The Most Dangerous Game (Harr...

By Posh777

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"One game, one hand. That's all I want." He smiles confidently at me, "You really think you can win against... More



6.9K 295 84
By Posh777


The faint smell of ginger greets me as I step through the glass doors and into the quiet and tranquil dining room of Masa.

The hostess greets me with a smile, reminding me to silence my phone before leading me to Carter's usual table in the corner.

I'd been here at least twice a month with him since we started dating. It's one of his favorite restaurants in New York.

It has inarguably the best sushi you can find in the states, flown in everyday straight from Japan. But as most things Carter enjoys, it also comes with a large price tag.

One that was never less than five hundred a person for dinner. Usually significantly more after the saké Carter always insisted on pairing with our meals.

Jackson is already seated at the table, a smile gracing his face as I near it.

He stands, pulling out my chair for me. "You look lovely this evening Miss Abbott."

"Thank you." I force a smile on my face as I sit down, placing my small clutch on the table.

He takes in my features as he sits across from me, his eyes stilling when they reach the neckline of my red dress.

"Have you eaten here before?" I speak up, making his gaze meet my eyes.

"No." He grins. "This will be my first time. I'm positive I'm going to enjoy myself though."

"The food is delicious, you won't be disappointed."

"Right.." He chuckles. "The food. I'm sure it's wonderful as well."

I raise an eyebrow at him as a waitress appears, taking our drink order.

Carter does his research well, more thorough then necessary most of the time. And Jackson Decker is an obvious flirt.

I've seen more then one article splashed across the front page of the times about his most recent conquest.

Carter would of known this about him, yet he still wanted me to have dinner with him. A man who was more then likely to proposition me before the night was over.

Carter can barely stand when another man even looks at me... and now he willingly wants me to spend time alone with Jackson.

It doesn't make any sense.

I feel a small spark of fear run through my veins as Jackson smiles flirtatiously at the waitress as she fills our glasses with water.

Carter has a reason for everything, reasons he usually shares with me.

But tonight I'm in the dark. I have no clue what Carter's plan is.

And that scares the s.hit out of me.

"Would you like something a little stronger to drink?" Jackson asks, pulling me from my worried thoughts.

"I think I'll just stick with water, thank you." I smile at the waitress before she walks off.

"Water is awfully boring isn't it? I was hoping we could have a bit of fun."

"I'm afraid tonight won't be as entertaining as you may have hoped." I take a sip from my glass.

"Well the night has only just begun." He grins confidently. "Tell me about yourself."

"There isn't much to tell." I shrug, not wanting to share any of my personal life.

"Now I don't believe that. You're a beautiful young woman, dating the most powerful man in New York. Surely there's a story there."

"Nothing to exciting. I wouldn't want to bore you."

"Everly, I don't think there's anything you could said that would bore me."

"Why don't you tell me about yourself." I try to change the subject. "You're a boxer right?"



"Why?" He repeats my question.

"Why do you box? What's your motivation?"

"Myself." He shrugs, seemingly uninterested in our change of conversation.

"You enjoy it?" I prod.

"I enjoy what it gets me. Money, fame, beautiful women." He smirks, "Plus I'm fairly good at it."

I frown at his reasons, "And those things are enough for you?"

"They're enough for any man. Why would I want anything more?"

"Well..." I pause, looking into his empty eyes. "Money can be lost, fame fades, and beautiful women age. What do you have when all of that is gone?"

"My father's fortune and family name." He looks at me amused. "Having the last name Decker ensures I won't ever be without any of those things. Why so interested?"

"I just like to know what makes a person tick."

"I have to say, this isn't the kind of conversation I normally have on a date with a gorgeous woman."

"Well this isn't a date." I remind him, frowning at the smug look covering his face.

"Touché." He laughs. "Now can we talk about something more interesting?"


"Have you ever been on a sailboat?"

"Can't say I have." I shake my head.

"Well I have a real beauty. Most expensive you can buy."

"I wouldn't of taken you for a sailor."

"Well I don't sail, I have people that do that for me." He replies cockily. "I enjoy sitting, watching the ocean. With good company of course. You should join me on it sometime. Tonight perhaps.."

"Thanks for the offer, but no." I shake my head. "I really don't think I...."

My words catch in my throat, making me cough as the hostess seats a couple a few tables away from us.

Emerald green eyes widen as they meet mine, quickly narrowing into slits as they take in who I'm sitting with.

Jackson turns his head, following my eye line across the room to where Harry and Bridgette are sitting.

"You know him?" Jackson questions me, causing me to tear my eyes away from Harry.

"Well I..."

"Styles is an a.sshole and a cheater." He spits.

I suck my lips into my mouth to keep myself from laughing at the jealously laced in his tone. And the fact that it's Jackson himself that has been know to cheat in his fights.

Our first course is set in front of us as Jackson continuously scowls in the direction of Harry's table.

"You should eat before it gets cold." I raise my voice slightly to get his attention.

"Right." Jackson nods, glancing down at the soup placed in front of him before looking up at me questioningly. "How do you know him?"

"Hmmm?" I stare down at my bowl.

"Styles. How do you know him?"

"I've been to one of his fights before I think."

"You sure that's all? He's been staring at you since he sat down."

"I doubt it." I look up, giving Jackson a soft smile. "How's your soup? It's good isn't it? I like the curry flavor."

Jackson narrows his eyes a bit before a huge smile overtakes his face. "I get it now."

"Get what?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"It's all because of you."


"Why Carter wants me to get under Styles skin. It's because of you."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, "I don't understand."

"Did you and Styles f.uck or something?"

My mouth drops open in shock. "What?!"

"That's why Carter hates him right? That's why he wants me to annoy the h.ell out of him. Cause Styles tried to steal his woman."

"I'm not anyone's woman, and I don't know what the h.ell you're talking about. How dare you..." My voice fades off as realization hits me.

That is most definitely not the reason Carter is using Jackson. That has nothing to do with me.

It has to do with the merger. The only thing truly important to Carter.

I suddenly feel sick. I'm being used.

He knows Harry likes me and he's using me to get Harry to hate Jackson even more.

That's why I needed to have dinner with Jackson alone. That's why Bridgette brought Harry to this particular restaurant.

I'm just another one of Carter's f.ucking pawns.

"You alright?" Jackson places his hand on mine comfortingly.

A loud screech sounds from across the room as a chair is abruptly pushed backwards, making me jump slightly.

A shadow suddenly looms over me. I know who it belongs to before I even hear a voice speak.

"Everly. Can I talk to you for just a second?"

I look up, my eyes meeting Harry's. His flicking between my own and Jackson's hand that is placed over mine.

"Styles. Long time no see." Jackson grins at him as I pull my hand away and place it on my lap.

"Yeah.. Shame." Harry nods at him before looking at me. "Everly..."

"Little rude, interrupting our conversation." Jackson interrupts smugly.

"Sorry mate, afraid this can't wait."

"Afraid it can." Jackson glares at him. "And it will. We're in the middle of a date."

"A date?" Harry looks at me, reading my eyes before turning back to Jackson. "Highly doubt that."

"What the f.uck do you know Styles?"

"A fair bit more then you I reckon." Harry holds out his hand to me. "Everly? Please?"

"She's not going anywhere with you."

"She can make up her own mind I think."

Jackson stands up, dropping his napkin down onto his plate. "F.uck off Styles."

"Not a chance." Harry shakes his head.

I quickly stand up when they take a step towards one another, grabbing Harry's hand.

He immediately freezes, his hand enveloping mine and squeezing gently.

"I'll be right back." I tell Jackson, who looks completely dumbfounded. "Order some drinks alright?"

I don't wait for an answer, instead pulling Harry by the hand towards the hallway that leads to the restrooms. I keep going, opening the back door of the restaurant and stepping outside into the cool night air.

The large metal door slams shut after Harry, and I turn to face him.

"You need to leave with me now."

"What?" I shake my head.

"You've no idea who that man in there is Everly. Please, let me see you home. Don't go back in there."

"I'm just eating dinner, I'm not going home with him. And I'm not on a date with him."

"I know. Doesn't matter. Please." Harry places his hand on my arm, causing my heart to race. "Please Everly. He's not a good guy. The worst kind actually. Don't go back in there."

"I think you're being a little dramatic."

"I'm not." He shakes his head, his eyes burning into mine. "The things he's done to women... You shouldn't be anywhere near him. Please Everly. Let me take you home."

"I can't." I shake my head. "I can't just leave."

"Look.." Harry sighs, "I know you don't do anything without Carter..."

"That's not true." I cut him off.

"It is. What your reason is for that I don't know... But Jackson Decker is dangerous. And this is more important then following Carter's orders or whatever the f.uck you want to call them." Harry lowers his voice. "You aren't safe with him Everly. You aren't."

I look intently in his eyes, something in my heart telling me to trust him.

Is Jackson really that bad? Would staying and finishing dinner really be worse then the consequences I would face for leaving with Harry?

No they wouldn't. Nothing is worse then the wrath of Aiden Carter. Nothing.

"I can't just leave with you." I finally speak.

Harry's shoulders drop as he frowns. "And I can't let you just go back in there..."

"Why do you even care?" I hesitantly ask.

Harry's eyes meet mine, softening. "No woman should be treated like that. And you... you're.. I just do. Not sure why even. Can't seem to help it."

I nod, looking down at the ground as my cheeks flush.

"Will you let me see you home?"

I take a few breaths, looking up into the green eyes that seem to mesmerize me. "Give me fifteen minutes. I'll tell him I'm not feeling well."

Harry breathes a sigh of relief, a smile curving up his lips. "I'll meet you out front yeah?"

"Down the block. At Dante Park."

"You don't show, I'm coming back for you."

"I'll be there. What are you going to say to Bridgette?"

"I'll point out something shiny in the room, should distract her long enough for me to slip away." He smiles, his dimple making an appearance. "I'll think of something."

"Alright, now go." I push lightly on his chest when it registers just how close he's standing.

He smirks at how uncomfortable I seem, stepping away from me and towards the back door of Masa.

"I'll see you soon." He pauses, glancing over his shoulder before he walks through the door.

I take a long deep breath, wondering if I'm about to make one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

I'd love to know what everyone thinks of the story so far!

What do you think Carter's real plan is for Harry?

How is Jackson involved?

Why is Everly still with Carter when she'd obviously rather not be?

I can't wait for you guys to find out!!! Ah!! I'm so excited!

Oh my god and who else freaking loves Drag Me Down? Am so proud of our boys. :)

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