A Fist Full of Feathers

By Lonely_WonTon

345 0 12

This is the story of Raven. An angel girl who lives with her big brother Castiel, and their friends Sam and D... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Important note
Important Note #2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chpater 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors note

Chapter 16

8 0 0
By Lonely_WonTon

After Dean, Sam, and Alex arrive, we wait outside the gates. "Ready?" Dean asks and a silent nod is received in response. Dean himself nods, and we hop the fence. We quickly make our way over to the tent where Salem is. We silently encircle the glowing tent, not know what to expect. We put a thick ring of salt around the outside, just for extra precaution. We group together around the front and I look around. I see everyone looking intently into the glowing tent, trying to see what's happening. I tentatively step over the line and make my way over to the large opening that was now covered by a pair of almost curtains. I'm quickly joined by my whole squad, and the look at me for direction. I furrow my brows and shrug. I roll my eyes and slowly draw out my long double bladed katana and a hand gun. People follow suit and arm themselves. I cock my gun before I silently draw back one of the curtains. The sight is a massive surprise to me. A person stirring in some kind of goblet with many faces on it. They seem to be chanting some thing. But I notice that whatever their chanting, it's hurting Salem, bad. They lift their fingers and a deep red colour is drenching them. They wipe the stuff all over poor Salem and he acts as if it acid, writhing around on the floor. Then it clicks and I leap back from the curtain. I cover my mouth with my hands as tears threaten to poor over. "Oh my god." I whisper. Oh good. I think and I'm quickly becoming pissed off. "Dean. Sam. Cas. Your with me. Alex, go with these guys and get a devils trap cuffs done. Actually, Luci your with me. Don't want you stuck in that." I whisper and pat his check. "Wait, why are we doing a devils trap cuffs?" Alex asks and I let the pure white hot rage flash in my eyes. "Demon." Is all I say before drawing the curtain back silently and slipping in. The boys are following me and I twitch with rage and the thing questions Salem as he cried out helplessly on the floor. "It's a simple enough question, you worthless piece of space. You were talking with someone tonight, just tell me who it is?" It asks and I silently walk forward till I'm standing a few feet from the demons back. "That would be me." I say, wing fully extended.The demon turns slowly and its eyes widen. "My, my a pretty little angel! What have you been up to dip shit?" He asks Salem, turning his back on me. I spit on the demon and it sizzles. It cries out in pain and glares at me. "I'm no ordinary angel, asshole." I say glaring back with just as much hate as the demon. "Oh, feisty little angel." He says and I step forward and slap him hard across the face. "The little angel baby has a bark and bite! Now go sit and stay some where else." He says and I tut. "You want bite?" I ask and bare my fangs menacingly. They drip with my saliva, which is pretty much holy water. Panic flashes in the demons eye for a split second before turning to slight amusement. "What are you so happy about?" I ask, rage dripping from my words. "Your like no angel I've seen before." I growl and take another step closer. "I'm no ordinary angel. Now, are you going to snivel on the ground or are you going to stand and fight me like a man." I sneer and the thing crawls slowly to its feet. "Oh, just thought you might want to know that your daddy is my baby brother." I say and Lucifer whines from behind me. "It's two minutes!" He says and the demon pales. "Yes, I brought him as back up. Yo, Lucifer, what can I do to it?" I ask and Lucifer struts next to me. "Well, I dislike this one. He's not very loyal. Do what you want. Just don't kill it. I want to do that myself." He says and I smile evilly. "Thanks bro." I say and advance on the demon. "Lu-Lucifer? What are you doing here my league?" The demon ask extremely confused. "Like she said, brother. I wanted to help my sister out in freeing one of her soldiers. And in the process I ended up catching a back stabbing, disloyal demon. Happy bonus I guess." He says and I smile. "Wait, did he say solider?" The demon ask and I nod. "My I present to you, the new Her Lady Death." Salem says, recovered fully after the touter. I bow deeply with an evil smile playing across my lips. "Death?" The demon squeaks, very much unlike a demon. "I'm the flesh." I say as I stand up to my full height. I delicately fold my hands together behind my back. All of the I've harnessed my rage now as composed it into a strictly terrifying and menacing calm. You can still feel the rage dripping off my words but the earlier sloppiness is now replaced with an almost perfect composer. "But... death was an old man?" The demon says and I shake my head. "That old sop? Not anymore. I'm the new 'head honcho'. I'm not a push over and I will not stand for any of my soul sees being treated so poorly. So, what ever you did to him," I say leaning in next to his ear. "I'm going to do to you." The demon gulps. I move back and flick my wrist. the demon passes out and I motion with my hands for Sam, Dean, and Cas to move in. "Salem, are you okay?" I ask, keeping my powerful serious air around me. "Yes, Miss.Death." He say and I pat his shoulder. "Good. Your free to go. It was nice to meet you." I says and he nods.He smiles then vanishes into thin air. I turn to face the boys. They've hand cuffed with demon proof hand cuffs Alex and the others were working on. "Is the prisoner secure?" I ask and Cas nods. "Good." I say and lift him behind me as I walk out of the tent and outside. I walk out with the same menacing and slightly evil air about me. As if I belonged down stairs running hell with Lucifer. "Raven? Are you okay?" Anna asks. "Perfectly alright." I say and smile the same smile that I used on the demon to my family. "We should get this abomination home as soon as possible. I will fly him to our room and I don't care if you leave tomorrow, I'm heading home with him tonight." I say before taking off into the air. Halfway to the hotel, the demon wakes up and starts to freak out. "Welcome back to the land of the living." I say and it struggles against its restraints. "Don't worry. We'll be home soon." I say and make him pass out again. When I get back to the hotel room, I surround him in salt, and collect my stuff. I leave a note and place it on my stuff. Achoo freaks out when I walk next to him and at that moment I let go of the terrifying air and just be myself for a while. "Hello Achoo. What are you doing up?" I ask the puppy jumping around me. "Shhhh. Go back to sleep, Achoo. I'm going to be leaving tonight, so your going home with daddy." I say as I lay him back down in his bed. I make her fall asleep. But unlike the demon, I do it gently and fill his sleep with wonderful dreams. I collect the demon and start to head home. "Okay, Raven, get yourself together. We're going to interrogate him." I tell myself as I straighten up my all black clothing. My weapons are still gleaming as the elevator door opens and I exit. "Sonya?" I ask hopefully and she looks up from her keyboard. "Raven! Hey! Oh my gosh! I was so worried arbour you guys!" She says and I smile. "I know we just meet yesterday, but I wanted to give you my number so we could stay in touch." I say and she takes the little slip of paper. "I really hope we do, cause your one brother is really cute and I'd love to get to know him more." She says as she types my number into her phone. "I think he would like that but you'll have to ask him yourself. When he comes in later, talk to him. You don't need to profess your undying love, just... talk with him." I say and she smiles looking up from her phone. Just then there's a thrashing from the elevator and I remember the fucking demon. "Hey, Sonya. Want to see a demon in real life?" I ask excitedly and her eyes widen. "O-Okay." She says and walks around so she's standing next to me. "Okay, I'm going to seem really evil for a little while, but I have to cause of the demon." I say slipping into the persona from earlier. Sonya nods and I lead her to where the demon is standing in the elevator. "Hello again. You just don't like to stay dead, do you?" I ask harshly and stand slightly in front of Sonya. "Who's that? Your girlfriend?" The demon asks and I turn to Sonya. "Don't listen to him." I say with the evil smile, fangs and all, the turn back to the demon. I step forward so we're nose to nose and I lick his check. It sizzles and pops where my tongue touches. "No. She's not my girlfriend." I say and lick his mouth so it burns. I step back and turn to face Sonya. "Do you know any hymns?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Shame. We could've torture it together." I say and her eyes widen. "But it's just a human man." She says and I sigh. "Was a human man. The demons been in there so long, the poor guys died." I say and chuckle lightly. "C'mon! Give us a show! Let's see those beautiful eyes!" I say and the demon snarls. "Christo." I say and its twitches. "Our father, who art-" I start but the demon flicks his eyes to their normal pitch black. "That's better. Animal eyes for the animal." I say and turn on my heel and walk away. "What did the demon do for you to be so.... terrifying. I understand he's a demon and you hate him, but it seems like you never want to see this one in existence again." Sonya says and I nod. "Quiet true assumption there. It's because he tortured and would have killed one of my reapers." I say and she nods. "Listen, I'd love to stay and chat, but I really must be off before my family gets here. Probably with in the minute. Tell them I left and don't forget to talk to Brit. Get his number." I say and Sonya blushes. "Will keep in touch." I say as I float the demon out into the lobby and out the front door. Luckily, the cameras are still jammed from earlier. "Good bye, Raven! Thanks for introducing me to a demon!" She says and I nod. "Oh, Sonya, if you run into a demon, don't lick it. I'm a holy being so my saliva acted as holy water. But just use holy water. And research hymns! Okay bye!" I say and I knock the demon out and fly off into the night. The flight home is long and really boring. Half way through, I get bored and plug in my ear buds and just listen to music. It's pretty swag. Luckily, the demon didn't wake up again the whole trip. When I get home, I walk inside silently and listen. "No ones home. Good." I say. I walk into the bunker and head down the one of the deepest levels. I tie the demon into a chair and outline the whole room in salt. I head quickly back upstairs and start to get prepared. I change my outfit into an all black "suit" thingy. It has a pencil skirt in stead of pants. I leave the flowy all black trench coat on and grab a whole bunch of different weapons. I place them all on a plater and head down stairs. There's a handful of different demon blades, some normal knives, some holy water, a bunch of salt, and a slat infused knife Cas got me for my birthday last year. All of the are made of pure iron, too. I skip down stairs, maybe a little too happily. When j enter the room the demons in, I place down the player silently and let my wings out. I put make myself all serious again and saunter over to the demon. I lean into his ear and whisper gently, "Wakey, wakey." The thing twitches and its eyes open. "Where am I? Hell?" It asks and I chuckle manically. "Oh sweetie, this isn't hell. This is worse." I say and it chuckles. "What ever you say angel face." It say and I walk over to it. I rest my hand on its check then slap it. "I told you that what ever you did to my solider I was going to you did I not?" I say and its cocky bravado wavers. "So, where do we start?"

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