~Naruto Lemon Requests~(CLOSE...

By Minflower2

199K 1.4K 899

*blushes * So.. I write lemons with all Naruto characters so do a request and I will write a lemon for the ch... More

Shikamaru lemon
A Naruto Lemon
Yamato/ Tenzo Lemon
Kakashi Lemon

Suigetsu lemon

18.8K 140 58
By Minflower2

Character : Suigetsu

Request : Mimi_Uzumaki ( hope you enjoy hehe.. (~_^)

There was darkness, at first.  It was the sort of darkness that suffocated, that wound about bodies and carcasses and poisoned.  It was the sort of darkness that shattered all forms of light.  And then, there were soft whispers.  Gentle, gentle, hands drifting over skin that Suigetsu could not see, because darkness had taken his sight and his voice.  But not his thoughts, not his feeling.

In the beginning, the gentle voice and the gentle hands told him not to be afraid, he was safe, he could rest as long as he wanted, forever even.  But the word 'forever' had varying degrees of darkness intermingled with it, and Suigetsu didn't like the darkness.  He wanted to be free of it.  So later, when the gentle voice and the gentle hands whispered to him that he should wake up, open his eyes, see, he tried his best to listen.

The darkness had twisted the light so much that his first attempt at seeing failed miserably.  He hissed at the light, which was close to blinding, so brilliant that he thought he'd never be able to face it.  But then, the gentle voice and the gentle hands guided him, gave him courage, and he tried again.  The second time, the brilliance was less mesmerizing.

His sight came surprisingly fast to him, but his voice was another thing entirely.  It took him almost two full days to work up the strength to say even the barest of words, and the woman who had the gentle voice and the gentle hands didn't fully understand him.  It took him a full week to fix that connection.

"Where are…where are my…?" weakness scrabbled at the edges of his unfinished words.  A soft hush sounded from the woman who he had yet to really study.  His eyes were still weak, still adjusting to the blinding light.  He could barely move. 

Gentle hands soothed over his forehead.  Her gentle voice murmured, "The dark haired man, he carried you here, dropped you rather rudely at my doorstep.  He told me to look after you and then left with your red haired companion.  I don't know where they are.  He said he'd be back to collect you."  He heard the sound of water and then, a moment later, the cloth at his forehead was replaced by a newer, fresher one.  It felt heavenly.

"Do not worry," the gentle voice told him, ringing out the old cloth and dragging it down his neck and over the top of his chest that the blankets didn’t cover.  "You are safe here.  When you are ready to walk, and can properly see and speak, you may even find a home in these woods."

But he shook his head, unbelieving, uninterested in her words.  He scrabbled at weak, breathless, unfinished sentences, as though trying to explain.  "No…have to go…help…I-" he let out a low moan and seemed to sink further into the fever that had erupted within him.  Madly, he mumbled, "Have to collect…swords…fate…need to…"  The words didn't stop until gentle hands were pressing delicately to his closed eyes.  Then, her fingers lit up with gentle green chakra, and he was silenced.

"Sleep," she told him, pushing his hair from his eyes.  "Regain your strength."  His handsome face flattened out into peaceful slumber beneath her watchful gaze.


"Do you wish to eat?"

Suigetsu turned his head, looking at the woman he had come to know quite well.  The past few months had seen her nursing him back to nearly full health.  Now, he was able to walk short distances, see and speak fully, and he also had almost full control of muscle and chakra reflexes.  He also came to realize just how close to death he had been when Sasuke had unwittingly dropped him off here.

"…Tea?" she wondered again when he didn't respond.  She gave him her soft smile and went to sit beside him.  A soft breeze blew past them, as though in greeting.  She put down the tray she'd been carrying and then handed him a small cup of green tea.  He glanced at the tray's other contents and noticed that she'd also prepared miso soup and onigiri. 

"You are looking healthier today," she said, studying him.  Her soft amber eyes lingered on his.  He looked away, pressing down a feeling he'd been getting recently while around her.  It was a certain giddiness that he couldn't quite explain, but he felt it everywhere within him, like a slow burn through his veins. 

"I feel better," he told her, voice a little scratchy from disuse.  "With your healing expertise, I should be on my way in no time," he smirked at her, curiously studying the blush that suddenly captured her cheeks.  Could it be that she, too, was experiencing all these weird feelings?  He took a sip of his tea, eyes never leaving her face.

Raven smiled and turned to the tray, trying to ignore the way her cheeks had gotten so red.  Any small compliment made her embarrassed.  It was simply her nature.  And it also didn't help when said compliment happened to come from such a handsome ninja who she'd developed some strangely intimate emotions for. 

She wasn't entirely sure what they were, or at least she couldn’t fully describe them. Raven only knew that they sinfully triggered rather wicked thoughts from her mind.  It had been ages, after all, since she'd had a man.  Living out here by herself didn't make for much of a social life.  And Suigetsu was such a man.  Strong and brazen and bold.  And hers, if only for a time.

She lifted her eyes up shyly, nervous of her own searing emotions, and noticed a familiar fire erupt within his eyes, too.  Did he know?  Did he understand how she felt and did he feel it too?  She jerked her eyes away quickly, unsure how to react or if she even wanted to.  He was still injured and she was being foolish, thinking of him in such a callous way.  He wasn't just some man she was nursing back to health, and she didn't just have random flings with her patients.  This was going too far, completely out of her comfort zone.  She wasn't like this.

"I'll be out in the garden," she told him, standing up suddenly.  She couldn't remain one more second.  His eyes were too fiery, too knowledgeable.  To be looked at by that bold gaze would make her crumple up and turn her willpower to dust.  "If you need me, it's just over there," she pointed to her left, where there was a small circle of trees.  One could hardly see it from this part of the engawa, but that was partly why Raven wished to escape to it.  She left without waiting for his response.

The sun began a slow arch through the sky, which was bright and sunny and spotted with renegade clouds.  By the time Raven got to the garden, and began to focus her hands on pulling weeds, it was already well past noon.  Time, soon, to be preparing for dinner.  She longed for night to come faster, for the comforts of long hours away from Suigetsu.  Being around him had proved dangerous to her emotions, both physically and mentally.  He embodied everything Raven didn't possess: freedom, courage, and yes, something more primal.  Something more masculine: a power, a fervor that she couldn't hope to so much as touch.

And yet here she was wrong.  For Suigetsu happened to have been experiencing similarly powerful desires from the moment he woke.  When he opened his eyes to the sight of her calm, soft face, which glowed beautifully in the moonlight, he thought he was dreaming.  To realize that he wasn't, that her hands were real and could touch him, was the best thing that had happened to him since childhood.

And that was why, near to an hour later, Suigetsu found her in the garden.  He watched her for a moment, because she didn't see him.  Her back was turned and Raven was filling up a basket with ripe vegetables.  But when he shuffled forward a little in the grass, the girl spun around in a flash, quick but somehow graceful, holding her basket precariously in her lap as her eyes flashed up to meet his.

And then…confusion.  Which Suigetsu brushed away with three simple words.  "I need you."

It was almost too simple, he smirked.  He'd known about her attraction to him for a while, and was content at first to only watch it, regardless of the feelings within him that told him to act.  But he could not watch any longer.  His body was yearning for the touch of a woman but it was something more, something else besides physical desire that schooled his thoughts.  Something deeper that he couldn't possibly understand and didn’t really want to.

She kept her cool even as the redness of a blush pressed over her cheeks.  With a raised eyebrow, she placed the basket on the ground and stood up, brushing out her skirts.  "You need me?" she wondered, no doubt catching on to the underlying message of her words.  She was clever enough to understand, and the way her eyes screamed out at him made him simply know that she knew.  "What for?"  But apparently she liked to watch him squirm.  An admirable trait, he thought sarcastically, and ambled forward.  But two could play at this game.

He reached up to catch a rebellious strand of her hair.  For a moment, he let it slide through his fingers, and then it was tucked gently back behind her ear and he was looking directly into her eyes.  The emotions within them folded to him, like a wave crashing upon the shore.  And he knew he would have her by the end of the day, perhaps many times if he had his complete way.

"I'm…hungry.  It's been quite a long time," he murmured, eyes flashing lustfully.  He'd been successful in keeping his desires under lock and key during his visit, but now they seemed to swirl around him like a monsoon, twisting and fabricating and multiplying, to an extent that left Suigetsu absolutely breathless.  He battled the fierce desire to grab her hips and pull her close.

She tilted her head and allowed her eyes to sweep over him.  His body was tense, certainly, but perhaps it was due to the same taut feeling within her, as well.  With a soft smile that wasn't particularly innocent and seemed to take Suigetsu aback, Raven said, "Hungry?  I'm making stew tonight.  I'll get started soon."

But it wasn't enough, of course it wasn't, and Suigetsu was tiring of this little game.  She sent him an amused sort of look and then turned back to get her basket.  But before she could, his hands were finally dragging her into him, his body yearning for her touch, her hands, her voice.  She stumbled back in surprise and found it suddenly hard to breathe.  Suigetsu's hands traveled up her body and touched just beneath a breast.

"I don't want stew," he whispered lowly into her ear.  She shivered, pressing herself into him, feeling somehow on top of the very world itself.  He nuzzled her neck, kissing the hollow behind her ear, and told her, "I want you.  And I want you now."

She almost, almost moaned when he pulled her even more roughly against him, closing the inches of space that had been there previously.  The warmth of his chest made her emboldened, stoked the fierce desires that had leaked into her.  She was suddenly facing the need to look at him, kiss him, taste him, feel him

"Suigetsu…" she whispered, head tilted into the air as he continued to kiss her neck.  His teeth created an odd, delicious friction that sent her entire body aflame with want, with diluted passion, and she could scarcely breathe in the face of it.

He growled, enjoying the breathless manner in which his name escaped her.  He pulled away fiercely, turning her and immediately going in for the kill without warning.  His lips pushed against her and surprised her completely, not expecting his bold move.  But she clearly didn't mind it, and sunk into his mouth moments later with a soft, satisfied moan.

"I've wanted this…" she told him, when his lips pulled from hers.  He studied her for a long moment, and then nodded, flicking his eyes down to their bodies as they clutched at each other.  It felt strange, this immense amount of passion.  "…I know," he told her back, and then his hands shifted up her form and played with the intricate knot of her obi.  And he pulled.

The fabric swung gently away from her body, and was finally tossed away into the grass.  When Suigetsu turned back to her, Raven was waiting for him to finish the job, smiling softly and yet not softly at all, like a contradiction, like intensity.

He smirked a little and took her small waist, thumbing over her hipbones for a moment before opening the kimono and slowly dragging it past her shoulders.  He leaned in to kiss her as the fabric fell into the grass, and when his arms came to encircle her bare flesh, he nearly collapsed in the heat of the moment.  Holding her like this was delicious.

Their tongues battled languidly, pushing and tasting and enjoying.  Suigetsu allowed his large hands to roam over the skin of her back, from her shoulder blades to her butt.  Finally, he skimmed his fingers to the front of her, pressing gently against the naked swell of her breasts.  He broke the kiss to look down at her.

She was shivering a little, but not in cold.  For the life of her, Raven couldn't seem to remember a more intimate moment.  Even before, in her youth, she'd never experienced anything like this.  Suigetsu was taking his time, lazily enjoying her, touching her slowly.  And it somehow felt better than going fast, and a thousand times more passionate.

He looked back up at her and smirked callously, but his eyes were bathed in soft emotion and the contrast made her shiver even more.  Not from cold but from desire, which ran diligently through her like a vice, a sin, a whisper.  He kissed her collarbone and then whispered, "Lay down."  And the order made her utterlyquake.

She obeyed, sinking down into the grass.  Her eyes never left his, even as the sharp blades pricked and tickled her back.  She watched him smirk, then she watched him loosen his clothes.

Watching him was like a dream, and each revelation of skin was that dream coming true, manifesting itself from her subconscious into reality.  She longed, desperately, to run her hands over that broad chest, to trace every scar of his muscled arms.  And then, she longed for other things, more primal things.  Things that made her blush.

He was big.  Bigger, perhaps, than any other man she'd have.  She hadn't had many, but the sentiment was still the same and it made her ache, ache in a way that wasn't innocent in the least.  She wanted him to come down to her so that she could touch him, but he just stayed standing.  Studying her, sweeping his eyes over her nudity.  And then over the underwear that kept him from seeing her most intimate area.

"Take those off," he told her, and she obeyed again.  She couldn't deny him anything in that moment, not when those orders were so sexy and for her ears only.  So she tugged on the underwear and shuffled them down her hips, moving a little bit to make it easier.  She got them halfway off before Suigetsu seemed to snap, and then he was kneeling before her and dragging them off fitfully, spreading her freed legs and tasting her so intimately that she almost screamed.

"Suigetsu!" she gasped, back arching.  It was all so sudden.  She hadn't expected him to do that.  But Kami, it felt so good.  So amazing to have his tongue quench the burning, pounding desire that had taken root within her.  She cried out again when he began to thrust the muscle into her core, and then proceeded to blank out the rest of the world.  The garden around her, the life she'd been living thus far, the matters that she'd need to attend to before dark.  It was all gone, all vanished, all replaced with passion so bright that Mitsu could only lay prone and accept it.

He hadn't planned this, but Suigetsu couldn't seem to help himself.  It was as it his tongue was moving by itself, thrusting again and again into her wetness that he couldn't hope to stop it.  And he didn't want to, because she tasted so delicious, so hot.  He curled his hand around his member and began pumping, grunting into her heat as he touched himself.  But it wasn't enough, not when there was a hot, needy woman before him. 

When she looked down at him, and saw the sight he was making, Raven almost came right then and there.  She was filled with a strange emotion that was almost jealousy.  He wasn't allowed to touch himself today.  She wanted to take care of him, wanted to see to his every need.  "Suigetsu, stop," she said, and to her surprise he did, dragging his mouth from her core to look up at her.

She giggled a little, rose to her elbows, and knocked his side with her knee playfully.  "I want you inside me."  And Kami, if her words weren't enough to convince him, nothing could.  He shivered mightily but acquiesced, because he couldn't deny that he wanted to have her, wanted to be taken care of.  His erection was so hard that it almost ached, and to have her heat around him felt like the best thing in the entire world.  And, he soon came to realize, it was.

The first thrust was temperate, slow.  The passion curdled within them as they tested out the waters of their new affair.  And then, a collapse.  Their entire bodies wracked with shivers and unanswered desires that screamed for a way out.  The second thrust was the reincarnation of this.

An explosion took place, within veins and bones and raw, unadulterated thoughts.  Suigetsu let loose a moan that shook Raven to her core and farther, unraveling her until she was nothing but endless bundles of nerves, zinging here and there relentlessly.  And that was when she forgot.  And that was when she remembered, too.

Of everything and nothing, of the world and space and time itself as it skimmed them by.  Of broken promises that had hurt her, of promises yet to be fulfilled, and of other things, things she hadn't known were inside of her until this very moment.  Beautiful things.  Breathtaking and scintillating in their nature.  Things that made her gasp and shake and hold and feel.

She moaned.  She moaned because the feelings within her called for it, because she wanted to let Suigetsu know that he was so very good, and that he can't stop, ever.  She would give her entire world for a second longer to spend in his arms, in the erotic movements of their bodies as they slid against each other.  It was foolish, frail, and yet so powerful that she could scarcely take another breath.

"Suigetsu…!  Oh, Suigetsu…" she was coming.  Raven could feel her end drawing near.  The zinging pleasure within her body intensified, curling around her like a searing promise.  She arched her back, pressing her breasts against him as she caved into the grass.  Her eyes opened wide and she stared endlessly into the sea of green and blue above her.  And then, she turned her gaze back down to Suigetsu, and into the dark, passionate, smoky gaze that kept her trapped between two worlds, between reality and something else, something that transcended such trivial definitions.

"Come for me," he told her.  His voice was smoky like his eyes, and pinned her against him and the ground with just as much power, just as much force.  "Come for me," he said again, and she felt her entire world implode on itself, for the way his eyes taunted her into submission made everything around her simply brilliant.

She came.  She came with a loud, moaning shout and a furious arch of her back and a gasp, which came hurtling past unsuspecting lips as she watched Suigetsu follow her.  And the sight of his face, twisted up in breathless, wanton lust made her want to come again, and again, and again.

She slid her hands up his chest and he panted.  A chuckle, slightly exasperated in nature, wavered over her ear, "I might…need you again before the day is over."

Raven only smiled.  It was a soft smile, a gentle smile.  She touched his hair, trailed light kisses over his jaw, and then whispered softly, "I'll be here."  And she would be.

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