shadows of deceit by author b...

By berrycham1

228 60 29

she thinks she is alone but she doesn't know that the lionessá alone is enough... More

Author's note💟


8 1 0
By berrycham1

He would die for her,
He would kill for her!

With that he drifted of to sleep, too, with his whole world in his arms.

Lila woke up to an empty bed, the sheets rumpled from the previous night's passion. She stretched, yawned, and swung her legs over the side, her feet dangling in the air. After freshening up, she began her descent downstairs, her hand trailing on the banister. Just as she reached the landing, her phone rang, shrill in the morning silence. "Dr. Anya" flashed on the caller ID.

Lila's heart skipped a beat as she answered, her voice tentative. Dr. Anya's words tumbled out in a rush: Varyl's surgery was scheduled, and he had an 80% chance of survival. Lila's grip on the phone tightened, her knuckles white with worry.

As she hung up, Ryker appeared beside her, his eyes crinkling at the corners,"it was Dr Anya, varyl is going in surgery", Lila told him.

"Yeah, I got the message from the hospital," he said, his voice low and reassuring.

Lila's eyes searched his face, seeking comfort. Ryker's expression was calm, but his jaw was set, a hint of tension beneath the surface. Together, they headed to the kitchen, where Ryker had already laid out breakfast. Lila's appetite was nonexistent, but she forced herself to eat, her mind racing with thoughts of Varyl's surgery.

Their breakfast was a quiet affair, the only sound the clinking of silverware on plates. Ryker's eyes never left Lila's face, his gaze a steady, comforting presence. As they finished, Ryker pushed back his chair, his movements economical. "Let's go," he said, his voice soft.

Lila nodded, her heart heavy with worry. They headed out, the morning sunlight casting long shadows behind them. The hospital loomed ahead, its walls a formidable presence. Lila's grip on Ryker's hand tightened, her eyes locked on his, "it's going to be oky, leonessá", he told her.

Together, they stepped inside, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As they entered the hospital, Dr. Anya greeted them with a warm smile. "You can see him now," she said, leading them to Varyl's room.

Lila's heart raced as she pushed open the door, her eyes scanning the room until they landed on Varyl's pale face. He lay in bed, his eyes sunken, but a weak smile spread across his face as he saw Lila.

Ryker followed close behind, his presence a reassuring shadow in the doorway. Lila rushed to Varyl's side, her hands grasping his frail ones. "Hey, little flower", she whispered, her voice trembling.

Varyl's eyes flickered with fear, but he tried to reassure her with a brave smile. "I'll be okay, Leo", he whispered back.

Lila's grip on his hand tightened. "You will be, Varyl. You have to be. You're strong, and you'll get through this."

Ryker cleared his throat, his deep voice a gentle rumble. "Yeah, kid. You're going to be okay. We've got the best doctors on it," he continued,"and after all you're as strong, as your sister".

For a moment, the gruff mafia boss's mask slipped, revealing a glimmer of softness beneath. Varyl's eyes locked onto Ryker's, and a small spark of hope ignited within them.

Ryker was worried about him, for Lila's sake, for his sake...

Dr. Anya smiled, her eyes shining with warmth. "We'll take good care of him. I promise."

As they spoke, Lila's gaze never left Varyl's face, her heart aching with worry. Ryker's presence behind her was a steady comfort, his hand on her shoulder a gentle reminder of his support.

In this fragile moment, the hospital room was a sanctuary, a place of hope and reassurance. Varyl's fear began to recede, replaced by a sense of determination. He would fight, and he would win.

Lila and Ryker left from the room as they took varyl into the surgery room. Lila sat in the chair in the waiting room, her hands trembling with worry.

She prayed in her heart for her baby brother's safety, her heart clenching at the thought of something happening to him.

Ryker looked at her with concern etched on his face as he wrapped his arms around her and whispered assuring words in her ear.

As they waited, time seemed to stretch out like an eternity, each tick of the clock a slow, agonizing crawl. But finally, the door swung open, and Dr. Anya appeared, a warm smile spreading across her face.

"The surgery went well," she announced, "The tumor is removed, and varyl is out of danger. He's going to be okay", her voice a gentle breeze on a summer day.

Lila's body, tense with worry, suddenly relaxed, her muscles releasing their pent-up anxiety. A sigh of relief whispered past her lips, her shoulders sagging in gratitude.

Ryker's face, a mask of concern, now creased into a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He reached out, his hand brushing against Lila's, a gentle, reassuring touch.

Lila's gaze met Ryker's, and for the first time since Roger Kâzz's brutal attack, a smile bloomed on her face, its petals unfolding like a flower greeting the sun. The tension, the fear, the worry – all seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of hope, of renewal.

Lila felt a wave of happiness wash over her, tears of joy streaming down her face. Ryker wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

Varyl's operation, a daunting, frightening prospect, had passed, and he was on the road to recovery. Lila's heart, once heavy with fear, now soared, its wings beating strong and free.

In this instant, the hospital room, once a place of anxiety, transformed into a sanctuary of hope, a testament to the power of love, care, and resilience.

As Dr. Anya continued to explain the details of the surgery,
"We'll need to run some tests and monitor him for the next two days, but everything looks good. He'll be able to go home after that."

Lila nodded, still grinning from ear to ear. "Thank you, Doctor. Thank you so much."

The next two days passed in a blur of hospital procedures, medical reports, and endless cups of coffee. But Ryker didn't mind bec he was glad that Lila had forgotten about Roger for a little while, though, they were just happy to see Varyl recovering well.

Finally, the day arrived when they could take Varyl home. Lila helped him settle into the car, Ryker driving them back to their place.

Varyl smiled weakly at Lila. "Thanks, Leo, for taking care of me".

Lila smiled back, her eyes shining with happiness. "You don't owe me anything, Varyl. Just get better, okay?"

As they arrived at Cormac Castle, Varyl's eyes widened in awe. "Whoa, this is where you guys live? It's like a real-life castle!"

Lila chuckled, helping him out of the car. "Yeah, it's home."

Ryker smiled, his eyes crinkling. "Welcome to Cormac Castle, kid. You're going to be staying here for a while."

Varyl's gaze darted around, taking in the grandeur. "I get to stay in a castle? That's so cool!"

As they led him to his prepared room, Varyl's eyes scanned the space, his face lighting up. "This is my room? It's sick!"

Lila laughed. "Glad you like it."

But then, Varyl's expression turned sassy. "Wait a minute...does this mean I have to follow Ryker's rules now?"

Ryker raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement on his face. "You bet your ass, kid."

Varyl rolled his eyes, a mischievous grin spreading. "Great, just what I need. Another bossy person telling me what to do."

Lila playfully ruffled his hair. "Hey, watch it. Ryker's just trying to help."

Varyl snorted, flopping onto the bed. "Yeah, yeah. I know. Ryker's the big, bad mafia boss...but I'm not afraid of him."

Ryker's eyes narrowed, a mock-threatening glint in his eye. "Oh, you shouldn't be. I'm a teddy bear."

Varyl snorted, giggling. "Sure you are, Ryker. Sure you are."

Lila chuckled, shaking her head. "I think we have a little wisecracker on our hands, Ryker."

Ryker smiled, his eyes warm. "I think you're right, Lila. But don't worry, I can handle it."

Varyl, now comfortable on the bed, looked around the room again. "So, what's the plan? Am I stuck here forever?"

Lila sat beside him, her expression gentle. "No, baby brother. You'll be here until you're fully recovered. Then, we'll figure out the next steps."

Varyl nodded, his gaze drifting to Ryker. "And what about Ryker's rules? Do I have to follow them?"

Ryker's expression turned stern, but his eyes twinkled. "Yes, you do. No sneaking out, no getting into trouble. You'll follow the rules, or answer to me."

Varyl mock-shuddered. "Oh no, anything but that."

Lila laughed, playfully pushing Varyl's shoulder. "Behave, or Ryker will show you his scary face."

Varyl giggled, snuggling into the blankets. "I'm shaking in my boots."

As they continued to banter, Ryker's expression softened, his eyes never leaving Varyl's face. He was determined to protect this little ball of sass, to keep him safe and happy. And Lila knew, in that moment, that Ryker will be the best dad. Lila's heart fluttered in her chest.

"Now leave you both, I want to sleep", said a sleepy varyl.
"Yeah yeah, sure flower", said Lila while tucking him in. Both of them left his room saying a good night.

Lila and Ryker exchanged a look, both of them thinking the same thing - they'd do anything to keep Varyl safe and happy.

The kid was the ray of the sunshine.



Enjoy this chapter y'all<3


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