Into The Horizon: An NHS Fanf...

By IOnlyWantBritain

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The story revolves around the world of Winnos, and how its inhabitants adapt to the transference into a harsh... More

Chapter Zero
Chapter 1: An Unknown Enemy
Chapter 2: First Contact
Chapter 3: Winnos Conference
Chapter 4: Northeast Expedition
Chapter 5: Padia Development Zone
Chapter 6: Battle of Lhorus Sea (1)
Chapter 7: Battle of Lhorus Sea (2)
Chapter 9: Expedition to Mu (2)
Chapter 10: Expedition to Mu(3)
Chapter 11: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 12: Naval Battle of Winnos (1)
Chapter 13: Naval Battle of Winnos (2)
Chapter 14: Massacre of Entia
Chapter 15: Recovery and Losses
Chapter 16: Zaratosthra's Arrival
Chapter 17: A Better Future
Chapter 18: Turmoil & Arms Race
Chapter 19: Desperations and Hopes
Chapter 20: Meeting of Two Worlds
Illustrations and Rest Note
Chapter 21: Newfound Allies
Chapter 22: Arrogance or Pride?
Chapter 23: Understanding
Chapter 24: New Beginnings

Chapter 8: Expedition to Mu(1)

98 7 1
By IOnlyWantBritain

May 2nd, 1898, 0800 Hours Sea of Tracia, 2100 Nautical Miles North of Thria.

More than a month after the discovery of Padia, and with its subsequent development efforts ongoing, 1st Expeditionary Group has now been tasked with meeting with the Second Civilization Area's Mu. According to Rina the Elf, alongside Mu are the nations of Nigrat Union in the Southwest, and Magicaraich Community in the Southeast. Unlike Mu, which is a magicless transferred nation, Nigrat and Magicaraich are lands invaded by this world's natives in the distant past, and due to magic being far superior during primitive times against people with only swords and arrows, Mu lost a large part of itself to the natives.

Now, the natives that reside in Mu continent made their own nations, along with the two are the nations of Hinomawari, Leifor, and Sonal. On the west, of Leifor, there is also the Inertia and Paganda, but according to her, they are no better than leeches sucking up to Leifor's name.

With the superiority of magic, the nations of Nigrat and Magicaraich are equal to the level of civilization of Mu, particularly the Magicaraich Community, being a federation of academic institutions, has been known to have no reservations on usage of either magical or mechanical knowledge, they prefer to fuse the two together to create greater technologies.

At first, Admiral Ethan Bond is afraid of encountering these magical nations because of the Annonrials, and Rina also warned him that the members of the civilized zones, especially the superpowers, belittle all nations outside of civilization areas regardless of technological advancement.

This got Bond thinking; what exactly in this world makes a nation civilized, and how exactly is one considered a Superpower?

Winnos did not have the concept of Superpower. All the 4 nations are equal to each other to a degree. The only time one nation, Entia, became the ruling power was during the Great War, with Thria and Valkia relying on its help to defeat the Havik war machine. 

Rina told him then that the label of Superpower is decided in what is known as 11 Countries Conference held every 2 years, the next one being in next year of Central Calendar 1640.
The Central Calendar and the Standard Calendar shows different years, but since the Winnos Federation does not want to give up their own calendar, rather than replacing, they just added put the names and years side by side, given that the dates are similar anyway.

With it still being a year away, Bond sent this informationn Winnos Naval Command, which is then discussed with the Federation Government. They have come into the verdict that if they want to join that conference, they must establish themselves as a superpower.

Now, the expedition's main objective is to establish the Federation as a suitable superpower, with trade and friendly relations subjective to the group and diplomat's decisions. The Winnos Federation is not willing to be subjected to exploitative or undermining terms.

The Winnos Federation is already facing a major problem. The threat posed by Annonrial was spine-chilling to say the least. Although their victories at the Lhorus Sea saw the defeat of more than 120 enemy ships, a Combat Armada still nearly got annihilated. If the enemy were not caught off guard by the 2nd CBA while they are resupplying, a similar outcome may have occurred. 

With the current number of ships both active and reserve being only at around 700, it is not enough to guard their new territories in Padia. It is almost as large as the Federation waters, and just 300 will not be enough for things get worse or if the Annonrial, based on their size and technological level, were to be serious. 

Currently, Home Defense is composed of 5 combat armadas, each having 90 ships including those in reserve and the logistics needed for them. However, out of those 450 ships, there are only a couple dozen are battleships, and most of them are the outdated Guardian-class. Even his flagship, the Keeper, will be having a hard time if he were to come face to face against an enemy battleship like the captured Cerium-class. 

According to the revelations of the surrendered Annonrials, the Cerium-class is the best battleship that Annonrial can mass produce. It is based on an even more powerful battleship called Orichalcum-class, which they cannot recreate. They also said that the Annonrials have aircrafts and submarines - thing that were not feasible in the old world due to weather and sea conditions.

As a member of the admiralty, it causes him concern since the research funds that were once focused on guns and machinery will be stretch even thinner. And although the money and resources are not the problem, the people are. There are simply too few researchers for the broad selection of research topics and directions, and even though the dwarves and elves on Padia are cooperative and smart, there are still too few of them. And even with enough people and resources, he is unsure if new technologies will arrive before the Annonrial Empire gets serious and send those fearsome alien tech of theirs into the fight.

With a sigh, he listens to the sea breeze as he look over at the direction they are going, leaning on the railing while his captain, James Spock, reads a book beside him quietly. 

Looking forward into the bow, he sees the new ships with them, the beautiful and large Reina Maria-class battleship, Reina Margarita, and the similarly beautiful Empress Beatrice-class battleship, Queen Elizabeth, named after the Queen of Entia, sails proudly with the new Winnos Federation flag in their top.

As the 4th and the 2nd ships of their classes, the two were just launched back in March, with shakedown and maiden voyage being done by April. Although the two did not participate in the Battle of Lhorus Sea, they have done two combat exercises together, making them somewhat combat worthy as vessels. With the other 3 Reina Maria-class and the Empress Beatrice in homeland defense, These two, with their high range, was delegated into expeditionary missions.

With how the Guardian and Vanguard-classes performed against the Annonrials, they are also beginning to get criticism and being pushed for retirement. The Innovator, which was supposed to be the 6th Vanguard and the first ship to house the eagerly-awaited Mk.2 Radar, was halted before the rim for the citadel and main guns are even settled. It has been decided to still house the Mk.2 Radar, but will be converted into an "Aircraft Carrier" instead. This pushed its schedule to February 1900 at the earliest due to massive reconfiguration that is going to be done on the hull.

Revenge-class cruisers, the battleline cruisers that housed the same 13 inch guns from the Guardian-class, have also been halted, with many of them being scheduled for scrap as new ships of the Rotte-class cruisers come along.

Currently, talks about making new classes for the Winnos Navy is in discussion, incorporating new technologies that will be made based on the experiences in the new world. However, it is projected that these changes will only occur 2 years from now on.

Whether the Annonrial comes at them, or they get that time, they could never know.

"They are beautiful, aren't they?" Spock breaks the silence as he close his book. "I shall be heading down the mess hall for some coffee, want to come, admiral?"

The admiral takes out his flask of wine and smiles at Spock. "No need, I have my coffee here. But hey, I could grab a meal or two." 

The two men made their way to the mess hall, hallways almost empty as the sailors are mostly having breakfast as well. As they make their way in, they are greeted by those they come across with a salute, part of naval discipline. However, once they get to the mess, everyone acts like they are just another pair of sailors.

To the senior officers of the navy, the mess hall is the only place where the only thing your rank has an impact is the allotted seat and the ice cream. The senior officers, including the admiral, can have a bowl of ice cream everyday, sailors below that only get it every Ice Cream Sunday.

As they sit down, they joined the table of their senior officers, they ate and talked together with little regard for rank, and topics of any regard, so long as appropriate, is of no consequence. Since they are all mostly in the same age, except for the chief engineer that seems to be the oldest at 48, they are all close to each other. They have been assigned in the Keeper since the war, and worked their ranks up into their positions. Needless to say that all these years and proximity made them close friends.

The next day, the expeditionary group, composed of 4 Battleships, 8 Escort Cruisers, 12 Destroyers, 3 cargo ships, and 3 tankers have come as close as 200 nautical miles from the shoreline of the Second Civilization Area. Cruising eastwards towards Mu's capital, Otaheit, they encountered a naval patrol by bearing the flag of said nation.

May 3rd, 0700 Hours, RMS La Trinidad.

As the bright Tuesday morning of the Mu territorial waters bask the patrol ship La Trinidad and its companion, La Plase, they have suddenly heard a shout from the men in their conning towers. Due to the sound of the birds and the waves, they could not hear what they are saying, but looking at the direction in which the spotters are waving, the men looked and saw two of the largest warships they have ever seen in their lives. 

Although their new La Kasami-class ships are state of the art battleships and dwarfing their own patrol ship a few times, this ship is even larger than that. The sheer size made them misjudge its distance, and with curiosity and duty to guard their waters, they decided to go to the fleet of massive ships by their own.

Getting close, they have realized just how big those ships are. their own ships being only a quarter of the enemy battleships. "Just what the hell..." Their captain, Pedro Effield muttered as they get closer, however, behind two massive ships are another 2 smaller but equally fearsome battleships. Then in the distance, a line of more ships entered their sights. Those ships, as big as La Kasami itself, have 6 guns of smaller caliber, they assume to be of 8 inch.

With the signal lamp at the top upper deck of the patrol ship's bridge, the crew climbed up and used the lamp towards the conning tower of the large ships. They read: "This is the Muan Royal Navy, unidentified ships, identify yourselves." 

To their relief, the unknown ships flying the green flag responded, "We are an expeditionary group of the Winnos Federation, coming from the south. We have come for diplomacy and do not mean harm or sow fear. Please lead us where we can talk with a diplomat."

Understanding the conversation between the signal lamps, the patrol ships replied, "Please follow us. We will contact our superiors in regards of this matter, at the mean time, we will lead you to our capital of Otaheit."

As the patrol ships take the lead, their crew kept on watching the foreign ships in awe. "From the south? Outside the civilization areas?" Wondered one of the crewmen. 

"And Winnos Federation? I have never heard of them before.." Says another. 

"Wherever they came from, they looks like they are of a mechanical civilization just like us. Look at those guns, at those hulls. Certainly do not look like Milishials to me. Damn, they are so big I want to touch them myself." The crewman laughed at his words, however, they did not mean any bad. In fact, they feel the same. As kids, they had always adored the Muan navy, and what makes a man's heart pound but seeing large guns firing and brawling in a masculine contest of strength? Although ships are technically called with female pronouns, it feels so manly seeing them fight like boxers in a ring.

"Captain, who knows, maybe you can ask them? They seem friendly."

"And what? Risk my hand or head? Hell no. Until I see them and confirm they are not with the sharp eared bollocks." He says with a smirk, before turning to the bridge and seeing the telegraph reply of the navy. 

With a nod, he passes it to the signalman, and the signalman relays the news. "Foreign ships, one of your smaller ships can dock on the port, but the big ones cannot since the ports cannot accommodate them." 

"Copy that, we will send out our delegation from one of our cruisers."

"Cruisers? They just said cruisers, right?" The captain asked the signalman with surprise. The old captain cannot believe just as everyone else. The thing that is twice as large as theirs is a cruiser, just like their own.

"Y-Yes sir.." Replied the signalman. Since those 8 ships looked alike, they must be the cruisers they are talking. 8 of them, armed with 6 8 inch guns, and this is only an "expeditionary group". Whatever this Winnos Federation is, it will cause a ripple on Mu and even the whole world.

1036 Hours

Port of Otaheit, the capital of Mu, the second largest port in the New World, and one of the most bustling port cities in the new world. In its docks lay multiple ships of mixed technological level that it looks like that of a naval museum. From first rates and ironclads to pre-dreadnought battleships.

Seeing this lineup, the Winnosian delegate could not help but smile at both the sight of such beautiful classical ships as if out of the enlightenment era. Assigning the cruiser Holly, it seemed massive compared to the sailships and firstrates around her, even the Muan battleships are smaller than her. 

In the skies, everyone in the expedition is at awe at the sight of flying wyverns and aircrafts. It is the first time they have ever seen actual flying machines which they have long envisioned to have but not permitted by the laws of nature of their world.

Hearing the roar of the aircraft engines, some cannot help but be enthusiastic about the future they have in this world. Soon, the Holly has made its way into the harbor after accepting the delegates from the Reina Margarita.

As the mechanical steel ramp is lowered and connected the ship to the pier made of compacted stone and masonry, the marines aboard the Holly escorts the Winnos delegation, with a handful going by their side to provide escort ceremoniously. Soon enough, people wearing nice professional clothing seemingly similar to their own and  exuding authority, have come into the pier to meet with the delegation.

The guards with them opened out of the way in a choreographed manner, and at last, both parties met each other.

'Wow, she looks so young, is she a princess?'

'Ooh.. So they are also human..'

Both looked at each other in the eyes for a moment, before the silence is broken by admiral Bond who is right beside the young empress. "Hello, my name is Ethan Bond, an admiral of the Winnos Navy. Milady here is Empress Beatrice of Winnos Federation, thank you for welcoming us, friends from Mu." He extends his hand in a greeting, which the Muans immediately recognized.

Taking his hand, the one that has been looking at the princess since earlier took Bond's hand and shakes it. "Sorry if I was seemed rude for not greeting, my name is Jullivan, beside me is Newcaull. We are sent as the delegates to this diplomatic mission."

Stepping forward, Newcaull bowed courtly at Beatrice, in which she lifted her dress and elegantly bowed. With the two parties briefly greeting each other, the delegatory group moved past the stone walls separating the pier with the inland roads, there, two long vehicles of vintage design awaits. "Please get in, this vehicle is our proud Lostov Model II. It is fast, smooth, and comfortable with customized seats."

With the Muan royal guards opening the door for them, Sebastian, Beatrice's butler and personal bodyguard, sat first, inspecting the inside. Next, Beatrice said a little thank you before going inside first, trying to hide her childish excitement. Meanwhile, the admiral and the other delegates from Winnos, sat inside.

As the door close, Olliver Gold, which is Winnos' appointed Secretary of Finance talked about the design of the vehicle. "Combustion engines? Hmm, this is the first time I am sitting in one."

"Honestly I prefer our own electric ones, they are quieter and does not smell like oil." Says Gerald Ferra, the Secretary of Trade and Industry quips.

Juliet Sparks, the Secretary of Energy, looked around as they sit inside. "I do not see much application of electricity except the lights."

Newcaull and Jullivan who heard this became curious. 'Electric cars?'

Wanting to satisfy their curiosity, they asked "You have automobiles in you country too? And electric ones at that?" the vehicles starts up to begin to make their way to Otaheit's city center. 

Looking at them, Olliver replies, "Ah, our country does not rely on oil to power our mainland. Our oil and coal are reserved for our military and heavier industrial machinery. Our houses, vehicles, rails, and industrial complexes are 100 percent powered by either wind, tide, or geothermal power."

Looking at each other, Newcaull and Jullivan immediately knew what each other is thinking. Without need for oil or coal to produce power, not only will their air be clean, but their expenses will be exponentially lowered too. The maintenance in the mining of coal and oil are consuming almost 60 percent of the profits. If they do not need to use them anymore and decided to sell them instead to other countries....

"Umm, sir Olliver, what is you country like?" They asked, however, Olliver looked over at Beatrice, who is looking over the window with furrowed brows, seeing the thick black smoke coming from the factories in the outskirts of the city.

"Empress, may I have you answer this one?"

"Hm?" Beatrice looks over to them, and having heard their conversation earlier, she wanted a more specific question. "Can you get more specific?"

"What country is your Winnos Federation like?" 

Beatrice once again looks out the window, then looks back at them. "It is a nation that lives with the nature." Then, looking at the eyes of the two men, she continued. "It is a federation made up of 4 nations. Ever since we got transported into this world and had to fight against an aggressive race of winged people, our nations decided to unite to survive. What other inquiries do you have?"

Jullivan jots down her words in a paper while Newcaull asks more questions. "For what reason did you come to Mu?" Jullivan thought that the part about the aggressive winged people should be talked about first, but he relented this one to Newcaull.

"On the island chain southeast of here, we met the people of Padia. Their elder told our expeditionary group of the political landscape of this world, and so we decided to come."

"Southeast..? the Conshal Group of Islands? It used to be colonized by both us and Milishial, but since the islands were not profitable and sparked a lot of disagreements between our two nations, we went away from there.."

"And as soon as you went away, the people there started getting raided by pirates, being pillaged, getting enslaved, and dying." Beatrice did not hide her disappointment as she look at them coldly with her eyes. Seeing that, the two muans could not retort or excuse the negligence of their nation.

As soon as she finished talking, they arrived in the main foreign affairs building of Mu, and they are led inside. Before they separate ways however, Newcaull outlined some of the details for the upcoming days. "This is our foreign affairs main building, the place we prepared for all of you to stay on, along with your guards, for 3 days. During that time, we will start our formal talks between our nations regarding the purpose of the diplomatic visit. For now though, I will report to our Section Chief, and we will set a schedule for the meetings."

Then, he hands out a cheque to everyone. "This is customary for diplomatic visits, treat it as your pocket money in your stay. Jullivan here will guide you on how to navigate around here, such as the currencies, and tour you through our city. For now, please enjoy your stay." With a bright smile, he shook hands with Beatrice, Ethan, and the secretaries before going away.

With Jullivan with them, he says "Please follow me." As he led them upstairs. There, he assigned two rooms for the members of the delegation, including the guards. One entire room is assigned to six marines that accompanied them, while the delegates including the princess shared one. Just as one will expect from high quality rooms, these are made to accommodate multiple people with five bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, two styling rooms, and a balcony separated by a class window.

It was fairly accommodating and spacious too, with enough room for five people to mess around. "If you need anything, just pull this string and a service staff will come up. I will give you time to prepare your stay, I shall come back at around 1 am, after lunch. I will remind again, please make sure to pull this string when you need something. I will be off for now to explain it to your guards too."

As he shake hands with them like Newcaull did, he goes out and closes the door to head to the room of the Winnosian marines.

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