The Unexpected Love (harry po...

By ShannonClifford1

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in this story you are pansy and tom becomes close with you until feelings become clear between you two. More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 9

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By ShannonClifford1

We were now back at Hogwarts. It was emptier than usual but we had gotten there before anyone else. When we were walking through the entrance we were all greeted by Mcgonagall. She said,"Welcome back Miss Parkinson and Mr Riddle." I said,"Well it's Mrs Riddle now professor." She said,"My bad dear but let me show you and Mr Riddle to your new dorm. I see that's your baby what is the future Hogwarts student name?" I replied,"Professor this is Haven Riddle." She smiled and then said,"Follow me to your new dorm with Mr Riddle and the rest of you go to your normal dorms I will ensure these two meet you later." We all nodded and me and Tom followed her to our new dorm. We eventually got there and Professor Mcgonagall opened our door and said,"Well here it is I will leave you to unpack then I will speak to the boys and then all of you shall head to the Great Hall. I assume you would be hungry." I said,"Alright professor. Thank you for doing this we appreciate it." She smiled and closed the door. We walked around the dorm and I said to Haven,"Look Haven this is your new 2nd home." Tom smiled and said,"Doll look there are 2 cribs and what looks like two sets of everything." I smiled and said,"We don't need Haven's crib then and I am so happy we were able to return but we have a lot to do here to catch up but luckily they will do the classes with just us guys who missed it before our 6th year starts." He nodded and said,"Do you want to get the guys to babysit for an hour or 2 so we can go to the tower and start trying for the baby after we leave the hall?" I said"Yeah sure we better head to the hall now I'm starving." He nodded and said,"Should we bring the baby? Maybe we should try her on solid foods soon she seems ready." I said,"She is only 10 months old and 11 months a month from now babe she isn't ready for that yet and oh my god has it already been that long? Our girl is growing so fast to look at her." He smiled and said,"Let's go then." I put her in her new crib and he said,"What are you doing we were going to take her with us." I said," I breastfed her before we left so she will need her nap right now." He then took my hand and we went to the Great Hall to meet the guys. We walked through the doors and I said,"It's been a while since we've been in this hall I missed the food." he laughed and we sat down at our house where the guys were. Reggie and Theo said at the same time,"Hey guys  how is the new dorm?" I smiled and said,"It's great and it even has enough stuff and an extra crib when we have the next baby." Draco said,"That's cool." We nodded and then Dumbledore walked in and sat in his chair. He said," I see you have returned as of now." I said,"It's good to be back at Hogwarts professor." He then used a spell to bring out the food for us and we began eating. We were soon finished and I asked,"Can you one of you guys babysit for 2 hours please me and Tom want to have some alone time and we wanted to start trying for our second baby now." Draco said,"Yeah how about we all look after our niece. We love taking care of her." I sighed with relief and said,"Thank you guys we owe you big time for all the help you have given us with Haven and eventually baby number 2." Theodore said,"It's no problem we love her and will love the next one. Hopefully Tom won't miss the birth the next time around." We all laughed and Tom gave us a glare and I said,"It's funny now baby but you better not." He said,"I most definitely won't because I won't leave your side once you get pregnant again." I smiled and said,"We will show you guys to our dorm then  we will be off." They nodded and we left the hall and went back to the dorm. I said,"This is it guys thanks again." Reggie said,"We don't mind you guys we love spending time with her." I smiled and Tom grabbed my hand and dragged me to the tower. As soon as we got there he crashed his lips into mine. I put my arms around his neck and he grabbed my waist. I then slid onto my knees and unbuckled his trousers and he sprung out into my face. I opened my  mouth and wrapped my tongue around his tip and began sucking. I heard Tom groaning as he put his hand on the back of my hair grabbing  a handful. He then pulled me up and flipped me around so I was against the wall. He lifted up my skirt and inserted himself into me. He grinned and buried his face into the sensitive spot in my neck and kissed it. He put one hand up my shirt to my boobs and unhooked my bra with the other hand. He then started playing with my chest and grazed him thumbs over my nipples making me moan harder. He said,"Oh do you like that my little slut." I nodded and he spoke again saying,"Use your words." When I didn't he became rougher thrusting harder making me moan more. He said,"Baby use your words or I will stop." I said,"Please don't stop it's so good I'm so close babe." He grinned and went rougher until I finished. My knees buckled but he held me up saying,"Doll, I'm not done with your body yet." He turned me to face him and thrust even harder into me and connected our lips with a fiery and passionate kiss. I put my arms around his neck and grabbed a fist full of his hair and said,"Oh my god baby you're so good." He got more rough and I said,"I'm so close baby. You feel so good inside me." He fastened his pace until we had both finished again. He said,"You are such a good girl for me aren't you?" I nodded and we kissed again. We then walked back to the dorm and opened the door to see Haven asleep on Lorenzo's chest. I said,"Oh my god look Tom how cute is that?" He nodded and said,"Berkshire, why didn't you put her in the crib?" He replied,"I didn't want to wake her up and she looks so peaceful it was taking us forever to get her to sleep after her bottle." I said,"You can put her in the crib now and you guys can leave. I bet you want to have time just for you guys without us." They said,"Not really we are just exhausted from trying to get her to sleep for an hour." I said,"Well thank you for looking after her we will see you guys in the morning at breakfast then the catch up lessons of DADA" Theodore said,"Yeah see you guys then." They then left and We went to lay on the bed. I soon fell asleep after all that from not long ago at the tower. Tom then followed and fell asleep. Soon I woke up to the sound of my baby's cries. I checked the time and it was 05:00 in the morning. I checked and Tom was still asleep. I got out of bed and went to Haven's crib and took her out of his holding her in my arms. I realised she needed changing so I walked over to her changing table and laid her down on it. I then changed her but she was still crying. I picked her back up and tried burping her but it didn't work. She wasn't hungry either. I just held her in my arms rocking her. I had realised hours had now passed and i was still rocking her trying to get her to sleep. I heard Tom moving behind me so I turned still rocking her trying to get her to sleep and he asked,"Wait my love, how long have you been awake for?" I said,"Since 5 and I've tried everything but she just won't go back to sleep. I'm exhausted and we have to go to the hall for breakfast now." Tom said,"Pass her to me let me try." He managed to get her to sleep within 5 minutes. I sat on the bed in shock and sadness. He asked,"What's wrong darling?" I replied,"I don't get how she would go to sleep for you but not me. Am I a bad mother?" He said,"Never say that again you are an amazing mother to her. She was just being difficult. let's go to the hall for breakfast and to meet the boys." I nodded and then we got to the hall within 5 minutes as it wasn't far from our dorm but I was walking slower because I was exhausted from being up with the baby. We sat down and the boys were already here before us. Mattheo asked,"Pans are you alright you look exhausted." I replied,"Well I am a mother so I'm obviously exhausted and she has had me awake since fucking 5 this morning refusing to sleep but went to sleep 5 mins after I passed her to Tom." He said,"Oh god that sounds tiring sorry." The food then appeared and we ate it all within 10 minutes. Professor Snape walked in the hall and said,"Follow me. We have to start catching you up for Potions now. You lot missed half a year of learning." We all sighed and stood up and followed him to his classroom. He said,"Find seats but sit seperately so there are no interruptions." We all sat in different places then he quickly began with his teaching. He went at a good pace for me to take notes. It took hours and hours and hours of it to get us caught up. We were there for 10 hours until 8pm. I was exhausted but we had to get food first. I went to the dorm and collected Haven as we had been away from her for a long time. I changed her diaper and made a bottle so she could eat too. I picked her up and walked to the hall. I found the boys but Tom wasn't there. When I sat down I asked,"Where is my husband?" The boys shrugged as they stuffed their faces. I began to eat quickly so I could feed Haven as she was stirring with hunger. I then finished my food and got the bottle and started feeding my baby. The boys hadn't noticed she was there as they were already eating but Reggie said,"Hello sweet girl." She replied,"Hewwo."He looked up in shock."Did she just say hello back to me? I didn't know she could talk" I said,"She's been talking for a month now but only with me and her father who I am not happy with." Suddenly the doors opened with a bang. It was Tom. I passed the baby to Astoria and walked up to him. I slapped him and said,"Where the fuck have you been? You had me stressed and worried about you. Astoria has the baby." He said,"No need to fucking slap me damn but I have been occupied with something and got distracted and lost track of time but I'm here now and I want to hold my baby." I walked back to the table and took my baby back and passed her to Tom. I sat down again. Draco said," I need to do something you guys." Theo asked,"What is it Malfoy." He turned to Astoria and pulled a box out of his pocket. He went on his knees and said,"My love, we have been dating for a year and 3 months now and I love you so much. You are my world and will always be my girl. We have so much future ahead and I want to make you a Malfoy. So Astoria will you do me the honour of marrying me?" We were all in shock and excitement for them. She said,"Of course babe." She kissed him and he took her hand and put the ring on her finger. I said,"Oh my god Dray that was so nice we are all so happy for you two we have been waiting for this hahaha." Astoria was so in shock but the most happy I have ever seen her. She immediately said,"Pans will be my maid of honour obviously and would you want Haven to be a bridesmaid?" I nodded and said,"She would love it wouldn't you baby girl." She started clapping and we all laughed. I said to my girl,"You are so cute. You are my cute girl." She looked at me and said,"I know." We all burst into laughter. Lorenzo said,"She is definitely going to be like you Pans she's already getting sassy." We all laughed again and then I realised she had quickly fallen asleep in my arms. I said,"Well I best get her to her crib now." They all nodded and we left the hall and soon got to our dorm. Tom closed the door behind me and I put her into the crib. I said to her,"Goodnight our sweet baby." I smiled then climbed into my pj's and then into bed and went to sleep. 

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