Beautiful Killers (Slow Upda...

By ayradrottingu

27.3K 449 84

Arya and Valerie are two best friends that live in Black Diamond, Washington. At the beginning of Christmas... More

My not so welcomed nieghbors √
Zayn and the other boys √
Hanging out with the Boys √
She hung you in a tree?
Hanging in a Tree
I know what you are...
Arya has a ummmm uhhhhh beast.
My wolf
LOUIS!!!!!! ARYA!!!!!!!
Do you think that I don't want to help them?????
Someone....Anyone....Help us.......
You need our help
How's Arya???
Daniella and Eleanor are coming for a visit......oh shit.
They're all vampires......
Cell Phone Signal
Valerie wants to give someone an ass whooping
The Vameroul
The Rection..........NIALL!?!?!?!?!?!?
Our 'special' guests are beginning to arrive
The Dragon Mark
The Necklace
The Dead Forest

Calling a few 'old' friends

445 13 4
By ayradrottingu

Zayn's POV

I ran a hand through my hair as my thoughts processed what Lisa had told us. Everyone else was in as deep of thought as I was, even Louis.

"So now what?" Amesthyst asked all of us. Everyone looked at her. "If Niall and Arya are with the Rection, then how are we going to get them back?"

"We? What you mean we?" Liam asked her in slight disbelief with a frown. James gave Liam a cocky smile.

"You don't think that we would let you guys out and save Arya and Niall all by yourselves do you? You might of been think that maybe you could call some of your friends over. Well, we want to help too. The more the merrier, right?" James prompts. Liam frown turns into grin.

"Thanks James, even though I didn't ask you. That was just about the exact thing I was thinking about." Liam turns to the rest of the guys and I. "You know about our connections with the higher end of the board." We all nodded.

"I CALL CALLING KATY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Harry yelps out, calling dibs already. Louis narrows his eyes at Harry who was about to pull out his phone when he realized something. "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T HAVE MY PHONE WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LEFT IT BACK AT THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Harry cried out while crumpling to the floor. We all laugh at Harry, with Louis laughing the loudest. Then Louis freezes and looks back at Val.

"Ummmmmm Val?" Louis asks her.

"Yeah Louis?" Val asks him.

"You have the key to your house right?"

"Why wouldn't I?" She asks him curiously. His question aroused my suspion. Louis shifted uncomfortable under all of the attention, which he never does. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Louis? Did you take my phone?" I ask him. He doesn't answer.

"And mine?" Liam understands what I'm up to. He doesn't answer again.

"Mine too?" Harry asks Louis with his eyes narrowed. Louis looks down to his empty wrist.

"Well. Look at the time. I gotta go before I die. Bye everyone." Louis says before he leaps up and dashes out the door.

"LOUIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The three of us roar as we all leap up simultaneously and we chase after Louis. Louis dashed into the forest. I focused on his scent as he disappeared from sight. I speed ahead of the others and grabbed a hold of Louis' arm and flicked him easily into a tree as the others caught up to us. Liam went in front of Harry and I in order to question him.

"Why did you take our phones?" Liam asked him calmly.

"The reason why all of this happened. The prank." Louis says while waving his hand around. I forced my way through my memories in order to remember this. It's felt like ages since we were last at the home we bought in order to have a life as normal as possible with our....................special problems. I glance over at Liam for a second to see his face dark. I think for a moment about what to tell him to cheer him up. Because in his mind it's his fault that we're in all of this.

"Liam." I say curtly, causing the three of them to look at me. "This isn't only your fault."

"Them tell me how it isn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Liam cries out. "If I hadn't let Louis try to play a prank on Arya, then none of this would've happened!!!!!"

"It's our fault too!!!!!!!!!!! Louis took our stuff. You know how he's always doing shit like that. Niall, Harry, and I should've realized it sooner that he took our phones and who knowing what other shit of ours he took!!!!!!!!" I took a deep breathe to try and calm down a bit. "It's not only your fault Liam. It's everyone's. It's even Louis' fault for choosing to do this. But then again, it's the kind of thing you'd expect from him."

"HEYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Louis cries out indignantly. We start laughing at Louis. "It's not funny!!!!!!!!!" He cries out and then crosses his arms over his chest like a small child would. We start laughing even harder at him.

"Is everything okay back there???????????" A voice calls out from the direction of James' home.

Liam cups his hands around his mouth and shouts back, "Yeah. We're coming back. Get ready to leave." He drops his hands and gives us a lazy grin, "Come on. We still have a bunch of people to call." He says before he jogs off ahead of us. I flash a grin at Louis and Harry before I blast off after him.

Lithuanna's POV

I shivered at the cold that was beginning to penetrate my cell again. I pulled the raggedy, torn blanket closer around my body. I pulled myself onto the uncomfortable bad that had been given to me when I first arrived. I glance at the guards that change regularly that guard me to make sure that I don't escape. They seemed upset, excited, and nervous all at the same time. I was able to catch a glispme of the new prisoner. The Rection rarely claimed new prisoners. I was the last prisoner that they had caught within the past five years. That was when I was I had just turned twelve. I've spent the past five years here, suck in the hellhole. Unable to get, treated like shit, the only prisoner that they have, until she showed up. Growls emerged from the entrance to prison room.

"SHE'S FRICKEN UNCONSCIOUS CAUSE OF HER WOUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND NONE OF YOU GIVE A SHIT ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT SORT CREATURES ARE YOU!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? DO YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOUR OWN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? HOW CAN YOU NOT SHOW AT LEAST some WORRY FOR HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A male's voice yelled as he voice bounced off the walls as they entered the room.

"Shut up. Do you really think that we care for any of our prisoners? If they live for longer than a month, then they must have some purpose for us." Montenegro, a Vameroul who is very loyal to the emperor sneered. He thinks that any one who is not a Vameroul, isn't good enough to treated with basic rights and needs. As the entire group that came with them came, he order five Vamerouls to take the prisoners out of the moving cage and put them into the cell next to mine. The blond haired hissed and struggled with inhuman strength as four of the five Vamerouls grabbed him. They carried over to the cell and tossed him in harshly. The other Vameroul picked up the black haired girl uncaringly and threw her into the cell as well. The blonde haired man raced to grab her before she hit the floor. He turned to glare at Montenegro. Montenegro smiled cruelly at the man. "You two will only being living at the grace of The Rection now. Isn't that right, dear Lithuanna?" Montenegro sneered as he passed by my cell. I shrinked back, wanting to do anything in order get away from his horrible presence. He laughed evilly as he left but he stationed more guards outside of the prison room. Everyone left the room expect for the two people that were brought in and I. I turned to look at the two people that were brought in to find a pair of ice blue eyes staring at me.

Niall's POV

I stared at the girl who's hair glowed a firey orange against her pale skin through the metal bars that kept us separated. Her skin was pale enough to believe that her skin had never once felt the sun's warm touch. Her stormy grey eyes meet mine as I looked over her. Her thoughts told me that she'd been a prisoner here for over five years........if she managed to keep track of time correctly. She wasn't a threat or a criminal in any way. I looked away from the girl and stared at Arya. Her was steadily rising and falling but every few minutes, her breathing would change. Montenegro was cruel to anyone who wasn't a Vameroul, that was easy to tell even without looking at his thoughts.

"I-I-I-I can help her." A small, hoarse voice whispered as it echoed loudly through out the room. I tore my gaze away from Arya's bruised body and meet the girl's eyes. "I can help." She whispered even more quietly.

"How?" I couldn't help but ask.

"The reason why I've been stuck for the last five years of my life. I have the power to heal any wound, but energy is taken from me to heal it." She speaks slightly louder as if she was trying not to look afraid. "If you bring her closer to my cell, just close enough for me to lay my hand on her, then I could heal her."  She stopped for a moment before she added on hastily, "If you'll let me." She stared at me, waiting for my answer.  I searched her mind, looking for anything that might betray what had told me.  Her mind and thoughts were as clean and pure as a reflection of a person's looks.  I didn't say a word but I carefully brought Arya close to the cell window.  She stirred slightly and then gave a soft groan.  A pale hand stretched out from the metal bars.  I look up at the girl as I pull Arya and I closer to her.  Her hand landed on Arya's arm.  Then her hand begun to glow.

Zayn's POV

"So Val, are you ready to go at vampire speed?  Or would you prefer wolf speed?" I ask Valerie with a small smirk on my face.  She looks at me like I'm crazy. "The car's destroyed.  You can't take the car.  Liam and Louis are going to be taking Daniella and Eleanor on their backs.  So, either Harry or I will have to take you back.  So you get to choose." I flash a smile at her while everybody else laughs at Valerie's expression.

"So you're basically telling me to choose whether to let that hot head," she said gesturing to Harry who glowered at her, earning a chuckle from everyone else. "Or going with a blood sucker." She gestured to me.

"Yep." I said as I popped the p.  Her eyes flickered between Harry and I.

"Come on princess.  We don't have all day." Harry told her while giving his famous cheeky grin.

"Zayn." She said running over to me.  Louis roars in laughter at Harry's face full of disbelief.  I chuckle quietly at Harry as well before I face Val.

"Jump onto my back." I tell her as I turn around.  I feel her weight settle onto my back with her legs and arms wrapped around me.  I grab ahold of her legs as I turn to face the others.  Liam and Louis had already morphed and were waiting with Daniella and Eleanor on their backs.  I glanced over at Harry right as he finished morphing. "Go head you guys.  I'll catch up later." I tell them.  Liam stares at me for a moment before dipping his head and then bounding of with Louis and Harry on his tail.  After they are out of sight, I start walking with Val.

"I thought we were running there." Val said.

"We are, but if we ran there right now, then we when have to wait about five or ten minutes before the others get there." I tell.

"Then why not take a detour while running there?" She asks.  I laugh at her question.

"Niall and I have found that humans don't normally enjoy riding on our backs while running.  Most people tend to throw up the first time they run on a vampire's back." I tell her a I smile to myself.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Because I didn't think that you were going to choose me."

"Still.  You could've gave me some sort of hint about that."

"But I choose not to."

"You really don't like telling everything to some people, do you?"

"I don't because there are times when I want to see their reactions to what happens if they decide to do it."

"Well that's mean."

"But entertaining.  Oh and Val."


"Close your eyes."

"Wh-" She starts to say before we blast off towards our homes.  It takes us only two minutes to get there.  The entire time Val pressed her head into my back and held on tightly.  When I stopped she pushed herself off of me and collapsed onto the ground.  She threw up right as the others came into view.


Joseph, Jonathan, Benjamen, Thomas, Franklin, and Jonsseph were all silent.  Even the Royal Council was quiet, but then again they always are.  I stare at the beautiful decorated wall filled with priceless treasures.

"We should have never sent the urges.  I understand that you were overcome with grief at the time, but I now see the foolishness in it." Thomas spoke first, warming the conversation to lead other to join in too.

"The prophecy may be true then." Jonsseph said aloud. "I shiver to think what evil is about to come upon us."

"Not only us, but all of the other super natural races as well." Franklin added.

"The dragon will be awaken once again." Jonathan said with wonder.

"Remember Jonathan, only the two with the purest souls can control the wrath of the dragon." Benjamen reminded him.  The five members of the Royal Council hissed.  Not one of them has a name and they all go by, he-who-has-no-name.  When one of them wants, to speak they all speak at the same time.  No one truly likes them, but they are the oldest Vamerouls in the world.

"A great eeevil isss comingg." Their snake like voices hissed out with strange clicking noises. "Thisss evilll isss unlikee any otheer eevil thatt we havvvee seeeenn.  Beee preeparedd." They said as the stood up in synchronization and left the room.

Zyan's POV

"I said was sorry!!!" I told them again, even thought they didn't believe me.

"You know what?" Liam said while clapping his hands together once. "Lets forget it.  We other things we need to do."  The others reluctantly agreed.  I picked up my phone and glanced at the list Liam gave me.

Ed, Alecia, Adam, and..............Little Mix.  Hmmmm.  Their all kick ass fighters.  I thought to myself before I called Ed.

"It's been awhile." I say.

"Zayn?  As in Zayn Malik?  What's up?  The last time I talked to you, you just broke up with P-"

"Yeah I know.  Listen, do you think you could take a week or two off for some hero work?"

"This sound of hero's work appeals to me greatly, but I'll have to see.  I am Ed Sheeran.  I can't exactly disappear from the world for a few months like you guys are doing.  But one way or another, you can count on me."

"Thanks Ed.  I'll text you the address and our location.  After I make a few more phone calls."

"No prob.  See you in a few days." Ed said before he hung up.

That's one.  Now will any one else agree to help us?  I dialed Alecia's number.  I silently prayed to any god that might be there to not let the rogue vampire get pissed off at me.

"YELLO!!!  WHO THE FUCK IS CALLING ME AT............oh, three in the afternoon.  Damn, I always party too hard."

"Hi Alecia."

"OH HI BLONDIE!!!!!!!  What's up  I last heard that you and your little group clan band coven thing went under for awhile to avoid deaths."

"That's true, but I need a favor of you Alecia."

"...........I'm waiting........"

"Fine.  I need a favor of you Rogue." I snapped at her.

"Okay Now your talk'in.  Speak and I'll help you for up to a month.  I will fly out to your location and help ya guys for the next month or so....maybe less it just depends."

"Get a flight to Black Diamond, Washington.  I'll text you our address later.  I need to make a few more calls."

"Okay.  Don't you forget Blondie."

"Of course......P!nk." I hung up phone and glanced at the next name on the list.

I dialed Adam's number and listen to the song that played while I was waiting for him to pick up.

♫I'm at a payphone try'in to call home out of m-♫

"Hello?" His voice answered.

"Adam, do you think that Maroon Five could take a break and help out a few friends?"

"........We're on tour Zayn.  We can't take a break just to help you out.  The band and I would love to help, but we just can't not at the moment."

"Even if Niall's been taken?"



"We'll be there.  Where are you.  We are going to fucking save Niall."

"Get a flight out to Black Diamond, Washington."

"In the US?"

"Yeah.  I'll text you our address later.  I still have to make one last phone call."

"Okay.  The guys and I will be out there to tomorrow.  Bye"

"Bye."  I hung up and signed.  Now all I had to do was make the  dreaded phone call.  I daied Jade's number hoping that Perrie wouldn't answer.


"Wow?  How long has it be Jade?"

"*gasp* Zayn?  Why are you calling me?"

"The band and I need you and the girl's help."

"Why do you need the help of a bunch of fairies?"

"Because Niall's been kidnapped along with a new friend of ours who is a werewolf."

".................I'll find a way to convince the girls to help." She signed. "Perrie won't like this very much."

"Thank you.  Get a flight out to Black Diamond, Washington."

"We'll be there sometime tomorrow.

"Good I'll text you the address after we hang up."

"Okay good.  I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Thanks again bye." I said as I hung.  I'm going to see Perrie again...........This is going to be painful.  I think to myself for a second before I stand up and walk over to Liam.  He glanced at me for a second. "Their all coming.  I'm gonna text the address to them now."  He knows in understanding before he goes back to his call.  I pick up my phone again and text everyone the address.  I stare out the window and think of Niall and Arya.  Help is on the way.  Just hold on for a little longer.  I silently plea.


I'M SO SORRY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I DIDN'T MEAN FOR THE WAIT TO BE THIS LONG,  but I was kind of depressed at the time..............................................................................BUT NOW I FEEL ALOT BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So anyways I want to thank a few people who encouraged me to keep on going.  And so I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I will name them.........PikachuChooTrain (My bestie), Liioonn, and last but not least (the one is now my sister) HannahSty1es.  Thank you guys both so much for helping me.  I hope you guys like this chapter.  I'm sorry if it's kind of boring near the end but I wanted to update as soon as possible.  Yeah sooooooooo  comment and vote.


             Zayn  <3

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