heather || spencer reid

By letsgetcriminal

414K 8.6K 2.9K

Dr Heather Jayce has decided to join the Behavioural Analysis Unit of the FBI and it doesn't take long for he... More

i -black SUVs and a new agent-
ii -seattle and dowd-
iii -solving the case and flying back-
iv -dr. reid-
v -the stupid basket-
vi -working with you-
vii -the mojave desert-
viii -ghoete-
ix -clubbing-
x -discussing feelings-
xi -twins and the second letter-
xii -first date-
xiii -local school bombings-
xiv -alarmed-
xv -an additional victim-
xvi -stalker-
xvii -relapse?-
xviii -trying to solve the mystery-
xix -breakthrough-
xx -hospital-
xxi -i love you.-
xxii -drowning-
xxiii -home-
xxiv -ready?-
xxv -like Morgan and Garcia-
xxvi -it was going so well..-
xxvii -fiend-
xxviii -'R'-
xxix -reconciliation-
xxx -Diana-
xxxi -proposal-
xxxiii -wedding-
Damage ---

xxxii -good news-

6.1K 147 165
By letsgetcriminal

*Heather's point of view*

"Yes.", I answered in awe, my hands covering my mouth that hung open due to me being totally taken aback, with tears in my eyes, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I'd adore to."

He laughed and got up from the street, the place where his one knee had met the ground was now wet.

He let his lips brush against mine slightly smiling, before leaning in fully and kissing me deeply, "I love you."

"I love you, too, Spencer, so much."

My fiancé put the beautiful ring on my finger and we went to celebrate our engagement at home under our blankets. ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  )


When we were called in for a new case Spencer suggested that we should tell the team and I agreed.

We went to the conference room where everybody was waiting and Garcia presented the case. We were to fly to Toledo, Ohio to investigate the murder of two young couples.

When we went to board the jet, I told Spencer that we should tell them when we solved the case since we would be in a way better mood.

He agreed but told me to hide the ring the best I could, so that they wouldn't notice anything. But we are all profilers.

"Baby Girl? You're flying with us today?",Morgan asked Garcia excitedly and she nodded.

"She has to check everything the teenagers did online. The only connection between the victims was a website that shut down our system but you know Garcia.", Hotch said.

"I managed to free our systems but am now coming with you to see what that was about."

"That's great.", Spencer said.

,"I mean, that you're coming with us not that we got hacked or that people were killed.", he spoke rapidly, finishing off with an awkward, at the same time cute, laugh.

"Something's up. What's wrong Spencer?", Emily asked giving him a suspicious look before her eyes landed on me.

"Nothing.", I answered for Spencer.

"You're hiding something.", JJ noticed and we frantically shook our heads no.

I placed my hand on Spencer's leg and he quickly covered the ring up in placing his hand over mine.

"Spill the beans, there's something cooking.", Morgan demanded and so Spencer placed our hands on the table and removed his to reveal the ring.

"We're engaged.", he exclaimed and the others cheered while I looked at him goofily. I wasn't mad that he told them now but it was just, it sounded so different, telling the team, our family.

Does he really want me?, my brain asked itself, this question burning in every cell of mine.

"Finally!", Garcia said.

"I knew it.", Emily threw in.

"Congratulations!", Hotch smiled and the others joined in congratulating us.

"We should celebrate your engagement sometime. Pasta at my place?", Rossi suggested.

"That would be great, thank you, David.", I said happily, pushing my doubts aside, looking forward to celebrating this.

I wanted to marry Spencer.

Slowly everyone calmed down again and half the team had fallen asleep right now, having made themselves comfortable in the jet.

When we hit a turbulence I felt sick all of a sudden, I went to the back of the jet, quickly yet as silent as possible to not wake the others up and ejected the contents of my stomach.

The door was opened by Spencer, he could easily come in since I forgot to lock it.

"Is everything alright with you?", he asked.

"Yes, everything's fine, I guess I just feel nauseous due to the turbulence."

"Okay.", he nodded, taking the scrunchy I always had on my wrist, gathering all my hair in a pigtail.

When we reached Toledo, I saw how Morgan patted Spencer on the shoulder and overheard him say,"I never thought you would get married before me, lucky boy.", which put a big smile on my face.

The girls mustered the ring and gave me hugs. I wanted to do this.

*Spencer's point of view*

The profile was quickly done and we figured out that the Unsub was a classmate of the second couple, who had murdered the first pair just to get experience.

He had stalked them over this website Garcia discovered and hacked herself into and he did so since he envied them.

*two weeks later*

Heather and I were the last ones at the BAU, finishing our paperwork, and the remaining files of our teammates.

Heather occasionally threw little pieces of paper at me, giggling. I ignored her until I was finished with my last file, and slowly approached her to attack her with tickles.

"Stop, please stop, Spencer.", she begged and so I did.

"Hurry, we have to go to Rossi's, everybody is already waiting on us.", I spoke as we went to the car.


"We have to get my mom to fly over somehow when we have our ceremony, she hates flying.", I said concerned.

"Spence, I'm-"

"Maybe I can fly over to get her, I managed to get her on the jet sometimes already but I don't know. Let's see, we still have some time. Sorry, babe, what did you want to say?", I asked Heather when I pulled over at Rossi's.

"Never mind.", she said, pecking me on the lips and getting out of the car. Heather acted like something was up today.

We got in and were hugged by everyone as if we hadn't seen them for a long time.

Rossi was currently cooking something and the others were sipping on wine glasses, I looked over at Heather and smiled.

I fixed both of us a glass of red wine, too, and went over to give it to her.

"Here.", I said, handing it over to her but she didn't accept it.

"No, thank you.", she declined and I looked at her oddly.

"Spencer.", Heather said softly, placing a hand on her stomach. I didn't understand, still holding the wineglass out for her.

She took my hand, leading me away from the others, leaning closer so that I would hear her over the loud chatter.

"I'm pregnant.", she said.

I was surprised and kissed her, placing my hands on her still flat stomach.

"Why didn't you tell me?", I asked puzzled.

"I tried to for the past three days, silly.", she laughed and leaned in to kiss me again.

"Do you want to tell the others?", I asked her overly happy and was a bit disappointed when she slowly shook her head no.

"Not yet, it's too early. I mean, I don't want anything to happen to our baby. We should wait until we know everything is okay. I'm afraid since there are always bad things happening to me."

"Heather, everything will be fine, yeah? I am here to protect you. Both of you.", I said still not believing my luck.

"I know but I really think we should wait a bit.", she said, with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. But we need to discuss some more things at home.", I said yielding, pecking her on the lips once again and taking her back to the others that were now sitting down at the table.

Heather and I sat beside each other and I squeezed her hand under the table, wanting to assure her that I was here to protect, help and support her and that I would never leave her because I love her.

"Buon appetito!", Rossi exclaimed and Heather let go of my hand to be able to eat.

The sound of laugher was mixed with the jangling of cutlery.

"This tastes super delicious!", Garcia complimented Rossi's cooking skills and everyone joined in with a nod or a commentary, including me.

***a/n: sorry that all my chapters suck, I try (and cry) okay bye thanks for reading anyway
Just one chapter left :(

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