Despicable (a shizaya fanfict...

By dark-on-me

3.3K 156 37

He and Laura had been together for months, and Shizuo was the most passive he had been since Izaya mysterious... More

Chapter 1: Laura
Chapter 2: The Day After
Chapter 3: Not A Drag
Chapter 4: Just A Queen
Chapter 5: Doctor Is In
Chapter 6: Thunder And Lightning
Chapter 7: A Walk In The Park
Chapter 8: More Queen-isms
Chapter 9: Phone Call
Chapter 11: Betrayal
Chapter 12: Regret
Chapter 13: Confessions
Chapter 14: Paradise At Last

Chapter 10: War And Love

117 9 1
By dark-on-me

It had to be no later than two or three in the morning that Shizuo woke up. He moved quietly so that Izaya wouldn't be stirred and crept into Izaya's room, looking around in silence. It took him five minutes to find it, that bottle of perfume, and once he had he almost wished he hadn't.

The label had her name on it, Laura Kate, and on the side, a splattering of blood. He nearly choked on how sick he felt and rushed to the bathroom, tumbling beside the toilet and gasping for air between coughs. He held back tears this time, eyes wide and a look of shock on his face. Izaya had Laura's perfume, but how? And why was it covered in blood?

He shook his head once he had partially recovered, fighting the desire to immediately question Izaya about it and leaning on the edge of the toilet. "I knew something smelt shitty." He whispered to himself, not having the strength to speak stronger. He clenched his fists bitterly and shook his head, seeing a shadow cast itself over him and not looking back up.

"Shizu-chan, are you alright?" Izaya asked softly, and Shizuo glared at him over his nose. He was dying to yell curses and confront him about why he had Laura's perfume, but somehow, couldn't manage it. He instead struggled to his feet, biting down on his lip and looking down to the floor.

"Not in any way imaginable." He muttered, leaning on the counter for support and walking past Izaya. He picked up the bottle of perfume on his way out and collapsed back on the couch, flicking on the tv. There was never anything serious on at two in the morning.

He curled his legs inwards and watched over his knees, arms holding them close and eyes dull from pain. His arm no longer hurt, but instead, his body had a dull ache, and he didn't understand it at all. On the television was some sort of cartoon, but he didn't care enough to change it.

Izaya poked his head out from the bedroom and cringed when he saw the bottle on the table. It'd be tricky getting himself out of this one. He walked quietly over and leaned on the back of the couch, looking at the tv screen and inching slowly towards Shizuo. "What do you want, flea?" Shizuo growled, and Izaya sighed in disappointment.

"I thought we were over that by now, what's gotten you so wound up anyways?" Izaya mumbled, moving around behind Shizuo and wrapping his arms around his neck. Shizuo snarled threateningly and removed Izaya's arms effortlessly.

"It's just that bottle of perfume, I don't understand how you got it, or why you're wearing it." Shizuo muttered, scooting away and keeping himself in his little ball and watching the tv as though nothing was going on.

Izaya rolled his eyes and sighed, picking up the bottle and looking at it carefully. "I found it while I was out and thought I'd pick it up for Namie, as a little gift, but-"

"Stop lying to me damn it." Shizuo growled, balling up even tighter and clenching his teeth. Izaya glanced over at the sudden interruption, looking down at the bottle and continuing.

"Alright then, I picked it it up from a certain crime scene which had been abandoned by police. They forgot this there so I thought I'd bring it back for you. Then I thought maybe wearing it would make you happy, so I did. Is that enough of the truth for you?"

Shizuo wanted to shake his head, but instead just sighed gruffly, ignoring Izaya completely and getting to his feet. "Not entirely. What's been behind this weird affection you've been showing to me? I thought you wanted to kill me?" Shizuo muttered, and Izaya but his lip.

"Well... You really want the truth for that?" Izaya replied, and Shizuo nodded. "I feel a sort of attraction towards you Shizuo, and I'm struggling with finding out if it's love or lust, or a mixture of the two. Seeing you like this hurts me and revealing my affections to you seems to be dulling the pain-" Shizuo raised his hand and cut him off, hair falling in his face and hiding his expression. His hair wasn't quite as blond as before, it had a more dirty look to it.

"So you take advantage of this situation to express your emotions to me because I'm hurting, and you think you being this soft to me, making me softer is helping?" He muttered, and Izaya swallowed hard, cringing. Shizuo growled in irritation, turning to the couch and grabbing hold of the back. "Why does this all smell like complete and utter shit?" He hissed, lifting up the couch and glaring at Izaya with fiery eyes. "I hate you, Izaya!" He cried, shouldering the couch in Izaya's direction and hearing the clamour when it hit and smashed numerous things, knocking down the TV. "I really do!"

Izaya was frozen in shock, grunting when the couch hit him and flying back. He braced himself for impact and cried out in pain when he finally collided with the wall. He struggled for a moment, yelling at each wrong movement and crying out in agony. He watched Shizuo as he stormed out, calling out his name until he couldn't see him any more. The pain made him light headed, and he barely managed to call Shinra by the time his entire body went limp. "Help." He whispered, losing consciousness but hearing Shinra panicking on the other end.

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