Karna: Reincarnation Of Kartv...

By sagaofages89

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What if Kartveeya Arjun got reincarnated as Suryaputra Karna in Dwapar Yuga More

Treta Yug
Boons and Rebirth
Karna's Childhood
Return to Ashram

Training Arc (Basic Training)

283 21 22
By sagaofages89

There are four types of weapons:-

Mukta :- Those weapons are thrown by hand.
For Example:- Chakra Vajra and Javelin and arrows.

Amukta:- weapons which cannot be separated from the hand.
For example:- Mace Sword and Dagger and bows.

Mukta Amukta:- weapons which can be sometimes separated from the hand sometimes not.
For example:- Spear and Trishul.

Yantra Mukta:- Weapons hurled with the help of machinaries.
For Example:- Releasing Balls Gada and Spears from Bows.

And there is also 5th Type of weapon

Mantra Mukta:- Weapons hurled from chanting of Mantras.
For Example:- Celestial Weapons.

This is one of the most advanced and basic knowledge in dhanurved

The day has come when Kripacharya accepts Karna as his student.

Note:- But it was not the beginning of his Gurukul days as he used to meet his parents occasionally and also he got practised with other military commanders and soldiers and sometimes even Bhishma used to teach him.

It's because of two reasons.
1. Kripacharya as being Kulguru of Hastinapur was busy in his work

2. Karna was so young to have gurukul.

Under the tutelage of Kripacharya Karna learn ways of shooting techniques, Gada Yudh, Spear fighting Sword Fighting and Wrestling.

Much to kripacharya pleasure karna mastered all of these.

Kripacharya told Karna about War Strategies about Garuda Vyuh Matsya or Sheshnag Vyuh.

He also told Karna about the perfect casting of Dhanush and the measurement of Dhanush.

He told Karna about the qualities of good strings and arrows and also told him about the importance of different Arrow heads and how to apply arrowheads on the arrow.

Under Kripacharya tutelage karna also mustered in Gada Spear and Swords and during reaching 10 he started to disarm some soldiers in the dual.

The soldiers who have years of experience in warfare become embarrassed after being defeated by a 10 year old.

Karna also learnt different methods of shooting such as piercing strong objects such as metal destroying the shield of some soldiers and also told Karna how to pierce small objects such as leaves flowers and also told karna to pierce eyes of birds and fishes.

Kripacharya also told Karna about shooting in long distances.

Karna also occasionally meets his parents and used to show his father what he learned from kripacharya and Bhishma.

Later on the focus of kripacharya on karna started to lessen day by day. Maharaj Pandu married Madri and was very close to her when one day Madri had a wish for hunting and Pandu accepted both were hunting in the forest and enjoying the day but one tragedy happened that changed his life and also the future of Hastinapur.

Kink Pandu accidentally kills Rishi Kingdom and his wife mistaken them as deers.

Before dying Rishi Kindam cursed Pandu to die if he try to intimate with any woman.

This curse has shattered whole Kuru Kingdom and King Pandu along with his two wives went to forest for hermitage leaving crown for Dhritrashtra.

Bhishma crowns Dhritrashtra and he and Shakuni were very happy and also Gandhari was pregnant and King Pandu can't bear a child as he can't intimate with any woman.

But one thing that shattered his expectations was that when his wife Gandhari was unable to deliver the child for two years and on the other side when Pandu hear from the sages that a person without child can't get Heavens then he became sad and he told his wives Kunti and Madri for Niyog.

Kunti can't bear his sadness and told him about Rishi Durvasa blessings King Pandu became happy and he told Kunti to invoke God Yama. She after getting orders from her husband invox Lord Yama and Lord Yama blessed Kunti and Pandu with yudhishthir.

When this news reached Hastinapur than Maharaj dhritrashtra become terrified and angry and he become very much abusive towards Gandhari in her vulnerable pregnancy situation.

Gandhari can't bear that and she started to beat her womb due to which she delivered a mass of flesh.

Later on Maharishi Ved Vyas arrived in Hastinapur and divided the mass into 101 pieces and put each piece in each jar and buried it in the ground for 1 year.
And Maharishi vedvyas told Gandhari that her 100 sons and one daughter would be born from these jars.

After that the work pressure on Kripacharya started to increase and he decided to send karna to the ashram of his brother in law Guru Dronacharya who is trying to open his own Gurukul to get further knowledge in warfare

By then Karna was 13 years old and was master in many warfares and the time has also come for karna as he has reached an age for proper tutelage.

Kripacharya:- I have teach you everything which I can teach in my busy schedule.
I recommend you to go to Guru Drona ashram who lives towards the west side of Khandav prasta he is one of the greatest teacher in Aryavart and have learnt many warfare techniques from his father Maharishi Bhardwaj Maharishi Agastya Maharishi Agnivesh and brahmastra Pashupatastra and other high tier weapons from Lord Parshuram and even got Narayan Astra from Lord Vishnu himself
He is even better teacher than me.

But karna I want you to tell you something as you in this young age of 13 you have got the title of Rathi.
I want you to go and learn more to get more superior ranks such as Atirathi and Maharathi.

Karna:- as you say Gurudev
Can you ask Guru dakshina from me.

Kripacharya:- I don't want anything from you as Guru dakshina as I am a Brahmin so it's my duty to ask a Guru dakshina from my student
My Guru dakshina is that you would use your powers a good way and you won't misuse your powers and also every evil and Demons would be scared of you as a deer used to be scared from a lion

Karna:- As you say Gurudev I promise you that I would use my power in the welfare of people not for my selfish demands.

Kripacharya ruffles his hairs and blesses him.

Karna went to meet his parents and told him about his progress and told his father Sushen about the recommendation of kripacharya of training under Guru Dronacharya.

Sushen:- Putra Karna be aware eyes allow you to go and learn from Guru Dronacharya but his heart is very much away from Hastinapur and there can be some dacoits and Demons who can harass you.

Karna:- You don't need to worry about that Pitashree I promise you that nothing would happen to me.

Sushen and Rumhi were worried about Karna and they also told him to send them a letter if he reach safely

Karna departure towards Guru Dronacharya aashram next week. That journey he meets many tribals Gandharvas and Demons and makes friendship from them and learns many new warfare techniques and even helps The villages from a barbaric tribe.

13 years old Karna defeated the barbarians killed their chief and drove them outside the village.

After 2 to 3 weeks karna finally reached ashram of Guru Dronacharya

Guru Dronacharya was teaching his son ashwathama about the use of Spears he told ashwathama to apply fire on the spear and throw in a long distance.

Ashvtthama followed his father orders and apply fire on the spear and throw it to words the approaching karna. When karna saw the spear then his Kavach neutralized and destroy the spear.

Guru Dronacharya and ashwathama realise that someone was approaching towards their Hut and ashwathama spear struck him.

When they saw karna they were shocked because ashvtthama Spear was neutralized by Karna's Kavach and they were looking at Karna's Kavach in awe.

Guru Dronacharya:- Who are you why are you approaching in my hut.

Karna:- I am Karna my parents call me Vasusen I am a student of Guru kripacharya my Guru told me to learn further education from Guru Dronacharya.

Guru Dronacharya:- why do you want to learn from Guru Dronacharya if Kripacharya can teach you

Oh sorry I forget that Guru Kripacharya is Kul Guru of Hastinapur.
Actually I am Guru Dronacharya I can accept you as your student

But one thing I want you to tell you is that I am very choosy in selecting students.
And also you have to prove your worthiness it would decide how much you can learn under my tutelage.

Karna:- As you say Gurudev.

End of the Chapter...........

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