Hidden Love (Klaine, BadBoy!B...

By outofthevault

194K 5K 9.4K

Kurt Hummel is a 17 year old boy in his senior year of high school. He's sweet, kind, loves singing and fashi... More

Hidden Love (Klaine, BadBoy!Blaine)
"Study" Date
Brotherly Love
Locker Room
Thank You
Out of Town
Words can hurt
The truth comes out
It's Complicated
Fragile Porcelain
Hello date- Goodbye friends?
Never letting go
It's official
Cuts and Kisses
I Love You!
Hit after Hit
Sectionals and Surprises
New York
New Years Eve
4 boys... and a lot of beer later
New Year, New Man
Is it to late to say Sorry?
I Miss You
One step forward, two steps back
Love, Love, Love
The First Time
When one door closes, another one opens
Something that would last forever...hopefully
Hidden Love
Epilogue: Part 1
Epilogue: Part 2

You Saved Me

4.6K 121 316
By outofthevault

Disclaimer I don't own glee

Just a quick authors note, you should totally check out Sammy-Criss and read his awesome fan fiction. It's called 'Through the days' and I highly recommend it :)

Also warning : Some sexual content.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The next morning Blaine woke to find himself spooning Kurt. His arms were wrapped tightly around his boyfriends small waist. His dick was pressed against Kurt's ass and he definitely had a boner.

Shit. Blaine thought. He didn't want to move and disturb his boyfriend, but he also needed to do something about his morning wood. Of course with his luck, Kurt just then started to stir. Kurt pushed his ass harder onto Blaine's hard dick. The feeling immediately woke Kurt up. His eyes were wide and he scooted towards the end of the bed.

"Oh my g- Blaine I a- I am so sorry." Kurt stammered, voice stiff with sleep. His face was scarlet. He rubbed his sleepy eyes. Blaine smirked.

"Kurt it's fine. In fact I should be the one apologizing. I had my dick pressed up against you in my sleep." Blaine laughed, trying to make Kurt feel less uncomfortable about the situation. It worked because Kurt giggled and looked down. But then Kurt stopped laughing and looked up at Blaine. He looked at him with a deep desire in his eyes. He crawled back over to his boyfriend and stared into his honey, hazel eyes.

"Blaine..can I...?" Kurt sheepishly asked. He looked down at his boyfriends bulge and then he locked his eyes with Blaine.

"Kurt, baby, it's fine you don't have to."

"No..I want to." Kurt stated. Blaine searched Kurt's eyes trying to see any sign of discomfort. But all he could see was love. Blaine slowly nodded his head.

"...ok." He whispered."But..if you want to stop-" Blaine started but was interrupted by Kurt pulling down his briefs and wrapping his mouth around Blaine's thick member. Blaine held back a groan. Kurt's talented mouth moved around Blaine. His tongue swiped his dick in all the right places. Kurt's head moved fast as he sucked harder on his boyfriend. "Kurt..I'm g-go-gonna come!" Blaine warned. Kurt worked harder, and soon Blaine was coming right down his boyfriends throat. Kurt swallowed all of Blaine's cum, and pulled off with a pop. Blaine laid there motionless. Kurt smirked and pulled Blaine's under ware back up.

"Was that ok?" Kurt asked as he laid on his side to see his boyfriend.

"It was amazing. There is no way that that was the first time you ever blew someone." Blaine stated. Kurt smiled, and playfully swatted Blaine's shoulder.

"Shut up." Kurt said laughing. Blaine laughed as well, and leaned in and pressed a rough kiss onto Kurt's lips, tasting himself on Kurt's tongue. While the two teens were kissing deeply, there was a soft knock on the door. Kurt pulled his lips off of Blaine's, but Blaine just attached his lips to Kurt's neck. It was like he was addicted to Kurt, and he couldn't get enough.

"Yes?" Kurt called to who ever was on the other side of the door.

"Um..Mom wants to know if you and Blaine want breakfast? She made pancakes, and stuff." The voice of Finn answered. Kurt inhaled as Blaine bit down on his neck making sure to leave a mark.

"Y-Yeah we will be right down." He answered. Kurt heard Finn walk away, and he pulled Blaine's lips back on his. They kissed a bit more before finally pulling apart, but their noses's were still touching. They stared deeply into each others eyes.

"I love you Kurt Hummel." Blaine whispered onto Kurt's lips.

"I love you too." Kurt whispered back. Kurt made his way off of the bed. "Put on some pants, I don't need my father to see my boyfriend walk down the steps almost naked after sleeping in my bed." He giggled. Blaine smiled and climbed off of Kurt's bed. Kurt adjusted his t-shirt and Blaine pulled on his jeans from the night before, and grabbed his boyfriends hand.

"Let's go eat." Blaine said with a wink. The two teens walked downstairs hand in hand. Burt was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee, while Carole was placing food on the table. Finn was already digging into his food. Kurt and Blaine entered the kitchen and sat down.

"Good morning boys." Carole said, as she too sat down.

"Good morning." The couple responded. Kurt leaned across the table to grab some pancakes and toast. Carole noticed Blaine awkwardly sitting there. Before Kurt was able to say anything, she jumped in.

"What do you want sweetie, pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast? Just help yourself, Blaine." She asked. Blaine politely smiled, and grabbed the plate full of bacon and pancakes. Everyone ate in a nice silence. It wasn't until Finn said something, that got everyone talking.

"Dude? What's that on your neck? Is it a bruise?" Finn worriedly asked, swallowing his food. Kurt's hand quickly flung up to his neck to cover the hickey that Blaine had left. Burt and Carole leaned in trying to see what Finn was talking about. Blaine's eyes were wide and he looked down at his dish.

"Kurt, honey, let me see." Carole sweetly said.

"No, no. It's ok. It's nothing. I just um..I burned myself the other day." Kurt lied and nodded his head.

"With what?" Burt asked. "Move your hand. Let me see." He demanded.

"Dad no. I'm fine. I burned it with my steamer ok. It's nothing to worry about." Kurt rushed out. He moved his shirt around trying to cover it. Blaine bit his bottom lip, hoping that the conversation was over.

"Alright." Burt settled. Thankfully the conversation ended. Kurt and Blaine quickly finished their breakfast and headed back upstairs. "Door open!" Burt called up to his son and his boyfriend.

When they reached Kurt's room, Blaine let out a deep breath and began laughing. Kurt closed his door, leaving it open only a bit.

"A steamer Kurt? Really? That's the best you could think of?" Blaine giggled.

"Yes Blaine. What did you expect me to say?" Kurt asked, trying not to laugh.

"I don't know." Blaine sighed. He walked over to Kurt and put his hands on Kurt's waist. He looked at the dark pink mark on his boyfriend's neck. "I did a really nice job though."

Kurt shoved Blaine's shoulder giggling. He brought his arms up and wrapped them around Blaine's neck. Blaine leaned in closer and pressed a soft kiss to Kurt's lips.

"As much as I want to stay, I really have to get home. My brother is leaving tomorrow and we made plans together. But I will text you tonight love. Ok?" Blaine told him. Kurt nodded his head.

"Alright. I'll be waiting to hear from you."

They shared another kiss before they pulled apart. Blaine pulled back on his clothes from last night and him and Kurt walked back downstairs.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hummel, Finn, it was nice seeing you. I'm gonna head home now. Goodbye." Blaine said.

"Drive home safe." Carole advised. They waved goodbye, and Kurt helped Blaine with his coat. Kurt put his on as well and walked outside with Blaine.

"I really don't want to leave you." Blaine sighed. Kurt stepped closer to Blaine. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, while Kurt leaned into Blaine's chest.

"You're not leaving me, you're just going home." Kurt corrected. Blaine smiled, and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's head. Kurt turned in Blaine's arms so he could look into his eyes. "I love you." Kurt whispered.

"I love you." Blaine whispered back. Once again they kissed, and Blaine got into his car and drove home.


The rest of the day Kurt sat in his room, listening to music, and trying to complete his homework. He was also in a group chat with Tina, Mercedes, and Rachel. They were all planning to go to the mall tomorrow just to hang out and of course shop! Kurt had managed to get through all of his english homework and history and spanish. He was dreading his pre calculus and AP Bio homework. I'll save it for tomorrow. Kurt thought.

Later that night, Kurt laid in his bed, scrolling through some fashion websites, when his phone vibrated.

Hey baby. I just wanted to say goodnight and I love you <3 ;) -Blaine

Kurt smiled at the text and immediately responded.

Goodnight Blaine. I love you more <3 - Kurt

With that Kurt put his phone on the charger and drifted off to sleep with a smile.


Kurt, Rachel, Tina, and Mercedes were all walking through the Lima Mall. They had already shopped in a couple of stores and now they wanted to go to the food court. The girls all got Chinese food, while Kurt went to the Salad bar. They all sat down together and began eating.

"So..did you guys here about Santana and Brittany not coming back to glee club like..at all?" Mercedes asked.

"Yeah. I'm surprised. I mean I know they left but they would always come back to help us out for competitions." Tina chimed in.

"Look, it doesn't matter ok. We need to stay positive and hope that some more people audition on Monday." Rachel enthusiastically stated. Kurt nodded his head in agreement.

"Don't worry. We'll be ok for Regionals. I'm sure we will have enough members to compete." Kurt said.

"And if we don't?" Mercedes asked annoyed. Kurt shrugged his shoulders.

"Stop thinking negative. Everything will fall into its place." Rachel concluded.

After they finished eating they went to a couple of more stores. Kurt really wanted to buy a book, but everyone else wanted to go look for new shirts. So he decided to go run down to the book store and meet them back at the clothing store. He walked down the crowded walk path to Barnes and Noble. The smell of fresh books filled the store. Kurt inhaled and smiled. He began browsing the aisles, looking for the book he needed. He spotted it and he picked it up off the shelf. When he turned he crashed into a tall boy.

"Oh my. I am so sorry." Kurt apologized. He looked up at the person's face and once he saw who it was, he immediately put on his best 'bitch face'. "Hello Sebastian." Kurt bitterly greeted.

"Kurt was it?" The boy quipped. Kurt nodded his head and raised his eyebrows.

"So do you just like following me around or what?" Kurt asked, crossing his arms. Sebastian scoffed.

"Please. What makes you think I would follow you around? No I just happen to be here, and I saw you so I thought that this would be the perfect time to talk to you." The taller teen said. He stared Kurt right in his eyes. "You don't deserve Blaine. You are too much of a girl and you're taking way too long to put out. Sooner or later he's going to get bored and he will come straight to me looking for some nice boy on boy sex...so if I were you I'd just leave Blaine now before he breaks your heart. I can't believe you honestly think he loves you. Don't you get that it's all for show? All he wants is to get into your pants and for some odd reason you think that Blaine could actually love someone like you." The mere cat boy ranted. " Well..I enjoyed our little chat, but I must get going." He began walking away but stopped when he saw the book Kurt was holding. "Mmhh The Great Gatsby..good book." And with that he walked away. Kurt stood there holding tightly onto the book. A single tear rolled down his cheek. His hand shot up and wiped it away. He took deep breaths and headed to the register. He bought the book and quickly exited the mall. He sent Mercedes a text saying that he wasn't feeling well and was heading home. Kurt found his car in the parking lot and put the key in the ignition and started the car. He began driving, only he wasn't driving home he was driving to Blaine's house.

He parked his car on the side of the road, and got out. His eyes were a little red from trying to hold in his tears. What Sebastian said had really struck Kurt. He was thinking about what he said. He didn't believe and he didn't want to believe what he said. But what if it was true? He walked up the Anderson driveway and up to the front door. He quietly knocked on the door. After a few seconds of waiting, the door opened. Standing behind it was a tall man with dark brown hair. It was a bit curly but held down by a small amount of gel. He had dark brown eyes. He looked almost identical to Blaine. This must be his father. Kurt thought.

"Can I help you?" The man asked. Kurt blinked fast.

"Um..I'm here to see my boyfriend, Blaine." Kurt answered the older man. Mr. Andersons' eyes widened.

"He's not home." He sternly answered.

"Who was at the door?" Blaine asked as he came down the steps. When he saw Kurt he rushed to the door. "Kurt baby, what are you doing here?" He asked worried. He then saw how red Kurt's eyes were. "Baby what's wrong? Come here." Blaine said. He shoved passed his father, whose eyes were narrowed. Blaine grabbed Kurt's hands and pulled him into the house. Together they went up to Blaine's room. The dark haired boy locked the door, and walked back over to his boyfriend, who was sitting on the bed. "Kurt, what is going on?" He asked. His eyes were wide with fear.

"I-I was in the mall a-and I went to the book store and Seb-bastian was there and he came over to me and started saying al-all these things. He was telling m-me that if I didn't have sex with you y-you would get bored a-and want to go sleep with h-him. So Blaine I need to know, just to be sure. Do you really love me, or is it all some sort of show? Do you just want me to have sex with you? Do you even really love me? Because if one bit of what Sebastian said is true I think I might actually die Blaine." Kurt sobbed. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt and smothered him in a hug. He then pulled him back slightly to stare into his sea foam blue eyes, which were currently all red from the crying.

"Kurt. I love you. Ok? None of what that bastard said is true. I would never, ever do that to you. I am in love with you. I will never force you into anything you don't want to do. I'm not only in this relationship for sex. I am never going to leave you because you won't 'put out' for me. That is entirely wrong. And if Sebastian thinks that I would go to him for sex..well he is much dumber than I thought." Blaine quietly spoke to him. Kurt looked down and nodded his head. The tears kept falling out of Kurt's eyes.

"..I know that you love me, but I just...what Sebastian said really scared me. I couldn't help but think what if it was true. I mean no one has ever loved me, and I don't want to lose you." Kurt cried, his voice was shaking. Blaine pulled Kurt back to his chest and pressed a soft kiss into Kurt's hair.

"Shhh." Blaine soothed. He stoked Kurt's hair, as he sobbed into Blaine's t-shirt. " I love you, and that's all that matters. Don't worry about what that horse toothed guy says." Blaine said. Kurt sniffled but at the same time laughed at Blaine's comment about the prep school boy. Blaine reached for his nightstand and grabbed a tissue and handed it to his teary eyed boyfriend. Kurt whispered a small 'thanks' and blew his nose, and dabbed his eyes. Once Kurt had calmed down, him and Blaine decided to watch some tv. The couple was cuddling when there was a hard knock on the door. Blaine turned the television off, and opened the door.

"The fuck do you want?!" Blaine asked already annoyed at his father. Mr. Anderson looked at Kurt on the bed and then back to his son.

"I want it gone!" He angrily answered, with a pointed finger towards Kurt.

"It? He happens to be my boyfriend and you will not speak to him that way!" Blaine shouted. "Now get the hell out of my room!"

"Don't tell me what to do. I am your father and you will not talk to me this way!" His father yelled.

"You are not my father. How many times do we have to go through this?" Blaine talked back.

"How many times do we have to go through that this is just a phase?" Mr. Anderson shouted, throwing his hands around.

"OH GOD. Just shut up! Why won't you just accept that it's not a phase. This is who I am. I love Kurt. I love him. And you can't change that. So just get your head out of your ass and start paying attention to the world around you. I am not your 'perfect straight son'. I am GAY and I have a BOYFRIEND who I LOVE with every part of me." Blaine yelled. "Now get out of my room!" Blaine angrily said through gritted teeth.

Mr. Anderson opened his mouth as if to say something, but then stopped. He just closed the door muttering a small "stupid faggots."

Blaine walked back over to the bed. "I'm really sorry about him."

"It's alright. It's not your fault." Kurt said. He looked down at his hands. "You don't need to apologize for that."

"Yes I do. What he said to you was wrong." Blaine stated.

"I'm really sorry that your dad doesn't...accept you. That must be really hard." Kurt looked up into Blaine's eyes.

"Yeah well, I'm used to it. I don't need him. I have my brother, and I got you." Blaine kissed Kurt's lips. When they pulled apart Kurt was grinning. Then something caught Kurt's eye.

"...Is that a keyboard?"

Blaine turned and saw that he had left out his keyboard. "Um..yeah?" Blaine shyly admitted. Shit I didn't put it away?

"Can you play me something?" Kurt smiled. Blaine scratched his curls.



"....Alright." Blaine gave in. He walked off of the bed, and towards the small piano. He sat down on the small leather covered stool. His fingers began pressing away on the keys and he began to sing.

You think I'm pretty without any make up on

You think I'm funny when I tell the punchline wrong

I know you get me so I let my walls come down.. down

Before you met me

I was alright but things were kinda heavy

You brought me to life now every February you'll be my Valentine..Valentine

Lets go all, the way tonight

No regrets

Just love

We can dance, until we die

You and I

We'll be young forever

You make me feel like I'm livin a teenage dream

The way you turn me on

I can't sleep

Let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look

My heart stops when you look at me

Just one touch

Now baby I believe

This is real

So take a chance and don't ever look back, don't ever look back

We drove to Cali, and got drunk on the beach

Got a motel and built a fort out of sheets

I finally found you my missing puzzle piece

I'm complete

Lets go all, the way tonight

No regrets

Just love

We can dance, until we die

You and I

We'll be young forever

'Cause you make me feel like I'm livin a teenage dream

The way you turn me On

I can't sleep

Let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look

My heart stops when you look at me

Just one touch

Now baby I believe

This is real

So take a chance and don't ever look back, don't ever look

I'mma get you're heart racing in my skin tight jeans be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans be your teenage dream tonight


Make me feel like a teenage dream

The way you turn me on

I can't sleep

Lets run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back

Myyyy heart stops when you look at me

Just one touch

Now baby I believe this is real sowowowo

Don't ever look back


I'mma get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans be your

Teenage Dream


Let you put your hands on me..in my skin tight jeans..be your teenage dream...tonight

Blaine kept his hands on the last chords he played and let them die out. Kurt sat on the bed with tears in his eyes. Blaine had his eyes closed, and he opened them. He saw Kurt sitting on the bed crying.


"Blaine...that was beautiful." Kurt smiled. Blaine walked back over to him and Kurt stood up. He attached his lips to Blaine's. The kiss was full of teeth and tongue but it was still perfect. Some how they had moved onto the bed. The hazel eyed boy was laying on his back. Kurt was straddling Blaine. The two began exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. Kurt's hands pulled at Blaine's curls, while Blaine's hands roamed over Kurt's body.

"I love you so much." Blaine moaned out.

"I love you too Blaine." Kurt declared.

Blaine captured Kurt's lips again. They kissed roughly. Blaine was very turned on, and Kurt felt how hard Blaine was. Now both boys were rutting together. Blaine reached his hands up over Kurt's shoulders and pulled down his short sleeved, turtle neck, sweater vest. He then pulled Kurt's long sleeved white shirt off. Kurt moved his hands down his boyfriend's chest and stopped at the hem of his shirt. He waited a bit before pulling off Blaine's dark grey tee. They stared at each other.

"Blaine..I-I'm not ready to go all the way yet." Kurt timidly told him. Blaine nodded his head.

"Of course baby. I wouldn't want our first time to be rushed." He agreed stroking Kurt's chestnut hair. "Also, I don't want to do it while my parents are both downstairs." Blaine giggled. Kurt smiled.

"Yes that would not end well."

Blaine pulled Kurt even closer to his chest if possible. Kurt moved around a bit before settling his head on Blaine's chest, hand draped over his waist. Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt's back and let his other hand play with Kurt's hair.

"You've changed since I met you. Well... you haven't changed, you've just become more...kind and comfortable." Kurt spoke. He moved his head to look into Blaine's eyes. Blaine's eyes and face were relaxed. He stared back into Kurt's blue grey eyes and smiled.

"I love you. I will say it over and over again...I love you."

Kurt smiled and kissed Blaine's cheek. "Um..Blaine can I ask you something?" He carefully asked. Blaine nodded. "Why did you..self harm?"

Blaine visibly stiffened. He looked away from Kurt's eyes. He had never told anyone. His parents had found out, but he never talked about it.

"..I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't ha-"

"No, I want to tell you." Blaine interrupted. Kurt turned over and gave him all his attention. "..Well it started around the time when I first came out. I was fourteen at the time. My father constantly beat me. Telling me that the feeling would go away. That I was just confused and wanted to 'rebel'. When I was openly out in school I was bullied pretty bad for it. Then there was a Sadie Hawkins dance, I had asked one of the only other gay kids in the school, and while we were waiting for his dad to pick us up..these three guys, they um..they beat the living crap out of us. I was in the hospital with a broken arm and many bruises. I was in there for about, two weeks? When I finally got released my father sent me back to school...telling me that I needed to 'man up' and stop being so 'queer'. So I took his advice and 'manned up'. I started standing up to the bullies. That gave me a really bad attitude. However the bullying just got worse. I would get thrown into dumpsters, shoved into lockers. In gym they beat me with the equipment. And the teacher's did nothing to stop it! My father was always drunk most of the time. He abused me, and my mother didn't do much to stop him. She would tell him to stop but she put very little effort into it. I just felt so alone, you know? All my friends left me, scared of 'catching the gay'. So I turned to cutting. I tried to cope with the pain, but I mean, I never felt any better. I became very, very depressed. I rarely showed up to school, and I would always talk back to teachers..and eventually I got expelled. My amazing father being who he was, didn't want to have to deal with me and the consequences, so he and my mother enrolled me in Dalton Academy, which was a prep school for stuck up snobby kids. I still misbehaved, but was still out and proud. Then I began smoking. I did it on campus and I got in really big trouble for that. I continued to cut, but nothing seemed to help me feel any less alone. That's when I started to sleep with random guys. In the middle of the night I would sneak over to some guy's room and fuck him. On weekends I would head out to bars, find a guy and fuck him. Then I started drinking, and..ugh..I was more of a mess then I already was. I would drink, and smoke and cut, and fuck, and drink some more. One of the guys in the school, I had became friends with. His name was Wes and he helped me get out of this bad routine. I mean he didn't know about the cutting, but everything else he knew about. So I stopped drinking constantly, but I did it occasionally. The teachers noticed that I was never focused. I always was very rude to them, and I had a two week suspension. During that suspension, when I was home, my father gave me so much fucking crap about everything. I went up to my room, and locked myself in there. I wanted everything to end...and I cut myself too deep and passed out. My brother was the one to find me. I was in the hospital again. After that I didn't cut anymore, but I still smoked and fucked guys. Eventually though my dad had his job location moved and we came here." Blaine finished. He somehow only had teary eyes. The tears did not fall. Kurt, on the other hand, had red eyes, and was sniffling like crazy.

"Oh god Blaine. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry that you had to go through that. I wish I could have saved you from all of it." Kurt cried. He wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck and they gave each other a very tight hug.

"You did save me." Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear. They only pulled apart to look at each other. "You saved me in the best way possible. "

They shared a passionate kiss and in that moment Blaine could say that he was genuinely glad that he didn't die that day he went too deep.


A/N: Thank you all so much for reading. I'm so glad you are all enjoying it!! The comments you guys leave are sooooo nice and supportive and it means the work to me. I really hoped you all liked this chapter!!!

Please vote and comment!<3

Once again thank you all so much for reading!!!:)

Also just a quick disclaimer, I don't own the song. (Teenage Dream, by Katy Perry).  

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