One of my biggest pet peeves are fake fans. Like if your new and don't know a lot about the band or fandom then that's okayy. But if you say you've been apart of the fandom from the start then bitćh please know more than 2 songs, know the names of all the band members and know what each band member does in the band.
For example. Please don't be having a conversation with me about 5 seconds of summer and be like
Fake fan: "Oh my GAWD I just luff 5 es oh es"
Me: "...ohhh you mean 5sos? Yeah me too, what's your favourite song?"
Fake fan: "that song about underwear omg I luffff that song"
Me: "oh... Who's your favourite band member?"
Fake fan: "I like the Asian drummer omg what's his name? Michael? Yeah he's so Hawwt"
Like bitch I'm so close to hitting you so hard you wake up with amnesia Mmkay? Mmkay