and his eyes get sucked into his head.


El is shown on a bed breathing heavily.

Brenner: Air. Get her some air, for Christ's sake.

They put an oxygen mask over her.

Brenner: It's okay. It will take some time to adjust. But you're safe now, hmm?

You and Terry walk in as Terry sees her and rushes to her side.

Terry: El!

She holds her hand.

Terry: Are you okay sweetie?

El shakes her head as you walk over before turning to Brenner.

Zero: What the hell happened?

Brenner: She hasn't fully adjusted yet is all. She will in time.

Zero: This is adjusting?!

Owens: She went into arrest, so we pulled her out.

Terry: Arrest!

Brenner: It's fine.

Terry: No, it's not! What if this happens again! But this time she dies.

Brenner: She won't.

Zero: Well, this ain't reassuring us.

Brenner: Look, I know I have gotten on a lot of your nerves.

Zero: That's not even the half of it.

Terry: You have a lot of nerve being alive. I was willing to trust you, but look at my daughter. How do we know this even worked?

Brenner: It will. It has.

Zero: How?

One of the doctors goes to El making her scared as she uses her powers and launches them down past several halls making everyone look shocked.

Brenner: That's how.

Doctor 67: (Far away) I'm okay!

Zero: Fuck.

El: I've never launched anyone that far before.

Terry: I know.

Terry then looks at El as she looks at her hands.

Terry: El, we can leave.

El: No.

Terry: No?

El: No. I want to remember. I need to.

Zero: Are you sure El?

El looks at you with a determined look.

El: I do. You also want me to remember right?

Zero: Yeah.

El: Brenner. Give me some time and then I'll go back in.

Brenner nods as he leaves the room as you Terry and El look at each other.

(A/N: AND BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!! We are done with another chapter. I do apologize that this took so long. Stuff happened, and I couldn't find the time or energy to finish this chapter but now I have. I do hope you all like it. Let me know what you all think.)

(A/N 2: I would like to say thank you all for getting this book to a total of 36.3K READS!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH AND I WILL WORK HARD TO FINISH THIS SEASON FOR YOU ALL! Don't forget I have a QNA coming after this season so be sure to have any questions you want to ask ready for it. You can ask the characters or me about anything relating to the book or other books I plan on making.)

(A/N 3: Oh! That reminds me, the next book is gonna be Clementine x Male reader, but I want your guy's opinion on which one you all think I should do first.)

A: The Walking Love [Title in the works] (Yandere Clementine x Male reader)


B: The Hero Amongst The Dead [Title in the works] (Yandere Clementine x Super powered Male reader)

Please pick which one you think I should do first. With all that out of the way, GOODNIGHT, EVERYBODY!!! AND SWEET DREAMS!!!

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