A journey of a German Boy

By MlodieMarteau

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One Boy. One Girl. One Band. His name is Richard Kruspe, one of his best friends is Till Lindemann. They both... More

The beginning of a lifetime adventure
Richard's naughty side
She is mine too
Rammstein debut show
Richard's sweet side
The Creepy new guy
We love her so much
Our most beautiful day
The Honeymoon
Welcome to the world, Helena
Cooking is my weakness
Liebe Is Für Alle Da Tour
LIFAD Tour / Till's stalker
LIFAD Tour / half of the tour
LIFAD Tour / American Dream
Welcome to the world, twins
Made in Germany Tour
Avery is my wife too, Richard.
Richard's final battle
Paul and Christoph's weddings
Honeymoons and Disneyland
Zeit album record
Emigrate/Europe Stadium Tour
European Stadium Tour
You are my universe
Avery's creepy stalker
I'm afraid you will leave me
Katerina's a genius
Mischevious Richard
Teasing you is my full time passion
The children grow up so fast
I want to be a dad again
Richard's jealousy
Lucas' and Oscar's first dates
I will be forever yours
Lucas's not like me neither is Matteo
Welcome to the world, babies !
It's not my fault
I love you more than anything
You are my everything too

European Stadium Tour ends

16 0 22
By MlodieMarteau

Gelsenkirchen, Germany. July, 27th 2024. It was finally the last 5 shows after 5 years on the road, 130 shows and a lot of fatigue.

The sunset that night was fantastic, should anyone in the 62,000 capacity audience have looked. Of course there were one or two with camera's taking in the sunset, but most of the audiences eyes were trained on the stage. The tickets for the show had promised something different in keeping with the Rammstein band, and of course, they did "different" very well indeed.

The last of the suns rays caressed the audience as it went down, as Music for The Royal Fireworks began. It seemed a fitting opening to accompany the sun as it went down. Of course, the audience cheered and, sure enough, the faces of the band appeared on the huge screen as they descended in the lift. Flake tugged at his bow tie and fidgeted.

- For the love of the Gods Flake, hissed Oliver, keep still and remember to smile and wave !

- Oh shut up Olli, Flake hissed back, I feel like a penguin, all that's missing is the ice and the sea !

Richard cracked up laughing which of course, only angered Flake more and he dodged several blows aimed in his direction. That only made him laugh more.

- Oh for Gods sake, muttered Till, you're worse than children !

The lift reached the bottom, and everyone took their places on the stage. The opening riffs of Ramm4 started the audience, the lights went up, and everybody gasped. Of course, the members of Rammstein knew this would happen, and were happy that they had managed to surprise people yet again.

In her spot by the side of the stage, Avery, Tatiana, Alicia and Anna were waiting for their cues. The end of Ramm4 was heard, and Flake started the notes of Schwarz echoed throughout the arena.

Avery quickly took her place behind Christoph who winked at her. She slowly walked around the drumkit to Till who acted surprised, then bowed and took her hand. The audience went wild.

Most of the 62,000 strong audience knew Avery by now as she had been a permanent fixture with the band for years now. The audience watched in awe as Till showed a talent not many had seen. He could waltz flawlessy.

He waltzed Avery around the stage, all the while singing. Then another cheer when Helena took over her father's guitar, as he walked over to where Till was with Avery, tapped Till on the shoulder, then when he turned around, pretended to knock him out so he could take over the waltzing with Avery. The audience laughed at that, then cheered again as Richard waltzed up and down the stage with Avery.

- You look amazing Reesh, said Avery.

And he did. His usual black eyeliner, tuxedo with a red tie and scarf, he looked every inch her handsome husband. Till also looked amazing in his tuxedo, in fact all of Rammstein looked like something our of the opera.

The song came to an end, and, letting Avery go with one last kiss, she bowed to the audience who erupted in cheers. Before she went, she slapped Richard's arse, and Till's on the way back to the girls. She had high fives from them all including Beverly who looked at her husband and sighed dreamily.

Then it was time for a quick costume change, and all of the ladies hid behind the drum kit, Tatiana passionately kissing her husband Christoph.

- For the sake of the Gods woman, let me concentrate or I'm going to bend you over the kit and the show be damned, he muttered as he adjusted his trousers.

Tatiana giggled.

- Later husband, she whispered in his ear nearly causing him to miss the intro to Hilf Mir.

The stage tech thought it was highly amusing and chuckled whilst giving out the leather floggers to them. As Hilf Mir came on, the girls crept around the drum kit and began flogging Till as he sang "hilf mir", which the audience found hilarious. They quickly disappeared until he sang it again.

Till was having the time of his life on the stage.

- C'mon Gersenkelschen, he roared into the mic and the crowd came to life cheering and shouting.

He then pointed to a blonde on her boyfriend's shoulders whose breasts were only just covered and mimicked lifting her top up which she did. She was an attractive woman, but nobody turned him on anymore except Avery.

That woman had come into his life, and turned it upside down in a matter of days. She turned him on and then some. Shaking his head, he strode back to the centre of the stage, as Liebe Is Fur Alle Da started. Bück Dich started, and with a quick costume change, Avery had the collar put on her neck and let Till lead her out onto the stage.

Flake looked at her and mouthed "thank you!"

At least it gave him a rest. Helena could see the look on her father's face and chuckled. Through the mic on his earpiece she whispered

- For the love of the Gods Vatti, behave. You're not at home now even if the stage is your second home !

Richard winced at the telling off his daughter was giving him. Watching Till pull their wife around, then mimic fucking her on stage was almost more than he could take.

Adjusting his trousers for the umpteenth time, he tried to focus on his guitar playing. Paul, on the other side of the stage, was trying desperately to control his laughter at his long time friend and band mate. He was worse than a teenager. He looked over at Beverly who was standing at the edge of the stage watching him contentedly. Now that he had found the key to keeping her happy, he knew that he no longer had to worry about her around Richard. In fact, apart from saying hello to him earlier, she had virtually ignored him.

The show ended with Waidmann Heil, Christoph showcasing his fast drumming skills and flair that came easily to him after nearly 30 years together. His greatest supporter was Tatiana and his daughter, Katerina looked like she was taking after her Vatti. She had already cracked some of the easier Rammstein songs and would sit with her Vatti every chance they got and study her father's playing.

Christoph was very proud of his daughter for getting up on stage with the 'Rammstein Kids' band. He remembered all too well the first time he got up on stage, he nearly fainted from fright.

Bringing the song to an end with crashing cymbals and Richard and Paul walking to the middle of the stage and slowing the song right down before speeding it up and finishing it with his usual flair.

They all went to the middle of the stage with the ladies and knelt for the audience. Christoph throwing his sticks into the audience and Richard throwing his picks.

Coming off stage, they were greeted by their wives and girlfriends, where Flake and Olli were concerned. Once they were all backstage, Richard grabbed Avery and stripping her off, threw her over his shoulder and virtually ran for the shower.

The other members, apart Till who had followed Richard into the shower, laughed at their impatience.

Ollie basically couldn't care less, he wanted Anna and he was going to have her now. Slipping his hand under her skirt, and whispering to her to be quiet, he freed his cock and slid it into her. Anna bit back a gasp as she felt him slide into her. Olli smiled as he slid into her, his hands crept to her breasts, kneading them, and he began to lift Anna up and then let her slide down on him.

Anna couldn't take it anymore and groaned out loud. The others whipped their heads around, saw what Olli was doing, and quietly left the room to go to their own dressing rooms. Olli giggled, Anna blushed several shades of red, then started riding her boyfriend hard. Within 10 minutes they both came with a yell.

- I'm sorry schatz, whispered Olli, but you looked so good on stage, I just had to have you!

Anna relaxed against her lover.

- It's ok meine liebe, seeing you dressed in a tuxedo kinda turned me on as well!

If things had calmed down in the dressing room, in the shower, things were just getting even hotter. Avery was currently on her knees sucking Till's cock, whilst Richard was inside her, riding her hard. He'd had a serious case of blue balls, and had wanted nothing more than to be balls deep inside his wife as soon as he came off stage.

He'd thrown Avery over his shoulder, and within minutes of entering the shower, he'd slid inside her slowly, then started thrusting into her hard. He needed her as much as he needed air to breathe. Till had joined him, and now she was full with them both. Till groaned and filled her mouth with his cum.

Withdrawing, he slid to the floor of the shower, and sat under the spray muttering to himself.

- If sex with you gets any hotter Avery, I'll spontaneously combust!

Avery couldn't chuckle as she was moaning continuously now. Richard grabbed her hips and rammed into her one last time coming with a shout of her name. Avery called out his name and followed him over the edge. They both collapsed to the floor, the shower washing over them.

- I agree with Till, gasped Richard as he fought to get his breathing under control.

- It gets any hotter with you Avery and Till won't be the only one spontaneoudly combusting!

Avery managed a tired laugh, then slowly got up feeling her husbands' cum running down her thigh. They went back to their hotel, Avery with her arms around both of her husbands waists. It was late when they at last went to sleep, both of them with their arms around her.

July, 28th 2024. Gelsenkirchen.

The next night, was at the same arena, but Till, not one to do the same thing twice, decided that they would shun the suits. As much as he knew that it had made an impression, but he felt that repeating the stunt would wear off.

So, he decided to go casual, but smart. Black jeans, black shirt. Richard opted for his usual attire of black and red. Black jeans, sleeveless shirt with red armbands. Fortunately this was the rehearsal at the arena which was a good job because Richard and Paul were fooling about.

- Will you two settle down and concentrate? Till yelled.

- Oh come on Till, the show isn't for another 2 hours yet ! Can't we fool around just a little bit? He said giving him the puppy dog eyes.

Till walks over to Richard and pretends to grab him by the ear, then drags him across to his microphone.

That night, after Till had managed to get Richard to behave, they had practised all that they were going to do. The lift came down, all of them messing about to calm any last minute nerves.

The crowd cheered watching them rough house with each other. They all waved, then took their places.

Of course they opened with Ramm4. The crowd singing back to Till, who smiled and held the mic out so the crowd could be heard.

That came to an end, a quick costume change and Du Riescht So Gut started. Avery's heart was in her throat, she loved this. Richard could see the excitement in her eyes, so beckoned her closer. He puts his mouth close to the mic so Avery had to bend her neck.

- DER WAHNSIN !! He growled in the mic.

Avery felt her insides liquidating. In response, she slapped his bum hard.

Richard's cock jumped to attention almost as hard as he jumped when she did it. The crowd laughed at his expression. Avery sauntered off the stage, slapping Till's arse as she did.

He made a face, and still singing, he chased Avery off the stage. Of course the audience laughed.

They played 'Sex', a heavy throbbing song which echoed the throbbing in Avery's body, and throbbing in Richard's and Till's bodies.

They sent her heated looks. Till beckoned her over, so she sauntered onto the stage again to be greeted with cheers due to the leather outfit she was wearing which didn't leave a lot to the imagination. Till indicated that he wanted her to show her boobs, which she readily did.

He buried his head inbetween them, whilst Richard fondled them, then pinched her bum. She pushed Till away, then slapped his arse as he was turning around. He glared at her, and slapped her arse as she sauntered off. Till discreetly altered himself in his trousers, then carried on singing. The song came to an end with Christoph's crashing of symbals.

Another quick costume change, then the opening notes of Puppe sounded around the stadium.

Fire belched from the towers in time to Christoph's drums. Helena came out, and whilst Paul was playing, Richard spoke into the mic.

- Rammstein fans, please welcome my daughter Helena, to the stage!

She was dressed exactly the same and was playing Avery's guitar. Paul came across the stage, and together with Richard, they jammed the solo in Puppe. As Helena walked slightly away from her father, adrenaline running through her body, her father gave her a huge hug, and kissed his wife passionately. Helena shook her head. They were worse than teenagers she thought.

The stage went dark, and the beginning of Zeig Dich was heard. A huge roar from the crowd and Richard appeared, dressed in black with his red armbands. He loved this song so much and easily lost himself in the beginning, strumming the guitar strings and hearing the shouts of "Richard, we love you" from the fan club.

He almost laughed, they were girls compared to his Avery. Nobody turned him on, no matter how skimpily dressed they were. His Avery, his love, his life.

He turned around and saw her standing by the edge of the stage in the leather outfit she was still wearing. His cock hardened immediately and he fought his instinct to go and claim her in the middle of the stage and the show be damned. Instead he sent her a heated stare, and carried on playing. The song came to and end with Till screaming into the mic, and the opera singing in the background, him jamming the end.

Mein Teil came on, and the crowd clapped along with the intro as Till manoeuvered the huge pot into position. Flake popped his head up and started playing his keyboard.

Paul came over, and leant on the rim talking to Flake. He then pretended to stir the pot, tasted it, shook his head, and asked the crowd if he should pour more salt on him. The crowd yelled yes, so Flake pretended to faint, the crowd laughed, Paul "poured" salt on Flake, stirred it with his guitar again, and tasted it. He turned to the crowd and put his thumbs up.

Till got to the part where he pretended to 'cook' Flake. First was the small fire thrower, that didn't do the trick. Till looked disappointed, and beckoned for the bigger one. He then pretended to 'cook' Flake again. Then when that failed, Flake jumped out of the pot in his fireproof coat.

Through the floor of the stage came a huge fire cannon. Meanwhile, whilst Till was firing at Flake, Paul went behind the drums, muttered "watch this" to Avery who was being chased around the drum kit by Richard who then caught her and kissed her. Schneider, Paul, Richard and Avery began dancing and encouraged the crowd to follow them.

Finally, Flake, started dancing around, neatly missing Till who was 'chasing' after him. At the end, Till stood in the middle of the stage, Flake came up and pushed him off the stage on to a mat below. A huge gasp eminated from the crowd as this happened, the stage went dark.

That night, they were all out at a sushi restaurant. Even Till, the consummate meat eater managed to find something to eat which surprised all of them.

- As long as there isn't any squid or octopus, he muttered to Avery who laughed, remembering what had happened the last time they were here.

An Octopus had been taken out of the tank and Richard had flown up from his seat, yanked the Octopus out of the managers hand, and demanded that it be freed immediately. He would pay for it and free it himself if he had to.

The manager had been terrified by Richard's very determined posture, and had handed the creature over immediately. That night, they had driven 3 hours to the nearest beach so that Richard could set the creature free. He had sworn after, that the creature had been reluctant to let go of his finger, and hand hung onto him for half an hour, then he'd felt the tentacle slowly slide off his finger and the octopus had gone.

Avery gave her husband a hug and a kiss which he tried to deepen and began to slide his fingers up her dress. Laughing, Avery stopped him only to be met with the puppy dog eyes.

Laughing even more she said

- Reesh hunni, not in here. I want to get you naked as much as you want me, but if we don't eat something, we'll pass out from hunger and won't be able to do anything!

That prompted him to order a huge amount of food and insist on feeding her. With a sigh and a shake of her head at her husband's libido, she sat in his lap and remained there, being fed by him for the rest of the night.

Richard was drunk. The evening had gone on to 2am in the morning. Eating had turned to shots of Saki. Now they were all in various stages of inebriation. Somewhere in the depths of his brain, he knew that getting drunk was a huge mistake, he had been sober for more than 25 years, and he had ruined it in one night.

Avery managed to get both he and Till into their room with Paul and Olli's help.

- Are you sure you're going to be ok? they both asked.

Avery chuckled at the sight of her two lovers asleep on the bed snoring.

- I'll be ok Paul, Olli, but if I need you, I'll knock !

Saying goodnight to them both, she shut the door. Getting undressed, she pushed them both a little to make room for her in the bed. Putting her head on the pillow, she sighed and went to sleep.

Richard woke with a banging headache.

- Mein gott! He exclaimed.

- Scheiße, scheiße verdamnt!

Avery came awake suddenly, hearing Reesh swearing.

- Mein liebe? She asked as she put her hand on his arm.

- Avery, forgive me, I've let you down so badly!

She looked at him with confusion, then it dawned. He'd been sober for 25 years and had been able to enjoy a glass of wine and leave it there. Now that he had got drunk last night. and Avery knew that in his mind, he was thinking that he'd let her down.

Nothing could be further than the truth though, but she needed him to understand that Taking Richard's hands away from his face, Avery held them.

- Richard, look at me liebe!

Richard turned his head to see his beloved looking at him with a clear expression.

- Reesh, mein liebe, you haven't let anyone down. This is the first time in 25 years that you've been drunk. You're allowed to slip up, I understand that you think it's a disaster, but it's not sweetheart. Honestly. Nobody will judge you, I'm not, Till definitely won't. How many times has he been drunk?

Richard lowered his head. He knew that his beloved was right, but his constant drive for perfection niggled at him. Pushing his need for perfection to the back of his head, he stood up, unsteadily, and hugged his wife to his body, feeling calm slowly seep through his body. How she managed to calm him down was beyond him, he just knew she calmed him, and that was good enough for him.

Avery sat him down, and went to put the kettle on, knowing that a cup of black coffee would sober him up. Till woke up with a slight headache, but ok apart from that, and saw Richard and Avery hugging. He could tell that his lifelong friend wasn't himself. Listening in on the conversation, he discovered that his friend was feeling guilty about getting drunk for the first time in 25 years.

Reaching over, he gave his friend a pat on the shoulder. By the time he got into the shower and washed his muscular body, he felt better. He came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist, and his hair hanging over his eyes.

Avery looked at him and felt a spark of desire shoot through her body. He looked good enough to eat, and she could feel her body reacting to him. Till could see her body reacting, and came up behind her, cupping her breasts in his hands. Her neck arched as he kissed it all the while looking at Richard. He came over and joined them, kissing the other side of her neck, and pushing his hands down her leggings to play with her clit. Avery sighed and bucked into his hand. Reaching down, she pulled the towel away from his waist and felt his cock swing up against her hands.

Smoothing her hands over his cock, she teased the end with her nails which made him hiss and pull her against him. Avery was in heaven and hell. Her body was crying out for some satisfaction, but the two men she was standing between were playing her body like a violin. Slowly stripping her, they took their time teasing her, feathering her body with kisses, and touches.

Laying her on the bed, Richard knelt between her legs, and brought her to the edge time and time again until her body was shaking and she was crying out for release. With a flick of his tongue, he gave her the release she so desperately craved. Again and again she convulsed over his fingers and flooded his mouth, which he swallowed with relish.

Richard moved, and Till moved between her legs, and pushed into her, his cock tight and aching. They both groaned as Till started moving in and out of her slowly.

- Turn over schatz, murmered Richard.

Avery slowly turned over, and knelt on all fours. Richard pushed his cock into Averys mouth and she started sucking him slowly, teasing the tip with her tongue.

- Ahhhh schatz, mein liebe, ich liebe dich so sehr!

The gutteral tone of his voice pushed her over the edge and she convulsed around Till's cock. Till groaned and started thrusting hard into Avery's pussy, watching her juices come pouring out of her.

The sight made him cum so hard, he saw stars. Till withdrew, and Richard went around to kneel between Avery's legs, and pushed his cock into her, pulling her up to him with her hair. Avery moaned as he did.

- Mein liebe, ahhh, ich komme...! and he flooded her pussy with his cum.

Seeing as there was no concert that night, they decided to get the band together in their room. Soon, Paul and Avery were sitting together chatting away, Avery was in the middle of telling a joke when a knock at the door made them all look. Till opened the door to a man of medium height with brown hair and eyes.

- Ja, wer bist du?

Then a voice that made Avery shudder with remembered pain answered in perfect German.

- Ich bin Averys ex-mann, und suche sie. Is she here?

Avery shuddered and Paul comforted her. Richard joined Till at the door having seen Avery's reaction.

- I don't think we've introduced ourselves to you! We are Avery's husbands. If you don't believe us, we can show you the marriage certificate. She is our wife, and from her reaction to hearing your voice, I don't think she wants anything to do with you! Kindly remove yourself from this doorway, or we will remove you from your oxygen supply!

Whilst Richard had been saying this, they had been walking forward, causing Averys ex to walk backwards by design.

With his back against the wall, he had no choice but to stand where he was and listen to what they had said. He then made a fatal mistake. He decided to try and hit Till.

Within a minute of doing so, he found himself on the floor, blood pouring from his nose. Avery had joined her two husbands outside, and was now laughing uncontrollably.

- You see, not much fun is it when you're on the receiving end is it Andy? You battered me for 3 years, payback's a bitch isn't it?

Richard and Till looked up at Avery.

- This piece of shit battered you for 3 years? Oh dear, said Till.

- You have 3 years of pain to be brought up to date with shit stain!

Till said with glee.

- You battered OUR woman? You some sort of sick fuck to get off on doing that?

Andy realised he had zero options left open to him. Richard had lifted him up by his lapels, and brought him up to his face.

His eyes were shining with anger, and his fingers on his hand were clenching and then opening again.

- As much as I would like nothing better than to kick your arse up and down this corridor, we have a show to do tomorrow, and I need my hands for that! Till, it's over to you.

Till looked at Andy, and smiled evilly. The first well aimed kick hit the back of his leg, the second swept his legs out from under him and landed on the floor with a thud. Till dragged him up by his tie, not caring that he was half choking him.

The first hit knocked his head sideways, and the second knocked it the other way. Till then put his hand around his throat.

- Get out of here before I really do kill you! You fell down the stairs if anyone asks you what happened here. I have friends in several high places who will confirm that I don't know you, and you came to our door looking for trouble. Ok?

Andy nodded his head rapidly, looking like a nodding dog.

Till let him go, and he dropped to the floor. Till stood by the door with Richard lounging against it, to make sure he had disappeared, then they both shut the door, immediately going to Avery who was being cuddled by everybody who had heard the conversation.

It was a rainy day in Wittenburg. Lucas and Anneka were enjoying being at home with their parents who were supposed to be relaxing, but were in the studio playing about with riffs and drum beats.

Lucas came into the studio, followed by Anneka.

- Of course, chuckled Richard, where there was one, the other wasn't far behind!

He gave Lucas his smaller guitar, exactly like his in every way except 2/3 of the size so his son could handle it better. Anneka hopped on a stool and watched her brother for a few minutes.

- Anneka, are you ok sweetheart? He asked looking at the serious expression on his daughter's face.

- You're frowning! 5 years olds shouldn't frown!"

Anneka moved over to her father's knee.

- Papa, how long have you and Mama been together?

Richard picked his daugher up and took her into their living room as he was sure this was going to be a long conversation. Getting a juice drink for his daugher and one for himself, he walked back into the living room with them.

Sitting down with his daughter on his lap, he answered his daughter's question.

- We've been together for 16 years sweetheart!

Anneka looked at her Papa.

- Are you happy Vatti ? Taken aback by his daughter's question, he said to her.

- Of course. Your mama is the best woman in the world! Do you want to know how I know that?

Anneka nodded.

- Well, he said, a long time ago...

And his mind transported him to the music festival he was at when he met his now ex wife Caron. He was struck as soon as he saw her.

Black hair and brown eyes, a figure a goddess would weep over. He had to have her. Moving through the crowd, he got behind her.

- Hi, he said brightly, I'm Richard Kruspe, pleased to meet you!

She had turned around and he had given her the cheekiest grin he could come up with. It must have worked because she turned around and introduced herself.

In a husky voice that had immediately made him hard, she stuck out her hand.

- I'm Caron Bernstein, pleased to meet you Richard!

As soon as he took her hand, shivers went up his arm and down his spine. He'd had to have her. Within 24 hours, they'd made love. Caron had been amazing in bed, and they hadn't left the bedroom for 48 hours apart from to eat, drink and occasionally, sleep.

He met her parents and discovered that she was Jewish. Within months, he had asked her to marry him on top of a mountain with the sun setting behind them. She'd said yes, and he had been overjoyed.

He'd composed the music for their wedding, and had been so happy!

However, it didn't take long for the rot to set in. With the pressures of his band Rammstein, and touring, even though they tried to maintain the closeness they once had with videocalls, and phone calls, it wasn't the same and soon they were living virtually separate lives.

He turned to his long time friend Till Lindemann for help. Then, one day in 2004, there had been a knock at Till's door, and he had answered it to find a stunning woman outside. She had long dark hair and the brightest blue eyes he had ever seen.

- Mama !!! cried Anneka bringing him back to the present.

- Yes sweetheart, your Mama! She rescued me from a lonely, confusing time. She is the most wonderful woman and mother that I have ever met, and I adore her. I know that it can be confusing with two Vatti's, but make no mistake. We all love you! he said, laying a kiss on his daughters forehead.

Cuddling her close, her twin walked in.

- Vatti, is Anneka ok?

Richard smiled.

- Yes Lucas, she's fine. Do you want a cuddle as well? He asked knowing the answer.

- YES !! shouted his son jumping into his laugh causing Richard to let out an "ooomph" as his son landed in his lap nearly bouncing Anneka right out of his lap.

She smacked her brother on the arm.

- Lucas, I was here too!

Stopping a fight before it began, Richard put an arm around both of them.

- Now, is that better? he asked.

Both children immediately settled back into his arms.

- VATTI? a voice called as the door shut.

- Ja, Helena, wir sind hier drin, Liebling!

Helena poked her head around the door smiling as she saw her half brother and sister cuddled up with their Vatti.

- Room for a little one? she asked.

Lucas and Anneka sat up, and then made themselves on Helena. That was how Avery found them an hour later. Richard asleep with their 3 children asleep on him.

She got her phone out of her pocket and took a picture of the three of them. Smiling, she sent the pic to Till who immediately sent back a laughing face and then a heart.

- Now I have something to tease him with, he sent.

- Where are you schatz? Avery sent.

Immediately a picture of Emu, Christoph, Tatiana and Katrina came back.

- And we weren't invited because...? she sent back.

Immediately a sad face and an ooops gif came back.

- Sorry liebling, but Reesh and you were practicing so hard, that we didn't think you'd want to be interrupted.

- Wait till you get home Lindemann! she sent back with a laughing emoji.

- Oh dear Lindemann, said Christoph trying not to laugh, you're in for it now. She'll skin you alive!

Avery got an e-mail the next day from a source she didn't know! She opened it cautiously... then gasped.

- RICHARD ZVEN KRUSPE !! She shouted.

Richard was downstairs when he heard his beloved shout.

- Uh oh, he thought, she's used my full name, what have I done now?

Cautiously going up the stairs and poking his head carefully around the door, he ducked as a Pritt Stick came flying his way.

- WHAT? he asked.

Avery looked at him.

- Oh Gods, he thought, Avery looked magnificent when she was angry.

Her hair looked as though it was alive, flaring out around her head and he fought the urge to take her there and then. He knew however if he did, he knew his adams apple would have a brother and a sister.

- Did you know anything about this? she asked pointing at the email contents.

- I swear Kruspe, if you did!

On the screen infront of them was an invitation to pose for the cover of Playboy. Richard held both of his hands up in surrender.

- I swear Liebe, I know nothing about this. I swear on our children's lives, I knew nothing!

Avery relented and gave him a kiss. Richard relaxed. Avery's temper was a thing to behold, and it was enough to send him running for cover.

- Uh oh, he thought, Till was in for it when he got home.

The lights were out in the Kruspe-Lindemann household when Till got home. He was slightly inebriated, but not so much that he didn't know what he was doing.

Cautiously he unlocked the door, closed and locked it again. He was preparing to walk across the living room when...

- Hold it right there Till Lindemann! came Avery's voice in the darkness.

- Scheiße, he thought, I'm in for it now.

- You want me to POSE NUDE for Playboy?

- Schatz, please, you're the sexiest woman on this planet! I want to show you off to everyone! He said, swaying slightly.

Avery rolled her eyes. Her husband was drunk, oh well, she knew exactly what to do. Leading him up the stairs by his hand, the other pinching her bum, she took him into the bedroom, pushed him onto the bed and counted to 10. She got to 5, and he was fast asleep. She flicked his ear and got no reaction.

She sighed, and turned to Richard who had managed to withhold his laughter till he knew that Till was asleep. Now he howled.

- Oh sweetheart, you have to admit, you'd look amazing on the cover!

Avery plonked herself down on the bed next to her beloved.

- Well, she said, and looked at Reesh shrewdly.

- If I have to do it Reesh, then so do you?

Richard opened his mouth, and shut it again for the first time in his life not knowing what to say! He shrugged his shoulders. If he could play naked for the 'Mann gegen Mann' video, he could pose naked with his delicious wife. Richard looks at Avery and tells her.

- Liebe, do you remember when we shot "Mann gegen mann" video ?

Avery smiles and swears the air felt heavier than before.

- Yes, Herr Kruspe, I remember it was hard for me to not jump on you.

He giggles

- I got black gothic boots on and my guitar. I remember being so hard that my guitar could barely hide my erection...

- Why ?

Richard thinks.

- I think it's because I imagined all the things I could have done to you while being naked. Naked is my second name.

Avery laughs.

- True, I remember how shy were Ollie and Flake when you announced them you have to be naked...

Richard smiles.

- True.

Avery yawns and stretches her body.

A few days later, after the 3rd gig at Gelsenkirchen, Richard, Till, Christoph, and Tatiana boarded the Rammstein jet bound for Burbank Airport which was 9 miles away from Beverly Hills. The flight would take 13 hours.

Moreover, Burbank was 9 hours behind Frankfurt, which twisted Richards mind into knots. He was so horny, thinking of the photoshoot to come that he didn't know if he could wait until the jet took off.

Avery's hand on his knee further fueled the flames. Whispering in her ear, he said in a somewhat strained voice.

- Meine lieb, I adore you, but if you don't move your hand from my thigh, and hold my hand instead, you'll be naked and flat on your back in 10 minutes flat and take off regulations be damned.

Avery pulled her head back to see Richard's pupils almost covering his eyes! The waves of arousal that came off him slammed into her, and she gritted her teeth to get through the takeoff. She was hyper aware of his strained breathing, feeling the tension in his hand that he held as if it were a lifeline.

When the jet reached cruising altitude, they unbuckled their belts, and Richard all but dragged Avery through the door that led to the bedroom and bolted it.

Till just shook his head, and carried on talking. Within seconds of bolting the door, Avery found herself pushed against it and her lovers mouth virtually devouring hers. He was murmering her name over and over again and muttering something about not wanting anyone to see her naked.

- Reesh, schatz, the photographer has to see us naked. It's his job! she stressed.

He tore his mouth from hers as though it was painful for him to do so.

- I know, schatz, but that doesn't mean I like it!

They kissed and stripped each other until they were naked. Within minutes, Richard had Avery on the bed, kneeling between her legs and feasting on her. As she arched her back, a thought crossed her mind as she smiled and then gasped.

- Every time, she thought, every time he went down on her, she orgasmed within minutes, he was do damn good at it!

Sure enough, she screamed his name as she came, the orgasm so violent that she sees stars. Richard got up, smiling and making a show of licking his lips.

- You taste so gut, schatz, he said, putting her legs over his shoulders and sliding in to the hilt.

Avery gasped, and her lover smiled. He listened for that gasp every time they made love. He slid in and out smoothly, making her gasp each time.

- Oh Gods, Reesh, she moaned, feeling her orgasm mounting.

- Let go, schatz. Let go and fly with me, he whispered as he felt his own release not far off.

She turned him on so much that he just had to have her as soon as they were on the jet. Now, as they slid together, he couldn't control his release any longer.

- AVERY, he shouted as he went over the edge, her release following his.

They fell asleep wrapped around each other. A knock on the door woke them up.

- Kruspe, pull your cock out of our wife, and come get something to eat before you expire from hunger! Avery schatz, make him eat!

They both chuckled, and Richard threw one of his trainers at the door in response. Looking down at his wife, he gently caressed her.

- I adore you, schatz, I would do anything for you!

He said in a lowered voice. Avery raised her hand and caressed her husband's face.

- I adore you too meine liebe. I would do anything for you and with you!

They kissed and began getting dressed. The door opened, and Till greeted them with

- You're alive then?

The smell of bacon, eggs, and sausages made both their mouths water, and soon they were tucking into their food. It was time for a nap when the jet stopped to take on board more water and fuel at Heathrow before it once again climbed into the sky.

The pilots voice woke them all up.

-.We are now preparing to land at Burbank Airport, California. The temperature is a scorching 30°C, so make sure you have your hats on. As the jet touched down, the pilot announced.

- Welcome to Burbank Airport!

A limo was waiting for them, and once they and their luggage was in the limo, it sped past the waiting paparazzi and out to join the highway.

- Till was telling us you were only slightly mad at him.

Tatiana said, giggling quietly.

- Christoph Schneider, I ought to brain you this minute. How by all the Gods did he, and she pointed to Till, manage to convince you that this was a good idea?

Avery sat back and looked at them. Tatiana went first.

- Avery, you've had 3 children, and you still have a wonderful figure. You are sexy, confident, Christoph and all the boys in Rammstein, apart from the two you're married to who already adore you, love you to bits, and would kill to protect you. You manage to balance being married to famous rockstars, with being a mum. My silly husband said it as a joke originally, Till evidently took it serious, made a few phone calls, and the email arrived. Don't look at me!

She finished her explanation and shrugged her shoulders. Till opened his mouth, saw his wife's look, and shut it with a snap.

The limo driver announced they were at the HQ of Playboy, and they all got out of the limo. An ice-cold breeze from the air conditioning was welcomed.

The young blonde, Alison, who was at the reception desk, looked up, blinked, rubbed her eyes, and then sat there with a stunned expression.

- OMG, she thought, it can't be! Till freaking Lindemann, Richard Kruspe, Avery Lindemann-Kruspe, Christoph Schneider, and his stunning wife, Tatiana Schneider!

Her parents and friends were not going to believe this. She cleared her throat.

-.Good morning. My name is Alison. Welcome to the HQ of Playboy. How may I help you? I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I am a huge fan of Rammstein! If it's no trouble, would you mind if I had a selfie with all of you?

Till smiled at her. She was only young.

- Of course, he said.

And before long, they were all smiling for the camera and throwing the rock horns.

- Thank you so much, she said.

- It's Avery Lindemann-Kruspe isn't it? You're expected, room 3. Up the stairs, 2nd room on the right. Rob is a fabulous photographer. You'll be fine with him!

They walked up the stairs, knocked, and a "come"came from behind the door. They all walked into the studio and were greeted by a tall, broad man with sandy coloured hair, blue eyes, and an overall friendly demeanour.

He shook hands with all of them introducing himself again. Then he indicated a booth where Avery could go and undress. She chuckled and said to Rob.

- By the way, Richard is going to be doing the shoot with me. He laughed, now he's paying the price for his laughter. Come on, Kruspe.

She said as she pinched his arse to make him move quicker. Once they were both naked, they put on dressing gowns and walked out to the studio again. Rob shooed everyone out and dimmed the lights.

- Now, feel free to drop the gowns and get into a pose that you feel comfortable with!

Richard picked his wife up in a bridal pose and crouched over her. Rob started taking pictures. Another pose, this time of them with their arms around each other, their foreheads touching. Another pose, lying on a bed, him between her legs. In this one, Richard was thinking.

- Stay down, you little shit, not now. This isn't the time!

Fortunately, whether with self-control or sheer willpower, he didn't know what, but it stayed down. Rob came up to them once they'd put their dressing gowns on and asked.

- How do you both feel about some light BDSM?

Richard choked on the water, and Avery sniggered. To save what she knew would be a long answer from her lover, Avery said that they were fine with it.

Rob led them to a cupboard that had all kinds of whips, cuffs, collars, etc in and told them to pick whatever they wanted.

- It will probably be one of these pictures that goes on the front page, he said.

Again, as soon as they had dropped their gowns to the floor, and got into a position, then Rob started taking the pictures.

In one pose, Avery was on her knees, her hands cuffed behind her back, a collar and a lead that Richard had got hold of. In the next, the roles were reversed, and it was Richard on his knees, hands cuffed behind him, and a collar on his neck from which there ws a lead. In Averys hand, there was the lead and a whip.

The third picture was Avery tied to a bed, her legs spread, and Richard between her legs, his head bent and a hand reaching up and covering one of her breasts. Again, Richard had had to have an iron control over his body.

The minute this was done, and they were out of here, he was going back to a hotel to have wild sex with his wife. To his horror, his cock had begun to twitch.

' Get down, you little shit, play nice! He thought.

They ran through two more scenarios, then the photo shoot was over, or so he thought.

- Rob? Avery asked.

- Yes, Mrs Lindemann-Kruspe? he said.

- There's one more picture I want you to take. Can you go and call Till, please? Don't tell him why I want him, just tell him that I do, please!

- Of course! He said and wandered off.

Of course, a few minutes later, Till came in, and his mouth opened in shock when Avery told him what she wanted. Agreeing to her ideas for fear of ending up kicked out of their bed, he was soon naked.

Avery spelled her idea out.

- Remember on the red carpet for the awards when you two were standing as if guarding me? I was standing in-between you both with my head on Richard's left shoulder, and you beloved, you had your hands on my waist. Do you both remember? This pic will be in colour, but also in shadow!

With that, Rob shot a few pictures of her idea, then, once all three of them gorgeous dressed.

Avery paid for Tatiana and Christoph to have a photo session whilst another photographer went over the pictures with her. The one of her holding Richard's leash would be on the front of the magazine, whilst inside would be dedicated to her and their unusual but successful relationship and marriage. By the time Christoph and Tatianas' photo session was finished, it was quite late.

The limo took them back to the Grand Plaza hotel to unpack their luggage and change. Then it was back to the limo and out to dinner at a very fancy and highly exclusive restaurant.

Rammstein had been there before, and as soon as the manager saw Till, Richard and the others, he went out, personally shook their hands and guided them past the queue to a discreet table at the back.

Champagne was ordered, steak, lobster, caviar, which Christoph tried and then pushed to the side with a look of disgust, Salmon, scampi, vegetables, small exquisitely roasted potatoes filled with garlic and coriander mix.

Then for desert.

- TIRAMISU, they all said together, laughing.

- Looks like it's become a Rammstein tradition, said Christoph.

They paid the bill and walked our after thanking the manager and paying the waitress $1000 each in tips. She hadn't known what to say, especially when they asked her to sit with them and tell them what she wanted to do.

When she said that her dream was to study to open her own restaurant, and that if she did, she would personally invite them as honoured guests, they smiled and gave her the tips. Richard said that before they left, he would put her in touch with a chef friend of his who owed him a favour.

He then rang him there and then. The waitress, whose name was Stacy, spoke to him, and by the time they were ready to go, she had been invited to go to his restaurant and work under him. Stacy had been so happy that she'd hugged him and thanked him profusely! She went back inside the restaurant and they walked out into moonlight.

Heading back to the hotel in the limo, Avery said between her husbands, their hands on her thighs, stroking her skin and stoking the fire within. Tatiana and Christoph looked like they were trying not to eat each other. The two couples looked at each other and laughed.

Fortunately, the limo stopped outside the Grand Plaza, and they all entered at a fast walk, taking the elevator up to the top floor and their rooms. Tatiana and Christoph said goodnight, the careful shutting of the door with a 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign on it.

Till did the same, then advanced on his wife with Richard.

- Oh boy, she thought, they've both got that look on their faces. The last time that happened, I couldn't walk properly for two days!

She put her hand out, and they stopped in their tracks.

- Safe word if we're going to do what that look in your eyes says! she said.

- You look like you want to eat me, and whilst I'm not complaining, the last time you did, I couldn't walk. So play it gentle until we get home, or safe word. What's it going to be?

The look on their faces was almost comical. Till said.

- OK, we won't be gentle, but we won't be too hard either! Is that ok?

Avery nodded, and her two husbands stripped her simple dress off, and almost came there and then when they saw the skimpy thong and bra she had on. Stripping them off almost reverently, they kissed, bit, and soothed with their tongues as they moved down her body.

In no time at all, she was on her knees sucking Richard whilst Till slid inside her. He pinched her nipples, bit the side of her neck, and left little hickeys. Avery didn't mind. It told the world that she was spoken for by these two wonderful men.

Till came with a shout as did Avery, just as Richard did and she swallowed his cum looking deep into his eyes. They collapsed onto the bed with just enough energy to pull the light cover over them all.

The next day saw them our and about on the beach, and in the gift shops. Avery noticed that both Tatiana and Christoph had love bites on their necks, and she teased them.

- Don't either of you two eat food? she said with a laugh.

Christoph pointed to her neck.

- I could say the same! He said, chuckling.

Avery lowered her voice.

- You should see their bodies. They won't fade anytime soon!

Laden down with silly gifts, they made their way back to the hotel to pack, then into the limo to the airport. The jet was there, and after they boarded, it lifted into a clear, cloudless Californian sky, bound for Frankfurt and home.

It was near Christmas, the last of the Rammstein concerts had been done, and now the band could relax. Avery was getting broody.

Everywhere she went, she saw babies. Fortunately, her twins were 5 years old and were already in kindergarten with the other band members' children. HelenA was in high school in the 3rd year and had decided to study music, maths, English, P.E., science, and human biology. She reasoned that if a career in music didn't work out, she could become a scientist or a biologist.

She decided to approach her husbands about having another child. She wanted another child, desperately.

- Reesh, Till, where are you?

- Up in the studio schatz, why? Are you OK?

- Ja, I'm coming up to you OK?

And she climbed the stairs to them both. Walking into the studio, she reflected on how far they'd come, both as a couple and as a band. She kissed them both, then sat on Richard's knee.

- Till, Richard, my beloved husbands. I'm just going to say this. How would either of you feel about me having another child?

Till was shocked. He was 61, and whilst he didn't feel or look his age, would it be fair to have another child come into this world with a 61-year-old Dad?

- Schatz, I'm too old to have another child now. I love Helena, and I have Nele. I'm a grandad too, so it's ok.

He kissed her gently and, getting up, walked out of the studio, saying.

- I'll leave you two crazy kids to talk!

Richard was jumping for joy inside. He had four children in all, but two of them, he hard ever saw. He knew why and had accepted it a long time ago.

But to have another child with Avery, a woman he adored, who was already the mother of his twins, he would love that. Standing up and pulling her between his legs so that she was close enough to feel his erection, he asked.

- Are you pregnant schatz? Or do you want to get pregnant again with our child?

- I'm not pregnant, not yet. I still have the coil inside me to stop that, but I can have it taken out as soon as my gynaecologist can do it!

Richard laughed. He was so happy. Grasping his beloved's face, he rained kisses all over her, then leaned to press his forehead against hers.

A phone call interrupted their moment, and he answered his phone with a growled

- what?

- Mr Kruspe?

- Yes, who is this?

- It's Alison from Playboy HQ. I'm calling to tell you that the edition with you and your wife is ready to view online! Also, I should let you know that the prints you both chose have been emailed to you. They are very tastefully done, Mr Kruspe. Thank you for indulging us with the interview. I read it and loved it. Thank you once again. Good afternoon, Mr Kruspe.

- Who was that schatz? Avery asked, her curiosity peaked at the sound of a woman's voice.

- That, he said, pulling his beautiful wife between his legs again, was Alison from Playboy HQ. She was telling me that the edition with us in is ready to view online!

He pulled her tight against him.

- She also said that the pictures we bought have been emailed to you and that we should check them out! Apparently, they're very tastefully done. She read the interview too and loved it!

Avery kissed her lover, and although she wanted to look at the pictures, her children would be home from school soon. Telling Reesh that they would look at the pictures either tonight or tomorrow, she went downstairs to make a phone call.

- Mr Schleer's office, Maureen speaking, how can I help you?

- Good afternoon Maureen, this is Avery Lindemann-Kruspe speaking. Is Mr Schleer there?

- Oh good afternoon, Mrs Lindemann-Kruspe, he is. I'll put you through to him.

- Avery, good to speak to you, how are you? There's no problem, is there?

- Hello Phil, no, there isn't a problem. However, Richard and I would like another child, so I would like it removed as soon as you can, please?

- Ok, Avery, just hang on whilst I check my diary. I think I have a cancellation for tomorrow afternoon at 4 pm, is that ok for you?

Avery thought. That was when her children would be home from school. She would ask Till if he could wait for the children tomorrow afternoon.

- Yes, Phil, that's fine, thank you so much. I'll see you tomorrow.

And rang off.

- Well, Richard said as soon as she was off the phone.

Avery smiled and kissed him.

- Mr Schleer said he can do it tomorrow afternoon at 4pm, she said, grinning excitedly.

She knew that this was possibly her last pregnancy, so she wanted everything to go, ok.

- I'll also ask him to do a full physical whilst I'm there. This may be my last pregnancy, Reesh. So I want it to go as smoothly as possible!

The next afternoon, having asked Till if he could wait in for the children, Avery was having her coil removed. It was a painless 20 minutes, much to her relief.

Mr Schleer had sat them both down and told Richard that Avery would be fertile within a month after the effects of the coil wore off. Avery then had a full physical.

At the end of it, he proclaimed her extremely healthy, and that whilst a pregnancy at 42 was not without possible complications, because she was so fit, he didn't foresee any.

They left the gynaecologists office with their arms wrapped around each other, Richard holding the door open for her. Getting back home, Richard gave the thumbs up sign to Till, who got up and hugged them both.

- Your physical was OK then, schatz? he asked.

- Yes, Till, she replied, apparently, I'm as healthy as a horse!

That evening, they sat around the table eating tea and cracking jokes. Lucas and Anneka said they had had a good day at kindergarten, with no incidents at all.

Their teacher was lovely, apparently, and they both got gold stars because they were so well-behaved.

That night, she sat on Reesh's knee whilst they read through the interview, then looked at all the pictures Rob had taken.

On the next to last one, where Reesh was between Avery's legs on the bed, Richard exclaimed.

- No way, it can't be!

And zoomed into the picture.

- What is it, schatz? Avery asked.

- Look at Rob's reflection in the mirror meine liebe, said Reesh.

Sure enough, when she zoomed in, the outline of an erect cock was clearly visible.

Avery collapsed, laughing.

- He must see thousands of tit's and pussies a day in his line of work. But we turned him on. Oh, that's a good one, Reesh, my love !

In the end, Richard agreed.

He's not the only one who's turned on love, he said, pulling her against him.

- When we were there shooting those photos, I wanted to take you there and then, and the photographer be damned. You looked so damn edible in the next to last one !

Richard knew how to use his voice to turn her on, and he was using it to its fullest effect. He was using the same voice that growled in Du Reichst So Gut, and it never failed to turn her on. He pushed his hand inside her leggings, then into her thong, discovering that she was soaking wet.

Stripping her completely, then removing his own clothes, he picked her up, put her back against a wall, then let her drop down on his cock. Again and again, he lifted her, then started to ram into her.

Avery cried out again and again as she came over his cock, she seemed so much more sensitive without the coil, and loved every minute of it.

With a final deep thrust, Reesh came so hard that he quickly sat in the chair behind him, not wanting to drop his wife. Stumbling across the bedroom, they collapsed onto it and fell asleep.

Christmas day dawned, and soon after, the sound of excited children filled the house. Stretching, Avery found herself in the usual position between Reesh and Till. She got up... and immediately dashed to the loo where she was sick.

Sighing, she pulled a pregnancy test out of its packet, followed the instructions, and then waited 5 minutes, not daring to look.

After 10 minutes had passed where she had rinsed her mouth out and washed her face, she looked, then looked again. She was pregnant. She'd been so busy over the last few months that she hadn't even noticed she'd missed a period.

The stick said 4 weeks.

Hiding it, she tucked it into a pocket in her lace dressing gown and went to wake up Richard.
She and Till had been having protective sex until she conceived.

Now that she had, they could do away with the condoms that would please him. She sat on Richard and kissed him until he was awake.

- Mmmm, guten morgen meine Frau, how are you?

Avery smiled, said nothing, and showed him the pregnancy test stick. He shook his head, wiped his eyes, and looked again.

- Oh meine lieb, meine Frau, I love you so much Avery !

And hugged her to him, then kissed her.

- This is the best Christmas present I could ever wish for. Till, wake up meine bruder!

He gradually came awake, whereupon Reesh showed him the pregnancy stick.

- I'm going to be a father again meine bruder. I'm so happy!

Till hugged Avery and clapped Reesh on the back.

- Congratulations, Reesh, I'm truly happy for you two!

They got dressed and went downstairs to enjoy the excitement of the children opening their presents.

Amongst them was a small box for Reesh and one for Till. They looked at Avery questioningly.

- Go on, open them then, she said, smiling.

Inside was a platinum ring for them both.

- Avery, what is it for schatz?

- It's your eternity ring. It has small bits of diamonds in and rubies. Like the ring that you gave to me when you Reesh, asked me to marry you! Till, meine lieb, yours has emeralds and rubies!

They put their rings on and kissed her, then called the children to come and sit.

- I have some news. Helena, Lucas, Anneka, I'm going to have another child!

She was jumped on by the children.

- Do you know what you're having yet, Mama?" asked Helena.

- No, schatz, it's too early yet!

- Congratulations, Mama, I love you! said Helena, giving her mum a hug with Lucas and Anneka.

Ollie and Flake's side.

The both men were chatting together, eating a king feast at a fancy restaurant. Although wanting only one child, Faith and Ollie wanted a brother or a sister. Oliver speaks with his girlfriend

- Schatz, do you feel giving our son a brother or sister ? He asks

Anna reflects.

- I thought you only wanted one child ? She replies

- I do, but I want our son to be happy. So, why don't we give him what he wants ?

Anna looks her boyfriend in the eyes

- Oli... I must tell you I'm pregnant...

Oliver was surprised.

- And you're telling me just now ????

Anna gasps

- Please, Liebe, I didn't want to be pregnant but we're having a lot of lovemaking and it happened !

Oliver sighs

- Well, my dear, I'm so happy to become a father again !

Oli, their son, jumps full of happiness !


They all laughed as Alicia announced Flake she is pregnant as well. Flake, surprised, didn't tell a word and hugged his girlfriend, happy to become a father again.

Paul's side.

- Ready or not, here I come !

As always, the Landers were playing hide and seek. Once Paul found his wife, he tells her

- Schatz, I really want another child... Oscar is so lonely...

Beverly smiles and puts his hand on her belly.

Paul gasps


Beverly nods and smiles to see stars in her husband's eyes. He kissed her softly and swung her in his arms.

Christoph's side.

Tatiana didn't know how to tell her husband. She knew Christoph didn't want another child but they're having a lot of unprotected sex. She looks in the mirror, holding the stick that says she's pregnant. She sighs and goes to him as he's practicing on his drums.

- Liebe ? I have to talk with you.

- You're pregnant, I know. I've found your pregnancy test, he said in a cold voice.

Tatiana gasps

- Honey ?? Are you upset ?

Christoph stops his drum rolls and looks at her.

- Of course, not. I didn't expected to become a father again, that's all.

She smiles and kisses him with all the love she has for him.

Richard and Avery's side.

Avery was 12 weeks pregnant. Richard took her to her appointment. As he was sitting there in the waiting room, he says

- Honey, what do you want ? A boy or a girl ?

Avery giggles

- It depends which swimmers won.

He laughs as the nurse called his wife's name.

During the appointment, the nurse looks for the baby. She gasps, surprised.

- That's the first time I've seen it with my own eyes...

Richard says

- What is it ?

The nurse giggles.

- There isn't one child... but two !

Avery sighs

- Twins ? Again ? Are you kidding me, Reesh ?

Richard was as surprised as Avery.

- Well, seems like I don't do things by halves, do I ? He replies, laughing.

The nurse remembered them.

- Wait, you have twins already, don't you Mr Kruspe ?

He smiled.

- I do, Lucas and Anneka. Very beautiful twins.

The nurse looked at him.

- You are the first man to have such fertile and fastest swimmers. It's so rare to have twins in a row !

Richard replies

- I guess I'm the twins champion then !

They laughed as they head back home. Till wants to know.

Richard take a deep breath and says

- I'm going to be father of twins... Again.

Till looked surprised

- Mein Bruder, I swear you have the most fertile and fastest sperm of us all.

They all laughed.

Will Avery's pregnancy going well ?

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