Hiding Behind The Red Visor

By TheAnonymousDragon

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[Origins is Dead as we all know but I've been getting back into it for the memories sake. So I update this li... More

Introductions Part 2
Chapter 1 His Return
Chapter 2 Explanation
Chapter 3 The Phonecall
Chapter 4 Aftermath of the call
Chapter 5 A Serious Chat
Chapter 6 Arguing Among Friends
Chapter 7 Getting Help
Chapter 8 Bunch Of Sleepy Teens
Authors Note
Chapter 9 One Shaky Teen
Author Note 2
Chapter 10 Another freaking chat
Chapter 11 Getting some Rest Finally
Chapter 12 The Return of Rain
Chapter 13 'Please Wake Up'
Chapter 14 The Footage
Incorrect Quotes
Chapter 15 Finally Awake
Chapter 16 More Explaining
Chapter 17 Friends Hanging
Authors Note 3
Chapter 18 Finally Adopted
Chapter 19 Cram Class and Work
Chapter 20 The Nightmare
Chapter 21 More Working
Chapter 22 The New Student
Chapter 23 A What!?!
Chapter 24 A Potion or A Quirk?
Chapter 25 Aged Up
Chapter 26 True Colours
Chapter 27 Almost Arrested
Chapter 28 He was Bullied Wasn't He..
Chapter 29 The Plan
Chapter 30 Knows More Than He Lets On
Chapter 31 Will The Truth Come Out
Chapter 32 It Was Never Meant To Be
Chapter 33 This Isn't You
Chapter 34 A Day For Us
Chapter 35 Mr. Queen and Mr. Ramirez
Chapter 36 Can People Change?
Chapter 37 Why..Why Again..?
Chapter 38 He'll Survive, He Has To
Chapter 39 Comfort In A Time Of Need
Chapter 40 Remember The Better Times
Chapter 41 Please Be Okay
Chapter 42 Resurfacing Memories Already
Chapter 43 The Nightmares Begin
Chapter 44 Kind Message (s) Delivery
Chapter 45 His Voice(s) Return
Chapter 46 A New Plan
Chapter 47 Nearly Caught
Chapter 48 Caught...
Chapter 49 Time for Action.
Chapter 50 Soon to be Revived no more
Chapter 51 Goodbye...
Chapter 52 Interrogation
Chapter 53 Chance For Redemption
Chapter 54 The Letters
Chapter 55 First and Second Tape.
Chapter 56 Third and Last Tape.
Chapter 57 A Mistake Was Made.
Chapter 58 More Nightmares
Chapter 59 Let Cram Class Commence
Chapter 60 Fixing One Mistake At A Time
Chapter 61 Arrested?!
Chapter 62 Recovery.
Chapter 63 Friends
Chapter 64 The Decision
Chapter 65 Decision Made.
Chapter 66 Another Serious Talk.
Chapter 67 I Guess It's Final
Chapter 68 Drinks Bring Back All The Memories
Chapter 69 Some Things Are More Important
Chapter 70 Trying To Fix Another Mistake
Chapter 71 Where is Everyone?!
Chapter 72 First A Plan
Chapter 73 Sidetracked..
Chapter 74 A Great Escape and Plans
Chapter 75 Under Better Circumstances
Chapter 76 'F is for Funeral' is a Go.
Chapter 77 The Flaming Incident
Chapter 78 Officially In Motion
Chapter 79 Is This Actually Happening?
Chapter 80 Run In With Old Friends
Chapter 81 Keeping Up His End Of The Deal.
Chapter 82 A Kerfuffle Turned Duel.
Chapter 83 Reunions
Chapter 84 A Helping Hand
Chapter 85 The Truth Comes Out.
Chapter 86 Watching His Truama. Part 1
Chapter 87 Watching His Truama Part 2
Chapter 88 Watching His Truama Part 3
Chapter 89 Someone Might As Well Know
Chapter 90 Final Goodbyes Part 1
Chapter 91 Final Goodbyes Part 2
Incorrect Quotes 2
Chapter 92 New Adventure Begins
Chapter 93 Getting Settled In
Chapter 94 Back In The Field
Chapter 95 Getting Things Done
Chapter 96 Patrolling The City

Chapter 97 A Temporary Job

26 1 0
By TheAnonymousDragon

"So, what do you want?" Davis walked across the road and asked him.

"Just to tell you to lighten up on your boss in there"

"I should lighten up on him? Why don't you tell him that?"

"Did he actually suspend your licence?"

"How'd you know?"

"He spoke about it for a moment before you entered. Did he tell you how long?"

"Nope. He said until further notice"

"Please don't take this as an opportunity to beccome some illegal vigilante"

"I won't. Those days are behind me."

"You are a good hero, you know."

"Is that true? Because right now it feels like I should've taken a much darker path"

"You're talking about following Manolo?"

Davis looked at him like 'how did he-'. Apparently that was obvious as his questions were answered seconds later.

"Harold may have filled me in. He says you still see him sometimes. How so, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Sometimes I think I see his ghost. Or I imagine it. I don't know what I thought I saw. He's dead.." Davis said. He wanted to add something to that but he thought that but was best kept as just a thought. *But he did come back to life once..*

"I believe you. Sometimes grief does funny things to one's eyes."

"I am not grieving him" Davis stated, slightly annoying. "He hated me and I hated him back. He was a bitch"

"I know you say that and it's probably true. But that doesn't mean it's not grief. Well anyway think about it. You best be careful if you don't want Harold and Betty finding out about the dangerous side of this job of yours."

"Mhmm. I gotta get a temp job so I'll see you when I see you"

Obsidian Fist left and did Davis, luckily it was in separate directions.

Davis recieved a text from his new boss from the bar. Let's call him Harvey for the sake of giving him a name. Ava is one daughter. Lexi is the other daughter, she's the one that can heal things.

Harvey: I know this is a late notice. But Ava's fallen ill, I need to take care of her. Are you able to manage the bar with Lex?
Davis: I'm sure we'll keep everything running smoothly.
Harvey: are you sure you're free? You don't have some hero thing to do?
Davis: nope! Trust me, my boss won't mind. I just need to change out of my hero suit and I'll be right over.
Harvey: you're a life saver! Thank you

Davis flew home and flew through the window. He could hear Kat's voice along with 2 others. He decided not to interrupt her and just change out of his hero outfit. He hung it up, he won't be needing it for a while.

"Oh wait! That's him, he's finally home. You'll get to meet him at last." Kat ran out of her room just as Davis exited him back in casual comfy clothes at last. "Hey!"

"Hi, you're extra happy today"

"Yeah, are you home for the night or?"

"I'm sorry, I have to run out. A friend needs me to cover a shift down at this bar he works at."

"You're done with patrolling?"

"Yeah. When I get back, I'll tell you about it. It was actually interesting for once."

"Hell yeah! Have you got a minute to spare?"

"For you. Always"

Kat smiled and then dragged her three friends out of her room. "These are my...fri- classmates. We're doing a class project together."

"Oh, it's nice to meet all of you"

"So you're the famous Davis, Kat's been talking about. I hear you're a hero"

"Trying to be at least. But Davis that- that's me."

"Im Gina"

"I'm Felix, nice to meet you."

"And this is Damien. He doesn't talk. Different Damien."

"Yeah I gathered."

"You knew a Damien? It's not that common of a name."

"Long time ago. Anyway it was nice to meet all of you but I need to get to that shift."

"You have your hero licence on you, just in case there's trouble out there."

"Oh don't worry, I always have it handy." Davis flew back out the window and to the bar.

+During the Shift+

"It's a pretty slow day" Lexi said.

"Is it usually like this?"

"Some days, sure. But most days we do rather well for just the four of us"

"Right. So who is this assistant manager he talked about.

"It's a friend of his. She used to be one of our teachers but retired. Then she discovered she didn't like retirement. So now she works here, behind the scenes. You'll meet her one day"

"She sounds like a hoot"

"So how are things at home?"

"At home? How would I know how things are in Monarch City?"

"Okay lemme rephrase, how are things in our current place of residence with your girlfriend?"

"I'm starting to think this move was a mistake"


"We hardly see each other. And I think we're both keeping things from each other."

+With Kat+

"Oh no. My pen's out of ink.." Gina was saddened over this. It was a good writing pen, now destined for the bin/garbage because it's brand doesn't sell refills.

"I think Davis has a spare. Lemme go get it" Kat stood from the bed and left her room, heading to Davis'. She entered and looked through a couple pockets. He usually has a pen in one of them. She checked the pockets of his hero suit, and nothing.

"He never hangs his suit up.." Kat said to herself. She opened his desk drawer and there it was, a pen. She headed back to her room.

+Back with Davis+

"Omg, it's so slow, why are we still open.."

"Don't you get to slack off when on slow days?"

"Yeah but it's- nevermind. Why does your phone keep buzzing. Who's trying to call you?"

"My dad. I'm not in the right mood to talk to them right now"

"Why not? What happened?"

"It's a long story. I'm gonna use the restroom real quick" Davis accidentally left his phone on the table when he left for the rest room/bathroom. He had left it unlocked.

Lexi picked it up and called the number that was consistently calling him.

Ronin: Davis? About time, why are you not answering?
Avian.: Something must have happened between the time of the robbery and now so tell us the details.
Lexi: Davis isn't here at the moment. I'm a friend of his.
Ronin: Why do you have his phone?
Lexi: He left it unlocked. He's in the bathroom, he'll be back in a minute.
Shizu: Yeah but who are you. Do you know Davis is committed.
Lexi: You mean do I know he has a girlfriend? Yes I do. Like I said I'm a friend.. from work.
Shizu: hero work?!
Lexi: Nono. It's more of a side job. At this bar my dad owns.
Avian: I thought he would be too busy with hero duties.
Shino: That's interesting.
Ronin: So, do you know why Davis didn't pick up any of my previous calls.
Lexi: All he said was he isn't in the right mood to talk to you. Lemme find out why, while secretly on call.

"what are you doing on my phone?" Davis asked, coming out of the rest room.

"I'm changing your boring phone background."

"it's not boring, it's fine."

"It's the default one. I'm changing it anyway. So why don't you wanna call your dad and friends back. They're clearly trying to reach you." Lexi asked, putting Davis' phone back on the counter, this time with the screen faced down.

"I'm just not in the right mood to talk to any of them right now. I don't wanna direct anger at the wrong people you know"

"What anger? Why?"

Davis sighed. "I'm suspended." He admitted.
"From heroing, until further notice. He suspended me for stopping an active robbery..??"

"And he actually said that?"

"He said it was irresponsible and I should've ran the other way. And he's still going on about my form."

"He still doesn't believe that you were adopted?"

"No.. He doesn't believe anything I say when all of it is the truth. He's unbelievable at times, he really is"

"Does your girlfriend know any of this?"

"No..I haven't had time to talk to her at all. This all happened today."

"And now what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking maybe I chose the wrong path. It seemed like I was doing much better on a much darker path.."

A plate dropped on the floor by a young child. He was just trying to pick up his juice box. Davis paused on explaining and grabbed a cloth to clean it up.

"Sorry Mister. It was an honest mistake. I can pay for the plate." A very tired looking mother said, about to take out her purse.

"Don't be silly, it's just a plate." Davis used his telekinesis in one hand to pick up all the shards of broken plate and place it in the bin behind the bar, "Did that hit any of you little ones?"

The two kids shook their heads. Lexi came over and replaced whatever was in their plate, free of charge.

"When is your dad due back?"

"Not for a few hours. Why?"

Davis gestured to the woman who looked like she was about to drop dead or just fall asleep on the spot.

"Hey kids, who wants to colour?" Lexi asked. The two kids jumped out of the seat and followed Lexi over to another table where she took out some crayons and colouring pencils and a colouring page, which covered the whole table.

"Thank you"

"Free of charge, the whole meal. Rest, we'll watch the kids" Davis said to the mother.

"You're not technically allowed to give meals away for free"

"Then lemme pay for it."

"But since my dad's not here so we'll cut the cost and he'll never know."

Davis smiled at her kindness. Lexi picked up his phone and pretended she had just called Ronin then passed it to Davis.

Ronin: Hey kid..
Davis: Hey dad.
Ronin: How's everything there?
Davis: Different. I miss you guys a lot more than I thought I would.

Flex in the background: We miss you too!
Avian in the background: Flex, you're still in detention.

Davis: you know I started asking myself 'WWRD'
Ronin: What does that stand for?
Davis: What would Ronin do.
Ronin: You're my boy.. my boyy!
Davis: I know that...things have been..
Ronin: Weird. Different. Not to mention you've been kinda distant..
Davis: Yeah, that. Sorry. A lot's been going on recently.

Avian in the background: Fine, detention is over. But never again! Go back to your dorms.

Ronin: You haven't been wounded crazily and ended up on someone's couch right?
Davis: Not yet. Hopefully not soon.
Ronin: So how'd you come to meet this Lexi.
Davis: I got mugged. Well he tried to mug me instead I got stabbed in the back of the leg. She healed it in an instant. 2 life stories later, we're friends.
Ronin: So why didn't you pick up the other hundreds of times I called in the last few minutes.
Davis: I needed to calm down before I directed my anger at the wrong people. I got suspended from work..
Ronin pretending he didn't already know this: Why? What did you do?
Davis: Nothing bad. He just doesn't like that I stopped an active robbery. He thinks I should've ran the other way.
Ronin: Are those all your life updates at the moment?
Davis: Pretty much. You got anything for me?
Ronin: Trying to catch Xander. Victor has disappeared off the map. That's about it.
Davis: Give Shino a break please. For me.
Ronin: I'll try. For you Davis.

Ronin hung up seconds before Davis did.

"I hate you for making me do that."

"You needed to talk to him."

"Well regardless, I start Monday officially right?"

"Yeah. That's correct"

"So after today, I can just stay home all day until Monday"

"Exactly. See that is taking care of your mental health."

A man walked into the bar, pushing a double stroller/buggy.
(read whatever word you call the thing you put babies in to take them out into the real world)
"Excuse me, did you see a woman come in here with two kids"

"I'm gonna make the safe assumption that the woman passed out from exhaustion is your wife and those are your two kids colouring in." Davis stated, making eye contact.

"Yes. Sorry I've been working overtime, it's a lot. It's two kids under two. It's difficult. We're first time parents."

"Hey kids, do you wanna finish your colouring at home" Lexi asked.

"We will strap your kids in, gently wake up your wife"

"You are both actual heroes." He went to gently shake his wife awake to get her home. While Lexi folded up their colouring map and strapped them into the stroller. Within a few minutes, they were gone.

Davis went to clean off the table and wipe it down with a cloth while collecting the bill too. He paid the bill in full since it wasn't even that much.

"We're finally closed."

Davis was already cleaning and wiping down the rest of the tables. Lexi emptied the register and locked it up. Once Davis was done, they turned off the lights and locked up for the afternoon.

"I can't believe hours have gone by."


"Well, I'll see you for work on Monday."

Davis nodded then flew home. When he got home, he went in the door, Kat and her classmates were still discussing the project. He was going to just walk by but they thought they'd probably be hungry. And they're guests so it's polite to feed them.
He knocked on Kat's door then came in.

"Hey! You're home early."

"Slow day. So anyone hungry?"

"We don't really have much in the fridge"

"Let's order in. Here, use my phone, I'll pay. Choose whatever you guys want" Davis passed his phone to Kat then left "I'll be back when you've decided!"

"Is he always that energetic?" Felix asked.

"Never was, never has been" Kat was kinda intrigued by this new Davis. They decided on what to order then Kat guessed Davis' order since he's not complicated, he usually gets the same thing. "Food has been ordered!" Kat shouted to wherever Davis was in the apartment.

"Great!" Davis shouted from the kitchen, he was making coffee. *Maybe Shizu was right. I have changed..*

Davis watched the blue glow around the spoon when it faded away. He dropped it, along with the coffee cup. Luckily it didn't burn him.

"Davis you okay? What happened?"

"I dropped something. No big deal"

"You're clumsy sure but how?" Kat asked, quite confused.

"It was floating, then it wasn't anymore. It's fine. Accidents happen" Davis cleaned up the coffee then picked up the glass pieces using his telekinesis then into the bin it goes.

"But that wasn't intentional? Right?"

"Of course not. Sometimes quirks falter when we're tired. It's been a long day, I guess I'm more tired than I thought I was."

+Once the food arrived. They ate, cleaned up and her classmates went home+

"Hey, so have you got anything to tell me?"

Davis looked at her with soft eyes although she couldn't see them. All she could see was her own furrowed eyebrows in the reflection of his visors.


Words: 2630
((Remember to stay hydrated and eat if you're able to. Hey Superstars Be Whoever You Want. Be Whoever You Can So That You Are Comfortable In Your Own Skin))-Author<3

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