Separation (A One Direction F...

By jade1999x

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Most would say life has always been easy for rich Irish teenager Lauren Daley, but she disagrees. Despite the... More

-A Would Be Normal Day [Chapter One]
-Bringing on Challenges [Chapter Two]
-Georgia's Confrontation [Chapter Three]
-Bring it on April [Chapter Four]
-Shocks on the Morning [Chapter Five]
Authors Note
-The Confirmation [Chapter Six]
-Diana's Last Word [Chapter Seven]
-Revenge is Sweet [Chapter Eight]
-Cousins Happiness [Chapter Nine]
-A surprise for Luke [Chapter Ten]
Separation - Special - Lauren & Georgia
-Bring on the Excitement [Chapter Eleven]
-Starbucks [Chapter Twelve]
-Rumours and Arguments [Chapter Thirteen]
-Meeting Four New Friends [Chapter Fourteen]
-Untold Secrets [Chapter Fifteen]
-Best friends never separated [Chapter Sixteen]
-Hospitals and Interviews [Chapter Eighteen]
Authors Note
-Goodbyes and Separation [Chapter Nineteen]
-Luke joins the club [Chapter Twenty]
Separation - Special - Childhood Memory
-Meeting with cousins [Chapter Twenty-One]
-A surprise call [Chapter Twenty-Two]
-The Others? [Chapter Twenty-Three]
-Diana's new war [Chapter Twenty-Four]
-Long Awaited Answers [Chapter Twenty-Five]
-Summer Bringings and Endings [Chapter Twenty-Six]
Authors Note
Authors Note

-Georgia's Party [Chapter Seventeen]

328 7 4
By jade1999x

Lauren's POV:

The next day at school was perhaps the slowest school day of my life. Even when Georgia was being constantly tormented by Diana. None were as long as today, which says a lot because it used to be so long.

And I knew exactly why. The party.

Time always goes quick when I'm doing nothing and in the lead up to something exciting, it's the slowest ever.

School was boring. Mostly because everyone was buzzing for Georgia's birthday. Except for maybe Diana and her 'friends' because they weren't invited.

I didn't do a lot in school today. I certainly didn't pay attention, that's for sure.

For one thing, sitting beside Geoff didn't help and for another, I was too busy thinking about the party. I'm just so excited.

Lunch was spent with the birthday girl, of course.

I had Sarah make her a cake just for school today, which she was delighted at, I was pleased to say.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw Louis parked outside school in the Range Rover grinning at Georgia and I.

Geoff and Tom were with us too. We're just walking out together before we'd have to find Louis and Luke and Imogen.

I was delighted because finally I was free from school for the weekend and the birthday celebrations could begin.

"Oi! You!" Louis yelled out the window to Georgia causing a few people to stare confusedly and a few people to gape at him in awe. "Happy birthday!"

Georgia grinned at him. "Thanks Lou,"

"Geoff!" He continued to yell.

Oh no.

No no no.

I swear to God he's so immature.

Geoff looked over at the sound of his name to Louis who was grinning broadly at him. He looked confused.

"Getting in there nicely?" He winked yelling.

I went red in the face from embarrassment after he yelled that.

I can't believe he said that! There are so many other people around. Teachers! They were behind me! And other people!

This was so embarrassing. Kill me now. The worst thing is, I'd expect this type of behaviour of Harry not Louis. Never Louis. This was just weird.

Geoff let realisation at what Louis' remark before continuing to look confused.

"Err - yeah." Geoff said uncertainly.

For the first time ever, Geoff looked unconfident and extremely confused.

It was something of which I never thought I'd see in a life time.

"Take good care of her, then!" Louis smiled.

"Okay?" Geoff said before turning to look at me.

"Who is that-?"

"Wait - Geoff - mate!" Louis call cut him off. "I like your jacket!" He said slightly breathlessly.

I rolled my eyes at Louis before smiling.

"Thanks?" Geoff called back before turning to me looking slightly creeped out. "Who is that?" He turns to me.

"How could you not know who that is, Geoffrey? Louis, of course." Georgia scoffed.

"Louis? Louis who? A cousin, Laur?" He inquired.

I laughed at his face whilst Georgia was biting her lip holding back a grin and Tom face palmed looking at his best friend.

"Oh Geoff man.. Geoff, Geoff, Geoff.." Tom trailed off.

"Yes, Tom?" Geoff rose an eyebrow.

"Do you remember that day where a group of lads came in sticking up for Georg and Diana dumped me?"

"Of course, I do!" said Geoff incredulously. "You're my best mate! It was the day you got away from that cow and I got Laur back. It'd be hard too forget." He continued grinning at me.

I blushed before smiling.

"Yeah, well, he's one of those lads." Tom finished.

"Oh." was all Geoff said. "But he doesn't know me?"

"He doesn't care if he doesn't know you. Believe me, to him it doesn't matter. He's polite to anyone he meets." Georgia replied.

"Still, isn't that weird?"

"Of course not." Georgia grinned.

"But he doesn't know-"

"Geoff, shut up." I said not seriously grinning at him and he smiled at me. It's so hard to be serious around him I swear. "I told him we were going out ages ago. He wanted to meet you and I told him never. Not that there's anything wrong with you, just Louis gets a bit carried away when he meets new people.." I trailed off.

"Ohh." said Geoff letting realisation hit. "Yeah, that makes sense."

"Uh-huh." I said and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I noticed Luke and Imogen getting in the car with Louis and I decided I better not keep them waiting.

But too late. Louis had gotten out of the car and was heading right in our direction!

Where is he going with this?

He's going to embarrass me, isn't he? Why am I even questioning it? He already has, he's not going to fail to do it by doing it more.

"You were ignoring me so I came to you." Louis smiled at me.

Louis looked very casual. He wore a pair of striped top, Hollister trackies and trainers. He had a beanie and looked wide awake, which surprised me, mainly because he usually sleeps in until like 3 on Fridays and then he's just about on time to pick me up - when he does that is - and always looks tired.

I rolled my eyes and him before smiling. "Liam's right. You are impatient."

"Am not."

"Are too." I grinned.



"Oh, you wanna play? It's on, bitch!" Louis declared pointing at me jokingly.

I burst out laughing whilst Georgia joined in.

"It's on like donkey kong." I grinned.

Geoff let go off me and gave a me a 'what are you on about' look.

I was only so familiar with this look. That being said, I'm usually the one giving it to him.

Georgia and Tom looked me at me confusedly whilst Louis was pissing himself laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"Where were you going that?" Louis replied looking confused but trying to suppress a grin at the same time.

"If you really want to know, that one isn't mine. Li said it the other day."

"Well then, you're clearly spending too much time with Liam." Louis said emphasising the word 'clearly.'

"Oh, come on! I spend equal time with you all!"

"Am I missing something? You all? Bloody hell Laur! How many other lads are you seeing?" Geoff asked grinning.

I laughed whilst Tom rolled his eyes and Georgia smiled.

"Twenty five but it's nothing to be of concern to you, Geoffrey." I smirked.

Louis and Georgia smiled whilst Tom looked slightly confused.

Geoff gaped. "Twenty-five?" He asked seriously.

This obviously wasn't a joke to him anymore and he looked half confused, half annoyed and a tiny bit amused.

"Yeah," I laughed.

"How?" He asked.

"Guess." I say poking him.

"You're annoying." He rolled his eyes.

"Likewise." I grinned staring into his eyes.

"Uh, save that for later, Lauren. Seriously, before my inner big brother comes in and I'll break his teeth in." Louis says looking uncomfortable.

"Oh go on, bro, I want too see your brother skills." I grinned.

"You have a brother and hang out with twenty-five lads? What else aren't you telling me?" Geoff asks.

Georgia, Tom, Louis and I all laugh at him.

"He's not my brother-"

Louis fake coughs cutting me off.

"Well, he as good as is." I say in more response to Louis' fake cough. "But he's not. He's just like one too me. Nothing else, I swear."

"Who are the other twenty-four lads?"

"Contestants from the 74th Hunger Games." said Louis absent-mindedly fiddling with his fingers.

I laughed. "Yeah,"

"No. Seriously, Lauren, who are they?" Geoff said a bit impatiently.

"I'm a friend of hers. Nothing more, nothing less. And the others are only here temporarily for work, we're all gone on Saturday." Louis answered.

"Right okay," said Geoff not really looking at Louis, looking at the wall.

"D'you even know who he is, Geoff?" Tom laughed.

"Aha! So I was right! You are Geoff," Louis said fist pumping the air looking proud.

"Yes I am." said Geoff sending Louis a small smile before turning to Tom. "Louis, according to ye. I don't know?"

Louis happily returned Geoff's smile looking slightly triumph.

"Yeah, but Louis who?" Georgia said.

"I don't know."

"Ever heard of Louis Tomlinson?"

"No. Am I supposed to?"

"Obviously. Do you remember last Christmas at school when the X Factor was on, at all?" Tom sighed.

"Yeah.. why?"

"Remember when all the girls in the class were freaking over that boy band One Direction from X Factor? Yeah? Well he's one of the members." Tom explained.

Geoff nodded to Tom before turning to Louis. "Yeah.. I don't watch X Factor or listen to your music, sorry."

"No need for that. Neither does Lauren and I love her too pieces." Louis replied.

"Love you too, Boobear." I sent him a wink.

He grinned at me. "Well Lauren, we must get going. Need to get preparing for Georg's birthday."

I nodded whilst Georgia smiled. "I'll see you later, okay?" I smiled at Geoff before giving him a quick kiss.

It was quick because I particularly conscious of Louis watching and I was getting protective of my boyfriend's teeth, following his threat.

"It was nice to finally meet you, Geoff. And you-?" Louis began, smiling.

"Tom. Tom Armstrong." Tom answered.

"Also known as Georgia's boyfriend!" I shot in grinning.

Georgia whacked my arm and I moaned in pain.

Ouch. Oh well, that was worth it.

"Pleasure." Louis grinned at the boys before turning to Georgia. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Georgia rolled her eyes. "It's hardly important, compared to anything personal I've told you."

"Ah I see," Louis smiled.

She winked before we said another goodbye and headed to the car.

The journey home was quick and soon enough, the boys, Luke, Imogen, Georgia and I were all sat around the table having a quick dinner.

We were having chicken, vegetables and potatoes. Truly Irish and unoriginal, I know.

I set beside Harry and Georgia.

"How was school?" Harry asked.

"Boring. It was the slowest day of my life," I answered.

"I thought as much. Same for me, except obviously I've been playing Fifa all day, you know, waiting for you to come home."

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Diana still keeping her distance, Georg?" He asked.

"Yeah, she has. It's great. I've never felt so happy in my life. I owe ye so much."

"I'm glad to hear it." Harry smiled.

"No - thank you. Really. It was a privilege to help." Zayn piped in.

Georgia smiled and after we finished eating, we all played Fifa and talked for two hours before Georgia and I headed out to get ready for the party.

Georgia wanted to surprise me on she looked so we were getting ready in separate rooms.

It made a change considering we nearly always get ready for everything together.

* * * * *

7.39 p.m

I was starting to feel proper excited now.

I wore a pink and white Spring dress with with pink heels.

My make up consisted of: foundation, bronzer, eye shadow, eyeliner on top of my top lashes, filled in eye brows, fake eyelashes and pink lipstick. Credit to myself for once.

Mum always insisted for big events that makeup and hair got done. But nope. For once, I convinced her to let me to do it.

She wasn't happy but she finally agreed. I think the album and everything is kind of making her less strict on me since she knows just how much I don't want to do this.

I got my spray tan done and nails but I'm doing my own makeup and hair today.

I was nearly done curling my hair (still managing to make it look different from natural curly set of hair) when there was a knock on my door.

The person didn't bother waiting for a reply. I could of predicted who it was based on lack of manners but before I had a chance to think, he person came on in.


I turned around to see how it was. And who would of guessed it, Harry. Hence the sarcasm.

He likes to visit my room the most out of all the boys.

I turned off my hair curlers, because I was ready.

I turned to him fully and smiled.

He looked good. He wore a white tee shirt, grey blazer, jeans and converse. His hair was messy but fresh, following a shower, I assumed.

"Wow," He said looking shocked and at a loss of words.

"Too much?" I asked.

"Not at all, you look gorgeous." He said still looking shocked.

Awh cute.

What a little player.

"And how many girls have you told that to?" I smirked.

He looked slightly a taken back by my response before quickly recovering. I bit my lip holding back a laugh at him.

"A lot." He shrugged before grinning. "But with you I actually mean it."

He sounded proud, wow. Well done Harry?

Still, that was sweet.

"Awh, how nice of you." I said sarcastically before I smiled. "Thanks Harry,"

"I'm just so nice," He gave me a goofy grin.

"Weirdo." I laughed.

"Perfectionist." He shot back.

Ooh. He's good at this game too.

"Love you," I said with a smile.

"Love you too, babe," He winked.

Our friendly banter was just so perfect. He really never failed to make me laugh.

"Are many coming tonight?" He asked seriously.

"Good few, as far as I know. I don't know. Ask Georgia."

"Yeah I will do,"

"You do that." I winked.

"Well, I'll see you downstairs." He smiled.

"Yeah, alright."

As he was about to leave the room an was in the doorway, I suddenly remembered something.

I stopped him as he was leaving, abruptly, by calling his name.


"Yeah?" He turned.

"I meant what I said, yesterday."

It was true and I wasn't one bit embarrassed to say that I needed him.

I needed that annoying, cocky, flirty fool who just so happens to be one of five of my big 'brothers' and best friends. I needed him in my life. I really don't know what I'll do when he goes.

His face lit up at me, dimples illuminating his pale face.

"I know and I do too." He said with a smile.

He was turning to leave but I stopped him again.

"Oh and Harry?" I began whilst he turned. "Stacey's coming tonight." I winked.

This will be interesting. Harry and Stacey got on so well. So, I really would love for them to meet up again if she's not still with Alex, her boyfriend at the moment.

He immediately smirked. "Good to know." He said trying to pass it off as a goofy grin.

And with that, he left the room.

I walked downstairs five minutes later after checking me over one last time.

I headed down to the sitting room where a smiling Georgia stood.

"Wow, you look fabulous!" She smiled.

No, you look fabulous. I thought to myself.

I couldn't even process how different and grown up she looked.

"Same to you." I managed to say still looking at her.

Wow, my best friend is no longer a child. She is growing up. She is now 13 years old, a teenager and I'm so proud of her and everything she has got through over the years.

Georgia looked absolutely stunning. Not only were her big brown eyes shining, she wore a cream dress with a belt and cream heels. She wore her hair curly, with her lovely fringe. She wore mascara, on her top lashes and pink lipstick.

She was so natural yet so pretty.

The boys appeared and came downstairs. Niall wore a purple hoodie. a polo shirt, chinos and trainers. Whilst Louis wore stripes, jeans and converse.

Liam and Zayn looked probably the best and most classy of them all. They both wore a black shirt from a suit, jeans and trainers. Their hairs were amazing too.

Harry, being the cheeky shit he is, whistled at us after entering the room.

"Shut up Harry!" said Georgia trying to suppress a laugh. "And don't be chatting up my friends." She warned.

"Never!" Harry yelled.

That's my cheeky old brother for you. I laughed to myself.

Georgia rolled her eyes whilst I laughed.

"Hey, Lou?" Georgia began before Louis smiled at her. "Will you take a picture of me and Lauren?"

Louis happily took the phone and took a few cute pictures on Georgia and I, only too be ruined by Harry slipping his arm around us.

My phone buzzed. She had posted it to Instagram.

Birthday🎉@laurendaley @harrystyles

I smiled at it and liked it.

"Lauren!" I soon after heard the younger voice that could only belong to one person. Luke. Uh. "When are Imogen and I going to Imogen's?" Luke yelled from the top of the stairs.

"As soon as Farah arrives, Luke." I responded.

As if on cue, the doorbell went. That must be Farah.

I left the sitting room and I opened the door with Georgia following.

"Hello Lauren, you okay dear?" She asked.

"Hey, I'm fine thanks," I smiled.

"You look stunning." She complemented taking in my outfit.

I smiled at her.

I had always liked Georgia's mum. She was just as nice as her daughters. I wasn't surprised at how well she raised her girls on her own; based on her solely. She's lovely.

"Thank you," I smile.

She turned her attention to her daughter and her jaw dropped. "Oh, Georg! It feels like just yesterday you were my little girl! You're all grown up! Stunning, baby."

Farah had tears in her eyes after seeing how good her daughter looked.

"It's okay, mum." She rolled her eyes whilst Farah laughed wiping her tears and giving her a hug.

"Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. I'm so proud of you." She smiled at her.

"Thanks." She returned her smile.

Farah had stopped crying by now an got a picture of Georgia all dressed up before I was sent to fetch Luke and Imogen.

"Luke, Imogen!" I called to them, who sat at the top of the stairs.

They ran downstairs, they both looked quite casual.

Imogen wore a flower in her red curly hair, beside her fringe. She wore a Rihanna tee shirt, pink hoodie, jeans and trainers. Luke had on a Ireland jersey, tracksuit bottoms and trainers. He also had a Manchester United backpack on his back.

"Ready?" Farah asked.

Farah looked casual as ever, her hair was in loose curly waves and her make up was the usual. She wore a leather jacket, a pink top, jeans and boots.

"Yep," They smiled.

"Right, text me later, Georgia." She smiled at her daughter.

Georgia nodded and they had another quick hug. They said goobye and walked out the front door, got in the car and drove out the driveway.

*      *       *      *      *

Georgia's party is great.

It was an hour into the night and everyone was already having such a good time. The party was both inside my house and out, but mainly out.

I saw loads of people, I knew.

All the people in my year and the two years below mine. I also saw our eight friends from the year above us: Tara, Justin, Sandra, Vanessa, Chris, Kelly, Ashley and

I had spent most of my night talking to the boys, Georgia, Nicole, Martina, Geoff and Tom.

Right now, I stood among a crowd of people waiting for the boys to perform. I was stood beside Georgia.

Yeah, that's right. They were her birthday act, as well.

I thought it was really thoughtful of them to do it because they weren't paid to do that and yet the still did. Well actually now I thunk about it, there is a lot of things they've done that they weren't paid to do and it means the world. They really are the coolest lads ever.

Speak of the devil. As if on queue, the boys ran onto the stage. They stood in front of five microphones and were wearing their signature smiles.

"Hi, I'm Harry Styles." Harry spoke into the microphone causing like every girl in the audience to scream.

Well duh.

I rolled my eyes. Way to state the obvious, Harry. He is so stupid sometimes. Everyone bloody knew who he was! I mean, he is Harry fucking Styles!

He found me in the audience and winked.

"This is Liam," He indicated to Liam who took a small bow.


Zayn grinned.

"Louis," Harry smiled. Louis shot up the peace sign with his fingers.

"And, you know, who this is."

The crowd was booming 'Niall' in chant and I couldn't help but smile. Us Westmeath people were really proud of him.

"How are ya all?" Niall asked.

Everyone cheered.

"We're going to sing for you tonight. Hope you like this, Georgia." Louis said taking his microphone.

Music began to play and I waited for one of them to begin. I assumed it would be Liam. He usually started all their songs.

"Girl I see it in your eyes you're disappointed, 'cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with your heart, I tore it apart." Liam began.

And I was right. Wow, his voice was elegant.

"And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence and no woman in the world deserves this. But here I am asking you for one more chance." He continued.

I smiled and waved my hands in the air along with the rest of the crowd.

Harry took his microphone and began. "Can we fall, one more time? Stop the tape and rewind. Oh and if you walk away I know I'll fade 'cause there is nobody else."

"It's gotta be you. Only you, it's gotta be you. Only you."

I hadn't realised how beautiful his voice until he went an octave higher. He was perfect.

Harry honestly never failed to add extraordinary things about himself to the list I could think of.

They continued and finished the song before Zayn spoke into the microphone.

"I hope you all enjoyed that!"

There was squealing from the crowd. Probably, Martina mostly.

The thought of making an album with the boys made me now feel sick. I was awful, they were amazing.

The boys continued to perform as they belted out the lyrics to One Thing.

We sung along until Martina had found us in the crowd.

She looked half squished but was grinning. She wore a white croptop, a black skirt and converse. Her black hair was straightened. Her brown eyes were twinkling under the moonlight. She looked amazing.

"You never told me!" She yelled over the noise of Liam's beautiful voice.

"Told you what?" I yelled back.

"That you're making an album with five angels from heaven!" She exclaimed.

"You're what?" Georgia yelled looking shocked.

"You both would of found out anyways," I shrugged.

"Oh, believe me I did. Stalking Zayn has it's privileges." Martina said looking stern but laughing lightly and indicating to Zayn, who was now singing.

"No way, Laur! You're joking, right?" Georgia asked.

"Wish I was." I said truthfully.

"I can't believe it." Georgia said looking from the boys to me and then back again.

"I'll take your place if you want." Martina grinned at me making me laugh.

"That does sound amazing." I mumbled smiling.

After that we sang along as the boys sang What Makes You Beautiful and Up All Night; not failing to nail those either, might I add.

The boys finished performing and the crowd disbanded with people heading into the house and staying in groups.

I was in a group with Georgia, Martina, Nicole, Tom and Geoff.

Nicole looked amazing. Her black hair was curly and her makeup consisted of foundation, eyeliner on top, mascara and a light lipstick. She wore a green croptop, black ripped skinny jeans and white heels.

I saw Geoff and Tom in a distant group of lads. They both looked casual. They both wore chinos, a tee shirt and trainers. I smiled at Geoff when I saw him looking our way and he returned my smile.

Wow I'm lucky to have him. Geoff is just so good to me, he's honestly so genuine, kind, sarcastic and many more that I can't even begin to explain.

"Hey, Lauren!" A familiar voice snapped me into reality.

My eyes landed on my cousin Stacey, as she came into view. She wore a red dress with matching heels. Her hair was straightened and tied half back. Her makeup included dark eyes, fake eye lashes, foundations and red lipstick.

She was with her friend Ava, who I had met on a number of occasions. Ava's blonde hair was pulled into a high ponytail and her eyelids were golden with fake eyelashes adding to it. She had foundation all over her face and pink lipstick. She wore a pink croptop, leggings and pink wedges.

"Stace! How are ya?" I grinned giving her a hug.

"I'm amazing, honey! Considering this is my first time out in a month." She smiled. She noticed Georgia before her smile grew. "Happy birthday. Wow, you're getting old." She laughed.

"Thanks Stacey." Georgia smiled.

"Leaving Cert struggles getting to you yet?" I asked.

"Just a lil' bit. But I don't care anymore. Waste of time if you ask me." She slightly slurred.

I could tell she had been drinking but maybe she needed it. After all, the amount of study she was doing a day was bound to be getting to her. She needed a break.

Ava grinned at her as if showing she agreed. I could tell she was drinking too.

"Ew its you," Stacey indicated to Martina jokingly.

Stacey and Martina didn't get along very well. They most certainly had sibling rivalry but that was mainly due to the fact they were so different.

"The feelings mutual," Martina spat.

"I joke, I joke," Stacey grinned putting an arm around Martina who looked slightly uncomfortable. "You know I love you really,"

"I'm telling mam you were drinking AGAIN tonight," Martina said.

"Try it, brat. I'm eighteen, she doesn't care." Stacey fake laughed.

"You say that now." Martina smirked.

"As if she's going to believe you. Mam will laugh at you and say 'leave Stacey alone, she has study to do Martina' and then I'll laugh at you, munchkin." Stacey teased poking Martina.

"And then I'll go 'all the study she hasn't done, you mean?' and mam will get pissed."

"No, she will be annoyed at you-"

Martina laughed. "Not a chance,"

"Yeah," Stacey bickered.


"Guys! Shut up! Now isn't the time!" I sighed.

Honestly it was Georgia's birthday and here they were bickering like we were all just at home together where they could do what they please at home.

"Right. Sorry Georg," Martina looking down.

"Call it a night, kid? Okay?" Stacey said sticking her hand out to Martina.

"Okay," She replied shaking her sister's hand.

"Thanks guys. Really. I appreciate ye putting this behind you, just for me." Georgia said laughing slightly.

"No, thank you. We were being unreasonable." Stacey replied.

"I hate to say it but yeah." said Georgia putting emphasis on the word 'yeah.'

"Anyways how's the final days at Bernard's going?" asked Ava smiling.

"Very good, thank you." Georgia smiled.

"Yeah, it's great." I add.

"Martina told me that you finally got that Diana girl to back off. I'm so proud of you all." Stacey smiled to Georgia.

Georgia returned to her smile but before she could respond, a now familiar voice had appeared in the group.

"Well, actually, we got her to back off. But, you know, no biggie." Harry had appeared as if out of nowhere with the lads. He had his signature smirk on his face and he looked proud. "Ha ha, I'm Harry Styles." He gave a flirtacious smile to Stacey.

He was so cocky, it wasn't even laughable anymore. He was worse then Geoff, my God.

I could already tell by Harry's actions that he had interest in Stacey. But then again, he was being the annoying flirt he always was but with him you really don't know.

Martina looked to be going into a hysterics. "Harry Styles is flirting with MY sister!" She mouthed to me fangirling. I laughed in response.

Oh Martina.

Harry was stood next to Stacey and was towering over her. He was grinning down at her small framercey had a stern look on her face.

"Boys, this is my cousin Stacey and her friend Ava." I indicated to the them. "Girls, this is One Direction." I introduced.

Ava was the first to reply. "It's nice to meet you guys." She smiled.

Stacey, on the other hand, was fake smiling.

"Oh honey, of course I know who you are. I mean you are famous, how stupid do you think I am?" She began before fake smiling.

Harry looked really a taken back and so was I. I was surprised she was reacting this way to being flirting with. She was a huge flirt herself but then again she has a boyfriend so maybe she doesn't like being messed around with when she's going out with someone.

Martina gave Stacey a filthy look, indicating she was annoyed that her sister was being rude to her idol. Ava looked impressed whilst the boys and Nicole looked genuinely surprised by the way Stacey reacted to Harry's flirting.

"I - I didn't mean it like that!" Harry stuttered.

"Sure you did," Stacey laughed before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving with Ava in tow.

Harry touched his left centre cheek where she had kissed him, looking bewildered.

I couldn't believe she did. I love Harry as a brother and everything but that was fucking hilarious.

"You've got a feisty one there, mate!" Louis said slinging an arm around Harry's shoulder.

"I know." Harry breathed in shock. "I guess it runs in the family," he laughed looking at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I retort.

"You Daley's are stubborn, that's what that means, Laur." Zayn pitched in.

"I could say the same time about you in the morning." I shot back.

Zayn raised a brow before a small smile appeared on his face. "Toché,"

"Wow." Harry breathed again.

"Harry, honestly, I'm so sorry about my sister's behaviour. She's irresponsible and-" Martina began before Harry cut her off.

"Don't worry about her. I thought her whole playing 'hard to get' was so attractive. It makes me even more attracted to her as it is."

Martina looked to be fangirling.. AGAIN. She looked confused but then triumph.

We all talked for a little while before the boys left to talk to Dad about something.

We met up with Geoff and Tom before Nicole and Martina separated of to meet our first year friends who they hadn't seen in a while.

*        *          *           *           *

10.47 p.m.

Another half an hour or so had passed and Georgia and I were walking around meeting and talking to all of her friends.

I had to admit so far this party was going really great.

I seen from across the lawn the boys were talking to Dad still at the bar.

'God help them. He's probably boring the shit into them.' I think to myself.

Georgia and I were just sipping our drinks and talking about a new perfume out by Beyoncé when our attention was turned to a rattling noise coming from behind the garden fence.

We looked over to the fence just in time to see a skinny pale arm making it's way from one side to the other. Finally, after a moment, we saw a blonde figure emerge as she climbed up over the fence.

Once seated on the fence, she pulled up a brunette girl with her. They both jumped down and that's when I recognised them.

Diana and Rita looked like their casual selves, with make up and clothes. Rita wore her hair half-down and Diana's hair was down with a plait going around the front of her hair. They both wore jeans, hoodies and trainers.

I heard Georgia swear under her breath.

I felt the same way. What the hell were they doing here? This was a private party.

But before I could react or say anything, Georgia did it for me.

"Come on, I ain't putting up with this." She said looking pissed. I nodded in agreement.

Georgia and I marched over to them.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Georgia said hotly.

"Happy birthday!" Diana gave a nasty smile using hand gestures. Her nasty smile was replaced by a smirk before ha added looking fake thrilled. "Georgia! Missed us?"

"No, of course I didn't miss you! Life was a lot easier when you weren't ruining it!" She snapped.

I was so glad she wasn't playing along with any of Diana's games tonight. I really am not in the mood to fight this cow on my best friend's birthday when we were already having such a good time.

"Where's the fun then?" Diana said, her tongue dripping with sarcasm.

I squished my plastic cup containing the remainder of my drink from anger before dropping it to the ground.

"Oi!" Harry yelled from a distance.

Awh you gotta love him. He's always looking out for Georgia and I. It really means a lot.

Himself and Louis ran up to us.

"Well, if it isn't Hazza and Boobear!" Diana grinned manically.

"You don't have right to call me that," Louis said quickly.

"Shut up Lou." said Harry thickly before turning to Diana. "I thought we made it very clear when we told you to clear off, that still applies!" He finished hotly.

"And well, I do what I want, when I want!"

That comeback was such as five-year-old 'I told you so' kind of comeback and it was terrible.

"You haven't changed. You're still the mean old cow, you always were." Louis yelled.

"I don't listen to anyone who looks like a animal," She spat.

What the hell was she suggesting? He doesn't look like animal. That insult is just sad.

"And I don't listen to cows, who have nothing else to do, but bully other people!" Louis yelled.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" She screeched and in anger, she pushed Harry in our swimming pool.

I looked on the scene. I can't believe she did that.

"What the hell is wrong you?!" Louis yelled.

"You want to be next, squirrel?" She mocked his voice.

How fucking dare she? Louis does not look or sound like a squirrel, yet she being the cow she is doesn't care that she said it.

"No! I do not sound or look like a squirrel, why does everyone think that?" He asked absent-mindedly before continuing. "And I won't ask again. Get out! You have no right to be here! Leave!" He ordered.

"No!" She screeched and with that, she not only pushes Louis but Georgia into the pool.

She smiled admiring her work.

That bitch! I'm going to kill her. I could deal with her doing it to Harry and Louis but Georgia? No I couldn't deal with that. She's been bullying her for two years and she just pushed her into the pool at her own freaking birthday party.

Who does she think she is barging into my garden to ruin my best friend's party? It was fucking disgusting, even for her standards.

"What is this really about, Diana? Jealousy, Tom or is it you?" I snapped.

"None of your business!" She replied.

"It is, you bullied my best friend for two years and I want to know, not next week, now. Why are you doing this?" I yelled.

She completely ignored me and changed the subject.

"Excuse me, I am going to go talk to Tom." She said before moving to them who were a few metes away engaged in conversation with each other walking by.

"Heya Thomas." She winked, stopping in front of them.

"Oh God, who invited her?" Tom sighed.

Georgia who was soaked to the skin walked towards Diana. If at all possible, she looked extremely annoyed now. "Hey! You leave my boyfriend alone!" She yelled.

"You mean MY boyfriend, honey." Diana fake laughed.

"Or the one you dumped for Harry Styles who turned you down in the worse possible way?" I piped in smirking.

"And no I won't leave him alone, Georgia," Diana slapped her across the face.

"Be proud of yourself, you ruined everything!" She screamed and she then ran in the backdoor crying.

Nicole and Martina looked concerned and gave me the 'should we go after her?' look.

I shook my head and pointed to me, they nodded.

"This time, you crossed the line and I am getting revenge!" I screamed as I grabbed the nearest object to me: One of Georgia's cakes.

I shoved it into her face, then pushed her over.

"What the hell, Lauren?" She said looking up with cake covering her face.

"You're welcome. I have wanted to that for years. Now, I am warning you, clear off or I will kill your cat!" I laughed.

"She's only lying, Di, let's stay!" Rita piped in helping Dian up.

"No, not Princess! Come on Rita, let's go!"

And with that, she ran off with Rita and they climbed over the fence and they disappeared.

I ran into the house and followed the water on the floor to find Georgia, seen has she was still wet and dripping.

I found her in my room, crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked, though I already know the answer.

"No, Lauren, I'm not. She ruined my birthday, my hair, dress, everything!" She replied sighing and throwing her heels across the room where they landed with a thud.

She wiped a tear from her eye before I made my way to stand beside her. I put an arm around her to give her some comfort.

"I promise I won't let Diana or anyone near you again ever."

I regretted saying that last part as I felt a piece of something hard hit Georgia and then my head.

I was falling and then my head came in contact with the floor and that's when everything went black.

Harry's POV; a few hours later:

This party was amazing!

Diana and Rita had finally cleared off and I had cleaned up in fresh clothe of a tee shirt and jeans.

I wonder where Lauren and Georgia are? I haven't seen them in ages and I mean ages!

I set at the bar taking a sip of my Vodka and Coke. The boys were who knows where, leaving me to drink all by myself. Nothing more lonely, right?

I noticed I had company as a petite brunette came into view. I recognised her instantly as Stacey.

God she was gorgeous.

"Oh, you're still here?" She said rudely.

Her personality was such a instant turn off.

"Yes, I do live here." I spat.

She turned her attention to the bartender. "Hi, can I've a double Vodka and Coke and a Vodka shot please,"

I nearly spat out my drink. Talk about a heavy drinker. She was nearly as heavy drinker as I was and that took a lot.

"Coming right up, Miss Daley." He smiled at her before handing the drinks to her.

"That'll be €12, whenever you're ready."

She fiddled with her purse getting her money but I then decided to redeem myself. I took out the money from my pocket.

"I'll get it." I told her.

"What? No! I won't let you." She protested.

"Yeah, just take it, mate." I said handing the money to the bartender despite her constant protesting.

"Thanks," She muttered taking a sip of her Vodka-Coke.

"Anytime." I sent her a small smile which she returned.

"So, Stacey, what do you do for a living?"

"Well," She began after a deep exhale. "I work part-time at the Londis in town but other then that I'm studying for my exams so I can go to college."

"That sounds really cool. What do you wanna do in college?"

"I'd love to work as a childminder or in a crèche."

I smiled at her. That was so thoughtful and she loved kids. I loved kids too. This was amazing.

We continued to talk for another ten minutes and I realised we had so much I common.

I decided to ask the question that had been stuck on my mind since I met her and after deciding she will now be comfortable enough with me to answer the question, I did ask it. "So, Stacey, do you have a boyfriend?"

"I did, until yesterday, he dumped me." She sighed taking a sip out of her drink.

"I know that feeling." I lied.


"Yeah," I lied again.

I need to get a date with this chick! And I was willing to do whatever it takes to ensure I get one.

"So, I was wondering if you maybe.. I don't know, wanted to have dinner sometime?" I asked.

"Like a date?" She looked up.

"Yeah," I said with newly found confidence.

"I'd love too." She kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear.

"Great, should we say tomorrow, 4pm, I'll pick you up for the date?"

"Sounds great." She smiled before turning to whisper in my ear. "I'm a big fan, by the way. I just don't like when people try to make me out as stupid." She whispered in my ear.

I smiled at that. The fact she was a fan made me so happy.

"You're not stupid though. I'm just annoying," I said honestly after a moving a loose stray hair from her face.

"Now that's not true." She said before meeting my gaze and closing the gap between us.

Her lips were soft and gentle. I felt her put her hands through my curls whilst I laid my hands on her back.

The kiss was amazing and it became even more better when she granted my tongue access which made our kiss more heated. I didn't want it to end so I pulled her into my knee.

We broke apart before grinning at each other and she restorers her head on my shoulder.

"Well, Harry Styles, it's true what they say you are an amazing kisser."

"You're not too bad, yourself." I smirked.

She rearranged herself and sat up on my knew leaning back on my shoulder.

We were in the middle of flirting again when Niall and her friend ran up to us, right there, ruining the moment.

"Harry! There you are!" He panted, sounding slightly out of breath.

Stacey began talking to her friend.

"I'll talk to you in a bit, Stacey." I said kissing her cheek as her and her friend moved a few metres away to have a private conversation.

I had taken it Niall wanted a private conversation seen as he had ran to find me. Nonetheless, I was annoyed. I was having fun there!

"This better have been important. She's hot!" I hissed.

"It is. It's Lauren and Georgia."

"What about them?" I asked.

"They're missing."



cliff hanger.. AGAIN:$ i'm sorry i'm mean i know

so lauren and georgia are actually missing, so who ever hit them over the head took them and diana is back, you're welcome!

more problems for lauren and georgia though -_-

oh i really am sorry, seriously, for just finishing the chapter there. but it felt like the right place to end it. forgive me?;o

i think it will be during the week, before i update again, i have a very busy weekend.

lauren and georgia on the sidebar :3 x

i know i say this every  time i update but i really think you guys don't get enough for credit for the amount of feedback ye give me. thank you all so so much. i love you all, you've no idea<3

if you like this could you please follow, vote and comment. it really would mean a lot to me.

until next time


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