Chapter 3

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By lol12435

Opening my eyes, I'm not sure where I am. Or how long I've been asleep for. I feel like I'm burning all over, like my skin is being ripped repeatedly. Looking around me I recognize the familiar hospital setting there are Balloons, teddys and flowers all around me. I'm not sure why I'm here but the last thing I can remember was I was riding my bike and then next minute there were lights coming towards me.

Siting up in a rush, I begin to Panick unsure why I am here, ripping an IV out of my arm and Monitor Wires off my chest. I quickly climb out feeling like both my legs will give way with my weight on them.

Grabbing onto the food table I stabilize myself and assess my injuries. I seem to be ok considering what I'm assuming happened. Stabling to the door way I poke my head out and wave my hand to grab a nurses attention "Hi sorry, um where am I?" "you're in hospital sweetie, you've had a Motorbike accident last night your very lucky to be alive and even luckier to be walking this soon after!" Looking up at the nurse completely shocked by what she just told I'm unable to form any words, I'm not even sure how to process all of this. Turning around heading back to bed I hear Stefan and Elena coming in, it takes a while for them to arrive, it's like I could hear them from awhile away.

"Oh my god, Aurora, your Awake!" She rushes to my side and hugs me "I'm sorry I shouldn't have let you leave on your own, I'm So sorry Aurora, how are you feeling??" "I'm actually feeling ok, weirdly enough?" Stefan looks over at me and I notice him giving me a weird look like he's studying me. Suddenly my head starts to hurt again, and I get weird flashes of pictures, almost like memories slamming into my head causing me to close my eyes tightly and hold my head. "You ok Aurora, do you need me to get the nurse?" Elena asks worriedly rubbing my shoulder. "No, no its ok I just had this weird thing, like pictures almost of this time that I don't even know even happened" Stefans interest perks up

"Maybe she's hungry I'm not sure what she likes to eat maybe you could grab her some food? I can keep her company so she's not alone?" Elenas face lights up and she agrees and walks off to grab me some food "thanks I'm actually really hungry" I let a small laugh out "when did you met Damon?" "What? your brother Damon?" He just nods looking into my eyes like he's searching for something deep within

"Right before the accident I made sure Elena got to your house safely..." Right as I finish this it's like a video plays inside of my head, a missing piece of a puzzle almost. Then it hits me my eyes quickly find his with a shocked look washed over my face "why did I not remember meeting him... I wasn't that High, and I didn't even get to finish my drink. What is happening Stefan, what aren't you telling me" I'm starting to Panick and can feel a pain in my Jaw. Grabbing my face and crying with the pain and Panick. Stefan notices this "Aurora its ok, just breath, we will get through this, and I will help you, I will explain everything ok?" Looking up at him with tears in my eyes I just nod my head but stay silent "I am so sorry this has happened to you. For some reason my brother lost it when he heard about your crash. You weren't meant to survive Aurora. You should have died"

Backing away from Stefan and pressing myself up against the wall to get as far away as possible "No stop, you're scaring me. What you're saying isn't right" closing my eyes trying to escape I get more images popping into my head, Damon telling me not to remember him until told to do so has me worried he hid our original meet up for a reason. "What have you done to Damon" Opening my eyes I stare into Stefans with a new fire. "After what happened to you it isn't safe for you to be near anyone right now, let's get you out of here and come stay with me ok?" "What did he do to me..."

Taking a step closer to Stefan needing more answers.

"Were Vampires Aurora, He feed you his blood when he heard about your accident thinking he could save you. I'm not sure what happened after, but you would have died with his blood in your system. You're in transition Aurora." "This is some sick joke, in transition to what. What kind of a joke is this I've just had an accident my head is playing tricks on me. This can't be real." he slowly nods his head "I'm not lying to you Aurora, I want to help you, if you pick to continue the transition, I can show you how to be like me, feed on animals not humans. We can survive on Animal blood, I do" "What happens if I don't want to transition? How do I even Transition?" "you'll die, if you chose to Transition, you will need to consume Blood. I can help you do it safely; no one will die. I will help you through everything, teach you everything I know." "I'll do it... On one condition. My Family, they can't know, I don't want to risk them getting hurt" Stefan nodded agreeing with my terms.

"Thank you for telling me and not leaving me Stefan" he offers me a smile "I'll go grab you a small cup of blood, it will be enough for the transition. After that we can work on. Away to get you to move in with me and I will help you adapt and learn to survive on Animal blood" I smile back at him, and we stay in a comfortable silence, and I sit back down on the bed. "You won't be able to go into sunlight until I contact a friend and get her to make a daylight ring, the ring can't come off it is needed to protect you from the sun" I just nod in understanding.

When Elena returns with a few different snacks I thank her and set them aside. "I'll be back just going to grab Aurora a drink to wash down the food" Stefan disappears leaving us alone. "How are you feeling Aurora? The Nurse said on my way in with how little injuries you have you can come home today" "um yea. About that, I um. I have been thinking about moving out, just somewhere closer to school. I guess now especially with no ride is the perfect time. I have a place sorted but I thought I'd just let you know before anyone else says something" Elena just looks at me hurt and in Shock.

"I'm Sorry, it's what I need to move through everything that has happened in the last 6 months. I will still be around Elena" "Its ok, I understand, completely. I can see how for you this could be your best step moving forward and I'll be here to support you fully. It just sucks, never really thought about what happens when one of us moves out" Elena hugs me and we stay like this for a while until Stefan is back. It was perfect timing, something about how sweet she smelt was making me hungry and guilty for even thinking that way for a second.

Stefan hands me a cup then convinces Elena they should go get a few of my things. While they are out Stefan text me letting me know Elena knows I'll be at his place as the scenery and Outdoor opportunities will help my head space. I finally bring myself to look into the cup Stefan collected and just looking at the colour of the crimson liquid inside the cup has made my Gums ache. I start to notice a sharp object protruding from my teeth and the next thing I know the cup is empty and I'm craving more. Looking around I notice it is getting darker outside remembering what Stefan told me about the sun I decide now is the perfect time to sign myself out of hospital.

Getting out was a lot harder than I thought, I had to steal some clothes, somehow, they listened to what I said when I demanded it. I could smell everything and hear everyone's heartbeats. It was calling me to drain them. Breaking free of town, I find myself in a forest on the edge of town. Bending over to collect myself I grab my phone and text Stefan back 'I've left the Hospital ill make my way to the Boarding House. I am in the forest I am Safe' Walking through the forest I have a whole new appreciation for the wildlife here, new sounds I could have never imagined hearing.

As I walk closure to a sound that is enticing and exciting, I soon come face to face with a young deer. It turns and runs, and this triggers something inside of me. I run like I have never run before. I'm pouncing on the deer within seconds and biting into its neck draining it of its blood. Standing up looking around I notice I've made a bit of a mess. Rubbing my hands on my jeans I quickly look around and then run to the Boarding house feeling rather proud of myself.

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