Fetish For The Finite ~ A Fea...

By BeckiBreakdown

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A Fearless vampire killers Fanfic by me. If anyone was wondering or interested the cover is a picture I took... More

A cold British morning
Number 20
Notebooks and guitars
Breakdowns and Nerf guns
Please wake up
It's going to be a long night
It must be the medication
Spilled Coffee
Enter Sandman
Buzzing like bee's
Casually Hyper~ventilating
For Laurence
Our hands entwined
Trouble in McDonalds
It's the Panda's Birthday!
Dr Broomhall
Ice cold
The appointment
Sugar high
Blood On The Dance Floor
So much for a nice night in
What if?
It's my fault
This day keeps getting worse
The Dead Don't talk?
It's over?
Are you f**king mental?
He can't be dead!
Lovers Tiff
Spaghetti? we're meant for each other!
Enough tomfoolery!
This Is Gonna Hurt
No Remorse
You're Like An Old Man
We Sure Get Into A Lot Of Scrapes
Gaze Upon It And Weep
I just wanted coffee
The love of my life
You muppet
The sequel is nigh

Why are they staring?

347 11 0
By BeckiBreakdown

Kiers P.O.V:


I chucked the bag I was carrying carelessly onto the floor “My comics better not be in there!” Barrone wailed “seriously who though buying him more cookies was a good idea?” I sigh “Him mostly” Laurence frowns flopping onto the sofa. Everyone drops bags everywhere not caring about the tripping hazard. We decided to all sleep here tonight. I climb onto the sofa lying on top of Laurence “It’s good to be home” I murmur into his chest “It is my red fringed cherub” he laughs softly ruffling my hair “Heeey” I protest “don’t mess it up!” I exclaim “you haven’t straightened it in days It’s a mess anyway” Laurence teases. I kiss him roughly leaving him wanting more and get “hey you’re such a tease” he whines “yep” I laugh walking towards the bedroom. I open the door before I hear Lukes plea’s and suddenly feel sick. I step outside and slide down against the wall. Laurence looks over concerned “whats up?” he asks getting up quickly “the bedsheets haven’t been changed” I whisper “oh” Laurence mumbles “I’ll do it” Drew says walking into the kitchen and coming out with a bin bag in his hand “you don’t mind me throwing” “No just get rid of it please” Laurence sighs running his hand through his hair. Barrone walks over and hands me a glass of water “here” he smiles placing it in front of me “thanks” I mumble. Drew walks out bin bag in hand “s’all clear” he announces walking out of the flat with the bin bag. “you wanna?” Laurence asks I shake my head “what did you want?” he asks “blanket” I whisper. He walks into the bedroom determinedly.

Laurences P.O.V:

I stare at the stripped down bed frowning. I mentally shake myself “get it together Laurence, Blanket” I sigh. I see one folded neatly by the open wardrobe and grab it. I notice Kiers Deerstalker and decide to grab that too. I stick it on my head and walk out of the bedroom quickly. I have a feeling I won’t be able to sleep in there for a while. “I deduce you must be insane to want a blanket in this heat” I grin chucking it at Kier who’s moved back to the sofa now. He scoots up giving me room to sit next to him. I fall back onto the sofa realising how exhausted I am. “Drew stick on Sherlock will you?” I ask “sure which episode?” he says rolling his eyes “Have you even seen Sherlock yet?” I mumble sleepily “nope” he smiles “’A study in pink’ then I propose a Sherlock marathon” I grin. Kier grabs his hat off my head “elementary my dear Watson” he yawns snuggling up to me.

*time lapse*

I wake up snuggled up to Kier my arms wrapped around him. I smile this is nice I think to myself. An episode of Sherlock is playing on the tv to nobody. Lukes sleeping by the door, Barrone and Drew are curled up together on top of a pile of clothes “awww they’ve made a nest” I coo “huh” Kier mumbles still sleepy “the timids” I yawn. How am I still tired? Kier yawns too “want a coffee?” I ask “I want Costa” he sighs sleepily “what time is it?” I ask. He grabs his phone from his pocket 11pm he yawns “we’ve been asleep for 11 hours?” I exclaim “that can’t be right” he mumbles. I grab his phone and check “apparently it is” I say surprised “guess we’re going to a service station” I grumble “the things I do for you” I sigh grabbing my keys off the coffee table. “we should write a note” Kier suggests “probably” I smile opening the door and stepping into the hallway, Kier immediately follows.

Lukes P.O.V:

I wake up and immediately notice Kier and Laurence aren’t here. Weird. I check for a note, nothing, typical. I quickly grab my phone to check the time, 12:51. A thought suddenly hits me I log into twitter and check Kiers tweets.

‘There is always time for Costa. Worth driving to a service station for #yum’

Typical, he tweets what he’s doing but doesn’t leave a freaking note.

Laurneces P.O.V:


We arrive at the service station and the few people there give us strange looks. Must be kiers hair I think. I order out coffees whilst Kiers at the table, the barista raises her eyebrows at me as I take the change “weird” I mutter.

“What you doing?” I ask as I sit at the table. Kier puts his phone on the table taking a sip before answering “mmmm tweeting” he says licking his lips “why am I not surprised” I laugh. I take a gulp of my coffee suddenly becoming more alert. I suddeny realise why people are giving us strange looks “kier” I laugh “what have I got a moustache?” he asks licking above his lip “haha no” I grin “what then?” he asks confused. A smile plays on my lips and I say one word “pyjamas” Kier suddenly looks at me, really looks at me before he begins howling with laughter. I join in too causing more strange looks from the barista “ow ow ow ow” Kier mutters looking down at his ribs. He sighs “I cannot believe we drove here and didn’t realise” he says wide eyed grabbing his phone “tweeting?” I ask “don’t you know it” he grins. My phone vibrates and I see a notification from twitter. I quickly open it up and read it.

‘So turns out me and @laurencefvk are in our pj’s oops O.O’

I look up from my phone and smile at him “Lets go home” I laugh. We listen to Green Day quietly on the way back “So we gonna rehearse today?” I ask “yeah we need to” Kier sighs “I mean This is the biggest tour of our lives so far we need to be at our best” he continues “mhmmm” I reply concentrating on the road.

*time lapse*

“God I forget how long that drive is” I laugh opening the door. Everyone’s awake when we get back. Luke looks up then goes back to attacking Barrone before stopping and doing a double take “You went to the service station in your pyjamas” he says incrediously “yep” I reply jumping onto the sofa. Barrone stops complaining about his injuries to look up at me “you really needed that coffee then” he says trying to be serious “yep” Kier says lying on the floor “actually I wouldn’t mind another” he sighs “well you better bloody well make on then because theres no way I’m driving out there again” I grumble. Kier sighs getting up and walking into the kitchen “GET ME A COFFEE TOO WILL YOU?” Luke shouts causing me to jump “Christ Luke” I mutter “sorry” he mumbles “hey I have an idea” Barrone pipes up “NO” we all shout simutaniously. Barrone genuinely look hurt “It’s quite good” he scowls “ahhh Barrones butthurt” Drew laughs flicking him lightly “Barrone you have good ideas just not at 1am” I sigh “It’s really not bad” he mutters “what idea?” Kier aks walking in juggling several cups of coffee “I made everyone some” he explains practically dropping the mugs on the coffee table” Barrone instantly jumps in “I thought we could rehearse since we’re all up anyway” he grins. We all look at him surprised “you know ... that actually isn’t a bad idea” I say surprised “Luke drink quick” Drew commands “eh?” he asks dazed “you’re driving” Barrone smiles “driving?” he asks “we’re hardly rehearsing here at 1am idiot” Drew teases “now drink” he orders. Luke sighs practically drinking the coffee in one gulp “lets go” he mutters jungling his keys. We’re all buckled into the van about to drive off “errr guys” Kier laughs “what?” Drew asks “what are you planning on playing?” he bursts out laughing “shit” Barrone mumbles jumping out of the van and running back to the flat “this is going to be fun” Kier laughs before wincing.

A/N: sorry it’s such a short chapter I guess it’s kind of a filler chapter. I had a mini writers block when writing this sorry. I probably shouldn’t meditate immediately before writing it clears the mind too much XD Also I'm really really sorry I haven't updated for 5 days! I'm terrible I'll try to update a few times this weekend as an apology :3

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