Loving you is too much

By nKayanna

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Maliah is a 17year old girl .She learns to live on her own when one day her mother never came back home . she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
AUTHORS NOTE(not a chapter)
Chapter 5
Author's Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note
Chapter 12
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

28 2 0
By nKayanna

Devin P.O.V

I was at the gym feeling kinda fucked up .

I'm not even sure if Liah will forgive me .

Like damn yeah I did her dirty , but we are having a baby together .

I needed to work things out with her before another man takes my place .

I took my phone out and shot her a text .

ME: Maliah we need to talk

Babe🌎💍: there's nothing new we need to discuss your a cheater and that's that .

Me: okay I understand but we need to sit down and talk like mature adults

Babe🌎💍: okay meet me at Gio's food place at 5

Me: thanks love you .

I wiped my sweat off and put all my stuff in my duffel bag and left .

I was driving to Caleb's crib to grab a quick shower and get dress . It was 3:25 and I had to meet her at 5 so I better start getting ready now .

Maliah P.O.V

I was making myself a healthy smoothie with fruit as my doctor suggested when my phone lit up .
I checked it and it was Devin . Fuck he want I thought to myself .

One & Only 💍🔐: Maliah we need to talk

Me : there's nothing new we need to discuss your a cheater and that's that .

One&Only💍🔐: okay I understand but we need to sit down and talk like mature adults

Me:okay meet me at Gio's food place at 5

One&Only💍🔐:thanks love you

I locked my phone and rolled my eyes at that bullshit .

Honestly if he loved me he wouldn't cheat .
I drunk my smoothie and went upstairs to shower .

I put my phone on the charger enjoying the shower .

I got out and started to dry off my body .

I took walked towards my body length mirror .

I stared at my reflection and dropped the towel .

I was now staring at my naked body .

I looked at it an wondered why Devin cheated .

Was it me ? Was the sex not good ?

I don't know what that other girl had that I didn't because I was holding up more than she was .

As these thought were running through my head tears began to roll down my face.

I was honestly hurt and I felt dumb . This isn't the first time he cheated.

I was dumb enough to forgive him the other times .

I walked away from the mirror and put my underwear and bra on .

I rubbed lotion on my body .

Instead of  crying I just wanted  to look really sexy so he could see what he was missing .

I went to my closet and got my tight fitted black pencil skirt and a black crop spaghetti strap tank top .

I got my black cardigan out too . I put on my hoop earrings and a little eye liner and mascara . 

I took my scarf off and just fixed my hair up a little but .

It was 4:30 so I think I should be on my way .

I put on my black heels grabbed my phone ,keys ,purse and then left .

I was in the car and my phone started ringing .

"Hey Bran" I said into the phone

"Sup Whatchu doing ?" He asked

"In the car driving about to meet Devin at Gio's he claims he wants to talk about this " I sighed into the phone

"Ard Ima let you go " he said laughing

I hung up the phone and parked the car in the parking lot .

I walked into the place and saw Devin .

I headed towards the table for two he was at .

He was checking me out and had some goofy ass smile across his face .
I just wanted to slap it right off .

I rolled my eyes and sat down .

He had already order drinks and got exactly what I was gonna get .

Lemon ice tea with a side glass of water and lemon on the side .

I took a sip of my drink than rubbed my hand together taking a deep breath before I broke the silence .

"So , you wanted me  to meet you so we could talk "

"Yeah I'm sorry about the club , she doesn't even mean anything to me I don't understand why I did that I mean I guess I was at a weak point and I need you to forgive me I want to be apart of the baby's life and yours Maliah I Love You ."

"Devin I understand you love me and you want to be in my life  and the baby's,  but how do I know if I forgive you , you won't go back to your old ways ? This isn't the first nor the second time you cheated .
All those other times I forgave you and you took it for granted . You played me Devin and you hurt me and I can't take the pain .I love you I honestly do , but loving you is just too much for my heart right now . " I said pouring my eyes out .

"I never meant to hurt you I'm sorry " he said .

"But you did Devin , you did "

I got up and left I didn't have time for him I was done with him .

I got in the car and just cried I deleted his # outta my phone .

I thought to myself

"Wow three times he cheated three times".

I started to drive the way home when I started feeling sharp pains  .
As I drove more an more I started to
feel them more .

I was stopping at a stop sign when a really sharp pain came against me and it caused me to run the sign and BOOM !


I was laid up in the hospital bed connected to all these wires .

I was thinking what happened when  a door swung open .

It was the nurse and Devin. Even though he was the last person I wanted to see I was happy he was here for me .

I grabbed him in a hug and just cried .

"We lost her " he whispered in my ear .

I cried real heavy into his arms .My baby girl I lost her .

" I have to fill out the release papers no serious damage done besides well you know " he said softly

I nodded my head as I was getting unhooked .

They put me in a wheel chair and wheeled me out .

Devin picked me up bridal style and put me in his car .

He drove up to my house and parked .
  "Stay with me " I whispered .

He place me on the bed and undressed me .

He took my pajama shorts out my drawer and put them on me .

He put the covers over top of me and cuddled up against me .

I laid on his chest crying myself to sleep .

I woke up the next morning in the same position .

"Wake up " I said shaking Devin

"Hey good morning how you feeling ?" He said stretching

"Not okay , but I just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you stuck around for me , I understand this is hard for you too since she was ours " I said grabbing his hand

"It's okay baby girl just know I'm here for you whatever you need if we together or not "

" the only thing that I need right now is you " I said getting out of the bed

Seems like I just can't get enough .

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