===The One who surpasses Heav...

By Ronoric_The12Demon

176K 4K 773

A young man loses his mother with his brother leaving home,decides to do something his ancestor had done long... More

[Prologue:The New Generation]
Character's Bio/Info:The Thorn in Heaven's Ass
Chapter 1:The Monkey's Arrival
Chapter 2:Deal with the Devil Kings & Kuoh Academy
Chapter 3:ORC & House of Horrors
Chapter 4:Getting Familiars
Chapter 5:Visiting Foxes & Reuniting Kitty Cats
Chapter 6:Peace & Phenex
Chapter 7:Training Begins
Chapter 8:Status Update & Sisters' Desires
Chapter 9:Rating Game
Chapter 10:Monkey VS Devils
Chapter 11:Ryo's Statement & New Housemates
Chapter 12:Visit & Explaination
Chapter 13:Talk & Storm Forming
{Chapter 14:Meeting}
{Chapter 15:Monkey Emperor VS Cadre Fallen}
Chapter 16:Aftermath
Chapter 17:Pool Time & Sirzech's Request
Chapter 18:Heavenly Meeting & Surprising Talk
Chapter 19:Ah Little Buddy,Ah Old Friend,and Ah Golden Princess
Chapter 20:Old Buddy & Ryo's Precaution
Chapter 21:Summit Begins
Chapter 22:Guests Arrival & Another Emperor Revealed
Chapter 23:New House Mates,Vacation Plans,and Ravel's Request.
Chapter 24:Ride to the Underworld
Chapter 25:Gremory Manor & The Third Emperor
Chapter 26:Shinto Heaven
Chapter 27:Svarga
Chapter 28:King of Heaven
Chapter 29:Brother's Spar & Group Chat
Chapter 30:The Summit & Some Friends
Chapter 31:Party Crashers
Chapter 32:Gods' Fuck Up & The Destroyer
Chapter 33:Heading Back.....
Chapter 34:Talk,Snitch,& Surprises
Chapter 35:Some Surprises & The Promise
Chapter 36:Noble Dickhead & Upcoming Battle
Chapter 37:Relaxing & The Challenge
Chapter 38:Gremory VS Sitri
Chapter 39:Day of The Execution & Ryo's Fun
Chapter 40:Truth of Ryo & Judgement Bestowed
Chapter 41:Helping Two Phenexes
Chapter 42:Ryo's Anger & Ryo's Trauma
Chapter 43:Yasaka's Kidnapping
Chapter 44:Calling on Friends
Chapter 45:Heroes' Plans & Heroes' Appear
Chapter 46:The Fall of Heroes
Chapter 47:Discussion,Decision,and Opinion
Chapter 48:Helping ah Friend
Chapter 49:Training
Chapter 50:Assassin & Encounter
Chapter 51:The Final Emperor & The Plan
Chapter 52:Skeletal VS Monkey
Chapter 53:The Mission Begins & The Unknown Watcher
Chapter 54:The Fall of The Primordials
Chapter 55:Upcoming Trip & Special Little Demon
Chapter 56:Meeting in England
Chapter 57:The Mother of Devils' Return
Chapter 58:Vampire Faction
Chapter 59:Surprise & Gathering
Chapter 60:Reunion & Revelation
Chapter 61:A Catalyst for What's to Come
Chapter 62:New Visitor & Love Talk
Chapter 63:Other Heirs & Battle Plans
Chapter 64:The Demons of The Red Light District
Chapter 65:Questions & Confrontation
Chapter 66:The King of Beasts
(Chapter 68:Rampaging Rage)
(Chapter 69:Power of The Destroyer Apostles)
Chapter 70:Raid Preparation
Chapter 71:The Raid Team and Their Ace

Chapter 67:Shattered Peace & Explosive Rage

507 20 0
By Ronoric_The12Demon

(Ryo's Pov)
It's been about a month or so since Kaido was killed,Tiamat was happy to have one of her treasures back.Since then we've all been hunting Muzan,His Demons,and The God Hand.Honestly it's been great practice and given the factions experience with fighting the demons.We also learned that certain type of magic such as the 'Power of Destruction' kinda negs them.With the P.O.D basically just ignoring their healing factors,learned that after a couple Demons tried to kidnap Millicas...only for a very pissed off Sirzechs to show up and show that he certainly earned the right to be among the most power beings in the world.But regardless of that we've taken notice that the demons have been a lot more active,while Griffith has really done shit lately.I am somewhat cautious about that,tho it also in line with what I'd expect from him.But anyways right now I'm just sitting in a tree over in Kyoto after Yasaka asked me to come over,as I'm sitting there the door opens.I look and see her coming out......
Me:Hey what's up Yasaka?
Yasaka:Well....I wanted to ask if you learned anything about....'That'?
[I look at her and feel my eyes darken looking down]
Me:*Quiet*No....Nothing....Whoever doing it....their good at covering their tracks at least....
Yasaka:.....Well....I....I've received some news(I look at her wide eyed)Lord Indra,The Jade Emperor,and Sun Wukong informed me that the killer is a member of another faction.(I look at her)They don't know which faction but....(She takes out something wrapped in cloth)they found this at one of the crime scenes....
[She unwraps the item and reveals it.....]

[I look at the item and jump down,I walk over to her and look at the dagger]
Yasaka:*Nervous*They hadn't said anything out of fear that it would cause you to lose control given how...serious the topic is to you....
[I just stare at the dagger feeling the energy coming off of it,my hair cover my eyes]
Me:*Maintaining Composure*It's a 'Sacrifcial Blade'(She nods)a type of blade that devours souls to increase the wielder's power.....Y-Yasaka(She looks at me noting my anger)call the Leaders here now.
[She gulps and nods heading to do so,I just stand their thinking about the symbol engraved on the blade.I turn and walk over to the tree,then I just sit down trying my best not to fucking explode...]

(Timeskip a Little While Later)
I'm sitting under the tree trying my best to keep calm,then the door opens.I look up and see everyone including Indra,the Old Bastard,and Jade Emperor.Then before I even know my body just lunges at Indra and I attack him....

Everyone's surprised but before I go after the Old Geezer and the Jade Emperor,Lord Shiva grabs me holding me back with the help of Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma.....
Shiva:*Serious*Ryo calm down!
Me:*Dark/Livid*They knew....THEY KNEW!(My voice booms out sending most of the others a couple feet away)YOU BASTARDS KNEW THEY WERE BEING SACRIFICED AND YOU DIDN'T DO AH DAMN THING TO STOP THEM!.
[Most of them are surprised and confused,but they look sacred]
Old Geezer:*Sacred/Nervous*We had no choice,we already had our hands full with other matters
[That just pushes my ange even further]
[The ground shakes as my voice booms out]
Shiva:*Serious*What are you talking about Ryo?!
Yasaka:*Nervous*I-I can explain(They look at her and she shows the dagger)earlier today Wukong brought this dagger to me...he explained that it had been found at the sight of one of the murderer who has been killing Yokai....including my husband...and....Ryo's mother.
[They gasp]
Vishnu:......That Dagger's a Sacrificial Blade....a Soul Eater....
Buddha:*Pissed*Yu Haung,Wukong what the fuck is the meaning of this?!
(Yu Haung)Jade Emperor:*Nervous*W-We were order to not speak of it by Ind...
[He's interrupted by Buddha....]

[He's sent flying crashing into a rock about twenty feet away....]
Brahma:*Serious*This is a serious matter,using such a weapon is forbidden by every Pantheon and Faction.It's considered one of thee most heinous crimes one can commit.
Amaterasu:*Serious*Now I understand Ryo's actions and anger.....especially with the implications.....
[She looks away as Indra begins waking,Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma pull me back as Lord Shiva steps towards him]
Shiva:*Serious/Livid*Indra(He looks at him)do you have anything to say for yourself?(Indra looks at him and then looks away)....Very well then return home,you're not to leave without one of the Trimurti permission.
[Indra glares at him,but stops seeing Lord Shiva's anger and soon leaves,I notice Buddha sending Jade Emperor and the Old Geezer back]
Buddha:Ryo(I look at him)....I'm sorry....that I didn't learn about this sooner...
Shiva:As am I.
[I just look down not responding......]

(Timeskip a Few Days Later)
It's been a few days since I learned about the 'Sacrificial Blade' being used by the murderer,Buddha ended up sentencing the Old Geezer & The Jade Emperor to a thousand years of imprisonment just like how the Old Man was back then.Meanwhile Lord Shiva has essentially locked Indra down in his home,from what Mahabali told me Indra did try to fight back but was left on his back servely injuryed from Lord Shiva releasing his destructive aura.Everyone ended up hearing about it and the girls have been doing their best to comfort me while Mai has been comforting Bikou.Right now tho I'm heading to meet up with Rengoku,he asked me ta come help out with hunting ah demon.Appearantly he got the Tanjiro and some other newbies with him.So I'm just heading over to help'em.Tho for some reason I got a feeling something bad gonna happen.......

To Be Continues......................

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