Skinny Love

By lumosmaxim_a

737 78 130

"I loved him not for the way he danced with my angels, but for the way his name could silence my demons." More

::ROOM 206::
Nine- Part 1
Nine- part 2


81 8 13
By lumosmaxim_a

I breathe heavily as I walk down the seemingly endless corridor. It's always the same. Blindingly white, spotlessly clean. Never has it changed.

As I keep walking I come face to face with a door. As I reach out my hand and grasp the doorknob, I feel a wave of emotions wash over me.





And then numbness.

I muster up my courage and open the door as a deep sense of foreboding takes over me. I'm met with a blinding flash of white light. I squint, trying to focus on my surroundings.

People. So many people. They all turn around to look at me with blank expressions as soon as I open the door.


And then the yelling began.



"...good for nothing!"

"...just a fucking waste of space!"

"Kill yourself already!"

I kneel down on the floor and do the only thing I can do at the moment- I scream.


"Sierra? Sierra, baby, wake up!" My dad shakes me awake.

I wheeze, "Just...just a nightmare."

Dad hugs me and rubs soothing circles on my back, "Ssh, ssh, you're okay, you're fine, I'm here now. Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head. I don't want to make a big deal out of it. And besides, I'm used to keep my feelings to myself.

He nods understandingly and changes the subject. "Right, well, get ready for school. You don't want to be late now."

I sigh, running a hand through my messy bed hair. "Do I have to go to school today?"

"Yes, yes you do. Now get off that bed before I make you. I'm giving you two minutes." He walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I groan dramatically, pushing myself off of the bed. I brush my teeth, take a quick shower, throw on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a Nirvana T-shirt and try to get rid of all the knots in my ugly chestnut hair. After (somewhat) succeeding, I run down the stairs.

"Morning, Sleepyhead," dad says from behind a newspaper at the coffee table.

"Morning. Where's Fruit?"

He laughs. "Fruit. That never gets old."

I smirk. Let me explain. I have two gay dads, namely Patrick (Fruit) and Sean (Dad). I call Patrick 'Fruit' because, when they adopted me I was about four years old. Dad had dyed Fruit's hair green as a prank and I thought he resembled a pear. Hence the name Fruit. And the name just kind of stuck, I guess.

"Where is he, though?"

"He had to leave early. Job interview."

I nodded and made myself a mug of coffee.

Just as I finished the coffee, we heard a loud car horn outside.

"That'll be Chloe. Bye Dad!"

I grab my backpack, put on my combat boots and rush outside. I see Chloe sitting in a silver Mercedes, beaming at me.

"I got a new car! Dad gave Matt, my brother, my stupid old minivan and bought me a new car! How cool is that?" She's practically squealing.

I roll my eyes. "Hello there, good morning to you too."

She says, "Oh shut up. I'm really excited okay?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Now drive."

And you know what she does? She laughs. She just laughed for no reason! What the fuck? Literally, all this girl ever does is laugh. I mean, I could sneeze, and she'd laugh. I love the girl, but sometimes she's just way too positive and cheerful for me. I'm just like a burrito of negativeness, sadness and, of course, sarcasm.

"Oh by the way, I heard there's a new guy in town," she informs me.

"Okay. So?"

"Sew buttons," she grins at her own joke.

"That was...that was terrible."

"Whatever. We're here." She pulls into an empty parking space and parks the car. We get out and walk towards the school building.

"Oh. My Gosh." Chloe suddenly stops in her tracks.

"What's wrong?"

"I," she gulps, "I left my Spanish homework at home..."

"Oh hell."

She looks close to tears. "What do I do what do I do what do I do what do I-"

She gets cut off by the sound of the bell ringing.


"Calm down. She probably won't remember to check. Keep your fingers crossed. I gotta run now, okay? Bye."

I walk into my Calc class and make a beeline straight for the wayback, where me and my best friend Alex sit. He told me he would be absent today. Damn it.

I suddenly sense someone sitting next to me.


I look over to the guy. Black hair, blue eyes. Not too shabby-looking, I'd say.

"Uh, hey," I stuttered, being the incredibly awkward person that I am.

He smiled. "I'm Nate. What's your name? Your full name."

"Um, Sierra Anne Clarke."

"You've got a beautiful name, Sierra Anne Clarke."

"Er- okay."

He smirked at me, just as Mrs Murphy, our Calc teacher, entered the room. She introduced the class to Nate and then proceeded to teach us the gibberish, that is Calc.

Today is going to be a long, long day for me.


A/N: *sweats nervously*

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