A touch away: a baekyeol tale...

By GaspNoise

159K 6.7K 886

When living with guilt isn't enough, Baekhyun decides to go away Only to be met by a familiar face A familiar... More

The begining
The "accident"
when sorry isn't enough
I'd hate to make you love me
The Memoirs of Baek
baek to the past.....
Behind the thorns of love
Try to see the light,end up venturing into the dark night
author's note
Loving someone out of your reach, Hurts more
As long as you can smile, I'll protect it...
Usually, Everybody is Unusual...
...Answers at the Bottom of a Bottomless Pit
What Didn't Kill Us, Made Us Weaker...
Forgive Me, Forget Me...
Your All That Matters...
Because Of You I'm Alive
Author's note- 2
This Time Only, For You
My Love For You Stays Strong
Not Really, But still....
Hold On A Bit Longer
Sweet Lie, Or Bitter Truth
Is That Really All??
Not Going To Let Go...... Ever
Afraid To Fall In Love
Remember Us, You And Me???
Everything About You Is Special
I'll Fight For You, I Promise.....
Love Never Dies.....
Let's Not Be Strangers Anymore
All I Really Want, Is You...
Love isn't an open door, anymore...
Fade Away, Into The Unknown Abyss...
When I'm Gone, Forever...
I'll Never Forget You......Ever
New Beginnings...
surprise surprise!!!

all for one and one for none??

4.4K 202 6
By GaspNoise

Chanyeol sat there reminiscing that one horrible memory that had changed not only him and Baek, but it also influenced everything he did.

"Look, Chanyeol, I don't care what happened and you shouldn't either, you loved him and that's all you need to continue your life with him. The past is in the past and all you need now is help. Is it just me or did you tell any one else?" The tanned boy asked him through the phone.

"N....no, j....ju-st you." replied chanyeol shivering with the thought.

"okay, I'm pretty sure I don't want to say this , but you were right, he isn't what he seems, and you have to tell the others okay? I can't see you like this and see him come close to us alright??"

"Alr..alright" chanyeol kept the phone down and let a tear fall down and wet the blanket on his lap.

----------------------------------------------------THE NEXT DAY-----------------------------------------------------

"Hey... Channie!!" kyungsoo replied merrily  seeing his friend sulking at the back of the class.

"h..hey, umm , listen, could you and the guys meet me after school. W..without Baekhyun."

"sure, where?"

"The usual.." chanyeol says with a big grin,

"okay big guy.." kyungsoo left the room to inform the others.." well at least he smiled.." kyungsoo thought while he smiled himself.

the "usual" was a place hidden from plain sight behind the school, but very easy to find and not find at the same time. Minseok was the Columbus who found it and like Columbus, he brought a new world for the entire band of boys. It was were they used to hold their secret meetings, decide on dates for the prom, console one another and play during school break. In other words, the small plot of wonder-land had helped them though out their years.

The guys met each other there and soon settled down as Chanyeol cleared his throat.

"Okay guys, I know we haven't done this in a while but this is urgent." the baritone spoke.

"well what is it??" Yixing asked.

"The truth about Baekhyun ..." whose 'title revelation' received long drawn sighs from all of them.

"Seriously Chanyeol, what part of.." Kris stands up and waves his hands to emphasize "...He isn't a threat don't you get??"

"Look I know what you are trying to say but, he isn't what he seems okay and even though it doesn't count, could you at least listen to what I have to say??"

"ALRIGHT FINE. SPEAK!!" they said in an almost synchronized way.

Chanyeol began, and slowly, what everyone thought as a joke and smiled about, changed their expressions to that of grim and shock.


changed to a disgusting truth about a guy who was like the rose,

beautiful on the outside, but filled with a dark-horrendous-past of thorns...

{ tune in next time to see what happens and do tell me if I should reveal it or may keep the suspense going}

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