Forever and Always

By bettysproblems

8.9K 285 146

Anastasia petrov has finally settled in Mystic Falls after escaping the red room. All she wants to do is find... More

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359 16 11
By bettysproblems

Ana was woken up the next morning by loud knocks at her door. She scrambled out of bed in her Spiderman Pjs ( gifted by the boy himself) and ran down the stairs while trying to tame her hair.

The girl opened her front door to be met with a certain barbie vampire with a grin. The vampire immediately jumped into Anas arms squeezing her tight.

"Your back ." Caroline whispered into annas neck.

Ana smiled. " I'm back."

Caroline now having tea on Anas sofa listening to her.

Caroline's eyes were wide with concern as she listened to Anastasia's story.

"So, you're saying you were taken by Klaus put into a magic coma and was woken up a few weeks ago?" Caroline asked, still trying to wrap her mind around the revelation.

Anastasia nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yes. It's been an ..... interesting few days to say the least.

Caroline's concern deepened. "Ana, you've been through so much. I know your childhood was anything but easy, and it's shaped you into this incredible, resilient person. But because of that, you've always felt like you had to be the strong one, always putting others before yourself. You've been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders for so long, always focused on protecting and helping those around you. But you need to realize that it's okay to take care of yourself too."

She paused, squeezing Anastasia's hand gently. "You deserve happiness and peace just as much as anyone else, if not more. You can't keep giving and giving without taking time for yourself. You've been through hell and back, and it's time you allowed yourself to heal and find joy. You can't pour from an empty cup, Ana. If you keep pushing yourself without a break, you'll burn out. And then, you won't be able to help anyone, least of all yourself."

Caroline's voice softened, filled with sincere concern. "Please, promise me you'll start thinking about your own needs and not just everyone else's. You've earned the right to be happy. Let yourself breathe, let yourself live. You've done enough for everyone else—now it's time to do something for you."

Ana now crying, sniffled and nodded at her best friend. " You Caroline Forbes are my favourite person."

After a few minutes of comforted silence Caroline got up pulling Ana with. "Come on I'm going to get you ready for your first day back at work."

A couple of hours later Anastasia wiped down the counter, the rhythmic motion of the cloth against the polished wood a familiar comfort amidst the bustle of the bar. The soft glow of the overhead lights cast a warm hue over the patrons, who laughed and chatted, lost in their own worlds. She was just beginning to feel a semblance of normalcy when the door swung open, and a familiar figure walked in.


She watched as he sauntered over, his presence commanding attention even in the crowded room. He slid onto a barstool, a charming yet dangerous smile playing on his lips.

"Evening, Anastasia," he greeted.

"Klaus," she replied with a hint of a smile. "What brings you here?"

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the counter. "Can't a man enjoy a drink in peace?" His eyes sparkled with mischief, but there was a genuine warmth beneath the surface that made Anastasia relax slightly.

She poured him a glass of bourbon, sliding it across the counter. "I somehow doubt you came here just for a drink. What's on your mind?"

Klaus took a sip, savouring the taste before answering. "Straight to the point, as always. I admire that about you, Ana."

"Save the flattery," she said, though her tone was more playful than harsh. "Just tell me what you're after."

He set the glass down, his expression turning more serious. "I wanted to see how you were holding up. After all, our last encounter was rather... intense."

Anastasia's eyes softened. "I'm fine."

Klaus chuckled softly. "You always were a fighter. It's one of the things I respect about you. But you must know, everything I do, I do for a reason."

She leaned against the counter, curious. "And what reason would that be? Using people as pawns in your endless games?"

His smile faded slightly, replaced by a more contemplative look. "It's more complicated than that, Anastasia. There are forces at play that you don't understand."

"Then enlighten me," she said, genuinely interested.

Klaus sighed, his gaze briefly drifting to the glass in his hand. "Elijah means a great deal to me, as do the others in my family. Sometimes, the only way to protect them is to make difficult choices. Choices that may seem cruel but are necessary."

Anastasia felt a flicker of empathy despite herself. She knew all too well about making hard choices for the greater good. "And what about the people you hurt in the process? Do they matter at all to you?"

His eyes met hers, a rare glimpse of vulnerability showing through. "More than you know. But in this world, survival often comes at a price. I never wanted to hurt you, Ana. But sometimes, sacrifices must be made."

She studied him for a moment, searching for any sign of deceit. "If you really care, then prove it. Stop using people as collateral damage in your schemes."

Klaus nodded slowly, as if considering her words. "I'll take that under advisement. But remember, Anastasia, the world we live in is not black and white. There are shades of grey , and navigating them requires a delicate balance."

She sighed, the weight of his words settling over her. "I know that all too well. Just... try to keep the collateral damage to a minimum."

He raised his glass in a silent toast. "I'll do my best. For now, let's enjoy this brief moment of peace."

Anastasia allowed herself a small, genuine smile. "Agreed."

As Klaus took another sip of his drink, the tension between them eased.

"So, what have you been up to?" Klaus asked, a teasing glint in his eye. "Saving the world one drink at a time?"

Anastasia laughed, the sound light and genuine. "Something like that. It's a different kind of fight, but it has its moments."

Klaus grinned. "Well, if you ever need a partner in crime, you know where to find me."

"I'll keep that in mind," she replied, a twinkle in her eye.

For now, amidst the friendly ambiance of the bar, they found solace in each other's company. The future was uncertain, but with friends like Klaus, Anastasia knew she wouldn't face it alone.

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