Unexpected - A Harry Styles F...

By _simran

787 1 0

“My designs were slowly passed around to all the boys one by one. “These are really good you know that right... More

Unexpected - A Harry Styles Fanfiction
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Part 1

80 0 0
By _simran

“I suppose you already know our name so tell us yours” Zayn asked me “I actually don’t know your name, but mine is Alex, Alex Grace” I replied to his shocked face “Well in that case I’m Louis, that’s Zayn, and on the far right is curly *cough* I mean Harry” he laughed at Harry’s not-so amused face, “and Liam and Niall” Louis said as he pointed to all of boys one by one. The awkwardness in the air was at an all time high because neither I was saying anything, neither were they. I finally decided to speak up “um, I’m sorry that I’m not fangirling or doing anything at all, it’s cause I haven’t heard any of your songs or know anything about you guys, I only came because Sami wanted me to be with her” I confessed “Well than tell us what you do so we can get to know you better” Liam said “um, I guess you could call me a fashion designer, I basically put clothes, shoes, accessories and occasionally hairstyles together” I explained “Oh that’s cool, kinda like what Lou does with hair, right Zayn?” asked Niall “Yah, do you have any sketches?” Zayn asked me curiously. I didn’t show people my sketches normally out of the fear that they will steal my ideas, but they seemed pretty innocent and harmless. “Um, well I have two in my bag” I said as I pulled them out and handed them to Zayn “These are amazing! Niall, Louis look at this” Zayn exclaimed as he handed it to Niall. My designs were slowly passed around to all the boys one by one. “These are really good you know that right you could become a really big designer...actually can you call Lou” Louis said as he motioned for one of the security guards to go get Lou. A woman with bleached white wavy hair and very attractive dark eyes walked in.“Hey Lou” all of the boys said at once.  “Hey, why did you call me here?” she asked them “Lou, weren’t the managers looking for a designer or something” Louis asked “yeah” she replied “found one” Louis said pointing at someone. Me.

 “Do you have any designs?” she asked me “um, Louis has them” I said nervously. Louis handed them to her and she started examining them. “We’ll have to ask management on hiring a fan, but other than that your hired” she said smiling at me “Well, will I get paid a good amount of money, like not to me mean or anything but the job I have pays me a whole lot of money...I don’t think you can beat it” I questioned her. She stared at me shocked as if I had killed her mother or something. “Your not a fan are you, if you were you would have been screaming with joy that you had just been offered a job to work with One Direction” Lou asked me “yea I’m not a big fan of One Direction, I mean they’re great and all but I not obsessed with them like Sami” I told her “I’m sure we can beat you salary...these boys earn millions of dollars” she replied casually “O my god, what am I supposed to tell Sami...that she passed out for five minutes and I got myself a job with One Direction” I asked the boys. Niall laughed softly and said “me and the boys will tell her, don’t worry love” “Finally a girl our age that we can work with, I am going to enjoy the rest of this tour” Harry said to me “Yeah, a girl you can WORK with...nothing more” I replied to him putting extra emphasis on “work”. Harry put on a fake sad face which caused me to laugh like a girl.

Sami finally walked in and screamed “OMGOMG, I’m so sorry I passed out and left you with these sexy five boys” “um it’s ok, I probably should get used to these five boys, cause um I got a job as a stylist for One Direction” I smiled at her. She stared at me dumbfounded which seemed like forever she finally managed to say “Whaaaat?!” “I. GOT. A. JOB. WITH. ONE. DIRECTION” I said irritated. “Are you f***ing kidding me? Is this some type of joke to you!” she said to me as her voice got louder with every word “She’s not kidding, she’s serious Sami” Liam said calmly. She “O my god, your not kidding you seriously got yourself a job with One Direction in five minutes, what did you do to make them say yes?” she said to me with a wink “nothing at all...like literally I did nothing, the next thing knew they were offering me a job” “ O about that when do I start working” I asked the boys “you can meet up with me and the boys tomorrow morning so we can tell you more about the tour and what we wear...and then you start!” It was soon time to leave so I said good bye to the boys and me and Sami left.

When I got home I had dinner and sat down to watch T.V. when I got a call from Niall.

Niall:Hey this is Niall Horan, I’d like to speak to Max

Me: yeah this is her

Niall: Hey Max, what’s up...I wanted to check if you knew where to meet us tomorrow

Me: Um no, but I was planning on googling it *haha*

Niall: you could do that but to save you the time meet us same place and the security guards will escort you from there, just tell them your Max the new stylist

Me: Okay I can do that, see you there

Niall: See you too 

*Hangs up*

I soon went to sleep so I would get up on time tomorrow. I woke up relatively early so I had time to take a shower blow dry then straighten my hair. I decided on black skinny pants with yellow lace top that showed off my black tank top that fell right down before my belly button and left my hair down. I had a quick breakfast put on yellow heels and headed out the door to go meet One Direction..again. Once I reached there I did what Niall told me to do and I was brought to another room where they were waiting. “Hey, I didn’t think you’d be up” I said to them “Why is that?” Harry questioned me “Most guys NEVER get up that early, trust me I would know” I replied “We wouldn’t get up early paul has to wake us up today” Liam said. I didn’t know who paul was...probably their babysitter or something it did look like they needed one. Me and the boys spent the rest of the time discussing designs so I knew what they wear, by the end I guessed they were sort of the typical boy band look...charming.

I started working on what they were going to wear that day only and I impressed myself with what I came up with. Later that day Zayn came up to me "Since you been officially hired, you have to come on tour with us...so you might wanna tell your parents that your going to be all over the world with 5 boys" Zayn said to me "um yea ok" I said casually "sounds good" said Zayn and then walked back. I thought of telling Zayn that my parents passed away when I was 16, but I'd probably start crying and that's not on my first impression list. Later that day I showed the boys what I had come up to see if they liked it or not. “These are great it feels as if you’ve known what we wear for years” Liam said generously, so it turned out the boys liked it. “Hey you wanna hang out with us this afternoon, since your obviously done with our outfits” Niall offered “um, sure yea I’m not doing anything as far as I know” I replied. I went home to go change into more comfortable clothing. As soon as I got home I got a call from Zayn saying to meet him in his room. I quickly tied my hair and put on a white tank top with jean shorts and lastly slid on red converse that went up to my ankle. I didn’t want to be late so I headed over to “hang out” with the boys.

I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell, Harry answered. “I love how you changed into ghetto clothing Alex, I would have never guessed your a designer” Harry teased “Shut up, I’m the designer and your the singer you shouldn’t be talking” I said firmly. I walked into Zayn’s house and greeted the boys. “Thanks for coming Alex” Niall said sweetly “it was nothing, really I didn’t even dress up...see” I said as I pointed to my plain white tank top “that we can see” Harry said from behind me “and you still look gorgeous”  he said so only I could hear. I stepped on his toe with my shoe “Ow!” he screamed “I’m sorry I didn’t see you there” I said innocently and walked away like a boss. “Do you guys have any food, I’m starving!” I shouted from the kitchen “I like this girl” Niall said to the boys “Of course you do” Zayn said as he walked over to help Alex. “We have any type of junk food you can imagine, help yourself” Zayn said as he pulled down the potato chips and handed it to me “Thanks a lot” I said as I stuffed a few chips in my mouth hungrily. We all sat down on the couch and louis brought out beer “do you want one love” he asked “Are you guys even old enough?” I asked, I wasn’t even old enough but after my parents had passed away I had drank a lot out pain and suffering...there was no one to take care of me beside my aunt who had abandoned me after a year. “um, no but it doesn’t really matter...I mean we’ve drank before” he said said as he popped open a bottle “I’ll take one” I said casually and popped it open. “Hey you want to play spin the bottle/Truth or Dare?” Niall said excitedly “sure” I laughed “I can find out all you secrets and tell Sami” I said evilly.

“Okay who wants to go first” Louis asked, “I’ll start since it was my idea” Niall said with envy. He carefully spun the bottle and took as sip of beer swiftly, and it slowly landed on Zayn. “Hmm, Zayn...truth or dare?” Niall said curiously in his cute irish accent “I’ll play it safe, truth” Zayn replied, “let’s see, have you ever cried over a girl?” Niall asked “Yes” Zayn said casually. “ooh we got a softie here” I teased. Now Zayn spun the bottle and it landed on me “Truth or Dare, Alex” Zayn asked “hmm, Dare” I replied wanting to have some fun “okay, um...call up Eleanor and tell her your pregnant with Harry’s child” Zayn said looking apologetically at Harry and Louis “What!” Harry and louis screamed “Why not Danielle” Louis questioned “O my god, guys it’s just a dare” Zayn said calmly “Who the fuck is Eleanor?” I asked thoroughly confused. “She’s Louis’s girlfriend” Zayn answered. “Okay, i’ll do it...someone give me a phone and her number” I said. “Let’s get harry’s phone, so it’s more believable” Liam said “I can’t believe your doing this” Harry said as he pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I dialed her number and called her ready to have some fun.

Eleanor: Hey Harry, what’s up

Me: Hey this is Alex

*I put the phone on speaker*

Eleanor: um hi, the boys haven’t spoken about you...who are you

Me: I’m their new designer, but that’s not the point

*Niall whispers “your fucked” to harry*

Eleanor: O yeah, why did you call me

Me: I’m pregnant with harry’s child...

Eleanor: um, o gosh...can I speak to him

Me: uh yeah, one sec

“She wants to talk to you” I said to harry “What the hell am I supposed to say?” Harry asked me “I don’t know go with the flow” I said as I shoved his phone in his hand.

Harry: Hey Eleanor

Eleanor: How the hell did you have the time fuck a girl on tour?!

Harry: I don’t know

Eleanor: Where are you?

Harry: Zayn’s place, why?

Eleanor: Im coming over.

*Hangs Up*

“Shit, she’s coming over” Harry said worriedly.

“We’ll just tell her it was a dare when she comes” I said to calm Harry down. We continued to play the game. It was my turn to spin the bottle. I finished taking a sip of beer and spun the bottle. It landed on Harry, “Truth or dare curly” I said teasing him “How about I let you pick” he said flirtatiously with a wink “easy, dare” I said “and you have to let me straighten you hair” “I think you just want a chance to touch my hair” Harry said “Think what you wanna think, but I’m straightening your hair” I said with a hint of sass. The ring of the doorbell startled me, as Zayn got up to open the door. “What the fuck is going on here?” Eleanor shouted at Zayn as soon as he opened the door. Louis immediately recognized her voice and shouted from the living room “We were just playing truth or dare love, you can join us if you want”. She walked from the door to the living room and gave a quick kiss to Louis before she popped open a beer bottle. “So your telling me, Alex here is not actually pregnant with Harry’s child and this was all a dare” she said trying to get a clear picture of what actually happened. “um, yeah basically” Harry said relieved that Eleanor was not freaking out. I looked at the time “Um, I’d love to stay but I have to eat dinner...so i’ll head out” I said putting my shoes on “It was great having you over thanks for coming” Liam said politely “yeah thanks for coming Alex, we had a damn good time” Niall said. I finally headed onto the moonlit road to go back home to my flat for dinner.

I stayed up late that night and facetimed one of my friends. The sound of my ringtone woke me up, I slowly got up and answered the call. “Hello” I said sleepily “Um, Alex have you seen the time, your late” Liam said. I immediately recognized the voice and looked at the clock “O my god, I’m so sorry...I’ll get ready real quick!” I said as I hung up.   I put on tan tank top with a appealing orange cardigan and threw on some dark flare jeans. I ran out the door and put on orange toms in the car. I finally arrived at the boys next concert. When I tried to enter the security guard stopped me “Identification please” he said “Shit!” I said realizing I had forgotten my card in hurry. “please, let me in I’m their designer...I forgot my card cause I was late” I pleaded “I’m sorry ma’am we can’t let you in without your card” he said. I decided to call Louis “Hey Louis, I’ve gotten myself in a situation here” I said “yeah, what is it?” He said generously “I forgot my card, and the guard won’t let me in” I said hoping he would come “I’ll head right over love” Louis said. I waited for about 5 minutes before Louis came “Hey Alex, sorry about that” Louis said sweetly “It’s ok, it was totally my fault” I said as I walked over to help Lou. Louis went back to the other boys and continued practicing. “Omg, who is this beautiful baby” I said to Lou “This is my baby, her names Lux...but the fan’s call her Baby Lux” Lou said as she picked Lux up “She’s adorable, can I hold her?” I said sweetly “She doesn’t like to be carried by most people...she’s only comfortable with the boys and her daddy, but you can see how she reacts” Lou said as she put the baby in my arms. Turns out she didn’t cry and she did like me. “She likes you” I was startled from the sound of Harry’s voice and stumbled backward as harry gently caressed me in his arms “I know someone else that likes you to” he whispered flirtatiously in my ear “you scared me, I almost fell!” I said as I stood back up from his arms “I have that affect on gorgeous girls” he said as I drowned in his gorgeous emerald eyes. Me and Harry kept on playing with Lux until Zayn shouted that it was time for the concert. “We are leaving for the United States at 7:00am tomorrow here are your tickets, I’ll pick you up” Harry winked as he rushed to Zayn. I heard them backstage...they did sound amazing, Harry sounded spectacular during his solo in WMYB.

I went home early that day and packed for the US and then quickly fell asleep. The sound of harry’s car honking outside my house woke me up. I went outside half asleep in my PJ’s to see Harry sitting annoyed in his car. “I thought I told you 7:00am, Princess” he said oozing with sass. “I forgot, I’m sorry...leave without me...if you wait you’ll be late”  I said scrambling on and on to Harry. “Leave you!...” he said getting out of his car. He slowly got walked up to the doorstep and picked me up bridal style. “Harry  put me down WHAT ARE YOU DOING” I said sternly...still managing to giggle “I am taking you to you on tour with me”  he said putting me down softly into his car. “I’m still in PJ’s!” I said in disbelief that he would do something like that. “Where’s your suitcase?” harry said obviously ignoring me “In my bedroom..” I sighed in defeat. He put my suitcase in my in the trunk and sat down handing me my phone. “so your taking me to the airport, even though I’m in PJ’s” I said trying to get a clear picture of everything “yeah, pretty much” he said casually. We were greeted by the boys at the gate, and a overwhelming amount of cameras and screaming girls. “What took you so long!...and why are you in PJ’s?” Louis said to me and Harry trying to escape the cameras. “I had to wake up miss princess here and she was still in PJ’s so I brought her like that” Harry said with a arm around me protectively guarding me from the press.  

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